
1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
Please read with patience


While a man was polishing his new car, his 6 yr old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car.

In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times;
not realizing he was using a wrench.

At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures.

When the child woke up he saw his father...
with painful eyes he asked, 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?'

The man was so hurt and speechless;
he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times.

Devastated by his own actions...
sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches;

The child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'.

The next day that man committed suicide...

Anger and Love have no limits;
choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life...

*Things are to be used and people are to be loved.*

But the problem in today's world is that,

*People are used and
things are loved.*

In this coming year, let's be careful to keep this thought in mind:

*Things are to be used...
*People are to be loved...

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits they become character;

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

I'm glad a friend forwarded this to me as a reminder.

If you don't pass this on nothing bad will happen;

if you do, you might change someone's life.

Do you know the relationship between your two eyes?

They blink together, move together, cry together, see things together & sleep together...
Even though they never see each other...

Friendship should be just like that!

Life is vanity without FRIENDS.

Who is your best friend? Send this to all your good friends.


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    5 年前


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  • 英國中文僑報最近訪問在英國的習近平前妻柯玲玲,她比習大兩歲,1979-1982年結婚三年,離婚後留學英國,現任醫生和教授。這是有關習早年婚姻狀況的首次披露。1951 年出生,64 歲的柯小明(柯玲玲)是原中國駐英大使柯華的小女兒,她也是習近平的前妻。受過良好教育的柯玲玲,目前她是倫敦一家私立醫院的高級主任,也是倫敦大學亞非醫學院的客座教授。她在近日接受了英國《僑報》的採訪。 1979年柯玲玲與習近平結婚,因為價值觀與性格的不同,1982年,她與結婚三年的習近平離婚,移民英國。而那時的習近平正競選正定縣委書記,習近平毅然放棄了與柯玲玲一同移民英國的機會,並指責柯玲玲貪戀西方繁華。經多次勸說讓習近平移民無效,兩人最終分道揚鑣。與習近平離婚,你覺得後悔嗎? 柯: 在那個年代,離婚其實是一件非常重要的事情,我和習近平的婚姻很短暫,很重要的一點就是我們幾乎沒有共同點,談不上什麼後悔不後悔的。他以前是一個很執著的人,想幹一番大事業,反正好像我說的話他都聽不進去,所以我才選擇了離婚這條路。距離不可能讓我們產生現實的婚姻和感情。當時我的父親是非常反對的,他總是認為我做事很魯莽。 你們之後有聯繫過嗎?柯:在我去英國的前三年裡,他幾乎每週都打電話給我,你知道那個年代從中國打電話到英國是不方便的,中國還沒有普及電話,條件不比現在,但是我一個電話都沒有接聽過,這讓他非常傷心。我知道他也曾經試圖挽回這段婚姻,我當時是鐵了心了。久而久之,我們也就沒有什麼聯繫了。我知道他心裡還是有這份感情的。 你當時會想到習近平會成為中國的領導人嗎? 柯:沒有,完全不會這樣去想。他成為中國國家主席,我是非常替他高興的,因為我離開他的時候,他還只是個科級幹部。他是一個很有理想的人,我一直認為他很有潛能,但在當時他的潛能對我而言一無是處。 你覺得在你心裡,習近平是一個怎麼樣的人? 柯:雖然我和他在一起的時候,大部分時間我們經常發生爭吵,分歧很大,但是我還是認為他是一個正直的人。他不會像其他人一樣,昧著良心去做一些利己的事情,這是我以前非常看重他的一點。以前我認為他太過於固執,也可能是因為我們相處的時間很短暫,我對他不是很瞭解吧。現在回過頭來看,其實他做的很多事情都是對的,只是自己當年太年輕,比較容易衝動。他不是一個理想主義者,他做事是有規劃,有步驟的。我可能會更理想主義一些,畢竟女性都會喜歡懂得浪漫的男人,但是習近平不是,我很多時候覺得他過於刻板,這與我們的成長環境和教育背景有很大關係。 離婚以後的那麼多年,你們都沒有見過面嗎?柯:他還是國家副主席的時候,我們在深圳見過一次。那是我,我姐姐,還有我父親回深圳掃墓,他當時來深圳考察工作,慰問了我父親,我當時也在,他跟我們全家人握了握手,包括我。其實是很尷尬的一次會面,大概一起坐了半個小時,聊了一些東西,我只覺得他看上去老了許多。 習近平會在 10 月訪英,你有什麼期待? 柯:中國使館那邊已經透過一些管道邀請我作為英國僑界的代表參加一個歡迎宴會,他上任中共總書記三年,第一次來英國訪問,對中英兩國都是有好處的,我作為英國的華人,感到很榮幸,也很高興。 Above message in English from Google translator. British Chinese Overseas Chinese News recently interviewed Ke Lingling, Xi Jinping’s ex-wife in the UK. She was two years older than Xi Jinping, married for three years from 1979 to 1982, and studied in the UK after her divorce. She is now a doctor and professor. This is the first disclosure of Xi's early marital status. Born in 1951, 64-year-old Ke Xiaoming (Ke Lingling) is the youngest daughter of Ke Hua, the former Chinese ambassador to the UK, and Xi Jinping's ex-wife. Ke Lingling, who is well educated, is currently a senior director of a private hospital in London and a visiting professor at the School of Asian and African Medicine, University of London. She recently accepted an interview with the British "Qiao Bao". Ke Lingling married Xi Jinping in 1979. Because of her differences in values ​​and personalities, she divorced Xi Jinping who had been married for three years in 1982 and immigrated to the UK. At that time, Xi Jinping was running for the secretary of the Zhengding County Party Committee. Xi Jinping resolutely gave up the opportunity to immigrate to the UK with Ke Lingling, and accused Ke Lingling of being greedy for Western prosperity. After repeated persuasion to make Xi Jinping's immigration invalid, the two finally parted ways. Do you regret divorcing Xi Jinping? Ke: In those days, divorce was actually a very important matter. My marriage with Xi Jinping was very short. The important point is that we have almost nothing in common, so there is no regret or regret. He used to be a very persistent person and wanted to start a big career. Anyway, he didn't seem to listen to what I said, so I chose the road of divorce. It is impossible for us to have a realistic marriage and relationship with distance. My father was very against it at the time, he always thought I was reckless. Have you been in touch since then? Ke: In the first three years when I went to the UK, he called me almost every week. You know that it was inconvenient to call from China to the UK at that time. China has not yet popularized telephones, and the conditions are not as good as now, but I alone None of the calls were answered, which made him very sad. I know that he also tried to save this marriage, and I was determined at that time. Over time, we lost touch with each other. I know he still has this feeling in his heart. Did you think that Xi Jinping would become the leader of China? Ke: No, I don't think so at all. He became the President of China, and I am very happy for him, because when I left him, he was just a department-level cadre. He was an ideal guy, I always thought he had potential, but at the time his potential meant nothing to me. What kind of person do you think Xi Jinping is in your heart? Ke: Although when I was with him, we often quarreled and had great differences most of the time, but