這是可以的,對,我可以做到。 什麼?不,看看那些鞋子有多高。 對,那些鞋子有多高。 它必須很黏,所以繼續塗。 什麼? 繼續塗。我們要讓它乾。 讓我去拿鞋子。 還有另一個。 我的頭髮塗了很多。 頭髮塗了很多。 好的,停止。 好的。 好的,讓它乾。 等一下。 拿我的膝蓋。 像這樣。 讓我慢慢走。 好的。 推我到肩膀。 好的。 等一下,你夠乾嗎? 對。我應該沒事。 現在,向下。 向下? 對,往前。 好的。 往前。 讓我站起來。 好的。 推我到肩膀。 好的。 很好。 現在,你們要把我抬起來。 你確定? 這是真的可以的? 你要幫我抬起來? 什麼? 我的天啊。 天啊。 去吧。 It's working! Feels good, feels good. Now, remove the ladder. Okay, I got it. And give me the broom. Okay, this one over here? Thank you. Don't move, don't move that. Now, get... Hi, what's going on here? I'm sorry, I don't know. My legs. We're just trying to get some shoes, ma'am. Go ahead. Slowly. Go away. Perfect. Do you need me to catch you? No. Excuse me, this looks very dangerous. Okay, it's okay. You can just keep walking. Keep walking. If you fall, it's going to be very bad. Now, get the broom. Get the broom from the bottom. This is crazy. Do you need help? What are you guys doing here? No. Oh my god. Go higher. Do you see that kicking? What? Do you see that? This is crazy. This is so crazy. Oh my... What? What? Go away. Oh my gosh. You're about to reach the top. Do you want me to change the lamp, too? Oh my gosh. 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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