
1 人回報2 年前
Jacques Attali was an advisor to François Mitterrand, probably definitely saying that wrong, Mitterrand, the former president of France.
He wrote this in 1981.
In the future it will be a question of finding ways to reduce the population.
We will start with the old man, because he is over 60 to 65 years old, man lives longer than he produces and it costs society dearly.
Then the weak, and then the useless who do not contribute anything to society because there will be more and more, and especially, finally, the stupid.
Euthanasia directed at these groups. Euthanasia must be an essential instrument of our future societies in all cases.
Of course, we will not be able to execute people or organize camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good.
Emigrate while you still can.
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive.
Socially, it is much better for the human machine to stop abruptly than to gradually deteriorate.
We won't be able to pass intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine.
We will find something, or cause it. A pandemic that targets certain people.
A real economic crisis or not. A virus that will affect the old or the elderly.
It does not matter. The weak and the fearful will succumb.
The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself. They will go back to the slaughterhouse alone.
There's another fragment that was excerpted from his book, same guy, Brief History of the Future is the name of the book, published in France 2006.
Understand that we are smart enough to find our own solutions and apply them.
Those willing to take proactive, protective measures, maintain their health, and become more self-reliant will rise from this period of change and transform successfully.
We will be the ones to structure the new world to come, with a new focus on common good of all life everywhere.
It's true that many will go with the passing of the night, and yet those that remain will then shine all the brighter.
It's been planned for a long time.




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  • Oh, we like war. We like war. We're a war-like people. We like war because we're good at it. You know why we're good at it? Because we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war every 20 years in this country, so we're good at it. And it's a good thing we are. We're not very good at anything else anymore. Can't build a decent car. Can't make a TV set or a VCR. What the fuck? Got no steel industry left. Can't educate our young people. Can't get health care to our old people. But we can bomb the shit out of your country, all right? We can bomb the shit out of your country, all right? Especially if your country is full of brown people. Oh, we like that, don't we? That's our hobby. That's our new job in the world, bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya. You've got some brown people in your country. Tell them to watch the fuck out. Or we'll goddamn bomb them. But when's the last white people you can remember that we bombed? Can you remember the last white? Can you remember any white people we've ever bombed? The Germans. Those are the only ones. And that's only because they were trying to cut in on our action. They wanted to dominate the world. Bullshit. That's our fucking job. Think of how we started. Think of that. This country was founded by a group of slave owners who told us all men are created equal. Oh yeah. All men. Except for Indians and niggers and women, right? Always like to use that authentic American language. This was a small group of unelected white male land-holding slave owners who also suggested their class be the only one allowed to vote. Now that is what's known as being stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit. I think Americans really show their ignorance when they say they want their politicians to be honest. What are these fucking cretins talking about? If honesty were suddenly introduced into American life, the whole system would collapse. No one would know what to do. Honesty would fuck this country up. And I think deep down Americans know that. That's why they elected and re-elected Bill Clinton. That's why. Because the American people like their bullshit right out front where they can get a good strong whiff of it. Clinton might be full of shit, but at least he lets you know it. Dole tried to hide it, didn't he? Dole kept saying, I'm a plain and honest man. Bullshit. People don't believe that. What did Clinton say? He said, hi folks, I'm completely full of shit, and how do you like that? And the people said, you know something, at least he's honest.
