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  • Blue United Airlines on my way to Nebraska. The plane departed Halifax, connecting in Chicago's old pair. While on the ground the passengers said from the seat behind me, My God, they're throwing guitars out there. The band and I exchanged a look, best described as terror, At the action on the tarmac, and knowing whose projectiles these would be. So before I left Chicago, I alerted three employees, Who showed complete indifference towards me. United, United, you broke my Taylor guitar. United, United, some big help you are. You broke it, you should fix it, your ladle just admitted. I should have flown with someone else, or gone by car. Cause United breaks guitars. When we landed in Nebraska, I confirmed what I suspected. Mike Taylor'd been the victim of a vicious act of malice at old air. So began a year-long saga, but pass the buck, don't ask me. And I'm sorry sir, your claim can go nowhere. So do all the airlines people, from New York to New Delhi, Including Kind Miss Earlwig, who says the final word for them is no. I've heard all your excuses, and I've chased your wild gooses, And this attitude of yours, I say must go. United, United, you broke my Taylor guitar. United, United, some big help you are. You broke it, you should fix it, your ladle just admitted. I should have flown with someone else, or gone by car. Cause United breaks guitars. Well I won't say that, I'll never fly with you again. Cause maybe to save the world I'd probably look, but that won't likely happen. And if it did, I wouldn't bring my luggage. Cause you'd just go and break it into a thousand pieces. Just like you broke my heart, when United breaks guitars. United, United, you broke my Taylor guitar. United, United, some big help you are. You broke it, you should fix it, your ladle just admitted. I should have flown with someone else, or gone by car. Cause United breaks guitars. Yeah, United breaks guitars. Yeah, United breaks guitars. Yeah, United breaks guitars.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Hi, please pass this information on to everyone in each family. I don't want to miss anyone so share as much as you can. Or copy and paste! I just spoke with my friend Carlie who is a nurse at VGH and they just learnt that Advil makes the virus 10x worse. Tylenol ONLY for the time being. She said Advil kickstarts the virus into pneumonia. She also said they are not releasing the correct number of cases on the news and they have patients coming in everyday and some currently on ventilators. Soon they won't have enough room in the hospitals to treat patients and will have to turn people away. They've cancelled all surgeries to use the ORs for available ventilators, but it still won't be enough. She also said she found some people in there 40s and 50s who were previously healthy to be on ventilators and having major difficulty breathing because they took Advil. Also 4 doctors at VGH are now infected and she said she has never seen her doctors so worried before. So please no Advil and stay safe!!!
    2 人回報2 則回應5 年前
  • Jean miss 退出香港市場
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 聯合國總部 東 42 街 405 號, 紐約, NY, 10017, 美國。 微信ID:unitednationdp 行號:unitationovadp Whatsapp:+1 (587) 414-7292 26/07/2021 注意:鄭欣欣小姐 聯合國組織假期部向您致以最重要的一天,我們希望通知您,我們已收到您的電子郵件,我們已決定回复您,並告知您必須滿足的條件,以便我們能夠 授予崔金博士的休假信,服務編號為 (UNSN / YM / 4537),目前與聯合國也門組織簽訂合同。 眾所周知,他是韓國公民,是聯合國組織的特殊資產。 為此,有些事情必須緊急處理,以便他在台灣盡快與您在一起。 1. 在他離開也門期間,必須支付他的健康/人壽保險費。 一旦完成,他的休假信將被立即批准並釋放,因為我們必須為他的生命投保,以防他離開這裡(也門)時出現任何問題。 (a) 90 個工作日假期 6,856 歐元 (b) 60 個工作日假期 4,856 歐元 (c) 30 個工作日假期 2,856 歐元 2. 請填寫所附表格並在付款後儘快寄回給我們,以便我們立即處理休假信。 請這樣做,以便我們盡快完成他的假期,讓他與您在一起。 收到您的回復後,我們將在他休假之前向您提供他的健康/人壽保險的付款明細。 親切的問候。 此致 負責假期的官員 聯合國假期辦公室。 UN Headquarters 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY,10017, USA. WeChat ID: unitednationdp Line ID: unitednatiovadp Whatsapp: ‪+1 (587) 414‑7292‬ 26/07/2021 ATTENTION: Miss Zheng Xinxin Top of the day to you from the United Nations Organizations Vacation Department and we wish to inform you that we have received your email, and we have decided to reply to you and also inform you of the conditions that have to be met so that we can grant the vacation letter of Dr. Choi Kim with service number, (UNSN / YM / 4537), who is presently under a contract with United Nations Organization in Yemen. As you know, He is a citizen of Korea and a special asset of the United Nations Organization. For that reason, there are certain things that have to be done urgently so that he can be with you as soon as possible in Taiwan. 1. There has to be a payment for his health/life insurance fee while he is away from Yemen. And as soon as this is done, his vacation letter will be granted and released immediately because we have to insure his life in case anything goes wrong while he is away from here (Yemen). (a) 6,856 Euro for 90 working days vacation (b) 4,856 Euro for 60 working days vacation (c) 2,856 Euro for 30 working days vacation 2. Kindly fill the attached form and send it back to us as soon as possible after the payment has been made so we can process the vacation letter immediately. Kindly do this so that we can finalize his vacation for him to be with you as soon as possible. Upon your reply, we shall provide you with payment details for his health/life insurance before his vacation can be granted. Kind Regard. Yours sincerely OFFICER IN CHARGE OF VACATION UNITED NATIONS VACATION OFFICE.
