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  • Frame 221: 495 bytes on wire (3960 bits), 495 bytes captured (3960 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: IntelCor_ae:3e:31 (7c:7a:91:ae:3e:31), Dst: c2:c9:76:be:3a:cf (c2:c9:76:be:3a:cf) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 7502, Dst Port: 80, Seq: 7875, Ack: 165812, Len: 441 Source Port: 7502 Destination Port: 80 [Stream index: 1] [TCP Segment Len: 441] Sequence number: 7875 (relative sequence number) [Next sequence number: 8316 (relative sequence number)] Acknowledgment number: 165812 (relative ack number) 0101 .... = Header Length: 20 bytes (5) Flags: 0x018 (PSH, ACK) Window size value: 65280 [Calculated window size: 65280] [Window size scaling factor: -1 (unknown)] Checksum: 0xaf66 [unverified] [Checksum Status: Unverified] Urgent pointer: 0 [SEQ/ACK analysis] [Bytes in flight: 1801] [Bytes sent since last PSH flag: 1801] TCP payload (441 bytes) TCP segment data (441 bytes) [2 Reassembled TCP Segments (1801 bytes): #220(1360), #221(441)] Hypertext Transfer Protocol POST /ctno11.jsp?y7bRbp=qpH4ovn25DemhZVQbaohSZmMUj4pKKeHVTkm.jtuq.lhe2Jp7Cqss.aBeBvWZVDIj36PtKnhk0552ERt7ZKIpczGjk3OP9J3pSMZVP_M9eDV.YUWlgDKe6DpZqI0.dUMN_7wZPDKkGCyx4rR HTTP/1.1\r\n Host: railway.hinet.net\r\n Connection: keep-alive\r\n Content-Length: 379\r\n Cache-Control: max-age=0\r\n Origin: http://railway.hinet.net\r\n Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36\r\n Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8\r\n Referer: http://railway.hinet.net/check_ctno1.jsp\r\n Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9,zh-TW;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7\r\n [truncated]Cookie: FSSBBIl1UgzbN7N80S=S2E38uJ3Ctw62kIWWoWCCmkrN1IURteK4kNp5_2oAex88dtF7eGhl7nN5vJrqZ_8; JSESSIONID=cygJ+3652604395-7W2KnaNBzjmWMJxMJ5r2qw0pLp8R3eEo.Zw65TIO3aDSVh0ubT7aAzCHT73qXdfZQq58cDSxQb4cfZbsN6yLq1tpboHab6Y.oQ96pPbKqg4 \r\n [Full request URI: http://railway.hinet.net/ctno11.jsp?y7bRbp=qpH4ovn25DemhZVQbaohSZmMUj4pKKeHVTkm.jtuq.lhe2Jp7Cqss.aBeBvWZVDIj36PtKnhk0552ERt7ZKIpczGjk3OP9J3pSMZVP_M9eDV.YUWlgDKe6DpZqI0.dUMN_7wZPDKkGCyx4rR] [HTTP request 6/6] [Prev request in frame: 139] [Response in frame: 234] File Data: 379 bytes HTML Form URL Encoded: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Form item: "c1K5tw0w6_" = "Big5-g2ZkpaMbW2YeAhO4gmbaM0L6hjwSOVlkiNIdRBpoSen2azci5XbmOVYDYT_CAq9YsqdV97ClGzHTWLdZMPSBefVdH.Pqb6Ph0N74TydsyoTB6X3xaiBh7pekYJfrAnPc127K1GZnet5ibHkRNaVFPr1da9u5RGTGyE49uzXX5A9L.KdvmZuVn.lzriWox8Nzp25fPlvZBJZCHZX
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  • https://twfinance.online/tw/?cep=12ta03EBg6iSkIs4C_YSQLaFmXf__ygPjvUTYMcnBzOdedoldSOqRcFHECZlaBb7VrUG5fLlPaSWRJVLlydmnqOTqmMaWyf35_gbfrZExeA--wkeyulh64pHGs9Wt4F5B1v-UIpLAFGEJzodvhgRFeKSwcBavTNWlyR0Zw6BLHQxbIgosRI9Zhir3iju5-JnHqSp1s1F0ZB5nifICV2RC3JTrTc_HGr9loj5fpemMZ9Tq4j8CYsjZeP03fTgvzvI5ha_TtVioodOoo2ZEtKXRjmnWp44W744s7_uIshFJEk19ypfzBYQNSn_RhGX0CyD1o9qU1ILVFXoNe_aQ1GAR-bz6L8lSYmlss3qvFoSsz17HeQmCOqgUpM4rJbwQei_uS1C5mDg7GmgqkIE3Lolyg&lptoken=16f537ad5629292b600f&media=group6
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  • 今天 FREE SPEECH MEDIA 2022.10.22 Sayy 事实是 注射(新冠) 下午5:02,疫苗会缩短你的寿命
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  • The following statement of the Wuhan nurse: Don’t go out, don’t go to parties, don’t eat out, there are 98.000 infected not 2.700, sensationaly transmitted by the Macedonian media outlet Republika.
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    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • Exclusive! America does want a war, but it needs China to be blamed for it. Here's the story. Many people around the world are wondering why there's been so many negative news stories about China in recent years. We're told the Chinese have killed Hong Kong, a genocide in Xinjiang, and are about to invade Australia. But none of that is remotely fair as a portrayal of what's really happening. So what's the deal? My colleague Phil Hines and I have found answers to that question. By putting the media aside, we've been talking to and studying the views of diplomats, strategists and other people in the know. We've just published a pair of reports giving the real story. US military strategists have realised that it's now inevitable that Asia will be the economic centre of the world. Given the speed of growth here, China's primacy can no longer be prevented. The West is desperate to win the 21st century. So America has been working to unite the world against China using disinformation, NGOs and the media. So, for example, the US is endlessly provoking China over Taiwan, and the media is writing it up as China being aggressive. In 2019, America tried everything it could to make the PLA take control of Hong Kong, but China refused to take the bait. This year, the US is using Taiwan to do the exact same trick. We have quotes in our reports from several sources, including from the US. For now, China appears to be following the advice of Laozi. To make muddy water settle into clear water, the only tool you need is patience. Peace.
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • Exclusive, America does want a war, but it needs China to be blamed for it. Here's the story. Many people around the world are wondering why there's been so many negative news stories about China in recent years. We're told that Chinese have killed Hong Kong, a genocide in Xinjiang, and are about to invade Australia. But none of that is remotely fair as a portrayal of what's really happening. So what's the deal? My colleague Phil Hines and I have found answers to that question. By putting the media aside, we've been talking to and studying the views of diplomats, strategists and other people in the know. We've just published a pair of reports giving the real story. US military strategists have realised that it's now inevitable that Asia will be the economic centre of the world. Given the speed of growth here, China's primacy can no longer be prevented. The West is desperate to win the 21st century. So America has been working to unite the world against China using disinformation, NGOs and the media. So for example, the US is endlessly provoking China over Taiwan, and the media is writing it up as China being aggressive. In 2019, America tried everything it could to make the PLA take control of Hong Kong, but China refused to take the bait. This year, the US is using Taiwan to do the exact same trick. We have quotes in our reports from several sources, including from the US. For now, China appears to be following the advice of Lao Tzu. To make muddy water settle into clear water, the only tool you need is patience. Peace.
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前