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¡Oh, my God!
¡tenga yao!




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  • Dear Beloved, I am Mrs.Mean, I got your email address from the online e-mail Database Directory through the Internet search and it's true we do not known each other but My spirit led me to write you this email. I am a dying sick woman, writing from my sick bed, I want to donate US$10.5Miliion to you for charity Work in your country. I write you with heavy tears in my eyes and great sorrow in my heart because my Doctor informed me that It will take only the will of God for me to survive due to my Complicated health issues (CANCER). Based on this, I want to transfer my inheritance money USD$10.5 Million deposited by my late husband to a faithful and God fearing person who will use it according to my desire and that of my late husband as we have no child after so many years of our marriage. We want you to use the funds for charity causes,while 15% will be kept by you as compensation for taking this responsibility to help mankind. The disbursements should be made to charities such as orphanages,motherless babies homes,poor widows,disables and to humanitarian causes. I will wait to hear from you if you can handle this task with honesty and please kindly reply. Warm wishes from,
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • My god!!! 太神奇長智慧了! 若非親眼看到火柴棒的實体见到以下的神秘磁場: 北半球 順時鐘方向轉 南半球 逆時鐘方向轉 赤道線 不轉圈
    2 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 教科書中已將萊克多巴胺列為是《高蛋白質食品,吃了可以讓肌肉變結實,也可降低對環境的污染,健康又環保》。 My God!這些內容要用來教導您丶我的幼兒丶幼孫。
    2 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 教科書中已將萊克多巴胺列為是《高蛋白質食品,吃了可以讓肌肉變結實,也可降低對環境的污染,健康又環保》。My God!這些內容要用來教導您丶我的幼兒丶幼孫。
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Would you dance if I asked you to dance Would you run and never look back Would you cry if you saw me crying Would you save my soul tonight Would you tremble if I touched your lips Would you laugh, oh please tell me this Now would you die for the one you love Hold me in your arms tonight I can be your hero baby I can kiss away the pain
    4 人回報1 則回應3 個月前
  • Blue United Airlines on my way to Nebraska. The plane departed Halifax, connecting in Chicago's old pair. While on the ground the passengers said from the seat behind me, My God, they're throwing guitars out there. The band and I exchanged a look, best described as terror, At the action on the tarmac, and knowing whose projectiles these would be. So before I left Chicago, I alerted three employees, Who showed complete indifference towards me. United, United, you broke my Taylor guitar. United, United, some big help you are. You broke it, you should fix it, your ladle just admitted. I should have flown with someone else, or gone by car. Cause United breaks guitars. When we landed in Nebraska, I confirmed what I suspected. Mike Taylor'd been the victim of a vicious act of malice at old air. So began a year-long saga, but pass the buck, don't ask me. And I'm sorry sir, your claim can go nowhere. So do all the airlines people, from New York to New Delhi, Including Kind Miss Earlwig, who says the final word for them is no. I've heard all your excuses, and I've chased your wild gooses, And this attitude of yours, I say must go. United, United, you broke my Taylor guitar. United, United, some big help you are. You broke it, you should fix it, your ladle just admitted. I should have flown with someone else, or gone by car. Cause United breaks guitars. Well I won't say that, I'll never fly with you again. Cause maybe to save the world I'd probably look, but that won't likely happen. And if it did, I wouldn't bring my luggage. Cause you'd just go and break it into a thousand pieces. Just like you broke my heart, when United breaks guitars. United, United, you broke my Taylor guitar. United, United, some big help you are. You broke it, you should fix it, your ladle just admitted. I should have flown with someone else, or gone by car. Cause United breaks guitars. Yeah, United breaks guitars. Yeah, United breaks guitars. Yeah, United breaks guitars.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • And how is it killing the immune system? This is really important. The Pfizer shot is able, because of the way that they created it synthetically, allows the messenger RNA to passenger inside your cells and be replicated indefinitely by the ribosomes. So you cannot get it out of your body. There is no detoxing from it. Now, can you detox your body and make yourself overall healthier? Yes. Are you going to eliminate the spike protein or the antibodies of the spike protein or the stupid monoclonal antibodies that they're advocating? No. Because you sensitize your dendritic cells and your B cells, those spikes are going to be there probably forever. Now, this one is really important. The messenger RNA ablates, wipes out, destroys toll like receptor three, seven and eight. The toll like receptors are like you've ever heard my talk on toll like receptors. I love toll like receptors. They're like God inside our body, right? They're these little these little radars that are constantly vigilantly looking around and getting rid of viruses, bacteria and things