
3 人回報2 年前
It's all red? Take it off? I'm sorry, I have to play it.




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  • 大家好。 早安。 你冷嗎? 不。 我看見你做這個。 雖然是70度。 這是我第一次在這裡。 我很緊張。 你緊張的時候,你去法庭? 對,這是我第一次。 這是你第一次在法庭? 對。 到現在,你還好嗎? 到現在。 對。 我覺得今天是夜店日, 法官 Quinn。 Janelle has four overnight parking tickets all at the same location. So, what do you want to tell me about these, Janelle? I just want to know if I'm able to pay in October because I start my job on October 5th and my card isn't registered, so I wasn't able to get the permit sticker yet because my card gets registered in November. What do you do for work? Are you working? No, not yet. I'm going to be working at St. Tanner's on October 5th. And what did you do? What was your last job? Walmart. You worked at Walmart? Yeah. You're in sales. Are you a good salesperson? Yeah. You're going to work at a bank now, huh? At St. Tanner? Yes. Yeah. You're going to be what? You're going to be chief operating officer? What are you going to do? I'm customer service, taking... See, she's a good person. All of a sudden, we're going to have to smile, Inspector Quinn. Smile a little more and give me the keys to the vault. Let's work on that one. All right. These overnight parking tickets, is this because you did not have a parking spot? Is that an area where you live? Yeah, it's very full, so I have to park outside on the streets. Do you have a parking spot now? No, once I get my card registered, I'm going to get the ticket for it. The fines are $200 now because they all tripled. I'm going to fine you $20. I'm going to fine you for one of these tickets. And I'm going to give you all the time you need to pay it. I mean, who do you live with? You live with your parents, you live alone, you live with... It's just me and my daughter. We rent a place. Your daughter? You have a young daughter? How old is she? Ten months. Ten months? It's just you and she? Yeah. Oh. What's her name? Camila. We can't let you pay $20 because then, I don't know, maybe when you go home tonight, you need some food for the baby and if you pay $20 here, maybe you won't be able to afford the food, so I'm not going to do that. We have to take the baby into consideration in respect to Camila. And right now, she's like between a rock and a hard place. She wants to buy the parking passes. She can't because the registry isn't accommodating those right now. Right? And she's looking to do that. And she doesn't have a job, but she's got a little baby. So, when I can't take care of a ten-month-old child, I know I can't do that. There are a whole bunch of things you can do. You have nothing. Nothing. Your story really touches me. You only have one child. I guess you have a lot of challenges being a single mom. What is the biggest challenge? Taking care of the baby the whole night. You're dedicated to the baby. There are a lot of generous people in this country. We are on social media, and we are on television, and people throughout the world see what happens in this courtroom. And they send in contributions voluntarily and ask me to give them to people, I think, to use them toward people who I think are worthy, and you certainly are. So, I have a gentleman actually from Eustis, Florida, by the name of Gary Ashcraft. He sent in $25 and said, please use this to help a single mom who's doing everything she can to help her children. That's you. So, I'm going to use that $25 to pay for your ticket. But I'm going to do a little bit more than that. I mean, since you came in broke today, there are an awful lot of people who send in some money here. So, I don't want you leaving here today and not having enough money to take care of your baby. So, I am going to, with the generosity of people from throughout the country who have sent in cash, I am going to give you $50 in cash for you to use to take care of your baby. Thank you. And you put that to good use. Thank you so much. Anything you want to say to the person who sent in that money? I'll always say thank you so much, and I really do appreciate it.
