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※※※ 因為蔡英文為了要利用美國鞏固權力抱美國大腿,不管美國把台灣人當畜牲賣病死雞戕害台灣人騙錢的重大國安事件,所以我要告訴喜歡雞肉的消費者,在台灣的家樂福、大潤發、大買家、全聯、....賣的美國雞棒棒腿全都是美國病死雞棒棒腿,但是他們並不知道賣的美國雞棒棒腿是病死雞的腿。在台灣的美國COSTCO可能很清楚美國泰森食品賣到台灣的雞棒棒腿是病死雞腿,因為COSTCO不敢賣100公克只要9.5元左右非常便宜的美國泰森雞腿,而賣100公克都要19.5元左右的台灣雞腿(卜蜂雞肉)價差1倍以上。在美國本土的COSTCO有賣泰森雞腿,在台灣的美國COSTCO賣美國泰森牛肉不敢賣泰森雞腿很顯然是有問題。你想想看,美國雞肉在美國養殖,人工貴加稅金加運費怎麼可能比台灣雞便宜許多。美國養雞怕禽流感全死是用封閉式養殖,雞與大便從小到大在一起不清除環境惡劣死亡率很高,泰森不願承受損失就賄賂墨西哥獸醫把病死雞賣到台灣騙錢。美國司法部在民國86年(1997)就已經調查到美國泰森食品公司(tyson foods, inc.),賄賂在墨西哥分公司的墨西哥獸醫可以在墨西哥分公司處理病死雞外銷,罰款400萬美元以免除刑事處分。美國司法部為了美國泰森的利益沒有說出病死雞是外銷到哪個國家,更惡劣的是美國司法部繼續讓泰森賣病死雞腿到台灣騙錢,現在台灣賣的泰森雞腿全都還是病死雞腿。 (本文可以轉發我負全責)

Justice News Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, February 10, 2011Tyson Foods Inc. Agrees to Pay $4 Million Criminal Penalty to Resolve Foreign Bribery Allegations WASHINGTON – Tyson Foods Inc. has agreed to pay a $4 million criminal penalty to resolve an investigation into improper payments by company representatives to government-employed inspection veterinarians in Mexico, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Criminal Division and James W. McJunkin, Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office. “Tyson Foods used false books and sham jobs to hide bribe payments made to publicly-employed meat processing plant inspectors in Mexico,” said Assistant Attorney General Breuer. “The penalty and resolution announced today reflect the company’s disclosure of this conduct, its cooperation with the government’s investigation and its commitment to implementing enhanced controls.” A criminal information filed in U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia in connection with a deferred prosecution agreement charges Tyson with conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and with violating the FCPA. Tyson, which is headquartered in Springdale, Ark., produces prepared food products. As part of a deferred prosecution agreement with the department, Tyson acknowledged responsibility for the actions of its subsidiaries, employees and agents who made improper payments to government-employed veterinarians who inspected two of its chicken processing plants in Gomez Palacio, Mexico. Any company that exports meat products from Mexico must participate in an inspection program, supervised by the Mexican Department of Agriculture. According to court documents, the inspection program at each facility is supervised by an on-site veterinarian employed by the government of Mexico to ensure that all exports conform to Mexican health and safety laws. According to documents filed in court, Tyson’s Mexican subsidiary, Tyson de Mexico, paid approximately $90,000 between 2004 and 2006, to two publicly-employed veterinarians who inspected its Mexican plants, resulting in profits of approximately $880,000. The payments were made both directly to the veterinarians and indirectly through their wives, who Tyson de Mexico listed on its payroll, although neither performed any services for Tyson. According to court documents, the bribe payments were made to keep the veterinarians from disrupting the operations of the meat-production facilities. When payments to the spouses were terminated in 2004, Tyson representatives agreed to increase the amount paid to the veterinarians to match the amount previously paid to their spouses. The agreement requires that Tyson pay a $4 million penalty, implement rigorous internal controls, and cooperate fully with the department. The agreement recognizes Tyson’s voluntary disclosure and thorough self-investigation of the underlying conduct. If Tyson abides by the terms of the agreement for the two-year term, the department will dismiss the criminal information. In a related matter, Tyson reached a settlement today with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, under which it agreed to pay more than $1.2 million in disgorgement of profits, including pre-judgment interest. This case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorney Kathleen M Hamann of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and investigated by the FBI’s Washington Field Office. Component(s): Criminal Division Press Release Number: 11-171



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