that don't belong there. They are our innate God given what we are born with immune system. The messenger RNA shots destroy toll like receptor three, seven and eight, which is our primary first line of defense, making us more susceptible to getting COVID. And this is why all the people that get the shots suddenly are sick. And because they're more susceptible, we know the mechanisms. And the doctors are illiterate and not reading it. We know why people who get the shots are more likely to get sick and more likely to be hospitalized. And if they're in the hospital and they get remdesivir and they put on a ventilator, that's a greater than 80% mortality rate. We know the mechanism. Number three, we know the mechanism of this too. The spike proteins enters the nucleus of the cells and binds to our DNA. So anybody who says that it doesn't irreversibly bind your DNA are wrong. They're not reading the scientific literature. And when it binds to the DNA, it blocks the door. And when it binds to the DNA, it starts making it into an abnormal cell that if that cell replicates will turn into cancer. And then it bars the door blocks the door and doesn't allow our God given immune system repair enzymes to come in and repair the damage that spike protein is caused. Hence, that allows cancer to form and why we are seeing and Dr. Ryan Cole has talked about this a lot. Why are we seeing this explosion of cancer in people that get these shots? People that have been in remission, been treated, they're in remission, or they said they don't have cancer anymore, suddenly they're exploding. And it's endometrial cancer, all kinds of blood cancers, lymphatic cancers, breast cancers from these shots. And we know the mechanism. It's not a guess. Data came out just in the last two weeks that if a person is injected, they're 8.12 times more likely to be infected with Omicron. Again, suppression of your immune system, suppression of your white blood cells, ablation of your toll like receptors. The more shots you get, the more the more you destroy your immune system, and the faster that happens. And it's anticipated the German data says that by the end of 2022, every fully vaccinated person over the age of 30 may have the equivalent of full blown vaccine induced immune suppressed AIDS. This is government data. From Germany, this came out about two weeks.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 簡中字卡:美國加州 阻止罪犯入店行竊 將對此企業處以高達 $18000 美元罰款 英文字卡:Living in a Democratic state. Watch and listen! 音軌逐字: Here we go. (TV) Smash and grab crime continues to spike across California City state lawmakers are voting now for a bill In California. (TV) Some say is only going to incite more crime. California. This is the world that we're living in. Listen. Listen. (TV) Supporters of the Bill say rank and file employees should not have to confront shoplifter cause it's dangerous. But small retailers says what lawmakers here are proposing gives thieves a license to steal and here is why. (TV) It's not enough that we decriminalize property crime, but now he's saying you can't stop criminals from stealing, taking your property. (TV) So California police generally don't respond to theft under $950. It's a misdemeanor, so stores are on their own. But now these Sacramento Democrats are pushing a bill that can fine businesses up to $18,000 if it intervenes to stop a robbery. There you go. You're beautiful fucking Democrats. Okay? Does that make sense to you fucking liberals? Does that make sense? You Democrats. (TV) Private security if they wanna stop crime. Owners of convenience stores, gas stations, liquor stores, many Indian Americans… Okay. What is wrong with these fucking Democrat politics? (TV) The big box doors we are small retailers. (TV) Better than sending my kids to schools to universities to get educated as you teach them how to steal. Exactly. Yeah. Hey, all the colleges out there, add another course to the studies, to the education, teach the college students how to steal. Yeah. That's the new way to go. Under this administration and the Democrats. Go ahead. Keep voting liberal. Keep voting Democrat. California. This makes sense? This makes sense. They're signing a bill that they will fine a business $18,000 if they intervene with shoplifting. California. What the fuck is going on with these fucking Democrats? They're fucking delusional. They're fucking evil. Go ahead, TikTok. Is this misinformation? Go ahead, bear my fucking video. You fucking Democrats are fucking evil. All you do is fucking destroy people's lives. You're going to fine businesses $18,000 if they intervene with shoplifting? Wow. So I own a store. I'm trying to make a living. I pay for my inventory. I pay for supplies. And you, you Democrats, you're going to allow fucking criminals to come into my store to shoplift and I can't do nothing about it because you're going to fine me $18,000? Get the fuck out of here. Why don't you invite the criminals to your fucking houses? Let them go through every fucking closet you got. Let them go through every fucking jewelry box. Oh, but let them take anything that's worth $900 or less and see how that works for you, you fucking Democrats. You are fucking evil. Evil. Evil. Wow.