I still think he is an upright person. Like other people, he will not do some selfish things against his conscience. This is what I valued him very much before. In the past, I thought he was too stubborn, maybe it was because the time we spent together was very short, and I didn't know him very well. Looking back now, in fact, many things he did were right, but he was too young and impulsive. He is not an idealist, he does things in a planned and step-by-step manner. I may be more idealistic. After all, women will like men who understand romance, but Xi Jinping is not. I often think that he is too rigid. This has a lot to do with our growth environment and educational background. Haven't you met each other for so many years after the divorce? Ke: We met once in Shenzhen when he was the vice president of the country. That was me, my sister, and my father went back to Shenzhen to visit the grave. He came to Shenzhen to inspect work and condolences to my father. I was there at the time. He shook hands with our whole family, including me. In fact, it was an awkward meeting. We sat together for about half an hour and talked about some things. I just think he looks much older. Xi Jinping will visit the UK in October, what do you expect? Ke: The Chinese embassy has invited me through some channels to attend a welcome banquet as a representative of the British overseas Chinese community. He has been the general secretary of the Communist Party of China for three years, and his first visit to the UK is beneficial to both China and the UK. British Chinese feel very honored and very happy.
    2 人回報2 則回應2 年前
  • 中國國家主席 習近平的父親 (See English translation below) 送給他的三句話 小時候,我是一個自私的孩子, 有什麼好的東西,我總是想到自己, 從不顧及別人的感受, 結果同伴一個個離我而去。 為此,我十分苦惱, 常常在背後指責別人的不是。 一天晚上,父親煮了兩碗麵, 一碗麵上有一顆白生生的雞蛋, 而另一碗麵看上去什麼都沒有。 父親問我,你吃哪一碗? 那時雞蛋是十分珍貴的食品, 若非逢年過節或生日,是很難吃到的, 我當然不會放過這樣的機會。 於是,我毫不猶豫地選擇了有雞蛋的那一碗。 事實上,我的選擇是錯誤的, 正當我洋洋得意地吃完那顆雞蛋時, 我驚訝地發現父親的碗底竟然藏著兩顆雞蛋, 我後悔不已,恨自己過於心急。 見此,父親微笑著對我說: 「孩子,你務必記住, **眼睛看到的未必是真實的, 想占別人便宜的人最終會吃大虧。**」 第二天晚上,父親又煮了兩碗麵, 仍然是一碗麵上有一顆白生生的雞蛋, 而另一碗麵看上去什麼都沒有。 父親讓我選擇,這一次我學乖了, 選擇了麵上沒有雞蛋的那碗。 父親默默地注視著我,一句話也沒說。 我趕緊拿起筷子,將上面的麵條扒開, 我滿以為下面會臥著兩顆白生生的雞蛋, 但很快我失望地發現,碗底除了清湯,什麼也沒有。 這時,父親意味深長地對我說: 「孩子,你一定要記住, **不要過分相信以往的經驗, 因為生活有時也會欺騙你。** 不過,你不用氣惱,也不用悲傷, 全當是一次人生體驗吧, 這是你從書本上無法學到的東西。」 第三天晚上,父親同樣煮了兩碗麵, 還是一碗麵上有一顆白生生的雞蛋, 而另一碗麵看上去什麼都沒有。 父親讓我先選,這一次我沒有貿然行事, 而是情真意切地對父親說: 「爸爸,您是長輩! 又為我和這個家庭付出了太多,還是您先選吧!」 父親沒有推辭,直接選了上面有一顆雞蛋的那碗。 我猜想,剩下的那碗肯定沒有雞蛋, 但出乎意料的是,我非常幸運,碗底臥著兩顆白生生的雞蛋。 父親抬起頭,眼裏滿是慈愛,他淡淡地對我說: 「孩子,你千萬要記住, **當你為別人著想時,好運就會降臨到你的頭上。**」 父親的話令我慚愧不已。 從那以後,我把這三句話當作了自己的人生準則,無論是為人還是處事,我首先想到的總是別人的利益,果然如父親所言,好運接踵而至,我的事業做得風生水起。 ~ 習近平 Briefly translated: President Xi Jing Peng of China said: When I was a small child , I was very selfish, always grab the best for myself. Slowly, everyone left me and I had no friends. I didn’t think it was my fault but criticize others. My father gave me 3 sentences to help me in life. One day, my father cooked 2 bowls of noodles put the 2 bowls on the table. One bowl has one egg on top and the other bowl does not have any egg on top. He said ”My child. You choose. Which bowl do u want”. Eggs were hard to come by those days! Only get to eat eggs during festivals or New Year. Of Cos I chose the bowl with egg! As we started eating. I was congratulating myself on my wise choice/decisision and wallop up the egg. Then to my surprise as my father ate his noodles, there were TWO eggs at the bottom of his bowl beneath the noodes! I regretted so much! And scolded myself for being too hasty in my decision. My father smiled and sad to me, ”My child. You must remember what your eyes see may not be true. If u intent on taking advantage of people, u will end up losing!” The next day, my father again cooked 2 bowls of noodles: one bowl with an egg on top and the other bowl with no egg on top. Again, he put the two bowls on the table and said to me, ”My child. You choose. Which bowl do u want?” This time I am smarter. I chose the bowl without any egg on top. To my surprise, as I separated the noodles on top, there was not even a single egg at the bottom of the bowl! Again my father smiled and said to me, ”My child, you must not always rely on experiences cos sometimes, life can cheat u or play tricks on u. But u must not be too annoyed or sad, just treat this as learning a lesson .You cannot Learn this from textbooks. The third day, my father again cooked 2 bowls of noodles, again one bowl with an egg on top and the other bowl with no egg on top. He put the 2 bowls on the table and again said to me, ”My child. You choose. Which bowl do u want?”. This time, I told my father, ”Dad, u choose first. You are the head of the family and contributed the most to the family. ”My father did not decline and chose the bowl with one egg on top. As I eat my bowl of noodles, Sure in my heart that there is no egg inside the bowl. To my surprise! There were TWO eggs at the bottom of the bowl. My father smiled at me with love in his eyes, ”My child, u must remember!When u think for the good of others, good things will always naturally happen to u!” I always remember these 3 sentences of my father and lived and do my business accordingly. True enough, my business was a roaring success. Xi Jing Peng
    1 人回報1 則回應6 年前
