
1 人回報1 則回應5 年前

關注香港,關注蘇丹,蘇丹自去年12月開始和平抗爭,總統巴席爾(Omar al-Bashir)在四月被成功罷黜,然而卻被軍方掌權,公民慘遭軍隊血腥鎮壓,至今已500多人死,無數人失蹤,6歲女孩被10名男性強姦,女性被集體強暴,男性也被性暴力所害。





1. 轉發這張藍色蘇丹女性流淚頭像
2. 連署要求聯合國對蘇丹軍方鎮壓展開調查:https://www.change.org/p/antónio-guterre⋯ons-in-sudan-by-the-military?signed=true
3. 到GoFundMe群眾集資網捐款支持:https://www.gofundme.com/emergency-medical-aid-for-sudan
4. 捐款給Save The Children, UNICEF, 及以下臉書網頁
Food & Medicine for Sudan

"I'm writing this heartbroken.
The western media is failing to inform people of what is happening in Sudan, I am struggling to get my head around it and find enough information about what's happening.
Please do your research, awful things are happening.

A 6-year-old girl was raped by 10 men.
523 people have been killed.
723 people have been injured.
650 innocent people have been arrested.
48 women have been raped.
1000's of people are missing.

If every person can dedicate one post to what is going on in Sudan, we can come together and raise awareness and try to help the poor people going through this.

We are all HUMAN, we need to stick together and love one another, protect one another. This is not acceptable, the lack of media coverage is NOT acceptable!"

7 things you can do right now for Sudan:



