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轉發:(dizzy eyes)(imp)(questioning) 瑞士個把月前宣布凍結俄羅斯3000億美元的資產,(()這兩天又宣布不參加對俄羅斯制裁了())。 為什麼瑞士在短短一個月之內發生這麼大的變化(問號)(問號) 我相信一個最大的原因是(:)(red check mark)自從瑞士宣布凍結俄羅斯資產之后,其他的一些大客戶紛紛的把資產撤出了瑞士銀行,比如說非洲的客戶,中東的客戶,亞洲的客戶等等等等。(right)(right)(right)這些客戶的資產加起來可是天文數字,要比俄羅斯的資產多得多(magnifier2)(shock)(Oh)。他們之所以把資產放在瑞士,主要是出於瑞士銀行所謂的保密和安全的信譽,現在這個信譽沒有了,他們自然要把錢轉走。瑞士銀行經營百年的品牌就這樣崩塌了,損失慘重。這就是慘痛教訓啊,(()跟著美國人走一定會倒大霉的())(oni)(clown)。
MrOrz2 年前 加的
😵😵回頭已太難了。 😤😤瑞士在1個月前宣布凍结俄羅斯3000億美元的资產,這兩天又宣布不参加對俄罗斯的制裁了。 為什麼瑞士在短短一個月之内發生這麼大的變化? 我相信一個最大的原因是、自從瑞士宣布凍结俄羅斯資產之後,其他的一些大客户纷纷的把資產撤出了瑞士银行, 比如說非洲的客户,中東產油國的客户、亞洲的客户等等。 這些客户的資產加起來可是天文數字,要比俄羅斯的資產多得多。 他們之所以把資產放在瑞士,主要是出於瑞士銀行所謂的保密和安全的信譽,現在這個信譽没有了,他們自然要把錢趕快轉走了。 瑞士銀行經營百年的品牌,就這樣崩塌了,損失肯定非常惨重。 這就是惨痛的教訓啊!被美國利用,跟著美國人走,一定會倒大霉的。 Switzerland announced a month ago that it would freeze $300 billion in Russian assets, and in the past two days it has announced that it will not participate in the sanctions against Russia. Why has Switzerland changed so much in just one month? I believe one of the biggest reasons is that since Switzerland announced the freezing of Russian assets, some other big clients have withdrawn their assets from Swiss banks one after another. For example, customers in Africa, customers in the Middle East, customers in Asia and so on. The combined assets of these clients are astronomical, much larger than those of Russia. The reason why they put their assets in Switzerland is mainly because of the so-called confidentiality and security reputation of Swiss banks. Now that this reputation is gone, they will naturally transfer the money. The century-old brand of Swiss Bank collapsed in this way, and the losses were very heavy. This is a painful lesson! Going with the Americans is bound to be bad luck.
MrOrz2 年前 加的