    1 人回報2 則回應2 年前
  • We like war. We like war. We're a war like people. We like war because we're good at it. And you know why we're good at it? Because we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war in this country every 20 years, so we're good at it. Got no steel industry left, can't get healthcare to our old people, can't educate our young people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country, alright? We can bomb the shit out of your country, alright? Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, and they're elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do, folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces. Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. So maybe, maybe, maybe it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here, like the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody. The public sucks. Fuck hope. Fuck hope. It's never going to get any better. Don't look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now. The real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They've got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not interested in that. That doesn't help them. That's against their interest. That's right. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it. And now they're coming for your Social Security money. They want your fucking retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something? They'll get it. They'll get it all from you sooner or later because they own this fucking place. It's a big club. And you ain't in it. You and I are not in the big club. By the way, it's the same big club they used to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe all day long, beating you over the head in their media, telling you what to believe, what to think, and what to buy. The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good, honest, hardworking people, white collar, blue collar, doesn't matter what color shirt you have on. Good, honest, hardworking people continue. These are people of modest means. Continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don't give a fuck about them. They don't give a fuck about you. They don't give a fuck about you. They don't care about you at all. At all. At all. We like war. We like war.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • We learned this morning that the FDA is now saying that it's OK to take ivermectin if you have COVID. I mean, Senator, I remember talking with you repeatedly during COVID about your upset that you were they were trying to cancel you because you were talking to doctors to try to find out the right ways to treat COVID without having to get too many boosters and COVID shots. My COVID was gone in a day when I took ivermectin. And now three years later, the FDA says, oh, yeah, that's fine. Take ivermectin. What? Maria, you know, the doctors I've been dealing with and talking to for years now, they believe that probably hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives because they were denied really treatment. And they were denied it because the FDA sabotaged, for example, ivermectin. They said, come on, y'all, you're not a cow, you're not a horse. This is supposedly horse medicine. No, this is a Nobel Prize-winning medicine that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It did save many, many lives because people you did have doctors with the courage to and the compassion to actually treat patients using it and putting at risk their medical license. But unfortunately, you say, what can we do? Well, we do have reporters like yourself like John Solomon, other people that have the courage to report the truth against the mainstream media and against the narrative. But that's the only way this is going to be solved is we need the truth to be exposed. We need more Americans to listen to the truth, to be exposed to the truth, to pull their heads out in the sand, quite honestly, open up their eyes and understand what is happening in this country. We are going down a very dangerous path, but it's a path that is being laid out and planned by an elite group of people that want to take total control over our lives. And that's what they're doing bit by bit. They do it by increasing massive government spending, increase the size of government, take over of the who, these amendments that are coming up that are going to be voted on in 2024, the who are frightening and they really risk taking away all of our sovereignty. People have to awaken to the dangers of the moment.
    2 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • Dr. Rainer Fülmich, attorney at law in Germany, for an overview. Thank you. Good afternoon. My name is Rainer Fülmich and it is my pleasure to serve as one member of a group of distinguished international attorneys and lawyers who have been collaborating on this very important case for many months now. This case involving the most heinous crimes against humanity committed under the guise of a corona pandemic on a global scale looks complicated only at first glance. But when you put together all those pieces, all those little pieces of the puzzle, as we will do this for you with the help of many renowned experts and other witnesses during this proceeding, you will see four sets of facts. One, there is no corona pandemic but only a PCR plantemic fueled by an elaborate psychological operation designed to create a constant state of panic among the world's population. This agenda has been long planned. It's ultimately unsuccessful. Precursor was the swine flu some 12 years ago and it was cooked up by a group of super rich psychopathic and sociopathic people who hate and fear people at the same time, have no empathy, and are driven by the desire to gain full control over all of us, the people of the world. They are using our governments and the mainstream media, both of which they literally own, to convey their panic propaganda 24-7. Two, the virus itself can be treated safely and effectively with vitamin C, D, zinc, etc. and also with off-label use of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. But all these not alternative methods of treatment but real methods of treatment were banned by those who are using the guise of this plantemic to push their ultimate goal, which is to get everyone to receive the, as we will show in this proceeding, not only ineffective but highly dangerous, yes lethal, experimental