I can eat it? Yeah, yeah, of course. It's real chocolate. Here, Alan, can you mix up the cube for me? Yeah, okay. Now, I want you to place both of your hands out like this. I want you to hold onto my hand and cover the cube like this, okay? Perfect, just cover the cube. You see, all six sides completely solved. Not only that, though, remember the cube you mixed up in your hands the whole time. Lift up your hand and show everyone your cube is completely solved on all six sides. Alan, can I borrow your hand one more time? Yeah. I want you to watch the cubes. Watch the cubes very, very carefully, because I can actually turn them back... ...into chocolate. You see, this is... Not only that, though. Thank you so much, Alan. Oh, my God! 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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