  • 放置一顆沒有剝皮的洋蔥在房間裏! 當流感造成了四千萬人死亡時,有一位醫生到各地農場去探視,看是否可以幫助人們戰勝流感。 很多農民和他們家庭感染了流感,很多人因此而死亡。這位醫生來到一家農民家。 出乎預料,這家庭的每一個人都非常健康。 醫生詢問這家的做法與其他人家有何不同,這家的妻子說她在家裏的每一個房間(那時大概也就是兩間吧)裏放置了一顆沒有剝皮的洋蔥。 醫生無法置信,因此就問是否可以要一顆洋蔥以便放在顯微鏡下觀察觀察。她就給了他一顆。醫生觀察時真的在洋蔥上發現了流感病菌。 顯然,洋蔥吸收了病菌,因此讓這家人保持健康。 如今,我從亞利桑那州我的理髮師那裏聽到類似的故事。她說幾年前她的很多雇員感染流感,她的很多顧客也是如此。 次年,她在她的理髮店裏放了幾個果盤,裏面放了一些洋蔥。令她吃驚的是,她的員工沒有一個生病的。 看來洋蔥真的起作用,故事的核心是,買一些洋蔥吧!把它們擺放在你的家裏的果盤裏。 如果你是坐辦公室的,在你的辦公室裏,或者辦公桌下面,或者在櫃子頂部放置幾顆洋蔥吧。 試試看效果怎麼樣。我們去年做了,沒有人得流感。如果這樣做可以幫助你和你所愛的人不患感冒,那就太好了。 如果你仍然得了感冒,也許會是比較輕微的症狀。 不管結果如何,你又會有什麼損失呢?除了幾顆洋蔥之外。 我把這個建議送給我的朋友。她回復說了關於洋蔥的最有趣的實驗︰我不知道那個農民的故事,但是我知道我得了肺炎。 無需說,我病的不輕。我讀到一篇文章,建議把洋蔥的兩頭切掉,插在叉子上,然後把叉子放在花瓶裏,晚上放在病患身旁。 洋蔥會因為病菌而在次日清晨變黑。 果然,事情跟文章裏說的完全一樣。 洋蔥看起來糟透了,但我卻開始好轉過來。那篇文章還談到放在屋子裏的洋蔥和大蒜在多年前的黑死病中救了很多人的命。 為了你和你所愛的人的健康請擺放一顆沒有剝皮的洋蔥吧! 記得兩頭要切掉喔! *健康文章僅供分享參考* Place an unpeeled onion in the room!   When the flu killed 40 million people, a doctor visited various farms to see if it could help people fight the flu.   Many farmers and their families were infected with the flu, and many people died as a result. The doctor came to a farmer's house.   Unexpectedly, everyone in this family is very healthy.   The doctor asked how this house was different from others. The wife said that she had placed an unpeeled onion in every room in the house (about two at that time).   The doctor couldn't believe it, so he asked if he could have an onion under the microscope. She gave him one. The doctor did find flu germs on the onion during the observation.   Obviously, the onion absorbs the germs, thus keeping the family healthy.   Today, I hear a similar story from my hairdresser in Arizona. She said that a few years ago many of her employees were infected with the flu, as were many of her customers.   The following year, she put a few fruit plates in her barbershop with some onions. To her surprise, none of her employees were sick.   It seems that onions really work. The core of the story is, buy some onions! Put them in a fruit plate in your home.   If you're sitting in an office, put a few onions in your office, or under some, or on top of the cabinet.   If it seems to help you and your loved one not to catch a cold, that's great.   If you still have a cold, it may be a mild symptom.   No matter what the outcome, what will you lose? Besides a few onions.   I give this advice to my friends. She replied with the most interesting experiment about onions: I don't know the story of the farmer, but I know I have pneumonia.   Needless to say, I am not ill. I read an article that suggested cutting off both ends of the onion and inserting it on a fork. Then put the fork in a vase and place it next to the patient at night.   Onions will turn black early in the morning the next day due to germs.   Sure enough, things are exactly the same as described in the article.   That article also used onions and garlic in the house to save many people's lives from the Black Death many years ago. The onion looked terrible, but I started to get better.   For the health of you and your loved one, please place an unpeeled onion!   Remember to cut off both ends!   * Health Articles Reasonable Sharing Reference *
    1 人回報2 則回應5 年前
  • 不要以為官大、學問大? 下面是漂亮國的政客嘴臉! Tales of Washington DC Airport ticket agent 一名華府機場票務員的傳奇 A DC 'airport ticket agent' offers some examples of why the US is in so much trouble! I love this as the ticket agent actually names real names! 一名華府機場的票務員提供了一些為什麼美國現在有那麼多麻煩的例子。對於票務員能指名道姓,我愛死了! 1. I had a New Hampshire Congresswoman (Carol Shea-Porter) ask for an aisle seat so that her hair wouldn't get messed up by being near the window. (On an airplane!) 新罕不什爾州的女眾議員波特要求要坐靠走道的位子,這樣她的頭髮才不會因為坐在窗邊而被吹亂(這是搭飛機耶!) 2. I got a call from a Kansas Congressman's (Moore) staffer (Howard Bauleke), who wanted to go to CapeTown. I started to explain the length of the flight and the passport information, and then he interrupted me with, ''I'm not trying to make you look stupid, but Cape Town is in Massachusetts.” Without trying to make him look stupid, I calmly explained, ''Cape Cod is in Massachusetts, Cape Town is in South Africa .'' 堪薩斯眾議員莫爾的幕僚鮑雷克要飛往開普頓,我跟他解釋飛行時間和護照的資訊。他打斷了我說「我不是想讓你聽上去笨笨的,開普頓是在麻薩諸塞州耶。」在不顯得是他很笨的情況下,我平靜的解釋說「鱈魚角在麻州,開普頓在南非。」 His response -- click.. 他的反應是~~喀哩,掛斷了電話。 3. A senior Vermont Congressman (Bernie Sanders) called, furious about a Florida package we did. I asked what was wrong with the vacation in Orlando. He said he was expecting an ocean-view room. I tried to explain that's not possible, since Orlando is in the middle of the state. 資深的維蒙州眾議員桑德斯打電話來,憤怒的問我們所辦理的他去佛羅里達渡假的事情。我問他他在奧蘭多的假期有什麼問題嗎?他說他要求的是一間能看到大海的房間。我解釋說奧蘭多位於佛羅里達州的中間,是不可能看到大海的。 He replied, 'Don't lie to me!, I looked on the map, and Florida is a very THIN state!!'' (OMG ) 他回答「別撒謊!我看了地圖了,佛羅里達是一個很狹長的州!」(我的天!) 4. I got a call from a lawmaker's wife (Landra Reid) who asked, ''Is it possible to see England from Canada?'' 眾議員雷得的太太打電話來問「可能不可能從加拿大看到英國?」 I said, ''No.'' She said, ''But they look so close on the map'' (OMG, again!) 我說「不可能」。 她說「但是地圖上很近啊!」(再一次,我的天哪!) 5. An aide for a cabinet member (Janet Napolitano) once called and asked if he could rent a car in Dallas. I pulled up the reservation and noticed he had only a 1-hour layover in Dallas. When I asked him why he wanted to rent a car, he said, ''I heard Dallas was a big airport, and we will need a car to drive between gates to save time.'' 一位內閣閣員拿波里他諾的幕僚打電話來問他能不能在達拉斯租一輛車?我查了一下他的訂位,發現他在達拉斯只轉機停留一個小時,於是問他為什麼要租輛車?他說「我聽說達拉斯機場很大,所以我要租輛車趕去下一個機門以節省時間。」 (Aghhhh) (啊......) 6. An Illinois Congresswoman (Jan Schakowsky) called last week. She needed to know how it was possible that her flight from Detroit left at 8:30 a.m, and got to Chicago at 8:33 a.m. 伊利諾州女眾議員上個禮拜打來電話,她要知道怎麼可能她上午八點半飛離底特律,八點三十三分就抵達芝加哥了? I explained that Michigan was an hour ahead of Illinois , but she couldn't understand the concept of time zones. Finally, I told her the plane went fast, and she bought that. 我跟她解釋說密西根州比伊利諾州早一個小時,但她就是不懂「時區」是什麼。最後我告訴她飛機飛得很快,這一下她滿意了。 7. A NewYork lawmaker, (Jerrold Nadler) called and asked, ''Do airlines put your physical description on your bag so they know whose luggage belongs to whom?'' 紐約州議員納得勒打電話來問「航空公司把旅客的外型描述貼在行李上,好識別哪件行李是哪一個乘客的?」 I said, 'No, why do you ask?' 我說「不會呀,為什麼問這個問題?」 He replied, ''Well, when I checked in with the airline, they put a tag on my luggage that said (FAT), and I'm overweight. I think that's very rude!'' 他說「當我到機場櫃台報到的時候,他們在我的行李上貼了一張『肥』FAT,而我確實過重,我認為這太不禮貌了。」 After putting him on hold for a minute, while I looked into it. (I was dying laughing). I came back and explained the city code for Fresno , CA is (FAT - Fresno Air Terminal), and the airline was just putting a destination tag on his luggage.. 我讓他稍等一會兒,我查一下。(我快笑死了!)回頭我跟他解釋說加州佛雷斯諾機場的代碼就是FAT(肥),而航空公司貼在他行李上的是他的目的地的標籤。 8. A Senator John Kerry aide (Lindsay Ross) called to inquire about a trip package to Hawaii . 參議員凱利的幕僚詢問去夏威夷旅行的行程。 