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IFC USD recovery

IFC USD RECOVERY說:您好,我們專業從事反詐騙防洗黑錢宣導 法務咨詢 網路安全技術顧問 國際金融貨幣兌換服務 交友網站儲值金幣/點數卡詐騙 網路投資詐騙港股/美股/BTC/泰達幣/USD虛擬幣追回 歡迎咨詢


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  • 6:43 1 〈 81 IFC USD recovery International Finance Corporation 今天 Q 您好,我們專業從事反詐騙防洗黑 錢宣導 法務諮詢 網路安全技術顧 問 國際金融貨幣兌換服務 交友網 站儲值金幣/點數卡詐騙 網路投資 詐騙港股/美股/BTC/泰達幣/USD 虛擬幣追回 歡迎咨詢 4G TF 5:26 =
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Costco 好市多 Costoc 贊助( 好市多購力全開 年末回饋 雅詩蘭黛第七代小棕瓶 買一送一 有效善暗沉淡斑控油 ESTEE AUDER 好市多 線上購物 WHOLESALE ESTEE LAUDER Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Multi-Recovery Complex Complexe multi-réparation synchroniste ESTEE LAUDER ESTEE LAUDER Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Mult-Recovery Complex Complexe mub-néparation synchronisée daer.store 一折搶購 年末犒賞自己、入手耶 誕禮物,怎麼買都划算! DO 499 凸讚 買1送1 特價 NT$1380 留言 瞭解詳情 18則留言 7次分享 分享
    4 人回報1 則回應9 個月前
  • < 台灣反詐...路技術服務 International Finance Corporation 17:27 93 International Finance Corporation & IFC International Finance Corporation &IFC International Finance Corporation 是的 已讀˙可以欄截嗎 15:52 15:52 已讀 15:53 您的受騙資金可以被攔 截下來的金額是: 23000美金 真的是太感謝你們 了… 轉換為新臺幣大約是: 743918臺幣 76 和您的受騙匯款金額有 差是因為詐騙集團在轉 移資金的過程中有貨幣 轉換手續費和匯率差的 產生 15:53 15:54 15:54 已讀是 這個損 ∩ 跳至...的訊息己的 台灣反詐騙網路技術服務:算明白了嗎? + Aa 城知道
    2 人回報1 則回應8 個月前
  • The best part of the day for you from the United Nations Vacation department. We received your leave request, we are working on it. Dr Song Lee is one of the doctors who contract is to be terminated before the end of this month. Before Dr Song Lee started applying for vacation, he already knew once you start the process you will have to send an email of termination of vacation so that we can tear all the documents that have already been signed in. He paid half of the fee for the vacation approval and didn't pay the rest. We sent you an email few days ago to let you know that some of our agents will be coming to Taiwan to look for you because all of your details are with us already. Dr Song Lee said in the paper that he is to complete the payment when he arrived in his destination. Hw only paid 1000 USD which is 30,662 Taiwanese dollars, remaining 1000 USD which is 30,662 Taiwanese dollars. He lied about the money. UN don't collect that kind of money for vacation request. The total feel for vacation request is 2000 USD which is 61,324 Taiwanese dollars. The papers haven't been tore yet. If we wait and he is still unable to pay up the remaining 1000 USD which is 30,662 Taiwanese dollars, we will have no other option than to send some of our agents to Taiwan. It may be embarrassing. Have a nice day.
