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  • 這是在美國女兒的同學發的貼:🎯剛開始以為是謠言,查了一下,確實是美國药監局12月29號發佈的通知。 一星期前美國法例己生效: . 🎯美國食品药品管理局FDA 7月28日2015 (2016年10月17日更新)發佈的第99-33進口警示,禁止下列 🅾日本食品進入美國: 📎鲜奶、 📎黄油、 📎奶粉、 📎嬰兒奶粉、及其它 📎乳制品; 📎蔬菜、及其它制品 📎大米、 📎全麥; 📎魚類; 📎肉類和禽類; 📎蛤蜊類; 📎海胆; 📎柑橘柚類水果; 📎奇異果。 ❌原因是核污染 (Radionuclide contamination)。 日本终於承認無能力控制福島每日排放數百萬噸輻射廢水不斷流入 太平洋,已導致多人患上 💢癌症或 💢疾病,已嚴重影響全球人類及生態環境了,真不敢想像! ❌不要飲食日本的東西。 💢美國的臨海中被發現到放射性數值越來越高。 盡量能不去日本最好不要去。 💢澳大利亞政府已經停止日本人的簽証發放, 💢美國也停止了日本人的美國移民。 目前日本的狀况比我們想像的還嚴重,全日本领土的🎯70以上被污染。 🎯日本的放射性物質已經向海洋流入,而且受影響的海洋面積越來越廣。 它的嚴重超過想像,日本政府怕帶來恐慌,他們會放棄或者謊言來告知周邊人。 日本的海鮮,菇類都不要飲食。 上次地震之後,損壞的日本核能發電廠的放射性物質開始流入的海洋或者周邊, 開始發現 ❌畸形海鮮及植物 ❌變異的菇類 ❌變異的魚類, ❌變異的海產受到放射性物質的食品,飲食之後1--2年内會誘發 🅾食道癌 🅾淋巴癌 🅾白血病等, 特别是對幼兒, 🅾孕婦會有更大的影響。 周邊國家已經停止了與日本的海鮮貿易。 從日本進口的📎青魚,📎貝殼,📎香菇 日本臨近海域裡抓獲的魚類放射性數值達到380倍。 從現在開始,千萬不要飲食日本的海鮮或生魚片。自日本海嘯核爆炸以來,去日本旅遊、并多次食用日本食品的我國旅日遊客調查顯示,有不同程度怪異疾病,并在上升中!而日本受放射核污染的本土產品全部供應國外遊客 ! 日本國卻食用從别國進口的食物!! 親愛的朋友們! 為了親人、朋友和我們同胞的健康,請分享到你的空間裡,大家會感謝你的!(請轉發出去救救我們的同胞) This is a post from a classmate of my daughter in the United States. 🎯 At first thought it was a rumor. Check it out. It was a notice from the FDA on December 29th. United States law in force a week ago 🎯 The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) July 28, 2015 (updated on October 17, 2016) issued the Import Alert 99-33, which prohibits the following 🅾 Japanese food enters the united states: 📎 milk 📎 butter 📎 Milk powder 📎 Infant milk powder and other 📎 📎 Vegetables and other products 📎 rice 📎 Whole wheat; 📎 Fish; 📎 Meat and poultry; 📎 📎 📎 📎 ❌ 💢 💢 Disease has seriously affected the global human and ecological environment, I really can not imagine! ❌ Dont eat Japanese food. 💢 In the U.S., higher levels of radioactivity have been found in the sea. Try not to go to Japan. 💢 Australian Government Stops Japanese Issuance of Permits, 💢 The United States also stopped the American immigrants of the Japanese. The current situation in Japan is even worse than we thought. All of Japans territory 🎯} Over 70 contaminated. 🎯} Its more serious than imagining, and the Japanese government is afraid of causing panic, they will give up or lie to tell the people around them. Japanese seafood, mushrooms do not eat. After the last earthquake, the damaged radioactive material from the Japanese nuclear power plant began to flow into or around the oceans and began to be discovered ❌} Malformed seafood and plants ❌} Mutant mushrooms ❌} Mutated fish, ❌} Mutated seafood is exposed to radioactive substances in foods that are induced within 1-2 years after the diet 🅾} esophageal cancer 🅾} lymphoma 🅾} Leukemia, etc., especially in young children, 🅾} Pregnant women have a greater impact. The neighboring countries have stopped the seafood trade with Japan. Imported from Japan 📎 herring, 📎 conch, 📎 shiitake , an edible mushroom Japans capture of fish in the vicinity of the sea is 380 times more radioactive. From now on, never eat Japanese seafood or sashimi. Since the Japanese tsunami nuclear explosion, the Japanese tourist survey of Chinese tourists who traveled to Japan and ate Japanese food several times has revealed that there are strange diseases of varying degrees and are on the rise! Dear friends! For the sake of the health of our relatives, friends and our fellow countrymen, please share your space and everyone will thank you!
