来自印度医生的消息 胡姆扎汗4月26日 01:09-9 警告:COVID19新突变导致Nasalswaps出现假阴性。病毒现在直接侵入肺部。它没有发烧或咳嗽等症状。只是身体疼痛,虚弱,食欲不振。病人在8至10小时内从轻度到极端的生命和死亡情况。由于呼吸系统尚未完全恢复,过去一年左右从COVID19中恢复的患者面临更高的风险。当他们得到新的突变时,他们的死亡率要高得多。我们收到了来自克朗迪亚的数据,这不仅令人震惊,而且是一场历史性的灾难。我们怀疑巴基斯坦、阿富汗和孟加拉国现在都将经历新的病毒突变,并面临像印度一样的方向性变化。我们在印度各地小城镇,特别是东北部地区的同事说,这是一场我们已经输掉的战斗。现在是损害控制和拯救尽可能多的生命。我们已经看到我们区400多名儿童在10到12小时内死亡。初期,他们没有表现出任何症状,并在他们的氧气水平下降和死亡。我们还照顾了一些从海外进入孟买的病人,他们接受了疫苗,最终感染了病毒,28人中有17人死亡。公立医院和私立医院的医疗服务都崩溃了。富人、中产阶级和穷人都受到影响,而且传播速度非常快。任何进一步的突变或变异都有可能成为世界末日。这是一个警告,对于你家里的每个人,从小孩到老人,都要采取极端的预防措施。这种病毒在印度已经不能被控制了。我们的政府和体制都失败了。没有人能预料到这一点。对于医疗体系薄弱的发展中国家,请注意,这超出了我们的所有能力。让我们努力阻止这种蔓延,即使这意味着一场铁板钉钉的封锁,否则我们唯一剩下的就是一个尸体计数统计,这将使西班牙流感看起来像一场非事件 Pradeep医生的口信 森哈萨松总医院 马哈拉施特拉邦 8Humza khann4月26日 01:09-9 WARNING: COVID19 new mutation is giving false negatives in Nasalswaps. The virus is now hitting straight into the lungs. It is carrying nosymptoms like fever or cough. Just body ache, weakness, loss ofappetite. Patients go from mild condition to extreme life and deathsituation within 8 to 10 hours. Patients that have previous recoveredfrom COVID19 in last year or so are at higher risk as their respiratorysystem is still not fully recovered. When they get the new mutationtheir fatality rate is much higher. We are receiving data from acrossIndia and it is not just alarming, it is an absolute disaster of historicalproportions. We suspect Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh will allnow be experiencing the new mutations of virus and face a diresituation just like India. Our colleagues in small towns across Indiaespecially North Eastermn regions aresaying it is a battle we havealready lost. It is now damage control and save as many lives aspossible. We have seen 400 plus children just in our district die within10 to 12 hours. Intitial period they showed no symptoms and withinhours their oxygen levels dropped and deceased. We have alsoattended to several patients who traveled into Mumbai from overseasand had received their jabs and ended up contracting the virus and 17out of 28 have died. Health services both in public and privatehospitals have collapsed. Rich, middle class and poor all are affectedand it is spreading fast, very fast. Any further mutation or variants willpotentially be a doomsday scenario. This is a WARNING go to extremeprecautionsfor everyone in your household From children to eldersThis virus is no longer containable in India. Our government andsystems have failed. No one could have ever anticipated this. For allother developing countries with weak healthcare systems please notethis is beyond all our capacities. Lets work towards trying to stop thspread even if it means an ironclad lockdown or else the only thing wewill have left is a body count statistic that would make the Spanish flu look like a non event Message from Dr Pradeep SenhaSassoon General Hospital Maharashtra 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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