injections. Three, the same people who made the swine flu, which ultimately turned out to be a mild flu, into a pandemic 12 years ago by first changing the definition of what a pandemic is and then creating panic created this corona pandemic. The swine flu was their first real attempt at creating a pandemic and just as one of its purposes then was to divert our attention from the blatantly fraudulent activities of their financial industry, more aptly to be called a financial mafia, which had become visible through the Lehman crisis, this is also one of their major purposes of this corona pandemic now. Had we taken a closer look then during the Lehman crisis, instead of blindly believing our government's promises that the perpetrators of those financial crimes will be held liable, we would have seen then that they had been looting and plundering our public coffers for decades and we would have seen that our governments are not our governments anymore, rather they have been taken over by the other side through their main platform, the World Economic Forum, which had started to create their own global leaders through their young global leaders program as early as 1992, two of the first graduates being Angela Merkel and Bill Gates and we would have understood already then what we will show you now through this proceeding. These financial crimes went unchallenged by our politicians because they're aiding and abetting those who commit them and profiting from these crimes. Four, ultimately however we will show to you, the jury, that the other side's main purpose is to gain full and complete control over all of us. This involves the finalization of their looting and plundering by deliberately destroying our small and medium-sized businesses, retail businesses, hotel and restaurants, so that platforms such as Amazon can take over. And this involves population control, which in their view requires both a massive reduction of the population and manipulating the DNA of the remaining population with the help, for example, of mRNA experimental injections. But it also requires, in their view, the deliberate destruction of democracy, of the rule of law and of our constitutions through chaos, so that ultimately we will agree to losing our national and cultural
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • I really do believe that the federal government is captured. It's captured by corporate interests. The entire U.S. population as well as the world has to understand they can no longer take these COVID vaccines. These are they are toxic and lethal to and ineffective that they have completely failed. They can only be viewed as harmful and they need to be stopped. And does it damage the brain? You bet it does. Does it damage the heart? Yes. The liver? Yes. The bone marrow? Yes. It causes all sorts of harm in the human body. We should have stopped this before it ever started. It's a misinformation from the CDC, the FDA, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the American College of OBGYN, the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine. It's a misinformation from those organizations that is causing a lot of death and injury in my women of reproductive age, my pregnant women and my pre-born babies. And it's gotta stop and it's gotta stop now. And for the vaccines broadly, we have no idea what's going to happen long term now that they're in the body. Studies suggest that the vaccines and the spike protein that's produced from them never leaves the human body. The first and most important thing, don't take any more vaccines. Don't take any more boosters. Do not take any more of these dangerous experimental therapies.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Mr. Chu, does TikTok access the home Wi-Fi network? Only if the user turns on the Wi-Fi. I﹑m sorry, I may not understand the﹑ So if I have TikTok app on my phone and my phone is on my home Wi-Fi network, does TikTok access that network? It will have to access the network to get connections to the Internet, if that﹑s the question. Is it possible then that it could access other devices on that home Wi-Fi network? Congressman, we do not do anything that is beyond any industry norms. It has spiked and spied on American citizens. I don﹑t think that spying is the right way to describe it. The only face data that you will get that we collect is when you use the filters to have sunglasses on your face. We need to know where your eyes are. Why do you need to know what the eyes are if you﹑re not seeing if they﹑re dilated? American data stored on American soil by an American company overseen by American personnel. We call this initiative Project Texas. Please rename your project. Texas is not the appropriate name. We stand for freedom and transparency, and we don﹑t want your project. You damn well know that you cannot protect the data and security of this committee or the 150 million users of your app, because it is an extension of the CCP. From the data it collects to the content it controls, TikTok is a grave threat of foreign influence in American life. It hurts me to hear questions this dumb and self-serving. Watching these congressional leaders, people we elected to represent us, are you kidding? At least people can see how stupid the people who run our country are. At least people can see forever positions, these no-term limits, what a problem it is to have these people get elected over and over again, never having heard their thoughts before, never having seen how stupid. And misaligned they are, how out of touch with the American people they are, and all they care about is their own power. If you listen to these members of Congress speak, you would think that they were rulers, emperors. Congress is full of queens and kings and mob bosses. These are the people that run our country, the people who are in charge of our future. They are so incredibly stupid, like so dumb. I, I, a guy literally asked if TikTok connects to the WiFi. How did we get here? You'd think they'd accidentally land on a point. And I give credit to the CEO, honestly, he weathered the storm. He was the only one who knew what the fuck they were talking about. These old, out of touch motherfuckers, they were bond paid for by Mark Zuckerberg. And it's just so obvious that they've never once used the app. I'm embarrassed for our country, I really am. We must be the fucking laughingstock of the world right now.