    21 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 笑匠卓別林的三句話 Today is Charlie Chaplin's 125th birthday - A Good Day to recollect his 3 Heart Touching Statements: 今天是英國笑將卓別林125歲冥誕---勾起人們想起他動人心弦的3句話: (1) Nothing is permanent in this world, not even our troubles. (1)世事無常,甚至我們的困境也是不常在。 (2) I like walking in the rain, because nobody can see my tears. (2)我喜歡在雨中行走,因為沒有人會看到我的淚水。 (3) The most wasted day in life is the day in which we have not laughed. (3)人生最浪費的日子,就是我們沒有笑的時候。 LIFE is to enjoy with whatever you have with you. Keep smiling...! 人生就是享受您擁有的一切,並保持笑容! If you feel stressed, give yourself a break. 感覺有壓力,就讓自己休息。 Enjoy Some.. icecream/ choclates/ candy/ cake... 享受一些--冰淇淋/巧克力/糖果/蛋糕等等。 Why...?為什麼? B'Coz...因為: STRESSED backwards spelling is DESSERTS...!! Enjoy...! 壓力,英文倒過來拼就是點心!! 享受罷! Very beautiful lines Please store them. 非常美麗的小品,務請收存。 ONE good FRIEND is equal to one good medicine...! Likewise, ONE Good Group is equal to one full medical store...!! 一個好朋友等同一劑良藥! 同理,一個好的群組等同一整間藥房! Six Best Doctors in the World.... 世上有6個良醫: 1.Sunlight陽光, 2.Rest休息, 3.Exercise運動, 4.Diet飲食, 5.Self Confidence 自信& 6.Friends朋友. Maintain them in all stages of life and enjoy healthy life...! 終其一生時時刻刻擁抱他們,享受健康的人生! If you see the Moon... You see the Beauty of God.....! 見到月亮,就見到上帝之美! If you see the Sun...! You see the power of God....見到太陽,就見識了上帝的大能 And.... If you see the Mirror You see the Best Creation of GOD...! 而你照著鏡子時,看到的是上帝的最佳創作! So, Believe in YOURSELF. 所以,相信你自己 We all are Tourists & God is our travel agent who has already fixed all our routes, reservations & destinations. 我們都是旅行團的一員,而上帝是早已為我們安排好了所有的行程、食宿和終點的旅行社 So.... Trust him & Enjoy the "Trip" called LIFE...!!, 所以,信任祂安排的所謂「生命」的這趟旅程,並且好好享受 Life will never come Again.!! Live Today.. 人生無法重來! 活在當下! 老了不玩,真對不起自己!總結說得太到位了看看吧。 https://wisdomsharings.com/archives/29737/amp#top!
