
3 人回報3 年前
加拿大醫生無視禁言令並告訴公眾 Moderna COVID 注射劑如何在其社區中殺死和永久殘疾的土著人

健康影響新聞編輯Brian Shilhavy 的評論

查爾斯·霍夫 (Charles Hoffe) 在加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的鄉村小鎮萊頓 (Lytton) 擔任醫生已有 28 年。該鎮由許多土著群體和“原住民”組成。

當 Hoffe 博士接受了 900 劑 Moderna 實驗性 COVID-19 注射劑後,他通過 Lytton Medical Clinic 將這些劑量給藥給需要它們的人。


Hoffe 博士報告說,在土著原住民社區中註射 900 人的結果是 2 人出現過敏性休克,1 人死亡,其他幾人似乎患有永久性殘疾。他講述了他的一個病人現在是多麼痛苦,以至於她寧願死也不願生。

相比之下,過去一年,社區中沒有人因 COVID-19 病毒而死亡或永久殘疾。

Hoffe 博士通過電子郵件向他所在社區負責推出 Moderna 疫苗的醫務人員報告了這些不良反應,其中包括他所在地區的藥劑師、護士和醫生,他說總共約有 18 人。


他報告說,在 48 小時內,他收到了內政衛生局上級的嚴厲斥責,指責他造成“疫苗猶豫”,他們將向 BC 內科和外科醫生學院報告他。

他們通過對他發出禁言令來禁止他對 Moderna 的鏡頭髮表任何負面評論。


由於接下來的一周他繼續看到更多的傷害,他對他的禁言令非常生氣。他被告知,如果他對注射有任何疑慮,他必須聯繫負責 Moderna 推廣的醫療衛生官員。

他這樣做了,但是當他沒有收到回复時,他決定直接給不列顛哥倫比亞省衛生官員 Bonnie Henry 博士寫一封公開信,直接無視他公開的禁言令。


Charles D. Hoffe 博士,理學士,MB,BCh,LMCC
Lytton Medical Clinic
Lytton BC V0K 1Z0

2021 年 4 月 5 日

1515 Blanchard街
維多利亞,BC,V8W 3C9


我在不列顛哥倫比亞省萊頓社區的一些患者現在已經接種了第一劑 Moderna 疫苗。這始於 2021 年 1 月中旬我們社區的原住民成員。現已註射了 900 劑。


一種(假定的)疫苗導致猝死,(一名 72 歲的 COPD 患者。該患者在接種疫苗後抱怨呼吸更短,並在接種疫苗後的第 24 天突然和意外死亡。他曾無心血管病史)。
三名患有持續性和致殘性神經功能缺損的人,並伴有相關的慢性疼痛,在第一次接種疫苗後持續超過 10 週。這些神經缺陷包括:持續性和致殘性頭暈、全身或局部神經肌肉無力,伴有或不伴有感覺喪失。這些患者的慢性疼痛要么是全身性的,要么是區域性的,有或沒有頭痛。
簡而言之,在我們不列顛哥倫比亞省萊頓的小社區中,我們有一個人死亡,三個人在第一劑 Moderna 疫苗後看起來好像將永久殘疾。受影響者的年齡介於 38 至 82 歲之間。


這些是否被認為是基因修飾治療的正常和可接受的長期副作用?從來自世界各地的醫學報告來看,我們在 Lytton 的經歷並不罕見。
與這種疫苗對我們社區的有害影響形成鮮明對比的是,我們不必為任何 Covid-19 患者提供任何醫療服務。因此,根據我們有限的經驗,這種疫苗顯然比 Covid-19 更危險。
我意識到每一種藥物療法都有一個風險收益比,嚴重的疾病需要認真的藥物治療。 但我們現在知道 Covid-19 的恢復率與季節性流感相似,在每個年齡段都如此。 此外,眾所周知,第二次注射後的副作用明顯比第一次嚴重。所以最糟糕的還在後頭。
所以我的最後一個問題是: 鑑於這些改變生命的副作用的嚴重性,在第一針後繼續推出這種疫苗是否符合醫學倫理? 在不列顛哥倫比亞省的 Lytton,我們有 225 分之一的發生率來自這種實驗性基因修飾療法的嚴重改變生活的副作用。