    2 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 優曼皮膚研究院 SKIN RESEARCH INSTITUTE 私人量膚定製 PRIVATE SKIN CUSTOMIZATION 0277421264 9 基隆市中正區信一路177號 (基隆皇冠商業大廈) Miss 吳 /美膚專家 SKIN CUSTO MIZATION
    1 人回報2 則回應2 年前
  • (0)(8)(/)(2)(5)(LINE messenger)好友免費貼圖 LINE 官方嚴選×水豚君 line://shop/detail/18280 Miss WOW×懶散兔與啾先生@屈臣氏 line://shop/detail/18286 咪醬J客粉紅泡泡版×柴語錄 line://shop/detail/18357 (pencil) 早上十點後才開放下載嘿~(sunflower)
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Mr. Borlaik, can I ask you, when did you know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission? How long did you know that without saying it publicly? That question. I mean, we now know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission, but why did you keep it secret? You said it was a hundred percent effective, then ninety percent, then eighty percent, then seventy percent. But we now know that the vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that secret? Have a nice day. I won't have a nice day until I know the answer. Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission? Is it time to apologize to the world, sir, to give refunds back to the countries that poured all their money into your vaccine that doesn't work, your ineffective vaccine? Yeah, you have to go around. Are you not ashamed of what you've done in the last couple of years? Do you have any apologies to the public, sir? Are you proud of it? You've made millions on the backs of people's entire livelihoods. How does that feel to walk the streets as a millionaire on the backs of the regular person at home in Australia, in England, in Canada? What do you think about on your yacht, sir? What do you think about on your private jet? Are you worried about product liability? Are you worried about myocarditis? What do you have to say about young men dropping dead of heart attacks every day? Why won't you answer these basic questions? No apologies, sir. Do you think you should be charged criminally for some of the criminal behaviour you've obviously been a part of? How much money have you personally made off the vaccine? How many boosters do you think it'll take for you to be happy enough with your earnings? Nothing? Who did you meet with here in secret? Will you disclose who you met with? Who did you pay commissions to? In the past, Pfizer has paid $2.3 billion in fines for deceptive marketing. Have you engaged in that same conduct again? Are you under investigation like you were before for your deceptive marketing, sir? If any other product in the world doesn't work as promised, you get a refund. Should you not refund to countries that laid out billions for your ineffective vaccine? Are you used to only sympathetic media so you don't know how to answer any questions? Shame on you, sir. Shame on you. That's Albert Buller, the boss of Pfizer.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Mr. Borla, can I ask you, when did you know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission? How long did you know that without saying it publicly? Thank you very much. I'm sorry. Answer that question. I mean, we now know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission, but why did you keep it secret? You said it was 100% effective, then 90%, then 80%, then 70%. But we now know that the vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that secret? Have a nice day. I won't have a nice day until I know the answer. Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission? Is it time to apologize to the world, sir? To give refunds back to the countries that poured all their money into your vaccine that doesn't work, your ineffective vaccine? Are you not ashamed of what you've done in the last couple of years? Do you have any apologies to the public, sir? Are you proud of it? You've made millions on the backs of people's entire livelihoods. How does that feel to walk the streets as a millionaire on the backs of the regular person at home in Australia, in England, in Canada? What do you think about on your yacht, sir? What do you think about on your private jet? Are you worried about product liability? Are you worried about myocarditis? What about the sudden deaths? What do you have to say about young men dropping dead of heart attacks every day? Why won't you answer these basic questions? No apologies, sir. Do you think you should be charged criminally for some of the criminal behaviour you've obviously been a part of? How much money have you personally made off the vaccine? How many boosters do you think it'll take for you to be happy enough with your earnings? Nothing. Who did you meet with here in secret? Will you disclose who you met with? Who did you pay commissions to? In the past, Pfizer has paid $2.3 billion in fines for deceptive marketing. Have you engaged in that same conduct again? Are you under investigation like you were before for your deceptive marketing, sir? If any other product in the world doesn't work as promised, you get a refund. Should you not refund to countries that laid out billions for your ineffective vaccine? Are you used to only sympathetic media so you don't know how to answer any questions?
