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    網民譙邱豐光睜眼説瞎話 警察都被卯腫眼

    世大運開幕被搗亂 邱豐光挨批「狀況外」
    7 年前


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  • 請轉其他群組!催促早日開記者會!陳平和教授(Ping-Ho chen) 所公開要求轉傳的內容:《請儘速召開國際記者會以正視聽》----- 軍公教警消反年改團體應儘速的召開國際記者會,澄清事實,並控訴蔡政府的種種的罪行,才能達到更大的國際控訴,這也是民進黨所怕的事情。 我個人願意站出來上火線,在記者會中以英文陳述軍公教遭受的違憲苦難,並澄清媒體對我們在819世大運活動的栽贓,最後應答外媒問題;但是需要帶頭的本團體或李來希們出面動員組織這次記者會,這是黃金時間,刻不容緩! 台北市警察局局長邱豐光表示: 1.封鎖線並沒有被突破 2.選手走的路線暢通無阻 3.在市警局劃定的意見表達區抗議!!! 但是新聞媒體都說是"暴民突破封鎖線,阻擋選手進場",故意羅織罪名,將軍公教視為暴民!可是對台獨的抗議團體,卻不置一詞。 According to the statement of town marshal of Taipei, Hon-Kun Chiu, there was no any breakthrough of blockades invaded by protesters. The route to march in for all contestant of Universiade 2017 was unobstructed since all protesters were confined in the space of “opinion expressing”. But Taiwan news or media tried to fabricate charges against protesters by reporting that "All protesters behaving as gangsters invaded blockades and thus blocked the way for contestants to march in. “ Indeed, they tried to frame protesters, (especially public servants) up by planting misguided news. However they kept silence without making a comment to the association of “Taiwan Independence” 英國BBC媒體証實了 ,不管反年改團體或台獨團體怎麼吵,都不會阻擋選手進會場動線!選手是從地下一樓進場,而他們在一樓,旁邊還有員警圍著,他們無法接觸到選手;選手從地下一樓上到一樓,覺得抗議很熱鬧,很多人在拍,所以延誤了半小時入場時間。 No matter how tremendous the noise made by protesters, contestants couldn’t be blocked on the way to enter the arena. The entrance route was set up on ground floor rather than the first floor where accumulated protesters were confined by police and thus unable to access contestants. Contestants stepped up to first floor from ground floor for taking pictures due to curiousness and thus delayed half hour to enter the arena. 以上的英文陳述,澄清了新聞媒體對抗議團體羅織的罪名,事實上,並無阻擋選手進場的情事。 #聲明:我沒有任何政治野心,畢竟我已年登古稀,我只想與大家共同出這口怨氣!
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前