
1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
China has sought to kill 20,000 coronavirus patients to control the spread of the virus.



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  • China court gave permission to kill 20,000 patients affected with coronavirus.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • A claim has circulated in multiple Facebook, Twitter and YouTube that a "new virus" named hantavirus has emerged in China in March 2020. The posts were viewed hundreds of thousands of times as the world battled the spread of the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 想知道川普的医療團隊如何医治川普的武漢肺炎嗎? 看完底下的解釋, 我才了解他怎麼三天就可出院. 本文是一位我景仰的台大化學系學長范清亮博士所寫, 他在80年代把快速驗孕棒公司賣給Eli Lilly而成名. Politics aside, the treatment President Trump got from his medical team is the best so far. It's very important the kind of drugs they used, the sequence of giving these drugs and the timing of each drug given. (1) They gave him Regeneron's antibody cocktail immediately (within 24 hours of diagnosis) and make his body have the same amount of antibody found in recovered patients. Usually it takes 3-4 days or even longer for a healthy person to start generating some antibodies to fight against virus, with Regeneron's antibody cocktail he has plenty of antibody to fight against/kill the virus immediately; (2) Remdesivir is a drug to block coronavirus to replicate, therefore to prevent the virus count from increasing in the body and make antibody now existed in his body less work to do and can clear the virus sooner; (3) When the body's immune system working hard on fighting virus, it also will cause inflammation, when inflammation is out of control it will damage many organs. On the third day, they gave him Dexamethasone (a steroid used to inhibit inflammation) to control/reduce inflammation. Why the doctors gave him Dexamethasone so early, because he already had enough antibody in his body, he did not completely rely on his own immune system to fight the virus, therefore even steroid also will suppress one's immune function, it is still save to use it on the third day. Remember, the type of drugs and sequence of administering them are critical. I hope FDA can approve the Regeneron's or Eli Lilly's antibody cocktail treatment in next few days, so any high risk patient can have the same treatment President Trump got as soon as possible. P.S. I tried to use common language to explain this complicated scenario, hope it is not so confusing. -- Chris Fan
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Israel DOES NOT use China vaccines at all, but Israel uses only Moderna+Pfizzer vaccines, and that is why Israel has record number of daily cases now, and the number of daily cases in Israel is now higher than before vaccination started, and the vast majority of Israel people have already been vaccinated . The reason for the failure to stop virus spread in Israel and also in Singapore, is because Moderna+Pfizzer vaccines, are NOT EFFECTIVE against the delta variant, and the effectiveness will keep dropping every month. Both Israel and Singapore made the same mistake, of naively and trusting in full, the USA fake news media claim, that wildly overstate the effectiveness of vaccines like Moderna+Pfizzer vaccines, and the same USA fake news media FALSELY CLAIM that China vaccines are not effective, but in the real world, China vaccines turn out to be the most effective, especially against the Delta variant . Click the graph below, and see for yourself, the exploding and record number of daily virus cases in Israel, which uses the moderna and pfizzer vaccines at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/ Now click the graph below, and see for yourself that daily virus cases in China which uses only China vaccines, has already stabilized and life is back to normal since 17 months ago at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/china/ Now click the graph below, and see for yourself that daily virus cases in Bahrain which uses mainly China vaccines, has already stabilized and life is back to normal at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/bahrain/ Now click the graph below, and see for yourself that daily virus cases in Chile which uses mainly China vaccines, has already stabilized and life is back to normal at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/chile/
    1 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • Video of police in China taking into control suspected COVID-19 patients in the country.
    1 人回報2 則回應4 年前
  • I liked this message..makes sense to me As time passes in a pandemic there’s a greater chance of survival for those getting infected 3 months later like June 2020 than those who got infected 3 months earlier say February 2020. The reason for this is that Doctors and scientists know more about Covid-19 now than 3 months ago and hence are able to treat patients better. I will list *5 important things* that we know now that we didn’t know in February 2020 for your understanding. 1. COVID-19 was initially thought to cause deaths due to *pneumonia- a lung infection*- and so Ventilators were thought to be the best way to treat sick patients who couldn’t breathe. *Now we are realising that the virus 🦠 causes blood clots in the blood vessels of the lungs* and other parts of the body and this causes the reduced oxygenation . Now we know that just providing oxygen by ventilators will not help but we have to prevent and dissolve the micro clots in the lungs. This is why we are using drugs like *Asprin and Heparin ( blood thinners that prevents clotting) as protocol in treatment regimens in June 2020. * 2. Previously patients used to drop dead on the road or even before reaching a hospital due to reduced oxygen in their blood- OXYGEN SATURATION. This was because of *HAPPY HYPOXIA*- where even though the oxygen saturation was gradually reducing the COVID-19 patients did not have symptoms until it became critically less, like sometimes even 70%. **Normally we become breathless if oxygen saturation reduces below 90%. **This breathlessness is not triggered in Covid patients and so we we’re getting the sick patients very late to the hospitals in February 2020. Now since knowing about happy hypoxia we are monitoring oxygen saturation of all covid patients *with a simple home use pulse oxymeter and getting them to hospital if their oxygen saturation drops to 93% or less*. This gives more time for doctors to correct the oxygen deficiency in the blood and a better survival chance in June 2020. 3. We did not have drugs to fight the corona virus 🦠 in February 2020. We were only treating the complications caused by it... hypoxia. Hence most patients became severely infected. ```**Now we have 2 important medicines FAVIPIRAVIR & REMDESIVIR**``` Which are ANTIVIRALS that can kill the corona virus 🦠. By using these two medicines we can prevent patients from becoming severely infected and therefore cure them BEFORE THEY GO TO HYPOXIA. This knowledge we have in JUNE 2020... not in February 2020. 4. Many Covid-19 patients die not just because of the virus 🦠 but also due the patients own immune system responding In an exaggerated manner called *CYTOKINE STORM*. This stormy strong 💪 immune response not only kills the virus 🦠 but also kills the patients. In February 2020 we didn’t know how to prevent it from happening. Now in June 2020, we know that *easily available medicines called Steroids,* that doctors around the world have been using for almost 80 years *can be used to prevent the cytokine storm in some patients*. 5. Now we also know that people with hypoxia became better just by making them lie down on their belly- known as prone position. Apart from this a few days ago Israeli scientists have discovered that a chemical known as Alpha Defensin produced by the patients White blood cells can cause the micro clots in blood vessels of the lungs and this could possibly be prevented by a drug called Colchicine used over many decades in the treatment of Gout. So now we know for sure that patients have a better chance at surviving the COVID-19 infection now in June 2020 than in February 2020 for sure. India has not peaked in March or April because of the lockdown. This strategy has postponed the Covid-19 pandemic in INDIA by 3 crucial months that has enabled us to save thousands of lives. Going forward there’s nothing to panic about Covid-19 if we remember that a person who gets infected later has a better chance at survival than one who got infected early. Let’s all follow simple precautions like -6 feet distancing from others -Wear proper masks -Work from home whenever possible -Order delivery and take away of food groceries and vegetables - Stay at home during lockdown - Hand 🤚 wash & hygiene With this we can beat the virus 🦠. If someone tells you every one is going to get infected, tell them that you are willing to wait to be the last person... who knows by then we might even have a VACCINE.
    2 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • The new hospital set up by China for coronavirus patients.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Coronavirus patients in China are being caught by officials on a highway.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Post claimed that the police is capturing coronavirus patients like this in China
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • A recent video of Coronavirus patients at an airport in China and gauge how serious the situation is.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前