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Place an unpeeled onion in the room!

  When the flu killed 40 million people, a doctor visited various farms to see if it could help people fight the flu.

  Many farmers and their families were infected with the flu, and many people died as a result. The doctor came to a farmer's house.

  Unexpectedly, everyone in this family is very healthy.

  The doctor asked how this house was different from others. The wife said that she had placed an unpeeled onion in every room in the house (about two at that time).

  The doctor couldn't believe it, so he asked if he could have an onion under the microscope. She gave him one. The doctor did find flu germs on the onion during the observation.

  Obviously, the onion absorbs the germs, thus keeping the family healthy.

  Today, I hear a similar story from my hairdresser in Arizona. She said that a few years ago many of her employees were infected with the flu, as were many of her customers.

  The following year, she put a few fruit plates in her barbershop with some onions. To her surprise, none of her employees were sick.

  It seems that onions really work. The core of the story is, buy some onions! Put them in a fruit plate in your home.

  If you're sitting in an office, put a few onions in your office, or under some, or on top of the cabinet.

  If it seems to help you and your loved one not to catch a cold, that's great.

  If you still have a cold, it may be a mild symptom.

  No matter what the outcome, what will you lose? Besides a few onions.

  I give this advice to my friends. She replied with the most interesting experiment about onions: I don't know the story of the farmer, but I know I have pneumonia.

  Needless to say, I am not ill. I read an article that suggested cutting off both ends of the onion and inserting it on a fork. Then put the fork in a vase and place it next to the patient at night.

  Onions will turn black early in the morning the next day due to germs.

  Sure enough, things are exactly the same as described in the article.

  That article also used onions and garlic in the house to save many people's lives from the Black Death many years ago. The onion looked terrible, but I started to get better.

  For the health of you and your loved one, please place an unpeeled onion!

  Remember to cut off both ends!

  * Health Articles Reasonable Sharing Reference *