此外,我注意到,省級疫苗傷害報告表顯然是為傳統疫苗設計的,甚至沒有任何地方報告我們從這種新的 mRNA 療法中看到的性質和嚴重程度的疫苗傷害。

現在很明顯,來自世界各地的醫學證據表明,針對 Covid-19 的各種基因修飾療法的副作用特徵被其製造商大大低估了,他們渴望證明其安全性。




IH(室內健康)公開回應了他的來信,並將其發表在Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal 上,因為他們試圖進行“損害控制”並攻擊 Hoffe 博士。

IH says COVID-19 vaccines safe despite claims of Lytton physician
Doctor makes unsubstantiated claims about serious side effects of Moderna vaccine


Interior Health (IH) is reassuring Lytton and area residents about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, after a physician in that community shared a letter in which he claimed that the death of a Lytton resident was linked to the Moderna vaccine.

In a letter to Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry dated April 5, Dr. Charles Hoffe claimed that there had been “numerous” allergic reactions — including two cases of anaphylaxis — among people in Lytton and area who had received the Moderna vaccine. He also claimed that three people were exhibiting “ongoing and disabling” neurological deficits.

Hoffe also claimed that the death of a 72-year-old patient with COPD, 24 days after the man was vaccinated, was “presumed” to be vaccine-induced. The physician did not produce any evidence to prove that any of the events resulted from the vaccine.

“It has been a challenge for us to investigate this thoroughly and take reports seriously,” says Dr. Carol Fenton, Medical Health Officer with IH. In a written statement issued on April 14, Fenton says that “There have been no deaths or lasting adverse reactions connected to the Moderna/Pfizer vaccines, or any COVID-19 vaccine, in Lytton, Interior Health, or B.C. at this time.”

The statement adds that IH knows unequivocally that the vaccines are safer than COVID-19 itself, and that the vaccines have been demonstrated to be safe and effective through all levels of clinical trials.

“There is a detailed process to review all adverse effects following immunizations, and all serious events are recorded and reported to the provincial and national level to monitor for safety signals that may be missed at the local level. With the information we have from the vaccine roll-out so far, the COVID-19 vaccines are very safe.”

Fenton tells the Journal that while there will always be some variations between medical practitioners, when it comes to the safety of vaccines it is important to look at consensus-based reports from those who are trained in the field.

“These people are the experts of the experts,” she says. “I can answer most vaccine questions, but I don’t consider myself to be an expert in vaccines. The decisions and analyses are defined by people with the skills and expertise to parse through the information we have.”

The immunization clinics being run by IH have trained vaccinators on site to monitor for and respond to allergic and anaphylactic reactions, which are rare, but can occur with any vaccine or medication.

“The safety of people in Lytton, Nlaka’pamux, and Northern St’at’imc Nations and all communities is the top priority, and our recommendation is that all individuals should get immunized when they are eligible,” says the statement. (Full article here.)

So basically the same as what we are seeing around the rest of the world when honest doctors come forward and report the truth.

The health authorities lie. No science, no statistics, just an appeal to authority. “We know what we are talking about, but this doctor does not.”

A local and independent talk show host in Canada, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, tracked down and interviewed Dr. Hoffe. The original show is an hour long and on her Facebook Page, as well as her Bitchute Channel.

We have extracted the 30 minute interview with Dr. Hoffe, and it is on our Rumble channel, and will also be on our Bitchute channel.

Dr. Hoffe has served the members of his community for 28 years, and he had a wonderful reputation among his patients, with glowing online reviews.

