
1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
A video of Bill Ryan claiming China would be attacked with biological weapons.



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  • An image claiming that Vladimir Putin said that United States created coronavirus as a biological weapon.
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  • An Israeli spy (Dany Shoham) claims that the new coronavirus is linked to the Chinese secret program for the production of biological weapons at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, the epicenter of the infection.
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  • A sensationalist headline claiming that there is a new virus in China - the Hantavirus.
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  • A website claiming that China has confirmed that patient zero had sex with a bat.
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  • The new coronavirus COVID-19 is a US biological weapon against China and Italy ; Milorad Dodik, the Serb member of the BiH presidency, is infected with COVID-19.
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  • Video shows re-opened wet market in China .
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  • Video of police in China taking into control suspected COVID-19 patients in the country.
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  • A recent video of Coronavirus patients at an airport in China and gauge how serious the situation is.
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  • 八千老兵千里開摩托車到白宮保護總統。帶上重型武器。在白宮外駐防。🇺🇸🇺🇸 Eight thousand veterans drove motorcycles to the White House to protect the president. Bring heavy weapons. Guard outside the White House.🇺🇸🇺🇸 China and Traitors are not approved🇺🇸
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