    4 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Welcome to America's Got Talent. Thanks. Who are you? My name's Ethan Jan. I'm from Redlands, California. How old are you? I'm 17 years old. 17 years old. So you're in school? Yeah, I'm a junior in high school. And what do you want to be when you grow up? I actually don't really have much of an idea. Well, what are you going to do for us? Just going to do a quick Rubik's Cube act. You make it sound so much more exciting than it actually is. Do you think you can win this contest? Hmm. Well, that's the spirit. Yeah. Okay. I cannot wait to see what you're going to do right here. Thanks. Go ahead, buddy. So judges, may I please come down to the front desk over there? Please. The front desk? We're not checking you out. Or desk. Do you want to talk to the concierge? All right. So in front of the four of you, there's a Rubik's Cube. Could all of you please scramble them up as much as you would like? Like whatever we want? Yes. Okay. You know what I used to do when I couldn't figure it out? I would take all the stickers off and re-stick them. All right. Now that these Rubik's Cubes are all scrambled up, I'm going to do something a little bit fun. What's the next level? Upstairs. He's a genius. Howie, that's what he is. When I met you, you were not very excited for what you were going to do. Oh, no. I was like so excited. I was just a little bit nervous at the same time. I wasn't sure how to act. Yeah. Now you're transforming in front of us. And that was amazing. That was flawless. It was super fun. It was showmanship as well. It doesn't in theory sound super exciting, but this was so incredible. I mean, again, I don't think that there's a human inside of you. Probably a robot. I don't know. Because your eyes were like. It was incredible. You've just done. Incredible. What you did was truly amazing. And I love how you underplayed it. And then you just dazzled us. So we are going to vote. I would like to start off with the first yes. We love being surprised. That was a big surprise the whole time. And that's why you've now got four yeses. How do you feel right now? I'm just really happy to have gotten four yeses. That was really unexpected. Well, you deserve it. You deserve it. You did such a great job, my man. Absolutely incredible.
    4 人回報2 則回應2 年前
  • Hi guys, so just a quick update from me. For those of you who don't know me, my name's John, I'm a funeral director based in Milton Keynes. I run a funeral home called Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, and this time it is the 6th of December 2021. So what we're seeing is a large number, an unnaturally large number of deaths due to heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, and these are all as a direct result of thrombosis, embolisms in the lungs, the legs, various places that's causing these deaths. These are well documented by the local coroners, these are well documented, you know, across the country. And now I've seen more this year than I have in the previous 14, to give you an idea. I've written to the Chief Coroner of England, he isn't concerned. I've had no response for weeks and weeks, and then I've had an email from his secretary saying he's not interested. So we're seeing those deaths. The other type of death that I'm seeing, which is more distressing for me personally, is people who are getting sick now as their immune systems finally give up. So they've had the jabs maybe six, eight months ago, and it's been eaten away at their immune system, and now they're struggling to fight off things like the common cold. So we're in winter, and as you'll be aware, there are colds and flus about at this time of the year. These people can't fight it off, and the government are very quick to label it Omnichron, a new variant. You know, and they are sick, but they're sick with basic things like the common cold. Their immune systems are decimated, and if you think about it logically, much like, for example, a cancer patient. So when you get a cancer patient and they're on chemotherapy, it decimates their immune system, and one of the things that they have to be extremely careful of is because they've got no immune system, a basic common cold or a flu can kill them. And this is what we're seeing now in these jab recipients across up and down the country. They're becoming extremely ill, really, really ill. For example, I've got a couple of friends, I've known them for a long time, very intelligent guy, logical thinker, him and his wife are both in jabs. He's had one, he's had both. He's bitterly desperate now, he's desperate to get the booster because he feels so terribly ill, he thinks that will make him feel better. You know, what do you say to these people because they just won't? I'll try to explain. This is what is killing you. This is killing you. It's damaging your immune system. All you've got is a common cold. And I said to him, look, I will come over, I'll bring you whatever you need. I will kiss you on the lips because I'm in no danger of falling sick because I have an immune system that's protecting me as a guy who hasn't been jabbed. These people, you know, it was well documented on the Georgia guide stones and other places what would happen. These people are going to willingly walk over the cliff begging for more. This is why, it's because these jabs are decimating your immune system. The other type are the blood clots that are quick killers and we've seen plenty of those as well. So please, please, please, don't take any more of these jabs. It's killing you. It's killing you. And lining up for more jabs when you're desperately ill already isn't the answer. It really isn't the answer. Take a step back. Just look a little bit deeper than the BBC and Google are telling you. The jabs are what are making you ill. The Omicron is vaccine injury. They're nothing more than that. Will you believe it? I really don't know. I really don't know. Time will tell, I guess. Time will tell. But that's where we are in December of 2021. We're exactly where the scientists told me we would be. Sadly. I just hope that people listen. I hope that people listen because if they don't, they're going to get sick and they're going to die. That's the reality. You will die if you keep taking these jabs. And you know, bless you, bless you. