
1 人回報7 個月前
《Shanna Shannon - Kulihat Ibu Pertiwi》

Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Sedang bersusah hati
Air matanya berlinang
Emas intannya terkenang

Hutan, gunung, sawah, lautan
Simpanan kekayaan
Kini ibu sedang lara
Merintih dan berdoa

Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Kami datang berbakti
Lihatlah, putra-putrimu
Menggembirakan ibu

Ibu, kami tetap cinta
Putramu yang setia
Menjaga harta pusaka
Untuk nusa dan bangsa

Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Sedang bersusah hati
Air matanya berlinang
Emas intannya terkenang

Hutan, gunung, sawah, lautan
Simpanan kekayaan
Kini ibu sedang lara
Merintih dan berdoa

Menjaga harta pusaka
Untuk nusa dan bangsa
I see motherland
Having a hard time
Her tears are flowing
Remember the gold diamonds

Forest, mountains, rice fields, ocean
Wealth Savings
Now mother is in pain
Moaning and praying

I see motherland
We come to worship
Look, your daughters
Cheer up mom

Mom, we still love
Your faithful son
Protecting the heirloom
For the homeland and nation

I see motherland
Having a hard time
Her tears are flowing
Remember the gold diamonds

Forest, mountains, rice fields, ocean
Wealth Savings
Now mother is in pain
Moaning and praying

Protecting the heirloom
For the homeland and nation





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