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  • 台灣娃娃機店一家一家開,原來真相是這樣! https://www.readr.tw/project/dollclaw
    1 人回報1 則回應6 年前
  • 萊爾富最近推出的APP,只要花三分鐘依照下面的步驟完成任務,照片裡面包含兩杯咖啡,一瓶養樂多,一條77乳加巧克力跟茶葉蛋全都免費.... 步驟一: 手機下載Hi-Life Vip APP 【iPhone App Store 下載】 https://appsto.re/tw/sNfmhb.i 【安卓Play Store下載】 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hilife.vipapp * 下載完後用電話號碼註冊會員 * 並在【推薦門市】一欄填寫【】<==可不填 註冊完後會送你一杯大杯咖啡跟100點!!! 這時候就完成任務一了! 步驟二: 到【我的點數】選取【點數兌換】 換一個100點內的東西,預設兌換養樂多70點 (這裡請不要把點數都換完,請留一些進行步驟三) 步驟三: * 到【我的點數】選取【點數贈送】 * 輸入贈送的號碼(必須要是會員), 可兩人申請互相贈送 ( 如果步驟二點數不小心換完,這邊就沒辦法贈送了) 步驟三這邊做完,在【我的票卷】裡面就會有一杯咖啡、一條77乳加、紅利點數兌換內會有一個養樂多,這時候只要去萊爾富兌換養樂多後,又會贈送一顆茶葉蛋跟一杯咖啡。
    4 人回報1 則回應8 年前
  • 【挑戰者募集搶拿免費1000鑽石】 立即將邀請碼給予好友輸入來獲得獎勵 連續登入遊戲即可獲得最高獎勵1000鑽石 12/12 將出現2000鑽石任務! 不要錯過 (sparkling eyes)立即登入查看最新活動 http://hyperurl.co/groatl07 (attracted)Facebook官方粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/marble.tw/
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • 午安 FF 1:47 一天的飲食記得傳我哦 FF1:47 分享吃桃子的好處 富含蛋白質,糖鈣,磷脂,維 生素B,維生素C以及大量水 分,營養充足。 補益,補心,生津,解渴,消 積,潤腸,解勞熱,祛淤血。 FF7:25 9/4(日) 瘦身減脂達人~珮恩已收回訊息 好的哦,姐姐這邊幫你記錄檔 案啦 下午9:00 已讀 FF10:20 的體 你 已讀 麵包 我這邊是減重的哦 FF 8:20 一天一 早點 你晚餐吃了什麼呢? 下午43 妹妹,你這邊領導包裹了嗎? 不 早安 早餐吃了什麼呀? 重 要 姊姊 今天有吃南瓜米粉 牛肉湯店的東西(我忘記拍 已讀 FF 9:09 好的哦,這邊幫你記錄檔案啦 11:06 已讀 FF11:25 慢慢的 不一樣的 那妹妹 EF 10:39 熬 FF 8:18 已讀 TF8:24 妹妹,你這邊包裹拿到了嗎? 要對你自 姐姐這邊是需要對你減重負責 的 情況 9/5 (-) F3:50 減下來 FF9:53 已下午吃了養生鍋 晚餐就沒吃 時間這邊都幫你規劃好了 FF 3:27 妹妹你不想早點減下來嗎? 咸 來 夜' 9/6 (=) 你 … 姊姊 你是營養師嗎 瘦身減脂達人~珮恩 你晚餐吃了什麼呢? 這麼晚才吃呀? Thank you FF 3:51 天的規劃 的,是根據你 己引 規劃 原本就是這個職業嗎 已讀 FF8:24 FF3:50 減下來了,用量自然是 也會 11:20 已經 可以讓我看規劃表嗎 EF10:39 早點休息哦 早安 早餐吃了什麼呀 謝謝尼 好的哦,這邊幫你記錄檔案啦 我想知道這段時間的規劃 的,你體重 起重視的哦 已讀 FF10:29 FF10:31 F#7:25 山 F43:27 已姊姊 明天去拿! 已堕我今天晚上有吃花 更加有信心 昨天 瘦身減脂達人~珮恩 時間這邊都幫你規劃好了 FF 9:14 FF9:54 瘦身減脂達人~珮恩已收回訊息 FF9:53 FF 10:34 :) FF 3:26 FF10:31 FF 3:26+ 11:20 ? 健康小知 識蔬果篇 青瓜它 含 水 98%,並含有 分 為 蔔 素 , 維生素 乙 胡 蘿 以及人體 必須 的多種營 養 素。另外,青 瓜中 含 有一 種“丙 醇 二酸”的物 質,可 起 到 抑 制 糖 分 轉化為 脂肪的作用 以 F3:52 E好的姐姐 米粉 椰菜 FF 3:52 FF 3:52 瘦身減脂達人~珮恩 這麼 晚 才吃呀? FF 9:54 FF1:49
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 印度政府剛公佈 42 個中國及台灣出產嘅手機 app 係間諜軟件,有機會竊取個人資料,建議軍方人員唔好使用呢啲 app。原文中嘅 app 名稱都係英文,為咗方便大家我加入咗佢哋嘅中文名稱。呢 42 個 app 係: 1. 新浪微博, 2. 微信 (WeChat), 3. 茄子快傳 (SHAREit), 4. Truecaller, 5. UC News, 6. UC瀏覽器 (UC Browser), 7. BeautyPlus, 8. NewsDog, 9. 小影 (VivaVideo), 10. 平行空間 (Parallel Space), 11. APUS瀏覽器 (APUS Browser), 12. 玩美相機 (Perfect Corp), 13. Virus Cleaner (Hi Security Lab), 14. 獵豹瀏覽器 (CM Browser), 15. Mi Community, 16. DU recorder, 17. Vault-Hide, 18. 玩美彩妝 (YouCam Makeup), 19. 小米商城 (Mi Store), 20. 緩存清 (CacheClear DU apps studio), 21. 點心省電 (DU Battery Saver), 22. DU Cleaner, 23. DU Privacy, 24. 360 Security, 25. DU 瀏覽器 (DU Browser), 26. Clean Master - Cheetah Mobile, 27. 百度翻譯 (Baidu Translate), 28. 百度地圖 (Baidu Map), 29. 百度魔拍 (Wonder Camera), 30. ES檔案瀏覽器 (ES File Explorer) 31. 百度魔圖 (Photo Wonder), 32. QQ 國際版 (QQ International), 33. QQ音樂 (QQ Music), 34. QQ郵箱 (QQ Mail), 35. QQ影音 (QQ Player), 36.QQ news feed 瀏覽器 (QQ NewsFeed), 37. QQ同步助手 (WeSync), 38. QQ安全中心 (QQ Security Centre), 39. 潮自拍 (SelfieCity), 40. 網易郵箱大師 (Mail Master), 41. 小米視頻電話 (Mi Video call-Xiaomi), 42. QQ桌面 (QQ Launcher) 原文:https://www.indiatimes.com/technology/news/the-government-has-named-42-apps-chinese-spyware-including-big-names-like-truecaller-334785.html