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • Welcome to America's Got Talent. Thanks. Who are you? My name's Ethan Jan. I'm from Redlands, California. How old are you? I'm 17 years old. 17 years old. So you're in school? Yeah, I'm a junior in high school. And what do you want to be when you grow up? I actually don't really have much of an idea. Well, what are you going to do for us? Just going to do a quick Rubik's Cube act. You make it sound so much more exciting than it actually is. Do you think you can win this contest? Hmm. Well, that's the spirit. Yeah. Okay. I cannot wait to see what you're going to do right here. Thanks. Go ahead, buddy. So judges, may I please come down to the front desk over there? Please. The front desk? We're not checking you out. Or desk. Do you want to talk to the concierge? All right. So in front of the four of you, there's a Rubik's Cube. Could all of you please scramble them up as much as you would like? Like whatever we want? Yes. Okay. You know what I used to do when I couldn't figure it out? I would take all the stickers off and re-stick them. All right. Now that these Rubik's Cubes are all scrambled up, I'm going to do something a little bit fun. What's the next level? Upstairs. He's a genius. Howie, that's what he is. When I met you, you were not very excited for what you were going to do. Oh, no. I was like so excited. I was just a little bit nervous at the same time. I wasn't sure how to act. Yeah. Now you're transforming in front of us. And that was amazing. That was flawless. It was super fun. It was showmanship as well. It doesn't in theory sound super exciting, but this was so incredible. I mean, again, I don't think that there's a human inside of you. Probably a robot. I don't know. Because your eyes were like. It was incredible. You've just done. Incredible. What you did was truly amazing. And I love how you underplayed it. And then you just dazzled us. So we are going to vote. I would like to start off with the first yes. We love being surprised. That was a big surprise the whole time. And that's why you've now got four yeses. How do you feel right now? I'm just really happy to have gotten four yeses. That was really unexpected. Well, you deserve it. You deserve it. You did such a great job, my man. Absolutely incredible.
    4 人回報2 則回應2 年前
  • Exactly, exactly. And the story behind the Intelligence League is a very simple one. After COVID ended up spreading around the United States and producing a gigantic domestic disaster, obviously, our intelligence services wanted to prove that they were not responsible for what happened, that they had provided the information to the top American leadership, which was just ignored. In other words, they wanted to get away from being blamed for the disaster. Therefore, four separate intelligence sources confirmed to ABC News that the secret report had been provided to the White House and our top leadership in November describing a potentially cataclysmic disease outbreak taking place in the city of Wuhan, China. The problem with it, the problem they ran into is then when somebody checked the timeline, they realized in November, there was no cataclysmic disease outbreak in Wuhan. At that point, according to all the available knowledge and retrospective evidence, probably a dozen or maybe 20 people were starting to feel a little bit sick in a city of 11 million. There was no way for any outside observer to possibly be aware of the disease outbreak at that point. In fact, the Chinese government itself only became aware of the outbreak at the end of December, six or seven weeks later. So naturally, the Pentagon immediately denied the existence of that report, said, you know, we don't care, four intelligence sources said that they produced the report, it never existed. However, a week later, Israeli television confirmed the existence of a report saying that report had been sent to Israel, it had been sent to all of our NATO allies in November, and it had been produced in the second week of November. Again, the second week of November was long before anybody in the world could have possibly been aware of the disease outbreak in Wuhan, except for the people responsible. It's fairly close to a smoking gun. It looks that way to me too. It's interesting, was it Esper they asked about this and he said, he said, I don't recall. Exactly. I mean, at that point, you know, again, it was an embarrassment that the report had been provided to these people and ignored until people realized that the dates proved that it was for knowledge of the outbreak in Wuhan. So in other words, it's one thing to have an embarrassment of the fact that the government ignored a report like that. It's another thing when the report proves who was responsible for the