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Adam Rogas – CEO and Co-Founder of NS8 by IdeaMensch · Nov 30, 2016 287Share Tweet 66Share Adam-e1480959343307 Find a problem you think you can solve and really focus on it. Resist the urge to move from that problem until you have demonstrated by positive user feedback and growth that you have actually solved it. Adam Rogas is the CEO and Co-Founder of NS8. With over 14 years of senior development and management expertise, as well as extensive knowledge in the fields of online fraud and spam filtering, Adam brings a tremendous amount to NS8. He was a founder of LoadMail and has worked as a trusted advisor to Postini, London Board of Tourism, Vivendi Universal, and Napster. In each case, Adam has helped implement big data, email, spam and virus filtering, and data security solutions. Mr. Rogas has architected extremely large-scale spam and virus filtering platforms, dealing with well over 100,000 messages per hour. He has also played a central role in the architecture of numerous large scale analysts solutions. Adam brings his love for safe, effective communication and startup ventures to NS8. He is married and also calls Las Vegas, Nevada home. Where did the idea for NS8 come from? My partners and I have run some significant and highly transactional websites and services prior to NS8. We understood that the common threads of fraud, abuse and poor user experience affected each of them in some way, shape, or form. Knowing this, we felt there had to be a better way to protect these types of sites and services, from being abused, regardless of their size. We also knew that any solution we created had to be easy to deploy, manage, and understand. What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive? In an early stage company you are wearing lots of hats. I work a ton of hours. So, the key for me, is to keep my thoughts organized. I usually divide my day up into 3 or 4 segments and then identify what I think I can accomplish in each one of them. Once I do this, I make a list for each segment. This gives me a semblance of structure to my day that helps me get my mind right for the tasks I have to tackle. It also helps me walk away and not overthink the ones I have already completed. How do you bring ideas to life? I usually start with an idea or something that would really matter to a specifc group of people and then I start asking questions. I will then usually build some simple example, or take steps to create what I’m trying to do, and show it to people get feedback and repeat until I reach my goal. What’s one trend that really excites you? It has gotten easier and easier to bring big ideas to life, and to compete, due to the growth of cloud services. To me, it really levels the playing field for a lot of ideas, that just 5 years ago, would have been impossible for all but the largest companies to bring to life. What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur? I try to be fairly aware of my own ADD and so I will make lists to hold myself accountable for the items on them. I also try to solve this problem in our hiring practices by surrounding myself with people that are very detail and process focused. What advice would you give your younger self? Find a problem you think you can solve and really focus on it. Resist the urge to move from that problem until you have demonstrated by positive user feedback and growth that you have actually solved it. If you do that, and continue to do it over and over again, you will be successful. Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on? That I am a good singer ? I don’t know that I am very persuasive here …. but I do know I can’t sing. As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do? I am constantly talking to our customers. I try to involve them early on, and very often in our process. This is one area I struggle with as we evolve and scale our product development processes, but it is critical to maintaining that connection as to why your customers want your product in the first place. What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business? Please explain how. Surrounding myself with supremely talented people and partners. It has been instrumental to my own growth and the growth of my businesses. What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it? That would probably be my first company, Load Ltd. Load was a hosted application service provider before there was a term for Software As A Service (SaaS). We had a popular email product called LoadMail, that was used by a number of major companies. About 1 year into the business we chose to offer additional services above and beyond just mail and it was this decision that would prove to be our failure. As a team, we didn’t fully understand how diversifying our focus would negatively impact our effectiveness. I tell everyone who asks for advice to pick a problem you can solve and focus on solving it well. Successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common — they never give up. What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers? I like ideas that take subject knowledge and find a way to productize it. One idea I had was to do this for athletic departments in D1 schools, so they could crowdsource from their athletes, managers, and students the creation of social marketing content. They could then manage it from a centrally controllable compliance system. Or Plastics !! Invest in Plastics (god I’m old) What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why? Money spent on experiences, dinner with my wife or friends, or money that helps someone. Recently, since we are living across the country from each other, it would be dinner with my wife the last time I was at home in Las Vegas. What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive? How do you use it? Slack. It helps our entire team communicate. What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why? “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. It helps you think about what you are building in a way that really focuses on how it will be consumed by those whom you are selling it to. What is your favorite quote? “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill Tell us about one friend or acquaintance of yours who we should interview on IdeaMensch. Who are they, what are they doing and what’s their email address? I actually have two Nick Jones, Nick and I started what was our first real company together Load Ltd along with my current business partner Paul Korol. Nick’s is currently working on a great project focused on personal and affinity based content creation called JRNL.com, they have recently been through boom Startup a SaaS focused startup accelerator in Salt Lake City and have just completed a seed round of funding. John Njoku, John is working on a great project RentHub.com, which is at the intersection of Multifamily Residential Realestate and Big Data Analytics. RentHub has some huge clients such as StarWood capital and The Lefrak Organization and has recently completed the Elmspring accelerator based in Chicago. Contact : https://www.ns8.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ns8 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ns8inc Twitter: @ns8inc 287Share Tweet 66Share Filed Under: Interviews, Software, Technology Tagged With: Herndon, Virginia https://ideamensch.com/adam-rogas/
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前