
8 人回報3 年前
Good Night




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  • *請記住這幾個器官怕什麼?*🤔 *Please remember what these few organs are afraid of?* 🌱腎:怕熬夜。 Kidney: Afraid to stay up all night. 🌱胃:怕涼 Stomach: Afraid of the cold food. 🌱肺:怕煙 Lung: Afraid of smoke. 🌱肝臟:怕油脂 Liver: Afraid of fatty stuff. 🌱心臟:怕咸 Heart: Afraid of salty food. 🌱胰腺:怕暴飲暴食 Pancreas: Afraid of binge eating. 🌱腸道:怕胡亂吃海鮮(沒戒口) Intestinal: Afraid of eating seafood indiscriminately. 🌱眼睛:怕手機、電腦 Eyes: Afraid of mobile phones and computers screens. 🌱膽囊:怕不吃早餐 Gallbladder: Afraid of not eating breakfast. 🍀所以,請善待自己! So please take real good care of yourself! 🍀因為:零件不好配。 🍀Because spare parts may not fit. 🍀而且很貴!也不一定有貨! 🍀They are very expensive and not necessarily in stock.
    1 人回報1 則回應6 年前
  • 來自盧達輝警司的告示: 請不要發送早安祝福的圖片或影片。  請閱讀上海國際新聞來自中國的這一警告,向所有用戶發出緊急求救信息(這是第三次提醒),專家建議:請不要發送早安,晚安,或任何有趣的節日問候圖片和影片等。報導指出,中國的黑客已經設計出了完美的圖片和影片來隱藏他們內部的網絡釣魚代碼,當所有人轉發這些圖片時,他們都會竊取您設備上的個人信息。據報導,已經有超過50萬的受害者被騙了。如果您想互相問候,請輸入您自己的文字信息,以保護自己,並保護您的家人和朋友。  (很重要)。刪除所有以前和以後的賀卡設計,為了您自己的安全,圖片和朋友的圖片,以避免黑客的網絡釣魚。它們包含嵌入式“GIF”程序,竊取您的個人信息,信用卡號碼和PIN碼。互相打招呼,使用文字或完全自製的圖片,視頻。自己創造的材料才是安全的。 請轉發給你的聯繫人,這樣你就不會繼續收到預先製作的白天和早上的問候圖片! Notice from Superintendent Ludacre: Please do not send good morning pictures or videos. Please read this warning from China in Shanghai International News and send an urgent SOS message to all users (this is the third reminder) Expert advice: Please do not send good morning, good night, or any interesting holiday greetings pictures and videos. According to the report, hackers in China have designed perfect pictures and videos to hide their internal Internet fishing codes, When everyone retweets these images, they will steal personal information from your device. It is reported that more than half a million victims have been deceived. If you want to greet each other, please enter your own text message to protect yourself and your family and friends. Very important. Remove all previous and future card designs for your own security, pictures and pictures of friends to avoid hackers on the Internet fishing. They contain embedded GIF programs that steal your personal information, credit card numbers, and PIN numbers. Greeting each other, using text or completely homemade pictures, videos. The material that you create is safe. Please forward to your contacts, so you wont continue to receive pre-made pictures of the morning and daytime greetings!
    2 人回報3 則回應7 年前
  • And I love you so. The people ask me how, how I've lived till now. I tell them I don't know. I guess they understand how lonely life has been. But life began again the day you took my hand. And yes, I know how lonely life can be. The shadows follow me, and the night won't set me free. But I don't let... Now that you're alive and you love me too, your thoughts are just for me. You set my spirit free, I'm happy that you do. The book of life is brief, once the page is read. All but life is dead, that is my belief. And yes, I know how lonely life can be. The shadows follow me, and the night won't set me free. Evening get me down, now that you're around.
    2 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • Costco 好市多 Costoc 贊助( 好市多購力全開 年末回饋 雅詩蘭黛第七代小棕瓶 買一送一 有效善暗沉淡斑控油 ESTEE AUDER 好市多 線上購物 WHOLESALE ESTEE LAUDER Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Multi-Recovery Complex Complexe multi-réparation synchroniste ESTEE LAUDER ESTEE LAUDER Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Mult-Recovery Complex Complexe mub-néparation synchronisée daer.store 一折搶購 年末犒賞自己、入手耶 誕禮物,怎麼買都划算! DO 499 凸讚 買1送1 特價 NT$1380 留言 瞭解詳情 18則留言 7次分享 分享
    4 人回報1 則回應9 個月前
  • Good
    1 人回報1 則回應8 年前
  • Good Morning
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  • Good morning
    2 人回報1 則回應5 年前
    3 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • GOOD MORNING world ASK animation
    1 人回報1 則回應7 個月前
  •  Good morning.  ∧_∧∩ミ (`・ω・´)つ ┳∪┳―┳―┳―┳
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前