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  • 台灣醫美健康管理學會證書 Taiwan Cosmetic Health Management Association Certificate 茲證明 This certificate is awarded to. TCHA 全程參與「基因健康管理師授證課程」 培訓期滿,通過資格考核檢定,特此授予為 健康管理師 許美蘊 TCHA-02010011 109年12月22日~110年12月31日 Who has completed the Healthcare Management Accelerator Training Course The above-named individual has qualified in recognition of successful completion of the management requirements of the program and certified as Healthcare Management Accelerator 理事長 台灣醫美健康管理學會 Taiwan cosmetic Health Management Association 秘書長 December22,2020 ~ December31,2021 蔡時安 簡佩瑜 中華民國 109 年 12 月 22 8
    3 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 生產嚴格把關 品質有保障 多國認證 CERTIFICATE
    3 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Body USA Izatura ledicine Association Spirit Certificate 美國健康管理師 USA Healthcare Management Professional Mind 茲證明 許美蘊 已經成功完成规定的需求,並核准為健康管理師。 This is to certify that Xu, Mei-Yun has successfully completed all prescribed requirements and is hereby designated as a Healthcare Management Professional(HMP). 姓性 name: 14 Xu, Mel-Yun Gender: Female birthday: 1983.10.30 Certificate No.: A124211668 Issue Date: 20147.20 President of Asia USA Nathral Medicine Association www.usanma.org R center
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 你好女士 我們收到了您的請求訊息並審查了您丈夫的檔案和文件。 他必須獲得休假證明 但由於外交批准,在沒有為釋放證書投保的情況下向您發送假期證書將是非法的,因為這將違反聯合國關於外交釋放的規則。 這意味著放行前必須繳納放行證書費用,以避免風險。 如果出現任何問題,我們無法再次保證他的安全,因此在這種情況下,必須支付證書費用,並且聯合國機構已對退休/休假情況進行了調查。 女士,我們只是想告訴您,證書不是免費的,因為目前以色列只有三名聯合國飛行員可以提供退休/假期,而且每個辦公室都有自己的價格標籤。 聯合國駐美國/加拿大機構......................$6,500 聯合國駐歐洲機構............$6,000 聯合國駐亞洲機構............$5,500 女士,您需要支付5,500美元,約新台幣18萬元 假期證書費用應支付給為您簽發證書的聯合國特使,未能提供釋放證書費用將意味著我們的特使將拒絕釋放您的丈夫,以便聯合國確保我們保留的名字世界。 請注意,未經付款而簽發證書是違法行為。 這是指導外交法規真正執行的聯合國法律。 請在24小時內發送付款資訊。 我們正在等待您的回覆。 謝謝您的理解 此致 聯合國休假司
    1 人回報1 則回應10 個月前
  • 台大電機博士 曾淼泓教授 提出蔡英文博士證書是假的 蔡英文 是個 女詐騙犯 慣犯 假博士學歷 https://youtu.be/YPT8wp8qmHM 蔡英文詐騙慣犯 https://youtu.be/dP2wX6_wgGY 臺大教授賀德芬 蔡英文博士證書 是假的 https://youtu.be/otZyfhIZJGw
    2 人回報2 則回應5 年前
  • 蔡英文「LSE證書」造假?賀德芬再爆新證據:學術上醜聞 NOWnews 2019/07/15 https://times.hinet.net/mobile/news/22463645
    1 人回報2 則回應5 年前
  • Welcome to the United Nations Travel Agency. These departments are responsible for providing the identification number of Dr. Akira. ID number 05-1783451-0JAF034. But we have a problem before we can fully grant these documents on behalf of Dr. Akira before the UN can legally issue these certificates from headquarters. Dr. Akira needs to provide us with some information and other identification documents so we can start the vacation documentation. Below is the valuable identification information needed to record by Dr. Akira. 1: name: 2: Surname: 3: Nationality: 4: Passport or valid identity card: In order to board a China Airlines, we need to legally approve a leave confirmation on behalf of Dr. Akira In accordance with the statutes of the United Nations (UN) body according to § 121 paragraph 1 letter n) of the United Nations Staff Leave Act adopted by the Constituent Assembly in 2004 prior to the issuance of the leave certificate to Dr. Akira and the approval of flights to Taiwan. These certificates can be issued by the headquarters on behalf of Dr. Akira to be legally signed and approved only after payment of the holiday certificate, which will cost you 81,550 TWD. We need complete information from Dr. Akira with documentation and schedule a flight date with China Airlines, for Dr. Akira to flew to Taiwan In less than 48 hours, after receiving the payment, the head office will send Dr. Akira to Taiwan immediately after 48 hours. For information about our branches and bank accounts, please contact us immediately. Merry Christmas… Sincerely. Leave the authorization department
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • madam,I have successfully inquired about the cost of the replacement form The replacement form is currently priced at US$3,500 equivalent to 27,473 hong kong dollar and will be paid directly to the embassy bitcoin wallet or via bank deposit I will try to submit to his certificate after purchasing the form so it can be submitted for approval immediately Due to the recent terrorist activities, the government has a lot of legislative process, I am already working on it The importance of going through the legal process is that people can easily receive their wages from the government after retirement.
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 《台灣博士門》 政大被逼「不准討論蔡英文博士證書之事」。 但卻私下透露:人事室沒有博士證書! 用膝蓋想想也知道,政大要是有博士畢業證書或博士論文影本,影印展示昭告天下,台灣博士門爭議不就落幕了? 小英也就不用被逼著出示令人充滿質疑的 LSE 學歷證「明」書及沒有目錄及指導教授簽名的博士論文初稿。 近日重量級證人小英大姐出門證實當年陪同待在倫敦接受論文口試或許確是事實,只是小英大姐為何隻字未提一起歡慶口試過關的難忘情節? https://www.facebook.com/groups/382437475229117/permalink/1454038348069019/
    2 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 中華民國 貳 日 二 證書以資證明 程英蘭 民國 肆拾陸年 人 醫經 師考 法試 定中 醫 月 日出生 予師生 中醫師證書 3297 長白髮原因與肝、脾、腎 這三者關係最大。 除了家族的遺傳,熬夜、 壓力、情緒、染髮、藥物 過敏等外界因素也會導致 黑色素細胞無法生成。 程英蘭專精於白髮調理 一身醫術精華 盡融於完善祖傳秘方中
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前