
2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
#素食謬誤 之 #雞蛋不是素食 無論有無受精

1971年美國科學家Philip J. Scamble 及美國密歇根大學證明無論有無受精,雞蛋裡都有雞的生命。
According to the famous American scientist Mr. Philip J. Scamble, no egg is without life in it. The scientists at Michigan University in America have proven it beyond doubt that no egg – fertile or infertile – is without life (inanimate).

Source: The Ugly True of Science

For Those People who Think "EGGS" are Vegetarian !!

The Figure Given below shows clearly the Internal, Complex structure of the Egg. It is so Complex that man cannot construct it Despite his best Efforts !!

Yolk forms the major bulk of an Egg. Cytoplasm found in the blasto germinal disc has life in it. This is not just an Imagination but a Solid fact Proved by Science !!

The claim that “INFERTILE EGG” has no life in it, is totally wrong. Parthenogenesis has thought over auto fertilization (infertile egg) only. Those who have studied Parthenocarpy can tell us that there is asexual reproduction also. Thus, to call Egg Vegetarian is a practical Mischief !!

Vegetarian Egg is a Misnomer !!

UNICEF in their “Handbook of Poultry Officer in India” (1967) have termed the Infertilized egg as Vegetarian Egg & led to Confusion in Indian Vegetarian Communities !!

As a matter of fact, a responsible organization like UNICEF ought not have done this. Unfortunately this has happen & many people today have become victims of several serious alignments !!

The “Air-Cell” shown in the Picture is very important as it separates the 2 membranes of Shell of Egg & provides respiratory facility to the Embryo. This is common to all Eggs. The figure also shows the Germinal Disc. The moment the chick comes out of an Egg, it begins to cleave. The Chalazae (the slender cord) formed due to rotation of egg in the embryo, it also keeps the egg in the thick of Albumins !!

When we review, these 3 stages in the structure of an egg, it becomes cent percent obvious that egg of any creature has life in it. Thus to call Egg Vegetarian from Science’s point of view is a big lie !!

In 1971, Scientist of “Michigan University”, USA proved that no EGG in the world is without life, whether Fertilized or Infertilized !!

Recently, “Philip J. Scramble” wrote a book called “Poultry Feeds & Nutrition”. On page 15 of it, it has been clearly stated that even infertile egg is also animate. According to him, Egg is meant for reproduction of life & not as food for mankind !!

I Hope that you all will now Stop Believing that EGG is Vegetarian !!

And thus it “Should Not" be allowed in Vegetarian Communities !!


  • Lin標記此篇為:💬 含有個人意見


    很多人對素食者可不可以吃雞蛋、乳酪、韭菜、五辛(蔥、薤、蒜、韭菜、胡荽)困惑不已,是受困於「生命」說。實際上最為嚴謹的 VEGAN 並不吃雞蛋,若是初嘗素食,海鮮素或是奶蛋素亦是一種選擇。


    2 年前


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