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • Reprinted, Philippine President Duterte's excellent comments on the US "pertinence" and "point": 👍👍👍 * When you choose the United States, you have chosen war. If you choose China, you choose peace. * The United States is only the only important commodity sold to the Philippines, which is "arms." The price is very expensive but it is a rotten thing that others have thrown away. * China exports all kinds of shushu, infrastructure, and colorful goods. Only stupid people and unqualified people cannot see them. * The United States likes to create hatred, turmoil, war, deceptive investments, and then take a lot of wealth back to the United States. Creating hatred will enable everyone to buy more arms from the United States. * The United States is the most evil country in the world. He wants to establish the U.S. dollar as the only international mobile currency, so that Americans can enjoy it. * In order to continuously recoup the US dollar in the market, the United States needs to continuously create turmoil and conflict, and it can take the opportunity to sell a large number of weapons. * The United States fought a total of 222 wars in 239 years in history. Their hands were stained with the blood of countless innocent people. * Americans like to promote their democracy and human rights everywhere. In fact, it is in a truly evil country of humanity, human rights and anti-democracy. I really don't know how many people their missiles have killed in the world. It is a veritable "cannibal country". * So far, everyone knows clearly why the United States cannot coexist with China. * The United States keeps singing about peace and building, all of which are deceiving things. * China is a country that truly builds a "fate community." An organization that makes good use of increasing national strength to apply scientific, technological, military, and economic strength to maintain world peace. Of course, this will also make the United States angry. * The world is peace. Why does the United States make the world so chaotic. China only hopes to develop into a powerful country in science and technology, which will definitely make the United States unhappy. * So in the future Sino-U.S. Struggle, China's path is mutual benefit and win-win, or Americans like to walk their own path. * I firmly believe that China is absolutely capable of building human justice and conscience. Create high-tech and high-end products to contribute to the true "community of human destiny". 👍👍👍
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • ★42款中國app會竊取個人資料 印度政府公佈 42 個可能會竊取個人資料的「中國」手機 app,當中有來自台灣軟體商「玩美移動」,但資料顯示該公司是由「僑外資」開設;Truecaller聲稱來自瑞典,但它和「華為」有預載軟件的合作協議)。印度建議軍方人員最好不要使用這些會竊取個人資料的 app。 1. 新浪微博, 2. 微信 (WeChat), 3. 茄子快傳 (SHAREit), 4. UC News, 5. Truecaller, 6. UC瀏覽器 (UC Browser), 7. BeautyPlus, 8. NewsDog, 9. 小影 (VivaVideo), 10. 平行空間 (Parallel Space), 11. APUS瀏覽器 (APUS Browser), 12. 玩美相機 (Perfect Corp), 13. Virus Cleaner (Hi Security Lab), 14. 獵豹瀏覽器 (CM Browser), 15. Mi Community, 16. DU recorder, 17. Vault-Hide, 18. 玩美彩妝 (YouCam Makeup), 19. 小米商城 (Mi Store), 20. 緩存清 (CacheClear DU apps studio), 21. 點心省電 (DU Battery Saver), 22. DU Cleaner, 23. DU Privacy, 24. 360 Security, 25. DU 瀏覽器 (DU Browser), 26. Clean Master - Cheetah Mobile, 27. 百度翻譯 (Baidu Translate), 28. 百度地圖 (Baidu Map), 29. 百度魔拍 (Wonder Camera), 30. ES檔案瀏覽器 (ES File Explorer) 31. 百度魔圖 (Photo Wonder), 32. QQ 國際版 (QQ International), 33. QQ音樂 (QQ Music), 34. QQ郵箱 (QQ Mail), 35. QQ影音 (QQ Player), 36.QQ news feed 瀏覽器 (QQ NewsFeed), 37. QQ同步助手 (WeSync), 38. QQ安全中心 (QQ Security Centre), 39. 潮自拍 (SelfieCity), 40. 網易郵箱大師 (Mail Master), 41. 小米視頻電話 (Mi Video call-Xiaomi), 42. QQ桌面 (QQ Launcher)