After going over all the cost info, she asked, ''Would it be cheaper to fly to California and then take the train to Hawaii ?'' 到說到價錢的時候,她問「飛到加州,然後搭火車去夏威夷,會不會比較便宜?」 (夏威夷在海上,搭火車?) 9. I just got off the phone with a freshman Congressman, Bobby Bright from Ala. who asked, ''How do I know which plane to get on?'' 我剛剛放下一個選自阿拉斯加州的國會新進眾議員布萊特,他問「我怎麼知道我該搭上哪班飛機?」 I asked him what exactly he meant, to which he replied, ''I was told my flight number is 823, but none of these planes have numbers on them.'' 我問他說的是什麼意思?他說「我的航班號碼是823,但是沒有任何一架飛機上噴有823號。」 10. Senator Dianne Feinstein called and said, ''I need to fly to Pepsi-Cola , Florida . Do I have to get on one of those little computer planes?'' I asked if she meant fly to Pensacola and fly on a commuter plane. 眾院議長范恩斯坦打電話問「我要飛到佛羅里達州的『百事可樂』市去,是不是要搭那些小小的飛機?」我問她是否要問飛往佛羅里達『潘西可拉』市,而且是搭往來上下班的飛機? She said, ''Yeah, whatever, smarty!'' 她回答「對啦,不管你怎麼說啦,你個自作聰明的傢伙。」 11. Mary Landrieu, La Senator, called and had a question about the documents she needed in order to fly to China. 洛杉磯參議員藍度問一個她要飛往中國大陸需要什麼文件的問題。 After a lengthy discussion about passports, I reminded her that she needed a visa. 講了很久之後,我提醒她她要簽證(visa)。 "Oh, no I don't. I've been to China many times and never had to have one of those'' 她說「喔,不需要,我去過中國大陸很多次,從來不需要。」 I double checked and sure enough, her stay required a visa. 我再次查證後告訴她,她真的需要簽證。 When I told her this she said, ''Look, I've been to China four times and every time they have accepted my American Express!'' 她說「我去過中國大陸四次,他們那裡收我的『美國運通卡』!」(註:英文的簽證和維沙信用卡是同一個字) 12. A New Jersey Congressman (John Adler) called to make reservations, 'I want to go from Chicago to Rhino, NewYork.'' 紐澤西州眾議員艾德勒要訂機位,「我要從芝加哥到紐約州的『犀牛城』!」 I was at a loss for words. Finally, I said, ''Are you sure that's the name of the town?” 我一下子不知所措,最後我問「你確定那個地點的名字是這個?」 "Yes, what flights do you have?'' replied the man. 「對啦,你們有什麼班機?」 After some searching, I came back with, ''I'm sorry, sir, I've looked up every airport code in the country and can't find a rhino anywhere." 搜索了一會兒後,我回答他「對不起,我查了所有的機場代碼,沒有『犀牛城』的代碼。」 ''The man retorted, ''Oh, don't be silly! Everyone knows where it is. Check your map!'' 他憤怒的反駁「少笨了!大家都知道這個都市在哪裡,查一下你的地圖!」 So I scoured a map of the state of New York and finally offered, ''You don't mean Buffalo, do you?'' 我趕緊在紐約州的地圖上找,最後試著問他「你說的是不是『水牛城』?」 The reply? ''Whatever! I knew it was a big animal.'' 他的答案?「反正就是一個很大的動物的名字啦!」 Now you know why the Government is in the shape it's in! 現在大家知道為什麼我們的政府是這個德性了! Could ANYONE be this DUMB? 有沒有人像他們這麼笨? YES, THEY WALK AMONG US, ARE IN POLITICS, AND THEY CONTINUE TO BREED. 有!這些人就在我們之中,還就在政治圈裡,而且他們還繼續的繁衍!
    4 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 被『強酸強鹼』噴到或淋到時要如何處理? 2013年11月份,台灣石油工會,第一分會月刊報導(高雄廠) 作者,許廷訓,台灣中油公司(Taiwan cpc petroleum )服務, 目前是兼任,高壓特定氣体訓練班(中油公司,對新進員工的基礎訓練)的助教。 在高壓氣体訓練班的課程,我問過將近100個,以上來自台灣中油,全國各單位的工作人員,你們如果被硫酸淋到時你要如何做,所有的人異口同聲說,要用大量的清水沖洗,80%以上的人都有大學以上的學歷,他們都這樣說,我當場告訴他們,如果是這樣的,你會死的很難看,這也是我認為該公開讓大家知道的原因,目前高雄廠,所有有強酸強鹼的地方,告示牌(物質安全資料表),所有的說明都說,如被強酸強鹼淋到時要用大量的清水沖洗……..這種說法是正確嗎?如不正確為什麼幾十年來沒人質疑?在學校的化學實驗室老師,也是這樣告訴我們的? 本人以前曾經被因銹蝕管線針孔洩漏的硫酸所噴到,當時的感覺是好像有一個火把靠近你的臉頰,很熱很熱,我當然了解是被硫酸所噴到,(只是當時必須離開現場,因為那裡洩漏,一時間,看不出來那洩漏的地點),當時我所做的是,用未被硫酸所噴到的衣服擦拭被硫酸所噴到的臉頰,再去沖水,5-10分鐘,但是這跟沒有擦拭去沖水有什麼差別? N年前高雄廠,曾發生運酸槽車在洩酸入TANK時槽車出口管線,因壓力爆開,當時有兩個人被噴到,但是事後一個沒事(槽車司機)另一個人住院植皮,每天哀哀叫,時間長達十個月,為什麼差這麼多,原因是事發當時,司機很鎮靜,立即脫光身上所有的衣褲,拿起事先準備好的清潔棉布,擦拭身上的硫酸,再去沖先,另一個本場的工作人員,則是驚慌失措一路叫喊《救命》,待有人發現,他被硫酸所噴到時,用水沖洗他身上的硫酸,這一洗,洗出大問題,當然不洗也是大問題,時間是毫秒計算,為什麼差這麼多? 原因是硫酸的沸點為338℃,水的沸點只有100℃,水遇到硫酸時開始沸騰產生反應熱,硫酸可以迅速與蛋白質及脂肪發生醯胺水解作用及酯水解作用,從而分解生物組織,造成化學性燒傷。不過,其對肉體的強腐蝕性還與它的強烈脫水性有關,因為硫酸還會與生物組織中的碳水化合物發生脫水反應並釋出大量熱能。 除了造成化學燒傷,所以如有任何人遇到硫酸,正確的處理方式應該保持鎮靜,找出現場可以擦拭的棉布或其他可以擦拭的紙等(這是減量,減少附著在皮膚的硫酸),立即擦拭再去沖水5-10分鐘。 最多只是如一級燒燙傷,這一事件後我遇到一個在大發工業區擔任某化學公司,槽車司機的X先生,我問他遇到時如何處理,他說就這麼處理,我問他為什麼不將這消息公告給社會大眾知道?他說了,幹,人家官大學問大,我只是一個司機,人家會聽我的意見嗎,我無言以對。 他舉出三個例子,來說明處理方式不同所造成的結果,第一例,在國道一號上發生遊覽車撞擊,鹽酸槽車事故,槽車破裂,遊覽車上的檔風玻璃也破了,鹽酸噴到司機的眼睛,隨車小姐立即以飲用瓶裝水沖洗司機的眼睛,結果是,後來司機的眼睛洗好了,司機的眼睛,也完蛋了,第二例發生在某加工區,槽車洩酸時,也發生因長時間使用後的物質脆化(當時忘了問他材質到底是塑膠的或橡膠的,約使用多久了)洩酸管線爆裂了,一個不知是好奇或無知的經理,靠近槽車很不幸的,那經理被噴到了,當然槽車司機處理經驗很豐富,立即脫光那經理身上所有的衣物幫他擦拭後再沖洗,入院十多天就回家,無大事,第三例,發生在該生產硫酸的公司內,兩個工作人員,被破裂管線的硫酸所噴到,一個如同第二例,司機幫忙處理,另一個,因一時間他無法幫忙,其他現場的人也驚嚇到,不敢也不懂,幫另一個被酸噴到的人脫衣服,而是直接用水幫他沖洗,結果,後果很慘痛,体無完膚,根據司機的說法,醫生所開的嗎啡給患者服用都無效,無法止痛,也是哀哀叫長達幾個月。 本文出來前,我所做的實驗,(戴有面罩的安全帽掛橡膠手套及護目鏡穿雨衣)去買已切好的豬皮20X10用鐵丁固定在木板上,用鹽酸做實驗,有擦拭和沒有擦過的實驗結果一目了然,所以被強酸鹼所噴到一定要先擦拭過再沖水,才是保命之道。 如果我們把濃硫酸慢慢地倒入水中,卻是安安靜靜的,水只是漸漸的變熱,而且不濺開來。當濃硫酸與水遇在一起,就發生化學反應,生成水合物,同時放出大量的熱,1公斤的濃硫酸與水化合時放出的熱量,足以使2公斤的冷水,一下子升高到攝氏100度。 濃硫酸看上去像油,可是卻比水重(1.9倍),比同體積的水差不多要重上一倍,很明顯,如果把水倒進濃硫酸,水就浮在濃硫酸上,當發生化學反應時,水就猛烈地沸騰起來,四處飛濺。 如果反過來把濃硫酸倒進水裡,情況就不一樣了,濃硫酸比水重,把濃硫酸慢慢地倒進水中,它就逐漸地沉到水底,然後再分佈到溶液的各個部分,這樣,反映所產生的熱量被均勻地分配到整個溶液,溫度慢慢上升,不會使水迅速地騰起來。 本人在此真誠的建議,各級學校的實驗室或化學系所,各公司有用到強酸鹼的地方,應立即修改告示牌(物質安全資料表,有強酸鹼的地方,應準備棉布做擦拭用,不要用化學纖維布,大林廠有硫酸法的烷化(以硫酸為催化劑的製程)工場,更應該準備好,因為10年20年後所有的管線,除非全面更新,絕對會這裡漏,那裡漏。 備註,本文部份,參考維基百科及網路文章,感謝工安課,王錦波先生與第七硫磺總領班,楊耀昆先生對本文的校正。 ,也歡迎老師,本人在此授權,請賢人翻譯成英日文,給世界各國的朋友分享,請將公司的CPC排在前頭,說明這是在台灣的CPC公司人員所做的實驗。 Nov. 2013, Monthly journal report of 1st branch of OIL LABOR UNION in Kaohsiung Taiwan CPC. By Mr. Hsu Ting XUN, serve in Taiwan CPC, now is the part time TA for the HIGH-PRESSURE SPECIFIC GAS training class, a class which trains all the new employees in CPC. In the HIGH PRESSURE training class, I ever asked more than 100 members from all different departments and branches of CPC TAIWAN., “If you were sprayed or poured by sulfuric acid, what would you do!?” The answer is 100% in unison “Rinse with great amount of water!” You know, 80% of these members graduated from universities. They all did say so. Hearing the answer, I on the spot told them “If you did so, you were destined to die ugly”This is why I insist to make it public. Nowadays in Kaohsiung plant, all where there is sulfuric acid or alkali, as well as all the bulletin boards [material safety sheets]shows: “Rinse with great amount of water while sprayed by sulfuric acid” But is this statement appropriate and accurate!?If not, why for decades nobody doubted!? And we were all taught so by chemistry teachers in labs of schools? Before, I ever sprayed by sulfuric acid leaking from the needle hole of a corrosivepipe. I