    1 人回報2 則回應7 年前
  • 台灣海外網:祝賀彭文正博士榮獲加拿大「正義之星獎」 台灣海外網報導(2022年7月24日)http://taiwanus.net/news/press/2022/202205161625581457.htm The Justice Star Award(正義之星獎)是總部在加拿大的非營利組織,每年頒發此獎(獎金一萬加元),獎勵世界各國捍衛司法正義的勇敢人士。今年的獎,頒給了台灣知名媒體人、前民視節目主持人、現《政經關不了》網絡視頻主持人、一直揭露蔡英文假博士真相的彭文正教授。 頒獎詞說,彭文正教授勇敢捍衛言論自由、新聞自由和司法正義,對抗和抨擊威權主義政府,體現了「正義之星獎」的價值和追求。 頒獎委員會說,很多人推薦彭文正教授,還有知名的美國史丹福大學的前教職人員等。他們在眾多被推薦的候選人中,最後評選決定,今年的獎頒給彭文正教授。 他們在頒獎前也聯絡了彭文正早年在美國攻讀博士學位的母校威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校,該校回應:威斯康星(麥迪遜)大學一向鼓勵學生和校友追求和挖掘真相,不論在學術領域,還是在更大的社會領域;很高興看到校友彭文正教授獲此殊榮。 The Justice Star Award頒獎詞還說,彭文正教授追求真相的精神,可和2021年兩位諾貝爾和平獎得主、兩位知名記者 Maria Ressa(菲律賓記者)和Dmitry Muratov(俄國記者)相比。 下面是「正義之星獎」網頁內容(及給彭文正教授的頒獎詞) Justice Star Award — To make justice worldwide Justice Star Award Society is a non-profit organization in Canada which grants 10,000.00 Canadian dollars annually to an individual or organization that has pursued justice for the public interest in global communities. We are dedicated to enhancing justice in people’s lives and in the world. Award Recipients: Congratulations to Professor Dennis Weng Jeng Peng for winning the 2022 Justice Star Award The committee received many nominations, and after careful review, we are pleased to announce to award Professor Dennis Weng Jeng Peng the first Justice Star Award with a monetary award of $10,000 Canadian dollars. Professor Peng has been nominated by many people, including former faculty members of the famous Stanford University in the United States and overseas Chinese organizations. The committee scrutinized Professor Peng’s fearless performance in defending Taiwan’s freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and judicial justice, and in monitoring and challenging the totalitarian government. Professor Peng is comparable to the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize winners, two renowned media reporters, Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov. The committee also contacted the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where Professor Peng earned his Ph.D., and received a response from the Chancellor’s Office: “The University of Wisconsin-Madison is proud to encourage all students and alumni to sift and winnow for the truth, both in academic pursuits and in society at large. Thank you for your message highlighting the focus of your work in support of alumnus Dr. Dennis Weng Jeng Peng.” The Justice Star Award Committee proudly presents the very best Justice Star Award annually on July 17th, World Day for International Justice. Work together, and we can make justice worldwide! Mission & Vision: • To improve the justice system • To enhance and promote access to justice • To protect the public interest and social justice https://justicestaraward.com/