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 下午4:21 南 < 減重訂製達人-小梅 10月7日 週五 Hello~您好,可以叫我小梅老師 接 下來由我為您諮詢改善肥胖問題, 耽误你幾分鐘時間,麻煩您提供下 你的身高+體重+年齡+性別,更好針 對幫你瘦身喔 10月8日 週六 關於體重上的問題,你是希望瘦下 來多少的呢? ①減掉10-15公斤體重; ②減掉20-25公斤體重; ③減掉28-32公斤體重; ④減掉38-40公斤體重; 昨天 你好,添加老師line是想咨詢身材肥 胖問題嗎,有任何問題都可以咨詢 的,咨詢是免費的,所以歡迎咨詢 哦,不要加了就放置不理,對你自 己是沒有任何幫助的! (73 FF6:59 TF3:43 11:30
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Welcome to the Reuters.com BETA. Read our Editor's note on how we're helping professionals make smart decisions. June 30, 202110:11 AM CSTLast Updated 2 months ago Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals U.S. Commerce chief says Taiwan's TSMC asked for help getting COVID vaccines Reuters 3 minute read U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo takes a question during a press briefing at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 7, 2021. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo The logo of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) is pictured at its headquarters, in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jan. 19, 2021. REUTERS/Ann Wang/File Photo U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo takes a question during a press briefing at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 7, 2021. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo 1/2 The logo of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) is pictured at its headquarters, in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jan. 19, 2021. REUTERS/Ann Wang/File Photo WASHINGTON, June 29 (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Monday said she had spoken with the chief executive of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (2330.TW) (TSMC) and that he had asked for help getting access to COVID-19 vaccines. Raimondo told Reuters in an interview "he asked for help in that regard, he has spoken to high level officials in the White House. We have responded and we definitely want to be a good partner and I do think it's helping." Taiwan said two weeks ago it will allow officials from Taiwan's Foxconn and TSMC to negotiate on its behalf for COVID-19 vaccines. read more Mid-June the United States shipped 2.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to Taiwan, more than tripling Washington's previous allocation of shots for the island. read more TSMC said in a statement to Reuters that they believed "getting vaccines for Taiwan would help to protect the communities and ensure normal operations." Taiwan has been trying to speed up the arrival of the millions of vaccines it has on order as it deals with a rise in domestic cases, although infections remain comparatively low. The request from TSMC, the world's biggest manufacturer of semiconductors on contract, coincides with a global chip shortage that has slowed production of manufacturers around the world, including in the U.S. auto industry where it is forecast the crisis will hit the production of 3.9 million vehicles. Raimondo has a key role in resolving the crisis for U.S. companies. Although there has been no major impact so far on chip production in Taiwan since domestic cases began rising in the middle of May, some U.S. auto executives have told Reuters privately earlier this month they were concerned COVID-19 in Taiwan could impact the flow of semiconductors to U.S. factories. Reporting by David Shepardson in Washington; Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in Taipei; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. 