felt like a burning torch accessing my face. It’s extremely hot. I surely realizedit wassulfuric acid, but I couldn’t spot where the leaking hole was. I had to leave right at that moment. The step took first was to wipe my sprayed face with the clean part of my clothes then, rinsedit with water for 5-10 minutes. But on earth, what makes the difference with the way you rinsedwithout wiping it clean first!? Years ago in Kaohsiung plant, a sulfuric acid transporting truck’s exporting pipeline burst because of pressure while vented sulfuric acid into the tank. Two men were sprayed. Yet later on, one man [the driver] was not serious, while another one had to be hospitalized andgrafted, leading a crying miserable life for ten months. Why such a big contrast! The reason is right at thatmoment, the driver completely calmed himself down, ripped all his dressing off then, wipedsulfuric acid with the clean cotton that he used to prepare ahead, then rinsedwith water the last. As to the other man, he was crying and screaming in panic all the way till someone found him and helpedrinse with great amount of water. Here the key problem is: Water or NOT WATER firstdefinitely matter a lot! It was so urgent, what made such a big difference? You know the boiling point of sulfuric acid is 338centigrade degree while water only 100. When water meetssulfuric, water begins to boil and produce heatas reaction. Sulfuric acid, along with protein and fat, rapidly facilitates[R-C-NH2] hydrolysisandEster hydrolysis, further todecompose bio- tissue, causing the chemical burns. Its strong corrosion to body dorelate toits strong dehydration.Sulfuric acid can cause dehydration reaction when it meets the carbohydrate of bio-tissue then, release great amount of heat to causechemical burns. So for anybody sprayed by sulfuric acid, the accurate approach is to calm down,immediatelywipe off acid with clean cotton or paper available [this is to minify or reduce the sulfuric acid on skin] ,then rinse 5-10 minutes. The worst resultcan only be one grade burn. Afterwards, I met Mr. X, a tank driver who served in a chemistry company in DAFA INDUSTRIALZONE. I asked what he would do if he met same situation. The answer was completely the same approach. Then why he didn’t make it public? His answer was“I am just a driver, can any high ranking officer listen to my opinion!?” I was totally speechless. He gave three examples to illustrate three different results caused by the diverse handling procedure:[a]. One tour bus bumped into sulfuric acid- loading truck on the ZHONGSHAN national freeway. The tank broke down. So did the window shield of the tour bus. Acid sprayed onto the bus driver’s eyes. The lady tour guide spontaneouslyrinsed his eyes with bottle water. The eyes were washed, but ruined.[b].This accident happened in THE PROCESSING ZONE. When an acid tank vented, the venting pipeline burst [pipelinebeing brittle after long use.][Material of pipe is plastic or rubber, or how long it has been used not known]. An either curious or ignorant manager walked close to the tank and unfortunately he was sprayed. Thanks to the well experienced tank driver, he immediately ripped off all the manager’s dressing, wiped his body clean, thenrinsed with water. About 10 days in hospital, he returned home without big problem. [c].In a sulfuric acid producing company, two workers sprayed by the broken pipeline. One was managed under accurate approach, yet another one was not so lucky. He, with the help of the stunned people around, directly rinsed the body. What’s the result!? Miserable and severely!! He kept hospitalized for long,even the morphine prescribed by doctor couldn’tkill his pain, recalled the poor worker. Before this article came public, I did an experiment [wearinghelmet with mask, rubber gloves, goggle and raincoat].I bought some chopped pigskin 20x10,nailedthemontowood . After pouring acid, I observed the wipedand not wiped pigskin, and the result was obvious at aglance. So if sprayed by acid or alkali, wipe clean first, then rinse. This is the life-saving approach. If we pour thick sulfuric acid into water, quietly and gradually the water will be getting hot, and will not splash. When thick sulfuric acid mixes with water, chemical reaction happens, producing hydrate and at the same time releasing big amount of heat. The heat released by 1kg thick sulfuric acid hydrating with water can lead to a sudden rise of temperature of 2kg cold water to100 centigrade degree. Thick sulfuric acid looks like oil, but actually it is heavier than water by 1.9 times, and heavier 1 time than water of same volume. Obviously, if we pour water into thick sulfuric acid, water will float on the acid.Chemical reaction happens, water will violently be getting hot, and splash all over. ON the contrary, if we pour thick sulfuric acid into water, the effect differs. It is heavier than water, it will gradually sink into bottom and distribute in each part of liquid, so the reacting heat is distributed in the liquid in average. The temperature rises slowly and slowly, the water will not be getting hot rapidly andfuriously. Here, I sincerely suggest that all labs and chemistry departments in schools or all companies where sulfuric acid and alkali are used should amend all bulletin boards [material safety sheets]. Where there is sulfuric acid or alkali, cotton[no chemical fiber cloth] should be readily prepared. Especially, DALIN plant has the alkylation workplace of sulfuric acid [Sulfuric acid or hydrofluoric acid as a catalyst in processing]. It should have to be well prepared, because all the pipelines absolutely should be leaking where and there after 10 or 20 years, unless they are all updated. RE: parts of this article took wiki and internet for reference. Great thanks to Mr. Wang Jin-bo, industrial safety division, and Mr. Yang Yao- kun, the leading foremanof 7thsulfur, for their guidance and correction. Welcome friends all over the world translating it into kinds of languages to help those in need. And don’t hesitate to write me if necessary for more understanding and interpretation. Thanks!! Thanks sister melody translation
