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  • 也太準了吧,嚇死人了。 ≥此書是由已故美國靈媒Sylvia Browne與Lindsay Harrison於 2008年合著,書名為《末日:有關世界末日的預言》(End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies about the End of the World),書中有一個段落寫到:大約在2020年,一種類肺炎的 嚴重疾病會在全球散播,這場疫情能攻擊肺部和支氣管,而且 抵抗所有已知的療法,它迅速爆發的同時,也會突然迅速消失 不見,然後將在未来10年後再次爆發,最終才完全消失。 Sylvia Browne 2013. described, but they're worth mentioning: . A bacterial infection resembling the "flesh-eating disease" of several years ago will arrive in 2010, transmitted to humans by almost microscopic mites undetectably imported on exotic birds. Known medications and antibiotics will be completely ineffective against this funguslike, extremely contagious disease, and its victims will be quarantined until it's discovered that the bacteria can be destroyed through some combination of electrical currents and extreme heat. In around 2020 a severe pneumonia like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish a quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely. Strides in mental health in the first half of this century will be extraordinary, virtually eliminating the majority of the disorders 312 HD O phrer Earlier w ants will alimbala chologi e childre No later more p which cr v je very p balance which tre solving th hen ca tidepre indicate appropri red bet ders and when th address perman By 20 develop ness. T
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