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FDA bans import of Japanese food.
It's OFFICIAL now from FDA, USA - No more Japanese food on your table unless you want to be a walking battery.

Please look carefully into the above link of alarming alert report together with the LONG list of contaminated and/or radioactive vegetables, fruits, seafoods, mushrooms, etc.

It baffles us most why folks are still going to Japan for holidays & eating 'real good authentic Japanese contaminated or radioactive foods' risking their lives and health just because of cheaper prices and lower exchange rates!

Dying is one thing, but dying slowly under prolonged and painful sufferings from cancers and subsequent treatments is one hell of aspects to consider and avoid in all probabilities or possibilities!

I have been giving out warnings about this for the past four years since The Incident occurred in Japan ! !


  • Lin標記此篇為:❌ 含有不實訊息


    FAKE!After the incident at Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in March 2011, the Japanese Government has


    (Reference from:Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan.)
    5 年前