    15 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • *王毅 外長* :我國要做好準備面對 *未來 三年* 的 *十大殘酷現實* !  王毅:2020年對中美關係來講是艱難的一年,這種艱難可能還會持續幾年時間,甚至會更長,因為 *到現在還沒有解藥* 。而在接下來的三年裡我們也需要去面對的十大殘酷現實!   第一大殘酷現實: *中美關係是所有關係中的關鍵和核心* ,有一萬個理由可以證明搞好中美關係的重要性, *中國沒有成本優勢與美國對抗*。   不是說中國怕美國,而是不值得玩對抗﹔在對待美國霸權問題上, *中國必須要運用智慧* 。防止失聯朋友圈更精彩你可以討厭美國、不喜歡美國、恨美國, *但不要影響去重視美國*。不是因為覺得美國好才與他搞好關係,僅僅是因為 *美國是“老大”* ,是 *遊戲規則的制定者* ,是 *中國最大的消費市場* ,這是 *一個殘酷的現實和事實* ,你不服不行。   第二大殘酷現實: *現在的中國可以影響世界,但不能左右世界* 。目前能夠左右世界的只有美國,這個現實我們必須要接受。要知道:影響世界的國家有許多,況且這種影響也是有階段性的,你在影響別人的同時,別人 *也在影響你。世界萬物都是彼此影響的,所以 *不要有優越感* 。優越感會造成 *盲目自信* ,自信過頭就是 *自負*,自負過頭就會 *自命不凡*,最後只能是 *自作多情* 和 *自認倒霉* 了。 第三大殘酷現實: *“中國模式”僅僅適用於中國* 。   中國的高速發展是不能被複製制的。因為中國的歷史別國是沒有的,我們所受到的曲折、痛苦和折磨在人類歷史上是少有的,中國現在的發展模式是結合了中國國情而形成的一種模式。所以,不要動不動就想推銷“中國模式”,別人 *不會接受*,也會 *水土不服* 。   第四大殘酷現實: *不要輕言戰爭* 。   如果40年前中國說不怕戰爭,那是一種底氣,因為我們窮,光腳的不怕穿鞋的。但,如果你現在還說“不怕戰爭”,那是一種虛張聲勢。因為你已經“相當”富裕,你的北上廣深大城市已經與世界上任何大城市可以媲美。“羅馬城不是一日建成的”,但 *“毀掉羅馬城瞬間就可以實現”* 。   美國人是世界上最怕戰爭的,因為他有最繁華的城市群,所以美國要發展世上最強大的軍隊,目的就是要 *“拒戰爭於萬里之外”* ,絕不讓戰爭在本土發生。中國現在還沒有這個能力,中國若與強大的敵人戰爭,必然是 *本土戰爭*,我們壯大軍隊不是渴望戰爭,而是要 *防止把戰爭引入家門*/。   第五大殘酷現實: *中國永遠都是一個發展中的國家* 。   我們的朋友圈永遠在第三世界。要牢記:西方那些發達國家是不會帶我們玩的,在他們的眼中 *永遠有“優越感”* 。 *西方永遠瞧不起我們的價值觀*,永遠認為中國“落後”。在西方人眼裡,永遠都存在 *“東西方差異”* 。千萬不要認為可以融入西方世界,天真地認為可以與 *西方平起平坐* ,中國與歐美僅僅是 *生意關係* ,是 *做不了真朋友的* 。   第六大殘酷現實 *不要主動去向世界承諾什麼,更不要用錢去買地位,充當世界領袖* 。   真正的領袖都不是主動申請的,而是 *受命於危難* ,都是 *被人強推上位的* 。所以,領袖不好當,吃力不討好。如果你成了世界領袖,那麼必須要放棄許多,全世界都要跟你玩“貿易順差”,你卻又不敢有脾氣。如果這領袖好當, *美國就不會混的現在這麼慘了* (在川普眼裡,美國混的最慘,是世界級的大傻瓜)。   第七大殘酷現實: *中國已經回不去了* ,不可能因為“摸著石子過河”陷入了深水區就妄想退回去。   時光不會倒流,不可能因為害怕風險而停止這場遊戲。從開始打開國門的那一天起,我們注定沒有回頭路可走, *國門必須是越開越大,陷阱必然是越走越多* 。 *不能輕言放棄*,更 *不能 “好了傷疤忘了疼”*。   第八大殘酷現實: *不能為了追求“多快好省”而“超速上癮”* ,不要動不動就犯“大躍進”的毛病, *不要炫耀所謂“彎道超車”* 。   不是因為你技術好,僅僅是一種僥倖。遵守規則從來就不是墨守陳規,講究信用也不是呆傻愚鈍。所有投機取巧的鑽空子結果都會是互相傷害, *出來混總要還的,越強大的人越把規則當生命看待* 。   第九大殘酷現實: *你今天超越了別人,明天別人就會超越你* 。超越強者不是為了證明你的強大,而是要讓民眾享受到做強者的好處。 事實證明:*真正聰明的人願意永遠是一個追隨者*,而 *不願意成為一個超越者* 。也許你覺得韜光養晦無法顯出英雄本色,但低調做人恰恰是深藏不露高手的基本素質。 第十大殘酷現實: *所有用錢買來的朋友都靠不住* 。 “誰是我們的敵人?誰是我們的朋友?這是革命的首要問題”,真正的朋友恰恰是經常公開爭吵的、互相懟罵的。在你渴望用錢去收買別人的時候,一不小心就被別人利用了。真正強大的國家不是因為錢多而吸引別人,而是你的 *價值信仰* 和 *執政理念* *深深讓人折服*。   現實往往都是 *殘酷* 的,甚至是 *殘忍* 的。但是,許多時候並不是因為殘酷而使人不敢正視現實,僅僅是因為 *缺乏自信而曲解了現實* 。   —— *王毅* 王毅把天下興亡說得非常透徹,句句擲地有聲! 轉自 ”人民的曙光” *Wang Yi Foreign Minister*: my country should be ready to face the *ten cruel realities* of the next *three years*! Wang Yi: 2020 will be a difficult year for China-US relations, and this difficulty may continue for several years, or even longer, because *there is no antidote*. And in the next three years, we also need to face the ten cruel realities! The first cruel reality: *Sino-US relations are the key and core of all relations*, there are 10,000 reasons to prove the importance of doing well in Sino-US relations, *China has no cost advantage against the US*. It is not that China is afraid of the United States, but it is not worth playing against; *China must use wisdom* in dealing with the issue of American hegemony. You can hate the United States, dislike the United States, hate the United States, but *don't affect the importance of the United States*. It's not because he thinks the United States is good that he has a good relationship with him, but only because *the United States is the "boss"*, the maker of the *rules of the game*, and the largest consumer market in China. *This is a cruel reality and fact* , *You can't not accept it.* The second cruel reality: *Now China can influence the world, but it cannot control the world*. At present, only the United States can control the world. We must accept this reality. You must know that there are many countries that influence the world, and this influence is also phased. While you are influencing others, others are also influencing you. Everything in the world affects each other, so *don't feel superior*. Superiority will lead to *blind self-confidence*, too much self-confidence is *conceited*, too much self-confidence will be *pretentious*, and in the end it can only be *self-consciousness* and *self-confessed bad luck*. Third cruel reality: *The "China model" only applies to China*. China's rapid development cannot be replicated. Because China has no other country in its history, and the twists, pains and tortures we have suffered are rare in human history. China's current development model is a model formed by combining China's national conditions. So, don't try to sell the "Chinese model" at every turn. Others *will not accept* and *will not acclimatize*. The fourth cruel reality: *Don't talk about war lightly*. If China said 40 years ago that it is not afraid of war, it would have been a kind of confidence, because we are poor, and those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing their feet. But if you still say "not afraid of war" now, that's a bluff. Because you are already "pretty" wealthy, your big cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are comparable to any big city in the world. "The city of Rome was not built in a day", but *"destroyed the city of Rome in an instant"*. Americans are the one most afraid of war in the world, because they have the most prosperous urban agglomeration, so the purpose of the United States to develop the most powerful army in the world is to *"held back war from thousands of miles away"*, and never let war occur in the homeland. China does not have this capability yet. If China fights a powerful enemy, it must be a *local war*. We are not longing for war to grow our army, but to *prevent war from being introduced into our homes*. The fifth cruel reality: *China will always be a developing country*. Our circle of friends is always in the third world. Remember: those developed countries in the West will not take us to play, and in their eyes *always have a "sense of superiority"*. *The West will always look down on our values* and always consider *China to be "backward"*. In the eyes of Westerners, there will always be *"East-West differences"*. Don't think