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Never a true word spoken.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Mr. Borla, can I ask you, when did you know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission? How long did you know that without saying it publicly? Thank you very much. I'm sorry. Answer that question. I mean, we now know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission, but why did you keep it secret? You said it was 100% effective, then 90%, then 80%, then 70%. But we now know that the vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that secret? Have a nice day. I won't have a nice day until I know the answer. Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission? Is it time to apologize to the world, sir? To give refunds back to the countries that poured all their money into your vaccine that doesn't work, your ineffective vaccine? Are you not ashamed of what you've done in the last couple of years? Do you have any apologies to the public, sir? Are you proud of it? You've made millions on the backs of people's entire livelihoods. How does that feel to walk the streets as a millionaire on the backs of the regular person at home in Australia, in England, in Canada? What do you think about on your yacht, sir? What do you think about on your private jet? Are you worried about product liability? Are you worried about myocarditis? What about the sudden deaths? What do you have to say about young men dropping dead of heart attacks every day? Why won't you answer these basic questions? No apologies, sir. Do you think you should be charged criminally for some of the criminal behaviour you've obviously been a part of? How much money have you personally made off the vaccine? How many boosters do you think it'll take for you to be happy enough with your earnings? Nothing. Who did you meet with here in secret? Will you disclose who you met with? Who did you pay commissions to? In the past, Pfizer has paid $2.3 billion in fines for deceptive marketing. Have you engaged in that same conduct again? Are you under investigation like you were before for your deceptive marketing, sir? If any other product in the world doesn't work as promised, you get a refund. Should you not refund to countries that laid out billions for your ineffective vaccine? Are you used to only sympathetic media so you don't know how to answer any questions?
    4 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • I really do believe that the federal government is captured. It's captured by corporate interests. The entire U.S. population as well as the world has to understand they can no longer take these COVID vaccines. These are they are toxic and lethal to and ineffective that they have completely failed. They can only be viewed as harmful and they need to be stopped. And does it damage the brain? You bet it does. Does it damage the heart? Yes. The liver? Yes. The bone marrow? Yes. It causes all sorts of harm in the human body. We should have stopped this before it ever started. It's a misinformation from the CDC, the FDA, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the American College of OBGYN, the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine. It's a misinformation from those organizations that is causing a lot of death and injury in my women of reproductive age, my pregnant women and my pre-born babies. And it's gotta stop and it's gotta stop now. And for the vaccines broadly, we have no idea what's going to happen long term now that they're in the body. Studies suggest that the vaccines and the spike protein that's produced from them never leaves the human body. The first and most important thing, don't take any more vaccines. Don't take any more boosters. Do not take any more of these dangerous experimental therapies.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Mr. Borla, can I ask you, when did you know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission? How long did you know that without saying it publicly? Thank you very much. I'm sorry. I mean, we now know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission, but why did you keep it secret? You said it was 100 percent effective, then 90 percent, then 80 percent, then 70 percent, but we now know that the vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that secret? Have a nice day. I won't have a nice day until I know the answer. Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission? Is it time to apologize to the world, sir, to give refunds back to the countries that poured all their money into your vaccine that doesn't work, your ineffective vaccine? Yeah, you have to go around. Are you not ashamed of what you've done in the last couple of years? Do you have any apologies to the public, sir? Are you proud of it? You've made millions on the backs of people's entire livelihoods. How does that feel to walk the streets as a millionaire on the backs of the regular person at home in Australia, in England, in Canada? What do you think about on your yacht, sir? What do you think about on your private jet? Are you worried about product liability? Are you worried about myocarditis? What do you have to say about young men dropping dead of heart attacks every day? Why won't you answer these basic questions? No apologies, sir. Do you think you should be charged criminally for some of the criminal behavior you've obviously been a part of? How much money have you personally made off the vaccine? How many boosters do you think it'll take for you to be happy enough with your earnings? Nothing? Who did you meet with here in secret? Will you disclose who you met with? Who did you pay commissions to? In the past, Pfizer has paid $2.3 billion in fines for deceptive marketing. Have you engaged in that same conduct again? Are you under investigation like you were before for your deceptive marketing, sir? If any other product in the world doesn't work as promised, you get a refund. Should you not refund to countries that laid out billions for your ineffective vaccine? Are you used to only sympathetic media so you don't know how to answer any questions? Shame on you, sir. Shame on you. That's Albert Buller, the boss of Pfizer.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Mr. Borla, can I ask you, when did you know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission? How long did you know that without saying it publicly? Thank you very much. I'm sorry. I mean, we now know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission, but why did you keep it secret? You said it was 100% effective, then 90%, then 80%, then 70%. But we now know that the vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that secret? To have a nice day. I won't have a nice day until I know the answer. Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission? Is it time to apologize to the world, sir, to give refunds back to the countries that poured all their money into your vaccine that doesn't work, your ineffective vaccine? Yeah, you have a little bit around. Are you not ashamed of what you've done in the last couple years? Do you have any apologies to the public, sir? Are you proud of it? You've made millions on the backs of people's tire livelihoods. How does that feel to walk the streets as a millionaire on the backs of the regular person at home in Australia, in England, in Canada? What do you think about on your yacht, sir? What do you think about on your private jet? Are you worried about product liability? Are you worried about myocarditis? What do you have to say about young men dropping dead of heart attacks every day? Why won't you answer these basic questions? No apologies, sir. Do you think you should be charged criminally for some of the criminal behaviour you've obviously been a part of? How much money have you personally made off the vaccine? How many boosters do you think it'll take for you to be happy enough with your earnings? Nothing? Who did you meet with here in secret? Will you disclose who you met with? Who did you pay commissions to? In the past, Pfizer has paid $2.3 billion in fines for deceptive marketing. Have you engaged in that same conduct again? Are you under investigation like you were before for your deceptive marketing, sir? If any other product in the world doesn't work as promised, you get a refund. Should you not refund to countries that laid out billions for your ineffective vaccine? Are you used to only sympathetic media so you don't know how to answer any questions? Shame on you, sir. Shame on you. That's Albert Buller, the boss of Pfizer.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Mr. Borla can I ask you when did you know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission? How long did you know that without saying it publicly? Thank you very much. I'm sorry that question. I mean we we now know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission but why did you keep it secret? You said it was 100% effective then 90% then 80% then 70% but we now know that the vaccines do not trans stop transmission. Why did you keep that secret? Have a nice day. I won't have a nice day until I know the answer. Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission? Is it time to apologize to the world sir to give refunds back to the countries that poured all their money into your vaccine that doesn't work your ineffective vaccine? Yeah you have a little bit around it. Are you not ashamed of what you've done in the last couple years? Do you have any apologies to the public sir? Are you proud of it? You've made millions on the backs of people's entire livelihoods. How does that feel to walk the streets as a millionaire on the backs of the regular person at home in Australia, in England, in Canada? What do you think about on your yacht sir? What do you think about on your private jet? Are you worried about product liability? Are you worried about myocarditis? What do you have to say about young men dropping dead of heart attacks every day? Why won't you answer these basic questions? No apologies sir. Do you think you should be charged criminally for for some of the criminal behavior you've obviously been a part of? How much money have you personally made off the vaccine? How many boosters do you think it'll take for you to be happy enough with your earnings? Nothing? Who did you meet with here in secret? Will you disclose who you met with? Who did you pay commissions to? In the past Pfizer has paid 2.3 billion dollars in fines for deceptive marketing. Have you engaged in that same conduct again? Are you under investigation like you were before for your deceptive marketing sir? If any other product in the world doesn't work as promised you get a refund. Should you not refund to countries that laid out billions for your ineffective vaccine? Are you used to only sympathetic media so you don't know how to answer any questions? Is that it? Very smart come on upstairs. Shame on you sir. Shame on you. That's Albert Buller the boss of Pfizer.