美國隊長的健身教練幫我糾正體態 他是美國隊長 好萊塢女演員和超模的御用健身教練 他告訴我糾正體態你只需要一分鐘 seriously i feel much better thank you so much for your time come on in guys actor actress and models they have such a beautiful posture everybody want to know how to build posture so that's i'm gonna blow your mind right now ok let's do this ok come over here first you put the back of the head against the wall like this yes now walk out a little bit ok walk out to there make the other foot meet now get your shoulders off ok we're gonna hold this for one and a half minutes slowly walk back okay go all the way back okay now let's walk forward walk wow wow i feel so light seriously i feel so light and then i feel like my my chin can go up like normally it's like this never happened before in my entire life every day i feel so heavy yes look at the posture look where your hands are now you see seriously i feel much better because you're teaching your body yeah how to stand up straight how do you think all these actors do this when i teach them this bang before the girls walk the runway 接下來我們讓攝影師小姐姐 也試一下這個體態訓練法 首先背靠牆壁 雙腳往前走一步 90秒之後 雙腳回來 然後我們來看看她的狀態有什麼變化呢 wow it's open wow it's i love it hahaha you're a model now look how straight how oh my gosh you look so confident 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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