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Hello speaker, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again. It's a story of some downs and ups, of the Eagles and their Premiership Cup.
Of a year which finished with our share of the GST for our Treasury that's been there here in Parliament.
The legislation program's grand. Plastic bags have now been banned.
We've now got sewage bollards out the front. Looking like an opposition stunt.
Members keep giving speeches that no one understands. Some good, some bland.
That's been the year in Parliament.
And in this Parliamentary Hall are a dozen members, maybe more.
Members talking without speaking. Members hearing without listening.
Members giving speeches that no one ever hears. And no one cares.
That's what it's like in Parliament.
So Mr Speaker, close the gate. Do it now lest it's too late.
Get the crayfish and the sparkling wine. All the members form a Congo line.
And the Christmas message is written on the Parliamentary walls.
And the Christmas balls. Merry Christmas from Parliament.


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    影片是2018年西澳洲官員 David Templeman 在議會上演唱致詞的片段。


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