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Amazing Japan
Strawberry in Japan




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  • Okay, I'm just going to stand here and take this all in 40 years not letting go of this. So just quickly, thank you Hollywood Foreign Press for giving me this honor. It's been an amazing journey and incredible fight to be here today. But I think it's been worth it. I remember when I first came to Hollywood. It was a dream come true until I got here because look at this face. I came here and was told you're a minority and I'm like, no, that's not possible. And then someone said to me, you speak English. I mean, forget about them not knowing Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Asia, India. And then I said, yeah, the flight here was about 13 hours long. So I learned. As time went by, as I just turned, I turned 60 last year. And I think all of you women understand this as the days, the years and the numbers get bigger, it seems like opportunities start to get smaller as well. And I probably was at a time where I thought, well, hey, come on, girl, you had a really, really good run. You worked with some of the best people, Steven Spielberg, Jim Cameron and Danny Boyle. And so it's good. It's all good. Then along came the best gift, everything, everywhere. All at once. Shut up, please. I can beat you up, okay? And that's serious. And I thank you, A24, Leyline, for believing in these two goofy, insanely smart, wonderful geniuses, the Daniels, who had the courage, who had the courage to write about a very ordinary immigrant, aging woman, mother, daughter, who was the worst thing trying to do her audit. She was being audited by the IRS, played by the most amazing Jamie Lee Curtis. I love you. I was given this gift of playing this woman who resonated so deeply with me and with so many people, because at the end of the day, in whatever universe she was at, she was just fighting, fighting for love, for her family. And without Evelyn Wong was no one without Kee Kwe Kwan, Raymond Wong, and there was no joy in her life without Stephanie Hsu, the most amazing Stephanie Hsu, and my hard dog lover, Jamie Lee Curtis. To Jonathan Wong, my producer, thank you for being there with us every step of the way. My managers, David Unger and Kit Wong, who believed in me. And this is also for all the shoulders that I stand on, all who came before me, who looks like me, and all who are going on this journey with me forward. So thank you for believing in us. Thank you. Thank you so much.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • *日本第一位喝核废水的人 2020年8月在帕劳共和国病逝 The first person in Japan to drink nuclear wastewater died of illness in the Republic of Palau in August 2020* https://m.163.com/dy/article/IDA7KL2I05561XS6.html *The first person in Japan to drink nuclear sewage died in 2008 due to decay caused by nuclear sewage dd2023-08-28* https://min.news/en/world/1aa9c64cee109ce9fd2f8da03b7f7d96.html
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
    2 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • Now u know why the Taiwan bastards are against China! The truth about the Taiwanese government. it is unexpected that the entire group of high-ranking officials are Jap devils! 關於台灣政府的真相,出乎意料的是,整個高層官員都是鬼! Li Tenghui, not Li Original name: Toki Iwasato, of Japanese descent Native: Misawa, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. 李登輝不是李 原名:日本血統的土生土裡 本地人:日本青森縣三澤市 Tsai Ing-wen, not surnamed Tsai Original name: Umehara in English, Japanese ancestry, ancestry: Nihu. 蔡英文,不姓蔡 原名:梅原英,日本血統,血統:Nihu Chen Jizhong, not surnamed Chen Formerly name: Totsuka Sekizuka Japanese descent. Native: Hokkaido, Abashiri City, Japan. 陳繼忠,不姓陳 以前的名字:Totsuka Sekizuka日本血統 母語:日本網走市北海道 Lai Qingde, no surname Lai Original name: Teraoka Kiyotoku, Japanese ancestry Ancestral home: Tamura, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. 賴慶德,無姓 原名:寺岡寺岡,日本祖先住所:日本福島縣田村 Chen Ju, not surnamed Chen Original name: Shintozuka Chrysanthemum, of Japanese descent Native: Kuroishi, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. 陳菊,不姓陳 原名:日本血統新東菊 本地人:日本青森縣黑石市. Chen Shuibian, not surnamed Chen. Former name: Shimabukuro Mizubian, Japanese ancestry, Hachimantai Iwate. 陳水扁,不姓陳 原名:日本血統島袋八郎平岩手島町. Xie Changting, no surname Xie. Former name: Oka Shrine, of Japanese origin. Native: Ono Town, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. 謝長廷,沒有姓謝 原名:日本起源的岡神社。 本地人:日本福島縣大野町. Su Zhenchang, not surnamed Su. Original name: Honda Sadasho, Japanese ancestry Ancestral home: Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. 蘇振昌,不姓蘇 原名:本田薩達索,日本祖先住所:日本福島縣南相馬市. Lin Yixiong, not surnamed Lin. Original name: Yoshio Kojima, of Japanese descent. Native: Hokkaido, Abashiri City, Japan. 林一雄,不姓林 原名:日本血統小島芳男 母語:日本網走市北海道 It turns out they are all Japanese devils! 原來他們都是日本鬼子! There are two options when you finish reading: 完成閱讀後有兩種選擇〜 1. Spread it out 2. As if not seen 1.攤開 2.好像沒看見 No matter how busy you are, please send it out! 無論您有多忙,都請發送出去!