disease outbreak. And I mean, America, over the decades, America has spent $100 billion developing its bio warfare technology. America brought the Trump administration brought in Robert Cadillac, America's leading bio warfare expert in 2017. And in 2018, there was suddenly a mysterious viral epidemic that devastated China's poultry industry. In 2019, China's pig herds were annihilated. And then in late 2019, suddenly, the COVID epidemic brought up, which really raises all sorts of incredibly dark suspicions of what really happened. Do you think Trump's telling the truth that he wasn't in the loop? I definitely I don't doubt that the report might have been sent to Trump's desk. But I get the sense that Trump doesn't actually read a lot. And you have all these stories of, for example, Trump's senior officials hiding his own executive orders. He forgets about them. He would forget about them. And we were talking about administration that really was operating in a very strange way with the top figures in the administration running circles around the president ignoring the president. And I fully believe that Trump had absolutely no idea when COVID leaked back to the United States that it was an American bio warfare, bio warfare weapon that was coming to us. And that's the reason they ignored it. That's the reason his response was so lackadaisical. The perpetrators who actually were in the loop have somehow raised the alarm in such a way that the US could protect itself. Well, they did to some extent. I mean, for example, Robert Cadillac, again, our top bio warfare expert, from January to August 2019, Cadillac and his department ran something called the Crimson Contagion Exercise, in which federal and state officials in the United States planned out how they would ensure that if a mysterious virus, viral epidemic, mysterious respiratory virus suddenly appeared in China, that they would prevent it from devastating America and leaking back into China. Eight months they did it, and the virus of exactly that type suddenly appeared in China a couple of months after the end of that exercise. Now, as it turned out, the training obviously was insufficient. That's the understatement. It shows that the people involved in launching the attack against China.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • And how is it killing the immune system? This is really important. The Pfizer shot is able, because of the way that they created it synthetically, allows the messenger RNA to passenger inside your cells and be replicated indefinitely by the ribosomes. So you cannot get it out of your body. There is no detoxing from it. Now, can you detox your body and make yourself overall healthier? Yes. Are you going to eliminate the spike protein or the antibodies of the spike protein or the stupid monoclonal antibodies that they're advocating? No. Because you sensitize your dendritic cells and your B cells, those spikes are going to be there probably forever. Now, this one is really important. The messenger RNA ablates, wipes out, destroys toll like receptor three, seven and eight. The toll like receptors are like you've ever heard my talk on toll like receptors. I love toll like receptors. They're like God inside our body, right? They're these little these little radars that are constantly vigilantly looking around and getting rid of viruses, bacteria and things that don't belong there. They are our innate God given what we are born with immune system. The messenger RNA shots destroy toll like receptor three, seven and eight, which is our primary first line of defense, making us more susceptible to getting COVID. And this is why all the people that get the shots suddenly are sick. And because they're more susceptible, we know the mechanisms. And the doctors are illiterate and not reading it. We know why people who get the shots are more likely to get sick and more likely to be hospitalized. And if they're in the hospital and they get remdesivir and they put on a ventilator, that's a greater than 80% mortality rate. We know the mechanism. Number three, we know the mechanism of this too. The spike proteins enters the nucleus of the cells and binds to our DNA. So anybody who says that it doesn't irreversibly bind your DNA are wrong. They're not reading the scientific literature. And when it binds to the DNA, it blocks the door. And when it binds to the DNA, it starts making it into an abnormal cell that if that cell replicates will turn into cancer. And then it bars the door blocks the door and doesn't allow our God given immune system repair enzymes to come in and repair the damage that spike protein is caused. Hence, that allows cancer to form and why we are seeing and Dr. Ryan Cole has talked about this a lot. Why are we seeing this explosion