    4 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 可怕的報告~瑞士第一例5G的损伤报告 https://russ999.pixnet.net/blog/post/301462937 天線一安裝,日内瓦市中心的幾個居民和整個家庭都報告了類似的不同尋常的症狀:耳鳴、劇烈頭痛、難以忍受的耳痛、失眠、胸痛、疲勞以及在房子裏感覺不舒服。 The first reported injury of 5G in a news report comes from Switzerland,where 5G has been launched in 102 locations. The weekly French-language Swiss magazine L'Illustré interviewed people living in Geneva after the 5G rollout with alarming details of illness.In their article,With 5G,We Feel Like Guinea Pigs,posted July 18,2019,they report neighbors met to discuss their many common symptoms and many unanswered questions. 瑞士的一份新聞報道首次報道了5G網絡的受傷情況,瑞士的法語周刊《l'illustr》在5G網絡推出後采訪了居住在日内瓦的人們,詳細介紹了他們患病的情況。在他們發表于2019年7月18日的文章中,他們報告說,鄰居們聚在一起讨論他們的許多常見症狀和許多懸而未決的問題。 相關:美國國土安全部内幕-我經曆了5G,必須警告世界 5G:Its Legal but Not Safe 5G:合法但不安全 As soon as the antennas were installed,several residents and entire families in the heart of Geneva reported similar unusual symptoms of loud ringing in the ear,intense headaches,unbearable earaches,insomnia,chest pain,fatigue and not feeling well in the house.29-year-old Geneva resident,Johan Perruchoud,called up Swisscom and was told that indeed the 5G cell towers were activated on the same day he began to feel the symptoms.When others called Swisscom they were told everything is legal and within guidelines. 天線一安裝,日内瓦市中心的幾個居民和整個家庭都報告了類似的不同尋常的症狀:耳鳴、劇烈頭痛、難以忍受的耳痛、失眠、胸痛、疲勞以及在房子裏感覺不舒服。29歲的日内瓦居民Johan Perruchoud給瑞士斯科姆公司打了電話,被告知5G手機發射塔确實在他開始感覺到這些症狀的同一天被激活。當其他人打電話給瑞士石油公司時,他們被告知一切都是合法的,都在指導方針的範圍内。 Swiss Physician Denounces 5G and Calls for a 5G Moratorium 瑞士醫生譴責5G網絡,呼籲暫停5G網絡 Dr.Bertrand Buchs,who has also called for a 5G moratorium,states he has seen more and more patients with similar symptoms.He notes,"In this case,our authorities are going against common sense…we risk experiencing a catastrophe in a few years…no serious study exists yet,which is not surprising when we know that this technology was developed in China,then to the United States.In Switzerland,we could open a line for people who feel bad,listen to these complaints and examine them.Our country has the means and the skills.The debate must be launched because the story is not about to end." 伯特蘭·布克斯博士也呼籲暫停使用5G,他說他已經看到越來越多的病人出現類似的症狀。他指出,"在這種情況下,我們的當局違背了常識......我們冒着在幾年内經曆一場災難的風險......目前還沒有嚴肅的研究存在,這并不奇怪,因爲我們知道這項技術是在中國開發的,然後是在美國。在瑞士,我們可以爲那些心情不好的人開設專線,傾聽他們的抱怨,并對他們進行調查。我們的國家有手段和技能。這場辯論必須啓動,因爲這個故事還沒有結束。" Swisscom:Millions of Fast Connections 數以百萬計的快速連接 Swisscom states,"5G will create new opportunities for residential customers and businesses across Switzerland.5G is the new mobile communication standard for digitisation,enabling the extremely fast connection of millions of devices,things and people."Will those millions of fast connection enable communication,or instead disable people from communicating due to illness? "5G将爲瑞士各地的居民客戶和企業創造新的機會。5G是數字化的新移動通信标準,使數以百萬計的設備、物品和人能夠極快地連接起來。"