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Okay, I'm just going to stand here and take this all in 40 years not letting go of this. So just quickly, thank you Hollywood Foreign Press for giving me this honor. It's been an amazing journey and incredible fight to be here today. But I think it's been worth it. I remember when I first came to Hollywood. It was a dream come true until I got here because look at this face. I came here and was told you're a minority and I'm like, no, that's not possible. And then someone said to me, you speak English. I mean, forget about them not knowing Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Asia, India. And then I said, yeah, the flight here was about 13 hours long. So I learned. As time went by, as I just turned, I turned 60 last year. And I think all of you women understand this as the days, the years and the numbers get bigger, it seems like opportunities start to get smaller as well. And I probably was at a time where I thought, well, hey, come on, girl, you had a really, really good run. You worked with some of the best people, Steven Spielberg, Jim Cameron and Danny Boyle. And so it's good. It's all good. Then along came the best gift, everything, everywhere. All at once. Shut up, please. I can beat you up, okay? And that's serious. And I thank you, A24, Leyline, for believing in these two goofy, insanely smart, wonderful geniuses, the Daniels, who had the courage, who had the courage to write about a very ordinary immigrant, aging woman, mother, daughter, who was the worst thing trying to do her audit. She was being audited by the IRS, played by the most amazing Jamie Lee Curtis. I love you. I was given this gift of playing this woman who resonated so deeply with me and with so many people, because at the end of the day, in whatever universe she was at, she was just fighting, fighting for love, for her family. And without Evelyn Wong was no one without Kee Kwe Kwan, Raymond Wong, and there was no joy in her life without Stephanie Hsu, the most amazing Stephanie Hsu, and my hard dog lover, Jamie Lee Curtis. To Jonathan Wong, my producer, thank you for being there with us every step of the way. My managers, David Unger and Kit Wong, who believed in me. And this is also for all the shoulders that I stand on, all who came before me, who looks like me, and all who are going on this journey with me forward. So thank you for believing in us. Thank you. Thank you so much.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • We learned this morning that the FDA is now saying that it's OK to take ivermectin if you have COVID. I mean, Senator, I remember talking with you repeatedly during COVID about your upset that you were they were trying to cancel you because you were talking to doctors to try to find out the right ways to treat COVID without having to get too many boosters and COVID shots. My COVID was gone in a day when I took ivermectin. And now three years later, the FDA says, oh, yeah, that's fine. Take ivermectin. What? Maria, you know, the doctors I've been dealing with and talking to for years now, they believe that probably hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives because they were denied really treatment. And they were denied it because the FDA sabotaged, for example, ivermectin. They said, come on, y'all, you're not a cow, you're not a horse. This is supposedly horse medicine. No, this is a Nobel Prize-winning medicine that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It did save many, many lives because people you did have doctors with the courage to and the compassion to actually treat patients using it and putting at risk their medical license. But unfortunately, you say, what can we do? Well, we do have reporters like yourself like John Solomon, other people that have the courage to report the truth against the mainstream media and against the narrative. But that's the only way this is going to be solved is we need the truth to be exposed. We need more Americans to listen to the truth, to be exposed to the truth, to pull their heads out in the sand, quite honestly, open up their eyes and understand what is happening in this country. We are going down a very dangerous path, but it's a path that is being laid out and planned by an elite group of people that want to take total control over our lives. And that's what they're doing bit by bit. They do it by increasing massive government spending, increase the size of government, take over of the who, these amendments that are coming up that are going to be voted on in 2024, the who are frightening and they really risk taking away all of our sovereignty. People have to awaken to the dangers of the moment.
    2 人回報1 則回應1 年前