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 25萬台幣空氣气車 印度TaTa製造來了 https://youtu.be/Yz3MXgk_QjI 三輪氣車 USD.7500
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • 18:45 A contractprolive.top/#/... Chat with us 通常在6分鐘內回覆 在線客服 圖檔期之間可以升級(每位用戶終身只可領取一次履約金) 期權合約結算之前賬戶資產不得低於所預約檔期 合約確立成功以後可相對應的合約獎勵(檔期升級可重複領取) 資產 尊敬的用戶,您好!以上圖片為期權合約內 容: 1萬usd合約名額已滿。 3萬usd合約名額已滿, 5萬usd合約名額僅剩2位。 10萬usd及以上合約的名額僅剩3位。 請問您需要預約哪個檔次的合約名額? 在線客服 您好,好的,馬上為您辦理。 請在此處回覆... 用戶名ID:299 經查詢註冊日期:2024-01-11 賬戶歸屬地:台灣 賬戶狀態正常,已為您登記成功《5萬合約 檔期USD幣本位期權合約》,建約獎勵 5000USD已經成功發放到您的賬戶,請您 在您的賬戶資產查收!一建倉不能取消不能 更改,可升級更高檔期幣本位合約,以最高 檔期的贈送。本交易所會員用戶終身只可申 請一次履約金獎勵,有升級檔期以最高檔期 幣本位合約檔期贈送幣本位合約的截止時 間2024年2月3日24:00分前補齊剩餘的 目 交易 瀏覽器 4G 55 Q 探索 1 預約5萬的合約 Jan 18, 10:37 PM x 設定
    3 人回報1 則回應8 個月前
  • Good day Madam Your details have been confirmed here on our DATABASE. We must inform you that (Dr Song Lee ) is on an important duty holding a profound position in  the ongoing contract as one of our doctors serving in the American hospital in Paris. and he is a very good and gentle person. Before an urgent vacation can be granted he needs a replacement to his duty post  and do also be informed that he is also entitled to  a lifetime pay of pension and doctor's compensation funds which will be paid to you as his  guarantor for security purposes. The reason for payment for the replacement fee is to enable your friend to get his liberty pass out of the doctor's department and enable him to get his urgent leave and replacement for the Doctor coming to take over duties from any personnel going on urgent vacation or retirement.  Below are the replacement fee categories and countries where we have available forms for replacement: 1.United State: $150,000 USD 2.Moscow Russia :$30,000 USD 3.Taiwan:$15,200 USD  The above replacement fees categories are made available for you to choose according to choice made for your friend depending on your capability and expected time to get his name fixed on vacation and  the Pension board on time and to avoid mistakes or miscalculations in replacement expenses as explained above.   We await your response soon. With regards D/R . Department Of  Doctor Observer  & Nurses Personnel In Paris. 
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • welcome! Your financial account has been added. Account: btc668 Password: btc663325 USDT Balance: 2535001.00USDT USD: 2535001.00 Please remember the URL http://usdlio.com usdio is the world’s most popular digital currency trading platform
    3 人回報1 則回應2 個月前
  • 中華電信 〈 TICKMILL TICKMILL TICKMILL TICKMILL25 什麼到現在還① 您好,已經為您查詢,您賬戶 金額超過500000USD,賬戶資 金達到500000的用戶,需繳 納賬戶總金額10%的個稅,個 稅繳納,審核通過,下一個工 作日即可提交出金申請,謝 謝。 您好,經查詢,系統維護升級 完成時,您賬戶總金額為 1071580.35USD,需繳納個稅 共計 107158USD,請聯繫客服 為您獲取最新個稅繳納賬戶, 謝謝。 + O 12:27 296%分 請前天出金- 中文姓名: (china) 性別: (Gender) 總金額: (total amount) 審核人: (reviewer) 公司地址: (company address) 公司名稱: (Company name) 簽署日期: (Signing date) Tickmill Financial servies Ltd 個人所得稅 (Personal Income Tax) 賀照誠 (He Zhaocheng) 帳戶信息: (Account information)銀行代碼:808 (male) |交易帳戶:3987524 銀行名稱:玉山銀行 分行名稱:玉山銀行(北高雄分行) 交易帳戶: (trading account) 帳戶戶名:賀照誠 銀行帳戶:0347966717119 出金金額:10000(USD) (nation) 梁明 (Liang Yong) 1071580.35 (USD) 個人所得所 10% Aa 3987524 帳戶總金額:1071580.35(USD) 107158 (USD) 批准人 (approver) 梁建華 (Liang Jianhua) 香港中環金融街8號國際金融中心二期 (Phase 2. International Finance Center, B Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong) Tickmill UK Limited 2023年10月04日 台灣 (Taiwan) ||| FF 6:25 山 = TF 6:28 2 Q
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 18:44 《 A contractprolive.top/#/... Chat with us 通常在6分鐘內回覆 C 在線客服 coinbasewallet 您好,請問有什麼可以幫助您的? Hello, may I help you? 資產 在線客服 您好,請稍等,馬上為您查詢。 合約金額(USD) 1萬 3萬 5萬 10萬 30萬 50萬 100萬 300萬 500萬 請在此處回覆... 建約獎勵(USD) 贈送履約金(USD) 1000 1888 3000 3888 5000 5888 10000 10888 30000 30888 50000 50888 100000 108888 308888 508888 合約期間每個檔期之間可以升級(每位用戶終身只可領取一次履約金) ●期權合約結算之前賬戶資產不得低於所預約檔期 ●合約確立成功以後可相對應的合約獎勵(檔期升級可重複領取) 目 交易 300000 500000 尊敬的用戶,您好!以上圖片為期權合約內 你好,請問一下現在還有期權合約嗎 Jan 18, 9:33 PM 瀏覽器 4G 56 Q 探索 1 x 設定
    3 人回報2 則回應8 個月前