    2 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Japan sent a medical team composed of 1,000 personnel to Wuhan, China, the epicenter the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 12:16 調 IMEI Yimei Food 3月7日・日 5G Yimei Food i關於這個網站 義美食品公司 IMEI Good Food Provider! JOIN US 誠徵工作夥伴 Egg Roll 真美 ME Pastry Puff CRUNCHOCO 茭佩體蛋捲 原味蛋捲 芝麻蛋打 Egg Roll 義美夾心酥 珍珠奶茶雪糕 ·核對訂單報表 3 義美小泡芙 CHOCO PUFF 義美小泡芙 義美小泡芙 STRAWBERRY PUFF Cream Puff 商品物流追蹤 正職:35,000/月薪 · 居家上班打卡 兼職:220/時薪 詳情內洽應徵>
    1 人回報1 則回應6 個月前
  • A post has been shared multiple times on Facebook in March 2020 that claims China and Japan are “free” of the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Sushi anyone? ------- Environment 22:03, 06-Jun-2023 Content of radioactive element in fish at Fukushima's Nuclear Power Plant 180 times of safe limit CGTN The radioactive elements in the marine fish caught in the harbor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan far exceed safety levels for human consumption, according to a report issued by the plant's operator Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) on Monday. In particular, the data released show that the content of Cs-137, a radioactive element that is a common byproduct in nuclear reactors, is 180 times that of the standard maximum stipulated in Japan's food safety law. Screenshot of Tokyo Electric Power Company's report on the radioactive content in fish in the harbor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. /CGTN Screenshot of Tokyo Electric Power Company's report on the radioactive content in fish in the harbor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. /CGTN CGTN downloaded the English version of the report available on TEPCO's official website. According to the data, the sampled black rockfish contains the radioactive element Cs-137 with a content of 18,000 becquerels per kilogram. Data available on the website of Fukushima Revitalization Station run by Japan's Fukushima prefectural government shows that Japan's current limit of radioactive cesium in general food which contains fish is set at 100 becquerels per kilogram. Screenshot of Standard limits of radioactive substances for food in Japan, obtained from the website of Fukushima Revitalization Station run by Japan's Fukushima prefectural government. /CGTN Screenshot of Standard limits of radioactive substances for food in Japan, obtained from the website of Fukushima Revitalization Station run by Japan's Fukushima prefectural government. /CGTN According to the report, the location where the sampled fish was caught is at the port area of Units 1 to 4 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, where a breakwater is built and nuclear wastewater with a high concentration of radioactive substances flows in. TEPCO said it will set up multiple protective nets to prevent fish from swimming out of the harbor. A Chinese news website sina.com.cn quoted experts noting that the radioactive elements in the nuclear wastewater could penetrate into fish, shrimp and other seafood, and later accumulate in the human body after consumption. A magnitude 9.0 quake on March 11, 2011, triggered a massive tsunami that destroyed the plant's power supply and cooling systems, causing reactors No. 1, 2 and 3 to melt and spew large amounts of radiation. Water used to cool the reactors' cores leaked into the basements of the reactor buildings and mixed with rainwater and groundwater. Now, 12 years after the triple reactor meltdowns, Japan is preparing to release the massive amount of treated radioactive wastewater into the sea later this summer. TEPCO on Monday started sending seawater into an underwater tunnel to be diluted before releasing the nuclear wastewater into the ocean. The company said that all facilities for the water release system are expected to be completed by the end of this month. Local fishing communities say their businesses and livelihoods will suffer still more damage. Neighboring countries such as China and South Korea and Pacific Island nations have raised safety concerns. Environmental groups including Friends of the Earth oppose the release. (With input from AP; cover image via VCG) (If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at [email protected].)
    1 人回報2 則回應1 年前
  • 詳情 ・重點 ・雷othwill tell the true story of the story of this piece of information Let's see again how it was, the ball from Mamonova, she is going to throw it in the ring, but Ay-ay-ay, Paolo Marinari roughly pushes her from the judge, and the judge punishes the Russian center. This is not fair. Such an amazing, phenomenal throw.
    8 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • *整個🇯🇵日本🚇地鐵站裡都布满阿彌陀佛🙏* *🇯🇵 Japan Railway Station 🚉 interior designed with 🙏Namo Amitabha🙏 images and decorations. https://youtu.be/JBekMRvw9wk
    1 人回報2 則回應4 年前