that you can *integrate into the Western world*, and *naively think that you can*. The sixth cruel reality *Don't take the initiative to promise anything to the world, let alone use money to buy status and act as a world leader*. The real leaders are not actively applying to be one, but *accept the mission under dangerous and difficult condition*, and *they are all being pushed to the position by force*. Therefore, it is not easy to be a leader, and it is *thankless* . If you become a world leader, you have to *give up a lot* . The whole world wants to play a "trade surplus" with you, but you don't dare to have a temper. If this leader is good, *the United States will not be so miserable now* (In Trump's eyes, the United States is the worst, and it is a world-class fool). The seventh cruel reality: *China has no way to go back*, it is impossible to go back because of "crossing the river by feeling the stones" and falling into the deep water area. Time will not go back, it is impossible to stop this game because of fear of risk. From the day we started to open the country's door, we are destined to have no turning back. *The country's door must be opened wider and wider, and come across more traps as you move among . *Can't give up lightly*, and *can't "get rid of the scar and forget the pain"*. The eighth cruel reality: *You can't be "addicted to speeding" in pursuit of "more speed and better savings"*, don't make the "Great Leap Forward" at every turn, *don't show off the so-called "curve overtaking"*. It's not because of your skill, it's just a fluke. Obeying the rules is never sticking to the old rules, and paying attention to credit is not stupid. All opportunistic exploits will result in mutual harm, and the more powerful people will treat the rules as life. The ninth cruel reality: *You surpass others today, others will surpass you tomorrow*. Overtaking the strong ones is not to prove your strength, but to let the people enjoy the benefits of being a strong ones. It turns out: *Really smart people are willing to always be a follower*, and *will not be a transcender/surpasser*. Maybe you think that keeping a low profile cannot show the true character of a hero, but being a low-key person is precisely the basic quality of a *master who is hidden* . Tenth cruel reality: *all friends bought with money are unreliable*. "Who are our enemies? Who are our friends? This is the primary question of the revolution." *The real friends are those who often quarrel openly and scold each other*. When you are eager to bribe others with money, you are accidentally used by others. A truly powerful country is not attracted to others because of more money, but because of your *value beliefs* and *governing ideas* *deeply convincing*. Reality is often *cruel*, even *brutal . However, many times it is not because of cruelty that people dare not face reality, but because of *lack of self-confidence and distorted reality*. —— *Wang Yi* Wang Yi explained the rise and fall of the world very clearly, and every sentence is powerful! From "The Dawn of the People"。
    6 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 歷史哥澄清唬 https://www.facebook.com/525231778007287/posts/914879449042516/ 【澄清唬爆米花教室:被大內宣淹沒的美國總統署名投書】 先說這篇沒有圖,因為太重要不能亂放圖 在歷史上,從沒有美國總統親自投書到中華民國的報紙。但是在109年10月22日,美國準總統拜登以「More Prosperous Future For Our Families」(定稿中文標題:為我們家庭更繁榮的未來),以華人為主體,台灣人為核心訴求,投書聯合報系的世界日報,強調他願意與中國合作而非對抗,鄙棄川普的仇中獵巫,願意與華人聯手,但更重視台灣人的健保經驗,不願台灣人為美國火中取栗而是共同繁榮。 但在一片大奇特的大內宣中,美國準總統的投書竟然在台灣地區被忽視。且不說拜登明明在聲譽卓著的 IBD/TIPP民調持續領先,比起川普根本鼓吹台灣人火中取栗(你對抗,我賺軍火,去跟大陸人死嗑來增加我談判勒索本錢)。 拜登不只親自署名投書,還誠懇說明他對台灣/兩岸的四大重點,根本是史上最誠懇與重要的待遇。既然親綠親川普主流媒體不報,那福編來報。 ★ 一、拜登堅持稱台灣是 leading democracy (領導性的民主政體),表示其無意支持台獨立場(不稱國家) 二、拜登大篇幅強調川普仇中、卸責不科學的推卸問題給中國,造成亞裔的困擾與災難,而這不是美國總統應為。(打了那些整天喊支那賤畜以為自己就會成為高等美國人的台灣地區背祖中國人的臉) 三、拜登大談健保對一般百姓重要性,表示他珍視台灣的健保經驗,也是未來與台灣的合作重心。 四、與其獵巫與仇中,他更重視與中國的合作,希望聯盟對世界更有幫助(雖然舉例醫療與氣候,但也只是舉例) 表示願意以兩大強權的合作,謀取更多世界利益。 其他我 不多說,請看原文與譯文。 #拜登給中華民國台灣與聯合報系的面子真的太大了 #聯合報系真正展現實力 #美國總統投書首中華民國系報紙 #大內宣只在意把我們當馬前卒的喇叭川普 為我們家庭更繁榮的未來/前副總統喬瑟夫.拜登 時局多艱,我們國家處在十字路口,正面臨疾病大流行、經濟大衰退,和一場將決定我們未來很長一段時間的選舉。 今年 我們看到美國最好的一面 今年,我們看到美國最好的一面引領我們向前:英勇的醫師、護士、日常雜貨商、餐館業主、必要行業工作者 — 而其中,包括許許多多的亞裔美國人。 今年 我們也看到美國最糟情況 但我們也看到最糟的情況:亞裔美國人誤因新冠病毒遭仇視的行為比比皆是,某種程度上,是因為川普總統發布的仇恨言論所致。亞裔美國人被責備、被唾罵、被攻擊;家園、商家和汽車被侮辱性標記破壞;年幼的孩童被刺傷,還有一名89歲的奶奶,在不斷升級的仇恨文化中遭人火焚。 這不該是我們原本的樣子。 亞裔美國人 使我們國家變強大 近兩個世紀以來,亞裔美國人使我們的國家變得強大 — 從掘金礦工,到加速我們崛起的鐵路和工廠工人,再到推動我們向前邁進的科學家、建築師、藝術家和企業家們。多年來,他們的勇氣、犧牲和成功,為美國夢注入動力,也讓美國穩為自由的燈塔與世界的希望。 川普卻不懂 傷了移民國價值觀 川普總統不懂這些。他帶頭攻擊我們作為移民之國的價值觀,甚至在我們的邊境,拆散成千上萬的孩童與父母。即便在這場大流行到來之前,我們的仇恨犯罪就已達到16年以來的新高。而如今,為了轉移自己抗疫失敗、未能保護我們國家的過失,無論是否因此導致上千反亞裔的種族歧視事件,他仍堅持把新冠病毒稱作「中國病毒」。 作為總統 我捍衛每人的美國夢 措辭很重要,總統措辭更為重要。作為總統,我將捍衛每個人的美國夢,讓每一勤奮努力的家庭,享有通向繁榮和美好未來的公平機會。我將反對任何形式的種族歧視,指示司法部優先處理仇恨犯罪,以彌合仇恨與分裂的傷口,而非煽風點火。 川普失敗 他讓我們的經濟崩盤 唐納德·川普早在今年1月就已知道新冠病毒的致命性,卻未採取任何行動。現在,超過22萬美國人因此失去生命,約3000萬人失去工作、工時和薪水,五分之一的小商家關門。川普失敗的領導力讓我們的經濟崩盤 — 他總統當得愈久,得以完全回歸正軌的時間也愈久。 我會控制疫情 讓我們重回生機 八個月過去了,川普仍然沒有(抗疫)計畫。而我有。 首先要擔起責任,努力控制疫情,讓我們重回生機。我將執行早在3月就擬定的計畫,擊敗新冠病毒。我將聽取科學家、專家的意見;保護我們的家庭;讓新冠檢測、治療, #以及最終的疫苗免費,並對所有人開放。 我會重建經濟 實質救助小商家 我將馬上開始重建更好的經濟,為數百萬遭受重創的小商家提供實質救助。他們是我們社區的生命線 — 但川普腐敗的復甦作法棄他們於不顧,只把紓困資金匯集到大公司手中。75%的亞裔小企業主,未能獲得任何首輪紓困金。這是錯誤的,我已要求確保員工在50人以下的小企業獲得紓困金,我也將增加他們獲得優惠和資金的長遠渠道,減輕阻礙移民業主的語言障礙。 我不會對年收40萬元以下者加稅 質言之,我的經濟復甦計畫將回報以工作,而不只是財富,將創造未來數百萬優薪工作。(信評機構)穆迪的獨立經濟學者發現,比起川普總統的作法,我的計畫會創造多出700萬的工作,以及超過1兆元的經濟增長。我也不會對任何年收入40萬元以下者加稅 —別懷疑。相反地,我還將確保超級富豪和大公司最終支付本應承擔的份額。 讓父母能付學費 讓醫保更平價 我一路走來,都在為工薪和中產家庭而戰;他們之中有許多勤勉奮鬥的移民,來到美國是為更好的生活。我將幫助父母有能力支付子女的優質教育、提高教師薪酬,並讓絕大多數家庭免費就讀公立學院。我將讓照顧年邁父母變得更容易,讓醫療保險更平價。川普現在要通過法院,廢除「可負擔健保法」,在一場致命大流行之中,剝奪數千萬人的醫療保險,這毫無道理。 與盟友並肩 深化與台灣的關係 同時,新冠病毒證明美國不能自外於世界。從重建我們最親近夥伴的關係開始,我們必須與其他國家攜手合作,應對影響我們所有人的國際挑戰。我們是一個太平洋強國,將與盟友並肩,增進我們在亞太地區共享的繁榮、安全與價值。這其中就包括深化與台灣這個居領先地位的民主政體、主要經濟體,以及科技重鎮的關係。台灣也是開放社會可以有效控制新冠病毒的閃亮典範。 更新領導力 符合美利益與中合作 我們應對中國的方式,會聚焦增強美國競爭力,再興國內優勢,並更新我們在海外的聯盟與領導力。我們將在符合美國利益的領域與中國合作,包括公共衛生和氣候變遷。 讓家庭團聚 修復破碎的移民系統 美國向來不只靠強大的國力,而是用身為榜樣的實力領導世界。要切實重現此景,我們也必須修復破碎的移民系統,讓家庭團聚,確保美國繼續吸引全球最出色與最聰明的人。 我將會傾聽 重塑我們熱愛的國魂 我競選是為讓美國更好的重建,重建美國作為一個充滿機會,團結和有全新開始的國家;一個由數代移民讓其強大的地方;一個所有人都能發聲、每張選票都有價值的地方。我將引領這些議題,更重要的是,我會傾聽。所以,請確保你今天將選票投出。 讓我們一起,重塑我們熱愛的國魂。 (世界日報華盛頓記者羅曉媛/譯) More Prosperous Future For Our Families by Former Vice President Joseph Biden for World Journal These are tough times. Our country is at a crossroads, facing a pandemic, a recession, and an election that will decide our futures for a very long time. This year, we've seen the best of America carry us forward: heroic doctors, nurses, grocers, restaurant owners, essential workers–including so many Asian Americans. But we've also seen the worst: acts of hate against Asian Americans wrongly blamed for COVID-19, spurred on, in part, by hateful rhetoric from President Trump. They've been screamed at, spit on, and assaulted. Homes, businesses, and cars vandalized with slurs. Small children stabbed. An 89-year-old grandmother set on fire amid this rising culture of hate. This is not who we are. For nearly two centuries, Asian Americans have made our country strong–from the gold miners and railroad and factory workers who helped to power our rise; to the scientists, architects, artists, and entrepreneurs who are helping to drive us forward now. For years, their courage, sacrifices, and success have powered the American Dream and helped America stand as a beacon of freedom and hope to the world. President Trump doesn't get that. He has led an assault on our values as a nation of immigrants, even tearing thousands of children from their parents' arms at our border. Hate crimes against people are at a 16-year-high, even before this pandemic. And now, to deflect blame for his failure to protect our nation from this crisis, he insists on calling COVID-19 the "China virus," no matter how many thousands of reported racist incidents against Asian Americans it encourages. Words matter – and a president's words matter even more. As President, I'll defend the American Dream for everyone, so every hardworking family has the same fair shot at prosperity and a better future. I'll stand against racism in every form, directing the Justice Department to prioritize hate crimes, and working to heal the wounds of hatred and division, not fan the flames. Donald Trump knew how deadly COVID-19 was back in January and did nothing to stop it. Now, more than 220,000 Americans are dead. Some 30 million have lost jobs, hours, wages. One in five small businesses have shut down. Trump's failed leadership has tanked our economy – and the longer he's president, the longer it'll take to get it fully up and running again. We're eight months in, but Trump still has no plan. I do. It starts with taking responsibility and doing the hard work to control this pandemic and get our lives back. I'll implement the plan I've laid out since March to beat COVID-19. I'll listen to scientists and experts; protect our families; and make testing, treatment, and any eventual vaccine free and available to everyone. I'll get right to work building our economy back better – getting real relief out to millions of hard-hit small businesses. They're the lifeblood of our communities – but Trump's corrupt recovery passed them by, funneling funds to big corporations instead. Some 75% of Asian-owned small businesses weren't expected to get any first-round stimulus funds at all. It's wrong. I've called for ensuring small businesses with less than 50 employees get new relief funds. And I'll boost their long-term access to credit and capital, and work to ease the language barriers that can hold back immigrant entrepreneurs. Through it all, my economic recovery plan will reward work, not just wealth, creating millions of good paying jobs of the future. Independent economists at Moody's found that my plan creates 7 million more jobs – and $1 trillion more in economic growth – than President Trump's would. And I won't raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000 a year – period. Instead, I'll make sure the super wealthy and big corporations finally pay their fair share. I've fought my whole career for working and middle class families – so many of them hard-working immigrants who came to America in search of a better life. I'll help parents afford a quality education for their kids, boosting teacher pay and making public college free for most families. I'll make it easier to care for aging parents, and make health care more affordable. Trump is in court right now trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, stripping tens of millions of people of health coverage in the middle of a deadly pandemic. It makes no sense. Meanwhile, COVID-19 is proof that the United States can't isolate itself from the world. We have to work with other nations to meet global challenges that impact us all, starting by rebuilding our relationships with our closest partners. We're a Pacific power, and we'll stand with friends and allies to advance our shared prosperity, security, and values in the Asia-Pacific region. That includes deepening our ties with Taiwan, a leading democracy, major economy, technology powerhouse – and a shining example of how an open society can effectively contain COVID-19. And our approach to China will focus on boosting American competitiveness, revitalizing our strengths at home, and renewing our alliances and leadership abroad. We'll work to collaborate with China when it's in our interest, including on public health and climate change. America has always led the world not only with the example of our power, but the power of our example. To truly do that again, we also have to fix our broken immigration system, keeping families together and ensuring the United States continues to draw the world's best and brightest. I'm running to build America back better, as a country of opportunity, unity, and new beginnings. A place made strong by generations of immigrants. A place where everyone has a voice and every vote counts. I'll lead on these issues, and more importantly, I'll listen. So please make sure you get your vote in today. Together we'll restore the soul of this nation we love. #福編編譯? (編譯個鬼,是世界日報了不起! 大內宣與遍地綠媒鬼遮眼)
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