of cancer in people that get these shots? People that have been in remission, been treated, they're in remission, or they said they don't have cancer anymore, suddenly they're exploding. And it's endometrial cancer, all kinds of blood cancers, lymphatic cancers, breast cancers from these shots. And we know the mechanism. It's not a guess. Data came out just in the last two weeks that if a person is injected, they're 8.12 times more likely to be infected with Omicron. Again, suppression of your immune system, suppression of your white blood cells, ablation of your toll like receptors. The more shots you get, the more the more you destroy your immune system, and the faster that happens. And it's anticipated the German data says that by the end of 2022, every fully vaccinated person over the age of 30 may have the equivalent of full blown vaccine induced immune suppressed AIDS. This is government data. From Germany, this came out about two weeks.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 寫得真好,一定要讀。 Bill Gate's views on the CVirus.... What is the Corona/ Covid-19 Virus Really Teaching us? I’m a strong believer that there is a spiritual purpose behind everything that happens, whether that is what we perceive as being good or being bad. As I meditate upon this, I want to share with you what I feel the Corona/ Covid-19 virus is really doing to us: - It is reminding us that we are all equal, regardless of our culture, religion, occupation, financial situation or how famous we are. This disease treats us all equally, perhaps we should to. If you don’t believe me, just ask Tom Hanks. - It is reminding us that we are all connected and something that affects one person has an effect on another. It is reminding us that the false borders that we have put up have little value as this virus does not need a passport. It is reminding us, by oppressing us for a short time, of those in this world whose whole life is spent in oppression. - It is reminding us of how precious our health is and how we have moved to neglect it through eating nutrient poor manufactured food and drinking water that is contaminated with chemicals upon chemicals. If we don’t look after our health, we will, of course, get sick. - It is reminding us of the shortness of life and of what is most important for us to do, which is to help each other, especially those who are old or sick. Our purpose is not to buy toilet roll. - It is reminding us of how materialistic our society has become and how, when in times of difficulty, we remember that it’s the essentials that we need (food, water, medicine) as opposed to the luxuries that we sometimes unnecessarily give value to. - It is reminding us of how important our family and home life is and how much we have neglected this. It is forcing us back into our houses so we can rebuild them into our home and to strengthen our family unit. - It is reminding us that our true work is not our job, that is what we do, not what we were created to do. Our true work is to look after each other, to protect each other and to be of benefit to one another. - It is reminding us to keep our egos in check. It is reminding us that no matter how great we think we are or how great others think we are, a virus can bring our world to a standstill. - It is reminding us that the power of freewill is in our hands. We can choose to cooperate and help each other, to share, to give, to help and to support each other or we can choose to be selfish, to hoard, to look after only our self. Indeed, it is difficulties that bring out our true colors. - It is reminding us that we can be patient, or we can panic. We can either understand that this type of situation has happened many times before in history and will pass, or we can panic and see it as the end of the world and, consequently, cause ourselves more harm than good. - It is reminding us that this can either be an end or a new beginning. This can be a time of reflection and understanding, where we learn from our mistakes, or it can be the start of a cycle which will continue until we finally learn the lesson we are meant to. - It is reminding us that this Earth is sick. It is reminding us that we need to look at the rate of deforestation just as urgently as we look at the speed at which toilet rolls are disappearing off of shelves. We are sick because our home is sick. - It is reminding us that after every difficulty, there is always ease. Life is cyclical, and this is just a phase in this great cycle. We do not need to panic; this too shall pass. Whereas many see the Corona/ Covid-19 virus as a great disaster, I prefer to see it as a great corrector. It is sent to remind us of the important lessons that we seem to have forgotten and it is up to us if we will learn them or not.
    3 人回報1 則回應4 年前