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    5 年前


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  • 【請求荷蘭海牙常設仲裁法院調查香港暴警事件】 這是具有法律效力的 麻煩大家協助一下擴散跟連署!! https://www.change.org/p/request-permanent-court-of-arbitration-to-investigate-unlawful-use-of-force-of-hong-kong-police?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_17005953_en-GB%3Av5&recruiter=90670311&recruited_by_id=0040d850-5bec-43c4-8e81-c03a3953c79d&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_message&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=message-17005953-en-GB&share_bandit_var=v0
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/04/24/why-farmed-salmon-is-one-of-the-most-toxic-things-you-can-put-in-your-body/
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 轉~值得參考 儆醒防範 ——- COVID 19 VACCINE WARNING! MARK OF THE BEAST! MANDATED VACCINE+CHIP 疫苗警告!兽印!强制性疫苗+芯片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMc74QpJf04 Watchwoman 2020年2月27日 今天是2020年2月27日。一礼拜之前主赐给我一个很长的梦。我今天在这个视频中,只将重要的一部分发布出来。通过这个梦,我要警告大家,务必抵挡政府要你注射的疫苗,因为那里面结合着一个植入芯片,而且这个疫苗将会在你的手上注射!这个芯片就是那“兽印”! 还有,我们看到有一种防流感的疫苗,也要出来,那是一种严重的流感病毒。 在梦里,有一个邪恶的女人,我已经是个成年人,能够允许她去对我做她要做的事情。她站在我前面,手里拿着一只注射针头,注射管是紫色薰衣草的颜色,里面有液体。她看着我说:“这是为了医治你的焦虑症。”我刚一同意,她立即就给我注射了。然后我感觉自己失去了知觉,无法控制我的身体了。当时我好像半睡半醒的状态,我向下看我的手,上面有两只创可贴,而不是一只创可贴。她说只给我注射一针,为何有两只创可贴呢? 那个梦还在继续,我看到的下一件事就是,我的名字从生命册上被耶稣的眼泪涂抹了。祂的眼泪流到我的名字上,无论我多么努力,我再也无法将我的名字写回去了。 当我醒来以后,就赶紧把这个梦的内容,详细记录下来。我明白了,这是神在提醒我,即将有一种疫苗,与兽印结合在一起,注射进入我们的人体里,而且还要给全世界的人注射。我认为,他们会知道他们自己正在接受一个芯片在手上,但是, 却以某种方式与疫苗相捆绑。有可能是在同一次注射当中植入的,也可能说是为了预防冠状病毒,或者说是预防即将到来的其它的坏病毒。你必须同意和允许他们在你手上植入这个兽印芯片。 当我进行研究的时候,我发现了一些信息。我将链接放在本视频的下方的“Description Box”里面。 有一种东西,叫做“ID 2020”。那是有世界上最富有的人们所计划运行的,包括比尔·盖茨基金会,以及其他世界上最有的钱人。他们企图要让人们接受一种联合疫苗和追踪芯片,称之为“ID 2020”。他们正在世界上的贫穷地区,开始试验这个东西。 就在2月25日,两天前,CDC宣布,他们要开始在美国进行疫苗注射试验,在那些已经患上冠状病毒的人们身上进行。他们表示很高兴地宣布,他们已经有一种疫苗了,他们认为这看起来很好,但我觉得这很奇怪,怎么会这么快,似乎已经早有预备呢?好像他们早就准备要给人们注射这种疫苗了? 如果你感染了冠状病毒,也不要参加任何一种像这样的试验,因为我很清楚,这种疫苗,是以某种方式,与兽印芯片相结合。他们企图植入你的右手上面,或是你的额头上面。 我这是一个严重的警告,接受了他们的兽印的人,再也无法进入天国了!因为在圣经《启示录》13:16中说过:“牠又叫众人,无论大小贫富、自主的、为奴的,都在右手里,或是在额里,受一个印记。”14:9“若有人敬拜兽和兽像,在额里,或手里,受了牠的印记(接受了兽印),这人必喝神大怒的酒;此酒斟在神忿怒的杯中纯一不杂。他要在圣天使和羔羊面前,在火与硫磺之中受痛苦。他们受痛苦的烟往上冒,直到永永远远。有谁敬拜兽和兽像,受牠名之印记的,昼夜不得安宁。” 耶稣很快就要回来了。我向那些没有跟随神的人们发出警告。你们很可能要面对这件事情。那些已经感染了冠状病毒的人们,生病的人们,考虑要接受疫苗试验的人们,要坚定持守你对耶稣基督的信仰,相信圣经,拒绝疫苗和兽印。这是从耶稣而来的强烈警告!而且我已经得到了多个印证,我非常清楚,他们要对我们做什么! 请将此警告,尽可能多地传播出去!愿神祝福你! ——- 在此影片下方有說明 內容如下: (可自行用網路翻譯下文) ID2020 https://id2020.org/alliance https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/big-pharma-microsoft-silicon-valley-id2020-alliance-combine-vaccinations-with-implantable-microchip-digital-id-mark-beast-end-times/ VACCINE plus MICROCHIP https://principia-scientific.org/id2020-alliance-will-combine-vaccinations-implantable-id-microchips/ US COMPANIES RACE TO TEST CORONA VIRUS VACCINE https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/27/investing/coronavirus-vaccine/index.html US VACCINE TRIALS https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/02/25/us-health-officials-say-human-trials-on-coronavirus-vaccine-to-start-in-6-weeks.html
    2 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Presidents have delivered some form of final message while in office, a farewell address to the American people. On Tuesday night in Chicago, I'll deliver mine. I chose Chicago not only because it's my hometown, where I met my wife and we started a family, but also because it's really where my career in public service began. The running thread through my career has been the notion that when ordinary people get involved and get engaged and come together in collective effort, things change for the better. That's the belief at the heart of this precious American experiment in self-government. It's what gives work and purpose to each new generation. It's easy to lose sight of that truth in the day-to-day back-and-forth of Washington or our minute-to-minute news cycles. But remember that America is a story told over a longer time horizon, in fits and starts, punctuated at times by hardship but ultimately written by generations of citizens who've somehow worked together without fanfare to form a more perfect union. Over the past eight years, we've added our own new chapter to that story. Together, we've turned an economy that was shrinking and losing jobs into one that's growing and creating jobs. With poverty falling, incomes rising, Presidents have delivered some form of final message while in office, a farewell address to the American people. On Tuesday night in Chicago, I'll deliver mine. I chose Chicago not only because it's my hometown, where I met my wife and we started a family, but also because it's really where my career in public service began. The running thread through my career has been the notion that when ordinary people get involved and get engaged and come together in collective effort, things change for the better.
    2 人回報1 則回應8 個月前
