
5 人回報3 年前
The Dragon Wind in Toronto, Canada, even the four Boeing 747 planes at the airport have been rolled into the sky and the cars are flying all over the sky! Terrible! China National Geographic magazine bought this video for 1 million US dollars, don't miss the opportunity to watch it!
加拿大多伦多的龙卷风,甚至机场的四架波音747飞机都已滚上天空,汽车飞舞着!可怕! 《中国国家地理》杂志以100万美元的价格购买了该录像带,千万不要错过观看它的机会!

Its not a real incident. The scene is from the movie ‘Into the Storm’. The film was released in 2014 and it was produced by ‘Warner Brothers Pictures’. In this film, the devastation caused by a sudden storm in a city named Silverton was shown. The scenes of the viral video have been taken from this film.




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