众筹个案编号 1675:地产销售人员陈国松坠楼去世,只留下年幼无助的孩子,恳请捐助葬礼费用。 今年38岁的陈国松先生早年已经离婚,哥哥和嫂嫂非常痛心他英年早逝只留下一个12岁的儿子。哥哥收入微薄没能力负担突发的葬礼费用,万分悲痛之下,恳请全国热心人士随缘捐助,随喜功德,好让弟弟早日安息。 陈国松(TAN KOK SIONG)的哥哥陈国华(TAN KOK HWA)告知,弟弟可能是因为面对生活压力而在黑暗处挣扎,一时想不开而轻生。2月27日邻居发现他从高楼跃下,当场结束了宝贵的生命。 当哥嫂接到消息赶去现场时,看见弟弟的遗体瞬间悲痛不已。最可怜的是留下一名12 岁的孩子,孤苦无助。 陈国华夫妇家庭收入不稳定,妻子从事窗帘销售工作,而丈夫只是一名普通安棚工人,还有一名老父亲要照顾,生活也比较困苦,一时间无能力为弟弟应付突发的葬礼费,于是向我们大爱求助为弟弟办理身后事。 根据医院所签发的死亡报告指出,陈国松是在2月27日下午2点34分从高处跌落以致身体多处受重伤(Multiple Injuries due to fall from height)而身亡。 我们将全程处理往生者的施棺身后事,即领尸、施棺、佛教超度仪式、遗体出殡火化以及安放骨灰的工作,恳请全国热心人士一起来帮助,让逝者得到安息。 若热心人士有意赞助这次的全程葬礼费,请联系马来西亚大爱社区众筹平台社工以了解更多详情。感恩。 陈国松的遗体将在3月2日(星期四)于吉隆坡广东义山羽化苑殡仪馆(H房)进行佛教超度仪式,并在3月3日(星期五)出殡火化,骨灰将安放在广东义塔 3-I-1175,让逝者得到安息。 #大爱社区众筹平台 #Daai #生命平等 #人人关爱 #无所不在 ============================== 『捐助善款』 捐款户口:Persatuan Kebajikan Amal Da Ai Malaysia AmBank Account:8881047120904 Swift Code:ARBKMYKL RHB Bank Account :21403500146601 Swift Code:RHBBMYKL Mon-Sat :10am-6pm(午休12.30-1.30pm) 联络:012-359 9838/ 017-555 6978 /014-334 3955 /03-7773 1116 :16, Jalan Othman 2/40, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. P/S:为响应环保,我们尽量不提供纸张收据。有需要收据的朋友,可以把汇款单据(拍照或截屏)后,Inbox Messenger或WhatsApp给大爱社工,我们会发出电子收据给您。感谢大家。 ============================== 声明:大爱平台所上载的每一张照片以及每一篇的文章内容,都属于大爱版权所有,并已取得当事人同意发布,任何人未经许可而使用这些照片或篡改文章内容,将一律视为盗用及侵犯版权,违规者将被依法追究责任。 ============================== 想即时收到更新、更贴近我们的资讯? 立即订阅我们的telegram 大爱社区众筹平台 https://t.me/malaysiadaai Case No. 1675 : A real estate salesperson, Mr. TAN KOK SIONG, fell to his death, leaving only a young and helpless child. We earnestly request the help of the enthusiastic public to donate to the funeral. The 38-year-old Mr. TAN KOK SIONG had divorced in his early years. His brother and sister-in-law were very sad that he passed away so young and left only a 12-year-old son. The elder brother's income was meager, and he was unable to afford the sudden funeral expenses. In great grief, he sincerely calls upon everyone to donate to his brother's funeral so that his brother can rest in peace soon. Mr. TAN KOK SIONG's elder brother, Mr. TAN KOK HWA, told us that the younger brother may be struggling in the dark because of the pressure of life, and he committed suicide. On February 27, neighbors discovered him jumping from a tall building and ending his precious life. When the elder brother and sister-in-law rushed to the scene after receiving the news, they were filled with grief when they saw the remains of the younger brother. The most pitiful thing is to leave a 12-year-old child alone and helpless. The family income of Mr. TAN KOK HWA and his wife was unstable. His wife was engaged in selling curtains, while her husband was just an ordinary shed worker with an elderly father to take care of. Their life was relatively difficult, and they were unable to cope with sudden expenses. In desperation, they seek the assistance of Da Ai to handle the funeral affairs of their brother. According to the death report issued by the hospital, Mr. TAN KOK SIONG passed away at 2.34 p.m. on February 27, 2023, because of multiple injuries caused by a fall from height. We are handling the whole funeral process, which includes body transfer, cremation, a prayer ceremony, and the placement of the ashes. We sincerely call upon everyone to donate for the funeral so he can rest in peace soon. If anyone is interested in donating for the whole funeral, kindly contact any social workers at Da Ai for more information. Thank you. Mr. TAN KOK SIONG's prayer service will be held at Kwong Tong Funeral Parlor in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, March 2, 2023 (Hall H), followed by cremation on Friday, March 3, 2023. The ashes will be placed at Kwong Tong Cemetery Tower 3-I-1175. 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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