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  • 美國空軍人員在以色列駐美使館外自焚死亡,抗議美方支援以色列種族滅絕巴勒斯坦人民 https://news.pts.org.tw/article/682775
    1 人回報1 則回應7 個月前
  • https://news.pts.org.tw/article/697624 為振興0403震災後的花東國旅,交通部觀光署日前宣布推出旅遊補助方案,29日正式公告實施時程,觀光署長周永暉也在今(30)日行政院會後記者會做出說明。其中赴花蓮自由行旅客,最快6月1日起就可享有平日每房每晚1千元、假日5百元的住宿補助。觀光署將投入超過10億預算,預估將有250多萬人次旅客受惠,並創造逾128億產值。
    2 人回報1 則回應4 個月前
  • 一美國空軍人員在以色列駐美使館外自焚后死亡 https://news.pts.org.tw/article/682775 美帝到處製造戰爭屠殺人類,以及協助以色列從事種族滅絕的暴行,連美國自家人都強烈反感到自婪抗議,實在令人痛心疾首,悲忿難止,哀哉至極!
    7 人回報1 則回應7 個月前
  • 【你可以用下面連結的方式立即支援蘇丹】 關注香港,關注蘇丹,蘇丹自去年12月開始和平抗爭,總統巴席爾(Omar al-Bashir)在四月被成功罷黜,然而卻被軍方掌權,公民慘遭軍隊血腥鎮壓,至今已500多人死,無數人失蹤,6歲女孩被10名男性強姦,女性被集體強暴,男性也被性暴力所害。 女性也成了公民抗爭場上的利器,CNN報導,蘇丹當局向鎮守街頭的軍官下令:「擊破(break)女孩!因為只要你們擊破女孩,男人也就跟著被擊破。」 世界各地在為不公不義抗爭; 世界各地在為極權迫害犧牲流淚。 你的行動可以幫助蘇丹得到更多的關注和資源: 七件你可以「現在」為蘇丹做的事 https://www.fastcompany.com/90363335/sudan-massacre-how-to-help-7-things-from-gofundme-to-unicef 1. 轉發這張藍色蘇丹女性流淚頭像 2. 連署要求聯合國對蘇丹軍方鎮壓展開調查:https://www.change.org/p/antónio-guterres-the-secretary-general-of-the-united-nations-the-un-must-investigate-the-3rd-of-june-human-rights-violations-in-sudan-by-the-military?signed=true 3. 到GoFundMe群眾集資網捐款支持:https://www.gofundme.com/emergency-medical-aid-for-sudan 4. 捐款給Save The Children, UNICEF, 及以下臉書網頁 Food & Medicine for Sudan https://www.facebook.com/donate/977085802497357/ "I'm writing this heartbroken. The western media is failing to inform people of what is happening in Sudan, I am struggling to get my head around it and find enough information about what's happening. Please do your research, awful things are happening. A 6-year-old girl was raped by 10 men. 523 people have been killed. 723 people have been injured. 650 innocent people have been arrested. 48 women have been raped. 1000's of people are missing. If every person can dedicate one post to what is going on in Sudan, we can come together and raise awareness and try to help the poor people going through this. We are all HUMAN, we need to stick together and love one another, protect one another. This is not acceptable, the lack of media coverage is NOT acceptable!" 7 things you can do right now for Sudan: https://www.fastcompany.com/90363335/sudan-massacre-how-to-help-7-things-from-gofundme-to-unicef #BlueForSudan #prayforSudan
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • (*) 感謝有心人士用心整理以下81條。這不知得花去多少時間和心血,真的很精彩。我們能得以分享是一種福氣!感謝他、學會感謝和感恩是做人的第一步。 (此篇可繼續分享傳給您的朋友與群組)。 1) 洋蔥浸紅酒: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/RWO.htm 2) 自己CPR的方法: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HAS.htm 3) 心臟病發、中風前兆: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HSS.htm 4) 中風辨認常識: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/STR.htm 5) 聖心減肥良方: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SHM.htm 6) 十大營養食品: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/10N.htm 7) 治口臭食療方: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/BBS.htm 8) 豬腳薑醋製法: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/GV.htm 9) 清心養血之良食: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HBDD.htm 10) 珩記祖傳祕方鹹檸檬: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SHSL.htm 11) 鼻敏感效湯: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/hayfever.htm 12) 果菜療能一覽表: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/h.htm 13) 療能食物對照表: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/WGFX.htm 14) 肉桂之天然食療: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CINN1.htm 15) 小紅苺防尿道膀胱炎: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CRAN.htm 16) 吹風機的妙用: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HDRY.htm 17) 蜂蜜加肉桂粉的神奇: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CINH.htm 18) 沒事多喝檸檬水: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/LMNA.htm 19) 人過中年不悲哀: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/AMAH.htm 20) 醫生之食療介紹: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/Food_files/frame.htm 21) 心肌梗塞急救法: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HAET.htm 22) 枸杞消除疲勞: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/WOLF.htm 23) 紅棗保肝補氣: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/JUJU.htm 24) 遠離糖尿病不難: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/DIAB.htm 25) 健康身心之最佳時間: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/TIME.htm 26) 