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R.I.P. ~~~ https://youtu.be/laR4YJnVqlI



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  • Adam Rogas – CEO and Co-Founder of NS8 by IdeaMensch · Nov 30, 2016 287Share Tweet 66Share Adam-e1480959343307 Find a problem you think you can solve and really focus on it. Resist the urge to move from that problem until you have demonstrated by positive user feedback and growth that you have actually solved it. Adam Rogas is the CEO and Co-Founder of NS8. With over 14 years of senior development and management expertise, as well as extensive knowledge in the fields of online fraud and spam filtering, Adam brings a tremendous amount to NS8. He was a founder of LoadMail and has worked as a trusted advisor to Postini, London Board of Tourism, Vivendi Universal, and Napster. In each case, Adam has helped implement big data, email, spam and virus filtering, and data security solutions. Mr. Rogas has architected extremely large-scale spam and virus filtering platforms, dealing with well over 100,000 messages per hour. He has also played a central role in the architecture of numerous large scale analysts solutions. Adam brings his love for safe, effective communication and startup ventures to NS8. He is married and also calls Las Vegas, Nevada home. Where did the idea for NS8 come from? My partners and I have run some significant and highly transactional websites and services prior to NS8. We understood that the common threads of fraud, abuse and poor user experience affected each of them in some way, shape, or form. Knowing this, we felt there had to be a better way to protect these types of sites and services, from being abused, regardless of their size. We also knew that any solution we created had to be easy to deploy, manage, and understand. What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive? In an early stage company you are wearing lots of hats. I work a ton of hours. So, the key for me, is to keep my thoughts organized. I usually divide my day up into 3 or 4 segments and then identify what I think I can accomplish in each one of them. Once I do this, I make a list for each segment. This gives me a semblance of structure to my day that helps me get my mind right for the tasks I have to tackle. It also helps me walk away and not overthink the ones I have already completed. How do you bring ideas to life? I usually start with an idea or something that would really matter to a specifc group of people and then I start asking questions. I will then usually build some simple example, or take steps to create what I’m trying to do, and show it to people get feedback and repeat until I reach my goal. What’s one trend that really excites you? It has gotten easier and easier to bring big ideas to life, and to compete, due to the growth of cloud services. To me, it really levels the playing field for a lot of ideas, that just 5 years ago, would have been impossible for all but the largest companies to bring to life. What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur? I try to be fairly aware of my own ADD and so I will make lists to hold myself accountable for the items on them. I also try to solve this problem in our hiring practices by surrounding myself with people that are very detail and process focused. What advice would you give your younger self? Find a problem you think you can solve and really focus on it. Resist the urge to move from that problem until you have demonstrated by positive user feedback and growth that you have actually solved it. If you do that, and continue to do it over and over again, you will be successful. Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on? That I am a good singer ? I don’t know that I am very persuasive here …. but I do know I can’t sing. As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do? I am constantly talking to our customers. I try to involve them early on, and very often in our process. This is one area I struggle with as we evolve and scale our product development processes, but it is critical to maintaining that connection as to why your customers want your product in the first place. What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business? Please explain how. Surrounding myself with supremely talented people and partners. It has been instrumental to my own growth and the growth of my businesses. What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it? That would probably be my first company, Load Ltd. Load was a hosted application service provider before there was a term for Software As A Service (SaaS). We had a popular email product called LoadMail, that was used by a number of major companies. About 1 year into the business we chose to offer additional services above and beyond just mail and it was this decision that would prove to be our failure. As a team, we didn’t fully understand how diversifying our focus would negatively impact our effectiveness. I tell everyone who asks for advice to pick a problem you can solve and focus on solving it well. Successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common — they never give up. What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers? I like ideas that take subject knowledge and find a way to productize it. One idea I had was to do this for athletic departments in D1 schools, so they could crowdsource from their athletes, managers, and students the creation of social marketing content. They could then manage it from a centrally controllable compliance system. Or Plastics !! Invest in Plastics (god I’m old) What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why? Money spent on experiences, dinner with my wife or friends, or money that helps someone. Recently, since we are living across the country from each other, it would be dinner with my wife the last time I was at home in Las Vegas. What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive? How do you use it? Slack. It helps our entire team communicate. What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why? “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. It helps you think about what you are building in a way that really focuses on how it will be consumed by those whom you are selling it to. What is your favorite quote? “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill Tell us about one friend or acquaintance of yours who we should interview on IdeaMensch. Who are they, what are they doing and what’s their email address? I actually have two Nick Jones, Nick and I started what was our first real company together Load Ltd along with my current business partner Paul Korol. Nick’s is currently working on a great project focused on personal and affinity based content creation called JRNL.com, they have recently been through boom Startup a SaaS focused startup accelerator in Salt Lake City and have just completed a seed round of funding. John Njoku, John is working on a great project RentHub.com, which is at the intersection of Multifamily Residential Realestate and Big Data Analytics. RentHub has some huge clients such as StarWood capital and The Lefrak Organization and has recently completed the Elmspring accelerator based in Chicago. Contact : https://www.ns8.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ns8 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ns8inc Twitter: @ns8inc 287Share Tweet 66Share Filed Under: Interviews, Software, Technology Tagged With: Herndon, Virginia https://ideamensch.com/adam-rogas/
