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如果在先洗手後洗眼睛的淚腺處、鼻孔,嘴巴和耳朵,從而去除了90%的病毒顆粒,那將大有幫助。 其原因之一是較低的病毒載量可使先天免疫系統中的巨噬細胞和嗜中性粒細胞輕易地吞噬並吃掉剩餘的病毒顆粒。

如果您不這樣做,並且讓大量病毒顆粒進入體內,則會使先天免疫系統超負荷工作,您將不得不依靠自己的天然適應性免疫系統,這需要三天左右的時間由基因進行專門設計出的抗體,以摧毀該病毒。 其方法是通過鎖定病毒外殼上較脆弱的蛋白質打擊,以摧毀病毒。




What is an important defense against the Wuhan coronavirus?


First wash your hands, then use your clean hands to wash your face.

This is because most germs don't enter the body through cuts in your hands, but rather through the mucous membranes of your face, i.e. through your moth, nostrils, tear ducts and ears.

Much smarter than just washing your hands.

Please share with other people.

Here is the scientific explanation.

If you remove 90% of the viral particles by washing your tear ducts, nostrils, mouth and ears after first washing your hands, it can help greatly. One reason for this is that a lower viral load allows the macrophages and neutrophils in your innate immune system to simply devour and eat the remaining viral particles.

If you do not do this and a large number of viral particles enter the body, this overloads the innate immune system and you are forced to rely on your adaptive immune system, which takes three days or so to genetically engineer antibodies specifically designed to destroy the viruses by targeting vulnerable proteins on their outer coat.

That is far more complicated, drains the body of needed energy, and takes much precious time.

It is far better to keep your face clean and allow far fewer viral particles to enter the body where they are simply annihilated by the brute force approach of the neutrophils and macrophages.