世衛評選的最佳食品: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/JUNF.htm 27) 十大垃圾食物: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/JUNK.htm 28) 蒜頭蒸飯, 老薑蜜糖: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/GARC.htm 29) 沒有阿茲海默的世界: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/ALZH.htm 30) 練太極可抗疫: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/MOVM.htm 31) 飯後熱飲: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/WWAM.htm 32) 食物防春季過敏: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/ALGY.htm 33) 香蕉的神奇: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/banana.htm (a)熟香蕉抗癌:http://wwwphilcheung.com/Health/BANATNF.htm 34) 慢性腸炎克隆氏病: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CDDS.htm 35) 十大助排毒之食品: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/EXCR.htm 36) 腸道照顧好, 百病不來找: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/INTEST_1.htm 37) 腸道簡易運動: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/INTEST_2.htm 38) 延年益壽十則: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/LLTA.htm 39) 排汗和排尿的差別: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SWET.htm 40) 補健清湯(排毒通血): http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SASP.htm%3E 41) 謄固醇的常識: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4500 http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/fats.html 降謄固醇療方二例: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CLTS.htm 42) 林燕妮治老花妙方: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/ESEJ. 43) 治失眠良方: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SLPL.htm 44) 五大防癌水果: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/FFCR.htm 45) 慎食非季節性水果: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/OSFR.htm 46) 清洗蔬果勿用鹽: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/WFRS.htm 47) 少林十巧手: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SLSK.htm 48) 食 療 歌: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/MDFD.htm 49) 羅漢果的食療功效: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/GMFR.htm 50) 游離基是什麼? http://www.philcheung.com/Health/FRRL.htm 51) 金雞獨立養生法: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SO1L.htm http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SO1L_e.htm 52) 氣功按摩十八法: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/QG18.htm 53) 多吃疏果能防癌嗎? http://www.philcheung.com/Health/FVEC.htm 54) 中風急救黃金一小時: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5QNywbbQvE 55) 簡易膝蓋保健: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/KNEE.htm 56) 十四個徵兆預示長壽: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/14PL.htm 57) 心血管淤塞救命良方: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/BVCG.htm 58) 肝炎養生保健之道: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HPTS.htm 59) 抗新流感漢方蔬果汁: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/FLUJ.htm 60) 馬鈴薯鮮汁療法: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/POTJ.htm 61) 打嗝放屁去濁氣: http://www.philcheung.com/ 62) 避免洗腎的秘方: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/KDRR.htm 63) 日用品治療用途: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HHRM.htm 64) 烤蕃薯具強藥效: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/YAMB.htm 65) 平穩降血脂食物: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/8LLF.htm 66) 專家推薦長壽食品: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/10LF.htm 67) 夏天運動提防中暑: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HSTK.htm 68) 食物之糖份含量: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SGCT.htm 69) 白蘿蔔食療功效: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/RDSH.htm 70) 3低1高的健康飲食: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/3L1H.htm 71) 使癌細胞多休眠: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/PCCS.htm 72) 人生哲學50課: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/90LP.htm 73) 老中醫點評水果: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CMVF.htm 74) 有助減肥的良食: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/8FEF.htm 75) 睡覺的訣竅: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/KSLP.htm 76) 有損大腦的陋習: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/BRDH.htm 77) 損肝的主要原因: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/LVDH.htm 78) 五大致癌的食物: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/5CCF.htm 79) 薑的好處多得很: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/GING.htm 80) 楊桃可毒害腎病人: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/STRF_e.htm 81) 五樣好東西: http://www.philcheung.com/Health/5KGT.htm
