
1 人回報1 年前
Some architecturally superior bridges are comparable to the great marvels of the world.
Thanks to innovative designs, some bridges can move, to allow vehicles and pedestrians
cross river.
Have a look at some of the best movable bridges from around the world.
Pont Jacques Chavendelmas This is the longest vertical lift bridge in Europe.
It is a fine specimen of modern technology and is situated in Bordeaux, France.
The bridge is illuminated at night, adding a visual appeal to the beauty of the port
The Vizcaya Bridge Located in Spain, the Vizcaya is the world's
first transporter bridge, with a hanging transporter-like gondola suspended at the bottom.
It functions as an aerial tramway, with the gondola moving back and forth, to transport
passengers from one end to another.
The Rolling Bridge The Rolling Bridge is an amazing sight in the
south of London's Little Venice.
It slowly opens up, to form a straight bridge for the passengers, and closes smoothly, by
curving into a ball-like structure.
Falkirk Wheel Bridge An epitome of grand engineering, this is the
world's first and only rotating boat lift bridge.
The boat simply enters the bottom trolley of the bridge, following which, the entire
structure rotates till the boat is at the top.
Pont Wydreg Bridge Pont Wydreg is a pedestrian and cycle bridge,
located in Rille, a town in the United Kingdom.
The bridge is operated from a harbour office, and is open to allow the boats to commute
in and out of the harbour.
Bridge Shed Millennium Bridge This architectural spectacle is a fascinating
tilting bridge, spanning the river time in England.
As the world's only tilting bridge, it is used by pedestrians and cyclists.
The bridge rotates as a single unit, to allow the ships to pass underneath it.
What do you think about these beautiful movable bridges?




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