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Read Next United States Illinois Governor to order statewide mask mandate and order masks and vaccines for schools - media 7:55 PM CST Europe EU says COVID boosters may have higher legal risks without EMA approval 7:34 PM CST World Qatar offering COVID vaccines to Afghanistan evacuees yet to transit 7:29 PM CST Americas Brazil's Eurofarma to make Pfizer COVID-19 shots in Latin America 7:10 PM CST Sign up for our newsletter Subscribe for our daily curated newsletter to receive the latest exclusive Reuters coverage delivered to your inbox. Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals · 8:04 PM CST Illinois governor to announce mask mandate, order vaccines for schools - reports Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker is expected to announce a new COVID-19 policy for the state on Thursday, requiring eligible students and school staffers to be vaccinated and to wear masks in schools and colleges, the Chicago Tribune and other media reported. Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals EU says COVID boosters may have higher legal risks without EMA approval 7:34 PM CST Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Japan suspends 1.6 mln doses of Moderna shot after contamination reports 8:05 PM CST Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Sydney hospitals erect emergency tents as COVID-19 cases hit record 12:32 PM CST Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals New Zealand's Ardern says lockdown working to limit Delta spread 3:10 PM CST Latest Home Media Videos Pictures Graphics Browse World Business Legal Markets Breakingviews Technology Investigations Lifestyle About Reuters About Reuters Careers Reuters News Agency Brand Attribution Guidelines Reuters Leadership Reuters Fact Check Reuters Diversity Report Stay Informed Download the App Newsletters Information you can trust Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the world’s largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. 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    4 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 已請 FF11:02 好,早點休息 飯 10:51 早安 好的哦,這邊幫你記錄檔案啦 EF 11:10 姊姊 有吃柚子! FF 4:23 4:42 好的 姐姐這邊幫你記錄檔案啦 11:10 妹妹沒有跟朋友一起出去玩 嗎? 好的 FF8:06 姊姊 剛剛有吃阿嬤煮的控肉配 荳荳 姐姐有ig嗎 姐姐這邊沒有喔 下午8: 9/1 (2) 9/2(五) 荳荳 有時候會約 我會和高中同學一起 出去 很不錯哦,出去玩你要做好防 護哦,帶好口罩哦 山 FF11:02 這邊幫你規劃 下午12:42 有時候會約 我會和高中同學一 起出去(x) FF 4:10 已讀 FF1:46 下午8:06 下午12:00 飲食記得傳我哦 好的哦,姐姐這邊幫你記錄檔 案啦 味 已頂 已請 下午8:19 妹妹喜歡吃辣耶 好的姐姐 F44:46 已旗 F#4:42 FF4:43 9/3 (*) 妹妹你的包裹已經到達門市了 哦 有時間記得去領取 姐姐這邊幫你記錄 的 瘦身減脂達人-珮恩已收回訊息 減 重 時間 EF11:59 瘦身減脂達人~珮恩 很不錯哦,出去玩你要做好防 護哦,帶好口罩哦 哦哦,這樣的呀 對啊我喜歡 但今 FF 12:00 FF 12:01 FF 1:38 FF 4:23 + 檔案啦 Thank you 食物來家 FF 1:59 晚安 姐姐有ig嗎 瘦身減脂達人-珮恩 姐姐這邊沒有喔 天是家裡有 en 好的 有空去拿~ FF1:54 F#7:42 4:25 EF 10:53 已姊姊謝謝啊 好喔,你們還有親戚是湖南的 呀 FF 4:46 已讀 FF 1:55 F48:15 EF10:44 裡聚會 EF 10:44 FF 1:39 親戚買來湖南 已 不知道去哪個餐廳外帶回來 FF1:53 已姊姊晚餐吃火鍋 什麼火鍋呀? FF7:43 辣 家裡煮的 火鍋 FF 8:00 已麻 好的哦,姐姐這邊幫你記錄 檔 案啦 FF 8:02
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前