  • Exclusive! America does want a war, but it needs China to be blamed for it. Here's the story. Many people around the world are wondering why there's been so many negative news stories about China in recent years. We're told the Chinese have killed Hong Kong, a genocide in Xinjiang, and are about to invade Australia. But none of that is remotely fair as a portrayal of what's really happening. So what's the deal? My colleague Phil Hines and I have found answers to that question. By putting the media aside, we've been talking to and studying the views of diplomats, strategists and other people in the know. We've just published a pair of reports giving the real story. US military strategists have realised that it's now inevitable that Asia will be the economic centre of the world. Given the speed of growth here, China's primacy can no longer be prevented. The West is desperate to win the 21st century. So America has been working to unite the world against China using disinformation, NGOs and the media. So, for example, the US is endlessly provoking China over Taiwan, and the media is writing it up as China being aggressive. In 2019, America tried everything it could to make the PLA take control of Hong Kong, but China refused to take the bait. This year, the US is using Taiwan to do the exact same trick. We have quotes in our reports from several sources, including from the US. For now, China appears to be following the advice of Laozi. To make muddy water settle into clear water, the only tool you need is patience. Peace.
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • Exclusive, America does want a war, but it needs China to be blamed for it. Here's the story. Many people around the world are wondering why there's been so many negative news stories about China in recent years. We're told that Chinese have killed Hong Kong, a genocide in Xinjiang, and are about to invade Australia. But none of that is remotely fair as a portrayal of what's really happening. So what's the deal? My colleague Phil Hines and I have found answers to that question. By putting the media aside, we've been talking to and studying the views of diplomats, strategists and other people in the know. We've just published a pair of reports giving the real story. US military strategists have realised that it's now inevitable that Asia will be the economic centre of the world. Given the speed of growth here, China's primacy can no longer be prevented. The West is desperate to win the 21st century. So America has been working to unite the world against China using disinformation, NGOs and the media. So for example, the US is endlessly provoking China over Taiwan, and the media is writing it up as China being aggressive. In 2019, America tried everything it could to make the PLA take control of Hong Kong, but China refused to take the bait. This year, the US is using Taiwan to do the exact same trick. We have quotes in our reports from several sources, including from the US. For now, China appears to be following the advice of Lao Tzu. To make muddy water settle into clear water, the only tool you need is patience. Peace.
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 美國太空總署員工表示, 他們是使用太空總署建議的 【安麗 LOC】以「1:10」濃度 拿來清洗太空梭及所有東西。 這就是表示該產品是【極度安全】的! 這樣,還有什麼安麗產品是需要擔心呢? http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/history/oral_histories/NASA_HQ/Experts/MautnerEM/MautnerEM_3-22-12.htm
    2 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • Dr. Rainer Fülmich, attorney at law in Germany, for an overview. Thank you. Good afternoon. My name is Rainer Fülmich and it is my pleasure to serve as one member of a group of distinguished international attorneys and lawyers who have been collaborating on this very important case for many months now. This case involving the most heinous crimes against humanity committed under the guise of a corona pandemic on a global scale looks complicated only at first glance. But when you put together all those pieces, all those little pieces of the puzzle, as we will do this for you with the help of many renowned experts and other witnesses during this proceeding, you will see four sets of facts. One, there is no corona pandemic but only a PCR plantemic fueled by an elaborate psychological operation designed to create a constant state of panic among the world's population. This agenda has been long planned. It's ultimately unsuccessful. Precursor was the swine flu some 12 years ago and it was cooked up by a group of super rich psychopathic and sociopathic people who hate and fear people at the same time, have no empathy, and are driven by the desire to gain full control over all of us, the people of the world. They are using our governments and the mainstream media, both of which they literally own, to convey their panic propaganda 24-7. Two, the virus itself can be treated safely and effectively with vitamin C, D, zinc, etc. and also with off-label use of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. But all these not alternative methods of treatment but real methods of treatment were banned by those who are using the guise of this plantemic to push their ultimate goal, which is to get everyone to receive the, as we will show in this proceeding, not only ineffective but highly dangerous, yes lethal, experimental injections. Three, the same people who made the swine flu, which ultimately turned out to be a mild flu, into a pandemic 12 years ago by first changing the definition of what a pandemic is and then creating panic created this corona pandemic. The swine flu was their first real attempt at creating a pandemic and just as one of its purposes then was to divert our attention from the blatantly fraudulent activities of their financial industry, more aptly to be called a financial mafia, which had become visible through the Lehman crisis, this is also one of their major purposes of this corona pandemic now. Had we taken a closer look then during the Lehman crisis, instead of blindly believing our government's promises that the perpetrators of those financial crimes will be held liable, we would have seen then that they had been looting and plundering our public