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • 新冠疫情期間的最大享受😄 一份屬於影迷的福利,全球最大的纪录片影展阿姆斯特丹纪录片节(idfa)在其官网放出300部以上全球纪录片供在线观看! 如果你注册为会员还可以增加至500多部,可按国家,类型进行选择。 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_uP9xUg0hV_JhkVgLuExVQ?fbclid=IwAR0FX3JExpQPd9Wzpuq5FTo4VAzUeyNkOLdj3oWgN_Gkav5sVugCa7g9Jmw
    1 人回報2 則回應4 年前
  • 越南曾經在2/26,原有的16位確診病人全部康復。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coronavirus_pandemic_in_Vietnam 越南似乎沒有使用針對病毒的藥 "There's no medication for this virus yet. We rely on fundamental principles," https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2020/02/infected-patients-vietnam-cured-coronavirus-miracle-200228035007608.html 而是 : "每日上午在醫院的天台曬太陽及做運動,而在隔離病房期間會打開窗戶呼吸新鮮空氣,以及讓房間接受太陽光照射" https://www.hk01.com/%E7%86%B1%E7%88%86%E8%A9%B1%E9%A1%8C/430217/%E6%AD%A6%E6%BC%A2%E8%82%BA%E7%82%8E-%E6%9B%AC%E5%A4%AA%E9%99%BD%E6%AE%BA%E8%8F%8C%E5%8A%91%E6%BC%B1%E5%8F%A3-%E8%B6%8A%E5%8D%97%E9%A6%96%E5%90%8D%E7%A2%BA%E8%A8%BA%E6%82%A3%E8%80%85%E5%BA%B7%E5%BE%A9%E5%87%BA%E9%99%A2?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=fbpost_link&utm_campaign=hottopics
    5 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 世界一盤棋 把中美貿易戰半年多來的國際形勢梳理一下! 總體而言,中美膠著,暫不分勝負,但出人意料的是,美國的盟友陣營和傳統勢力範圍,出現大面積的崩塌。 1 澳新總理說不覺得有必要在美中之間做出選擇。這是新加坡之後,又一個美國亞太盟友表示希望中立。這種立場,在美蘇冷戰時都沒有過,特別是澳大利亞。 2 緬甸開通第二條中國能源通道。昂山蘇姬一貫的給力,諾貝爾和平獎真是給對人了,當然興雅族群的被遷移與屠殺,有很大的問題 3 韓國要求收回美國戰時指揮權。 4 安倍訪華中日和解,日本脫離美國立場,正式支持一帶一路。 5 越南表示今後最重要的夥伴是中國。這比中立還厲害,有點渡盡餘波兄弟在的意味。還要看發展。 6 新加坡與中國升級自貿區。在貿易戰的檔口,新加坡的支持及時重要,新加坡反華時很兇,如今親華也毫不含糊,也許真是血濃於水。 7 泰國宣佈,動用皇族的絕對權力,確保中泰高鐵經濟帶全面動工。泰國皇族不再忍受議會裏親美派的掣肘。 8 以色列把軍港海法租給中國。這個太意外了,意義多重大就不用說了。 9 中英開通滬倫通,關鍵時刻英國對中國金融穩定與安全提供了強有力的支持。英國這幾年都是嘴上批評中國,實際力挺中國,貴族就是貴族,格局和手腕都不是一般的高。 10 美國總統缺席兩個亞太重要首腦會議,川普先生不好意思來了,他知道影響力確實下降了,今非昔比。 11 馬來西亞新總理要求承認中國對南海的權力,美國大型軍艦不要開到南海。馬新總理比前總理更親華,更有政治遠見。 12 法國提出組建歐洲軍隊,防範美俄中。竟然還防範美國,這是戰後第一次,但是法國要是不讓渡權力給德國,是幹不成事的,長遠看德法早晚會擺脫美國控制,成爲世界新的一極。 13 中印邊界談判打破幾十年的僵局,取得重要共識。印度不再願意充當美國遏制中國的棋子,不再當美國馬前卒,這纔是真正的大國,給印度點贊。 14 菲律賓同意與中國聯合開發南海,菲律賓真的是很給力。 上面一系列事件,是自從貿易戰以來帶來的出人意料變化,這些都是中美是貿易戰帶給中國的意外收獲,不是嗎?所以,大家是否可改變一下思路? 目前世界的局勢正是在貿易戰之外巧妙的改變!
    2 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 大冲大克大事业,矛盾冲突中开辟新天地:把中美贸易战半年多来的国际形势梳理一下。总体上,中美焦灼不分胜负,但出人意料的是,美国的盟友阵营和传统势力范围出现大面积的倒塌。 1 澳新总理说不觉得有必要在美中之间做出选择。这是新加坡之后,又一个美国亚太盟友表示希望中立。这种立场,在美苏冷战时都没有过,特别是澳大利亚。 2 缅甸开通第二条中国能源通道。昂山素季一贯的给力,诺贝尔和平奖真是给对人了。 3 韩国要求收回美国战时指挥权。 4 安倍访华中日和解,日本脱离美国立场,正式支持一带一路。 5 越南表示今后最重要的伙伴是中国。这比中立还厉害,有点渡尽余波兄弟在的意味。还要看发展。 6 新加坡与中国升级自贸区。在贸易战的档口,新加坡的支持及时重要,新加坡反华时很凶,如今亲华也毫不含糊,也许真是血浓于水。 7 泰国宣布,动用皇族的绝对权力,确保中泰高铁经济带全面动工。泰国皇族不再忍受议会里亲美派的掣肘。 8 以色列把军港海法租给中国。这个太意外了,意义多重大就不用说了。 9 中英开通沪伦通,关键时刻英国对中国金融稳定与安全提供了强有力的支持。英国这几年都是嘴上批评中国,实际力挺中国,贵族就是贵族,格局和手腕都不是一般的高。 10 美国总统缺席两个亚太重要首脑会议,不好意思来了,知道影响力确实下降了。 11 马来西亚新总理要求承认中国对南海的权力,美国大型军舰不要开到南海。马新总理比前总理更亲华,更有政治远见。 12 法国提出组建欧洲军队,防范美俄中。竟然还防范美国,这是战后第一次,但是法国要是不让度权力给德国,是干不成事的,长远看德法早晚会摆脱美国控制,成为世界新的一极。 13 中印边界谈判打破几十年的僵局,取得重要共识。印度不再愿意充当美国遏制中国的棋子,这才是真正的大国,给印度点赞。 14 菲律宾同意与中国联合开发南海。菲律宾更给力。 上面一系列事件,是贸易战以来出人意料的变化,是贸易战带给中国的出人意料的收获。所以,大家是不是改变一下思路,不要老盯着贸易战,世界变局恰恰是在贸易战之外!
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前