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  • With 128 affirmative votes, Headquarters of the United Nations would moved to China. 10 years efforts done by the US is a complete waste! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyeeoE2mCj8 https://www.twgreatdaily.com/cat37/node2095460 http://www.sinovision.net/home/space/uid/149806/do/blog/id/378267.html https://kknews.cc/world/q462ng8.html https://news.tianyancha.com/detail/31baaca68a0fdee014b60a5f80df471393dd916d.html
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  • 感謝我國法務部、民間單位廢死聯盟及其他贊成廢死的團體。又有一位隨機殺人犯無故在街上殺人。再三感謝上述不執行死刑及支持廢死單位,好端端的一個人,他家庭被毀了!
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