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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has officially demanded that the United States explain that biohazard containers were found buried in the evacuated consulate general in Wuhan. The PRC security forces cordoned off other US diplomatic missions in the country.

An official statement by the Foreign Ministry said that the containers were found on January 30 after the US consulate general in Wuhan was evacuated in full on a special board of the US Air Force in connection with the outbreak of a new virus. The search was carried out after Chinese intelligence handed over certain “undeniable materials”, the contents of which have not yet been disclosed.

“Since attempts to get comments on official and closed channels over the course of several days did not lead to clear answers, we decided to move this question to another level and demand an answer publicly. China is also initiating an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council, ”said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

The department said that a total of eight containers with biohazard labels were found. Xinhua News Agency also published their photo in a military warehouse near the consulate. The boxes were wrapped in two layers of tarpaulin and buried in the backyard of the Consulate General at a depth of one and a half meters. Their contents are now being studied by Chinese military biologists








  • tsunghanberlin標記此篇為:❌ 含有不實訊息


    根據《優傳媒》2020年2月5日的報導,本新聞訊息基本可以判定為假。根據該文的整理,本新聞最早出自一篇2月1日的俄羅斯報導,後2月4日有位名為KK Lau的網友就此製作並上傳影片至youtube,後又流傳自美國平台reddit。本新聞為假的判斷證據之一為美國在武漢的大使館所在地為


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