coffers for decades and we would have seen that our governments are not our governments anymore, rather they have been taken over by the other side through their main platform, the World Economic Forum, which had started to create their own global leaders through their young global leaders program as early as 1992, two of the first graduates being Angela Merkel and Bill Gates and we would have understood already then what we will show you now through this proceeding. These financial crimes went unchallenged by our politicians because they're aiding and abetting those who commit them and profiting from these crimes. Four, ultimately however we will show to you, the jury, that the other side's main purpose is to gain full and complete control over all of us. This involves the finalization of their looting and plundering by deliberately destroying our small and medium-sized businesses, retail businesses, hotel and restaurants, so that platforms such as Amazon can take over. And this involves population control, which in their view requires both a massive reduction of the population and manipulating the DNA of the remaining population with the help, for example, of mRNA experimental injections. But it also requires, in their view, the deliberate destruction of democracy, of the rule of law and of our constitutions through chaos, so that ultimately we will agree to losing our national and cultural
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • The spike protein is a toxin. It doesn't matter whether it's J&J, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer. They all make your body make a spike protein. That spike protein binds to a tumor suppressor gene family, P53. It also binds to the breast cancer gene BRCA and the ovarian cancer gene BRCA. We know that that spike protein can induce cancer pathways. Period. It's happening. Cancers are on the increase across the board, lymphomas, leukemias, blood cancers, because that spike goes to the bone marrow. The lipid nanoparticle carries the mRNA to your dividing stem cells because it doesn't stay in the arm. It can go into any cell in your body and it turns that cell into a spike factory. It inhibits the ability for your DNA to repair itself. It binds to our mitochondria. It destroys the energy of our brain cells, destroys the energy of our liver cells, destroys the energy of any cell it gets into. Your own immune system attacks those cells. So a lot of people have arthritic pain, muscle pain. It's because those cells are being attacked by your own immune system because they're expressing this foreign spike protein. That spike protein causes mechanisms of cancer in many people. And I've been seeing that in the lab. I've been having it confirmed by oncologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, all around the world as I travel. It is happening. It's on the uptick. Our military database showed it until our Department of Defense illegally froze that database and hit the data. This is a crime against humanity where using a dangerous product on humanity that is harming the human cells, that is harming the human body, that is harming our hormones, that is harming our reproductive organs, that is harming any organ where that protein lands. Period.
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • We learned this morning that the FDA is now saying that it's OK to take ivermectin if you have COVID. I mean, Senator, I remember talking with you repeatedly during COVID about your upset that you were they were trying to cancel you because you were talking to doctors to try to find out the right ways to treat COVID without having to get too many boosters and COVID shots. My COVID was gone in a day when I took ivermectin. And now three years later, the FDA says, oh, yeah, that's fine. Take ivermectin. What? Maria, you know, the doctors I've been dealing with and talking to for years now, they believe that probably hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives because they were denied really treatment. And they were denied it because the FDA sabotaged, for example, ivermectin. They said, come on, y'all, you're not a cow, you're not a horse. This is supposedly horse medicine. No, this is a Nobel Prize-winning medicine that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It did save many, many lives because people you did have doctors with the courage to and the compassion to actually treat patients using it and putting at risk their medical license. But unfortunately, you say, what can we do? Well, we do have reporters like yourself like John Solomon, other people that have the courage to report the truth against the mainstream media and against the narrative. But that's the only way this is going to be solved is we need the truth to be exposed. We need more Americans to listen to the truth, to be exposed to the truth, to pull their heads out in the sand, quite honestly, open up their eyes and understand what is happening in this country. We are going down a very dangerous path, but it's a path that is being laid out and planned by an elite group of people that want to take total control over our lives. And that's what they're doing bit by bit. They do it by increasing massive government spending, increase the size of government, take over of the who, these amendments that are coming up that are going to be voted on in 2024, the who are frightening and they really risk taking away all of our sovereignty. People have to awaken to the dangers of the moment.
    2 人回報1 則回應9 個月前