    3 人回報2 則回應8 年前
  • #重大消息 WiFi 常用加密協定 WPA, WPA2 已被攻破!! 不要使用 WiFi 進行任何機敏資料傳輸!你所有的輸入資訊都有機會被截取! 盡量使用4G/3G 等私人網路,真要使用公眾WiFi 就掛個私人加密VPN 影響裝置擴及所有 Android/Linux(含大部分基地台)/Windows/Apple 近期請密切注意裝置更新 不要想說更新很麻煩 資料被盜用不會比較方便 (CVE-2017-13077~CVE-2017-13088 這幾個漏洞) --------------------------------- 手法: KRACKs 各大廠更新進度: https://goo.gl/KfNKCk 說明網站: https://www.krackattacks.com/ DEMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh4WURZoR98
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • 【台灣自來水公司】貴戶本期水費已逾期,合計新台幣275元整,務請於12月1日前處理繳費,若再逾上述日期,將終止供水。詳情繳費:https://cutt.ly/jwOWxWWM 如已繳費,請忽略。
    3 人回報1 則回應10 個月前
  • LINE系統提醒您,剛剛有人嘗試在「WIN-DQNOSUT7MU5」上使用您的帳號登入LINE的PC版,但並未成功。 IP位址: 登入位置:台灣 Taichung City Taichung 若您本人並未執行上述操作,請透過此連結來確認登入中的裝置:https://line.me/R/nv/connectedDevices 如有疑慮,您可由此變更LINE密碼:https://help.line.me/?contentId=20000062
    1 人回報2 則回應4 年前
  • 嗨, 我使用這個很棒的應用程式 ESET Mobile Security 來保護我的裝置。 若您插入 F447FHW7 到應用程式或從此處進行安裝,您可以解除鎖定付費版 1 個月的免費防護。 http://go.eset.eu/ems-gp-promo?c=F447FHW7 盡情享受!
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • Adam Rogas – CEO and Co-Founder of NS8 by IdeaMensch · Nov 30, 2016 287Share Tweet 66Share Adam-e1480959343307 Find a problem you think you can solve and really focus on it. Resist the urge to move from that problem until you have demonstrated by positive user feedback and growth that you have actually solved it. Adam Rogas is the CEO and Co-Founder of NS8. With over 14 years of senior development and management expertise, as well as extensive knowledge in the fields of online fraud and spam filtering, Adam brings a tremendous amount to NS8. He was a founder of LoadMail and has worked as a trusted advisor to Postini, London Board of Tourism, Vivendi Universal, and Napster. In each case, Adam has helped implement big data, email, spam and virus filtering, and data security solutions. Mr. Rogas has architected extremely large-scale spam and virus filtering platforms, dealing with well over 100,000 messages per hour. He has also played a central role in the architecture of numerous large scale analysts solutions. Adam brings his love for safe, effective communication and startup ventures to NS8. He is married and also calls Las Vegas, Nevada home. Where did the idea for NS8 come from? My partners and I have run some significant and highly transactional websites and services prior to NS8. We understood that the common threads of fraud, abuse and poor user experience affected each of them in some way, shape, or form. Knowing this, we felt there had to be a better way to protect these types of sites and services, from being abused, regardless of their size. We also knew that any solution we created had to be easy to deploy, manage, and understand. What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive? In an early stage company you are wearing lots of hats. I work a ton of hours. So, the key for me, is to keep my thoughts organized. I usually divide my day up into 3 or 4 segments and then identify what I think I can accomplish in each one of them. Once I do this, I make a list for each segment. This gives me a semblance of structure to my day that helps me get my mind right for the tasks I have to tackle. It also helps me walk away and not overthink the ones I have already completed. How do you bring ideas to life? I usually start with an idea or something that would really matter to a specifc group of people and then I start asking questions. I will then usually build some simple example, or take steps to create what I’m trying to do, and show it to people get feedback and repeat until I reach my goal. What’s one trend that really excites you? It has gotten easier and easier to bring big ideas to life, and to compete, due to the growth of cloud services. To me, it really levels the playing field for a lot of ideas, that just 5 years ago, would have been impossible for all but the largest companies to bring to life. What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur? I try to be fairly aware of my own ADD and so I will make lists to hold myself accountable for the items on them. I also try to solve this problem in our hiring practices by surrounding myself with people that are very detail and process focused. What advice would you give your younger self? Find a problem you think you can solve and really focus on it. Resist the urge to move from that problem until you have demonstrated by positive user feedback and growth that you have actually solved it. If you do that, and continue to do it over and over again, you will be successful. Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on? That I am a good singer ? I don’t know that I am very persuasive here …. but I do know I can’t sing. As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do? I am constantly talking to our customers. I try to involve them early on, and very often in our process. This is one area I struggle with as we evolve and scale our product development processes, but it is critical to maintaining that connection as to why your customers want your product in the first place. What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business? Please explain how. Surrounding myself with supremely talented people and partners. It has been instrumental to my own growth and the growth of my businesses. What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it? That would probably be my first company, Load Ltd. Load was a hosted application service provider before there was a term for Software As A Service (SaaS). We had a popular email product called LoadMail, that was used by a number of major companies. About 1 year into the business we chose to offer additional services above and beyond just mail and it was this decision that would prove to be our failure. As a team, we didn’t fully understand how diversifying our focus would negatively impact our effectiveness. I tell everyone who asks for advice to pick a problem you can solve and focus on solving it well. Successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common — they never give up. What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers? I like ideas that take subject knowledge and find a way to productize it. One idea I had was to do this for athletic departments in D1 schools, so they could crowdsource from their athletes, managers, and students the creation of social marketing content. They could then manage it from a centrally controllable compliance system. Or Plastics !! Invest in Plastics (god I’m old) What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why? Money spent on experiences, dinner with my wife or friends, or money that helps someone. Recently, since we are living across the country from each other, it would be dinner with my wife the last time I was at home in Las Vegas. What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive? How do you use it? Slack. It helps our entire team communicate. What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why? “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. It helps you think about what you are building in a way that really focuses on how it will be consumed by those whom you are selling it to. What is your favorite quote? “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill Tell us about one friend or acquaintance of yours who we should interview on IdeaMensch. Who are they, what are they doing and what’s their email address? I actually have two Nick Jones, Nick and I started what was our first real company together Load Ltd along with my current business partner Paul Korol. Nick’s is currently working on a great project focused on personal and affinity based content creation called JRNL.com, they have recently been through boom Startup a SaaS focused startup accelerator in Salt Lake City and have just completed a seed round of funding. John Njoku, John is working on a great project RentHub.com, which is at the intersection of Multifamily Residential Realestate and Big Data Analytics. RentHub has some huge clients such as StarWood capital and The Lefrak Organization and has recently completed the Elmspring accelerator based in Chicago. Contact : https://www.ns8.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ns8 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ns8inc Twitter: @ns8inc 287Share Tweet 66Share Filed Under: Interviews, Software, Technology Tagged With: Herndon, Virginia https://ideamensch.com/adam-rogas/
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前