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  • “但凡有想要去打新冠疫苗针的,请一定要吃饱了后才去,而且最好的话打疫苗前后能喝一杯250CC的温水。这样就能大部分的避免了打疫苗后的不良反应。很多人用了这个方法后,哪怕是打第2针也没有什么不良反应,就算有也是一阵子就好了。切记。请分享出去。 For those who are going to take covid19 vaccine shot,please remember to have your meal before you take your vaccine shot. Also, remember to drink a glass of 250cc warm water. This method will greatly prevent you from side effects you may have after the shot. With this method, the side effects for the second shot is minimized. Even there is some side effects after the shot, it will probably for a short period of time only. Keep this in mind and please share with others.”
    3 人回報2 則回應4 年前
  • 以後要去打新冠疫苗針的,小小提示,請一定要吃飽了后才去,而且最好的話打疫苗前後能喝一杯250CC的溫水。 這樣就能大部分的避免了打疫苗后的不良反應。 很多人用了這個方法后,哪怕是打第2針也沒有什麼不良反應,就算有也是一陣子就好了。 切記。 請分享出去。For those who are going to take covid19 vaccine shot,please remember to have your meal before you take your vaccine shot. Also, remember to drink a glass of 250cc warm water. This method will greatly prevent you from side effects you may have after the shot. With this method, the side effects for the second shot is minimized. Even there is some side effects after the shot, it will probably for a short period of time only. Keep this in mind and please share with others.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前