It is being reported now on some social media sites that his patients are being told he is no longer available to meet with them.

See Also:

COVID-19 Bioweapon Injection Casualties List
CENSORED: CDC Records Almost 12,000 DEATHS in 7 Months Following COVID-19 Injections

Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage

Comply with COVID-19 “Vaccination” Demands and You Could End up DEAD Like These People

17,503 DEAD 1.7 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 “Vaccine” Injured in the U.S. Begging for Help as the Medical Community Turns Their Back on Them

6-Year-Old Son Tells Dad “Please Don’t Get the Shot” – But He Did and Now He’s DEAD

Americans Will Celebrate “Independence Day” as CDC Reveals Almost 7000 DEAD and Half a Million Injured Following COIVD Injections?

Father And Daughter Die Four Days Apart Despite Taking Different Brands Of COVID-19 Shots

1,007,253 Injuries 1,403 DEAD in the UK Following COVID-19 Injections According to UK Government

More Families Devastated from Deaths and Injuries Following COVID-19 Shots

Former NFL Player Collects Stories of Lives Destroyed by the COVID-19 Shots – Mother Regrets Putting 12-year-old Daughter in Pfizer COVID-19 “Vaccine” Trial

45-Year-Old Bartender Tells World: “Shut the Hell Up and Get Your Vaccine!” He Died 1 Month Later Following the Moderna mRNA Shot

COVID-19 Bioweapon Shots Destroy Young Lives – What Percentage of the American Public is now Complicit with Murder?

4 British Airways Pilots DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections While Spain and Russia Prohibit “Vaccinated” From Air Travel

Oregon Senator’s Wife and 19-Year-Old College Student Among Latest Victims DEAD Following Bioweapon COVID-19 Shots

Parents of Benjamin Goodman Speak out on His Murder by J&J Bioweapon Shot

British Software Developer Now Paralyzed After Taking COVID Jabs and Mocking Anti-Vaxxers – Others DEAD

Censored in the Corporate Media Hundreds of Medical Professionals Speak Out on Medscape Forum Warning about Dangers of COVID Injections

COVID-19 Bioweapon Shots Continue to Kill and Cripple People Leaving Behind Devastated Families

Hong Kong: 12 DEAD Four Miscarriages in One Week Following COVID-19 Injections

Man Who Developed CDC Vaccine Tracking System, BBC Radio Personality – Among the DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections

DEATH and Suffering Continue to Follow COVID-19 Bioweapon Injections

COVID-19 Bioweapon Shots Continue to Kill and Maim People Across the World

More Ruined Lives Following COVID-19 Bioweapon Injections

Rock and Roll Legend Eric Clapton Regrets COVID Shot, while Others Die Shortly After the Injections

45-Year-Old California Father of Two Dead 10 Days After COVID Injection

57-Year-Old Syracuse Man Mocks “Anti-vaxxers,” DEAD Seven Days After Johnson & Johnson Shot

Healthy Utah High School Athlete Develops Blood Clots in His Brain Following COVID Injection

CDC Reports 2 More Infant DEATHS Following Experimental COVID Injections During Clinical Trials

48-Year-Old Surgeon DEAD after Mocking “Anti-vaxxers” and Writing His Own Obituary after Moderna COVID Injections

16-Year-Old Wisconsin Girl DEAD Following 2 Doses of the Experimental Pfizer COVID Injections

Tragedy Continues to Strike Families with Loved Ones Dying After being Injected with Experimental COVID Shots

Experimental Adenovirus COVID Injections Continuing to Kill Younger, Middle-Aged People