那些數以百萬計的快速連接能夠使通信成爲可能,還是因爲疾病而使人們無法進行通信? Dear Diary:Loud Humming,Lots of Pain,Nausea,No Sleep 親愛的日記:嘈雜的嗡嗡聲,劇痛,惡心,無法入睡 These stories parallel that of Anne Mills,author of"All EMF'd Up",who suffered wireless radiation poisoning in Germany when her husband was stationed there for work.She wrote a diary with identical symptoms of those in Geneva.As noted in the Swiss magazine L'Illustré article,her concerns,like those in Geneva,were dismissed.She consulted with German physician,Dr Horst Eger,to confirm her symptoms were that of microwave illness seen in military radar personnel and those working on microwave towers.All EMFd Up(Electromagnetic Fields):My Journey Through Wireless Radiation Poisoning and How You Can Protect Yourself.(2019)Anne Mills"Mystery Illness"In Cuban and Chinese Diplomats is Microwave Poisoning 這些故事與《AllEMF'dUp》的作者安妮•米爾斯(AnneMills)的故事類似。米爾斯的丈夫在德國工作時,她遭受了無線輻射中毒。她寫了一本日記,裏面的症狀和日内瓦的一模一樣。正如瑞士雜志《l'illustr》的文章所指出的那樣,她的擔憂和日内瓦的擔憂一樣,都被駁回了。她咨詢了德國内科醫生霍斯特·伊格爾醫生,以确認她的症狀是軍用雷達人員和微波塔工作人員出現的微波疾病。電磁場:我的無線輻射中毒之旅以及如何保護自己。(2019)安妮米爾斯"神秘疾病"古巴和中國外交官微波中毒 The New York Times and CBS reported unexplained symptoms in diplomats living in China and Cuba in 2017 and 2018.The source was found to be microwave radiation.UC San Diego Professor of Medicine,Dr.Beatrice Golomb,published an article in Neural Computation in September 2018,discussing the symptoms of the diplomats living abroad.The symptoms that diplomats and their families experienced,i.e.sleep problems,headaches,strange auditory sounds,anxiety and dizziness were similar to those with microwave illness reported in military studies from pulsed microwave radiation.See Cuban Diplomats Likely Hit by Microwave Weapons. 《紐約時報》和哥倫比亞廣播公司報道了2017年和2018年居住在中國和古巴的外交官出現的原因不明的症狀。發現來源是微波輻射。2018年9月,加州大學聖叠戈分校醫學教授BeatriceGolomb博士在《神經計算》雜志上發表了一篇文章,讨論了居住在國外的外交官的症狀。外交官及其家屬所經曆的症狀,如睡眠問題、頭痛、奇怪的聽覺聲音、焦慮和眩暈,與脈沖微波輻射報告的微波疾病類似。可能被微波武器擊中。 Many Others Suffer Microwave Illness/Electrosensitivity 許多其他人患有微波疾病/電敏感 It is reported that 3%to 30%of the population have symptoms similar to Microwave illness or electrosensitivity,depending on the country and if mild to severe symptoms are reported. 據報告,3%至30%的人口有類似微波疾病或電敏感症狀,這取決于國家和是否報告輕微至嚴重的症狀。 Dr.Scott Eberle describes how a physician learned about his own electrosensitivity published originally in 2014 in the Sonoma Medicine and later reprinted in the Santa Clara County/Monterey County Medical Association Bulletin.You can read Dr.Scott Eberle's What's the Diagnosis,Doctor?He has also written"An Underworld Journey:Learning to Cope with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity."Dr.Scott Eberle.Ecopyschology.9(2):106-111,June 2017.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317923126_An_Underworld_Journey_Learning_to_Cope_with_Electromagnetic_Hypersensitivity 斯科特·埃伯利博士描述了一位醫生是如何了解自己的電敏感性的,該研究最初于2014年在SonomaMedicine發表,後來在聖克拉拉縣/蒙特雷縣醫學協會公報上轉載。你可以閱讀ScottEberle博士的《他也寫了《地下之旅:學習如何應對電磁波過敏症》斯科特·埃伯利博士。生态學.9(2):106-111,2017年6月。 Writer Alison Main has documented her experience in developing electrosensitivity and her frustration at being more isolated from other people and wireless technology she would like to use.Electro-Sensitivity:When the Modern World Hurts 作家艾莉森·梅因記錄了她發展電敏感性的經曆,以及她因與其他人隔絕和她想使用的無線技術而感到的沮喪。
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