    4 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Mr. Borla, can I ask you, when did you know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission? How long did you know that without saying it publicly? I mean, we now know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission, but why did you keep it secret? You said it was 100% effective, then 90%, then 80%, then 70%, but we now know that the vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that secret? Have a nice day. I won't have a nice day until I know the answer. Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission? Is it time to apologize to the world, sir, to give refunds back to the countries that poured all their money into your vaccine that doesn't work, your ineffective vaccine? Can you ever go around? Are you not ashamed of what you've done in the last couple of years? Do you have any apologies to the public, sir? Are you proud of it? You've made millions on the backs of people's entire livelihoods. How does that feel to walk the streets as a millionaire on the backs of the regular person at home in Australia, in England, in Canada? What do you think about on your yacht, sir? What do you think about on your private jet? Are you worried about product liability? Are you worried about myocarditis? What do you have to say about young men dropping dead of heart attacks every day? Why won't you answer these basic questions? No apologies, sir. Do you think you should be charged criminally for some of the criminal behavior you've obviously been a part of? How much money have you personally made off the vaccine? How many boosters do you think it'll take for you to be happy enough with your earnings? Nothing? Who did you meet with here in secret? Will you disclose who you met with? Who did you pay commissions to? In the past, Pfizer has paid $2.3 billion in fines for deceptive marketing. Have you engaged in that same conduct again? Are you under investigation like you were before for your deceptive marketing, sir? If any other product in the world doesn't work as promised, you get a refund. Should you not refund to countries that laid out billions for your ineffective vaccine? Are you used to only sympathetic media so you don't know how to answer any questions?
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Mr. Borla, can I ask you, when did you know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission? How long did you know that without saying it publicly? I mean, we now know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission, but why did you keep it secret? You said it was 100% effective, then 90%, then 80%, then 70%, but we now know that the vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that secret? Have a nice day. I won't have a nice day until I know the answer. Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission? Is it time to apologize to the world, sir, to give refunds back to the countries that poured all their money into your vaccine that doesn't work, your ineffective vaccine? Can you ever go around? Are you not ashamed of what you've done in the last couple of years? Do you have any apologies to the public, sir? Are you proud of it? You've made millions on the backs of people's entire livelihoods. How does that feel to walk the streets as a millionaire on the backs of the regular person at home in Australia, in England, in Canada? What do you think about on your yacht, sir? What do you think about on your private jet? Are you worried about product liability? Are you worried about myocarditis? What do you have to say about young men dropping dead of heart attacks every day? Why won't you answer these basic questions? No apologies, sir. Do you think you should be charged criminally for some of the criminal behavior you've obviously been a part of? How much money have you personally made off the vaccine? How many boosters do you think it'll take for you to be happy enough with your earnings? Nothing? Who did you meet with here in secret? Will you disclose who you met with? Who did you pay commissions to? In the past, Pfizer has paid $2.3 billion in fines for deceptive marketing. Have you engaged in that same conduct again? Are you under investigation like you were before for your deceptive marketing, sir? If any other product in the world doesn't work as promised, you get a refund. Should you not refund to countries that laid out billions for your ineffective vaccine? Are you used to only sympathetic media so you don't know how to answer any questions?
    4 人回報1 則回應2 年前