59-Year-Old Israeli Fashion Icon Alber Elbaz DEAD Aft




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  • https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/04/24/why-farmed-salmon-is-one-of-the-most-toxic-things-you-can-put-in-your-body/
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • The fact is these are life shortening injections. Everyone who gets shot after shot after shot of these COVID shots is shortening their life with each and single injection. These are the most toxic medical agents put into human beings in history. Don't take a shot that's going to damage your immune system. Don't let your children take a shot that's going to damage their ovaries for life. As a 12-year-old, are they going to be fertile when they're 24 or 25 if they've had massive inflammation induced into their own ovaries? Because this shot was designed to cross into the ovary barrier. This shot was designed to cross into the brain barrier. This shot was designed to go everywhere. And that's why people are dying in such strange circumstances, unexplained circumstances, but the numbers are horrific. 10 to 14-year-olds die 82 times more likely if vaccinated than not. 82 to 100 times more mortality in vaccinated 10 to 14-year-olds than those who are not. We don't have the numbers for the 5 to 9-year-olds because no one's been brave enough to do the statistics. I shudder to think what they'd be if they ever did it honestly. But they were stuck doing it honestly. They did it honestly in 2020 into 2021. The only time that an exact observable, comparable testing of children was done. And it was done by the British. And when it came out on February 22nd, and then again on May 31st, and showed that if vaccinated, 10 to 14-year-olds died 82 times more than if they were left alone. So in common sense terms, if you want your child to be 82 to 100 times more likely to die this next year, get them another COVID biogenomic shot. Get them another one. You'll be making them 82 times more likely to die. And I am accurate about that. I am not telling you something that's not true. This is the truth. Please take care of your children. Please take care of yourselves. And please never take another COVID shot. It is the only way out of this.
    5 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • The fact is these are life shortening injections. Everyone who gets shot after shot after shot of these COVID shots is shortening their life with each and single injection. These are the most toxic medical agents put into human beings in history. Don't take a shot that's going to damage your immune system. Don't let your children take a shot that's going to damage their ovaries for life. As a 12 year old, are they going to be fertile when they're 24 or 25 if they've had massive inflammation induced into their own ovaries? Because this shot was designed to cross into the ovary barrier. This shot was designed to cross into the brain barrier. This shot was designed to go everywhere. And that's why people are dying in such strange circumstances, unexplained circumstances, but the numbers are horrific. 10 to 14 year olds die 82 times more likely if vaccinated than not. 82 to 100 times more mortality in vaccinated 10 to 14 year olds than those who are not. We don't have the numbers for the 5 to 9 year olds because no one's been brave enough to do the statistics. I shudder to think what they'd be if they ever did it honestly, but they were stuck doing it honestly. They did it honestly in 2020 into 2021. The only time that an exact observable comparable testing of children's was done and it was done by the British. And when it came out on February 22nd and then again on May 31st and showed that if vaccinated 10 to 14 year olds died 82 times more than if they were left alone. So in common sense terms, if you want your child to be 82 to 100 times more likely to die this next year, get them another COVID bio genomic shot. Get them another one. You'll be making them 82 times more likely to die. And I am accurate about that. I am not telling you something that's not true. This is the truth. Please take care of your children. Please take care of yourselves and please never take another COVID shot. It is the only way out of this.
    5 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • The fact is these are life shortening injections. Everyone who gets shot after shot after shot of these COVID shots is shortening their life with each and single injection. These are the most toxic medical agents put into human beings in history. Don't take a shot that's going to damage your immune system. Don't let your children take a shot that's going to damage their ovaries for life. As a 12 year old, are they going to be fertile when they're 24 or 25 if they've had massive inflammation induced into their own ovaries? Because this shot was designed to cross into the ovary barrier. This shot was designed to cross into the brain barrier. This shot was designed to go everywhere and that's why people are dying in such strange circumstances, unexplained circumstances, but the numbers are horrific. 10 to 14 year olds die 82 times more likely if vaccinated than not. 82 to 100 times more mortality in vaccinated 10 to 14 year olds than those who are not. We don't have the numbers for the 5 to 9 year olds because no one's been brave enough to do the statistics. I shudder to think what they'd be if they ever did it honestly, but they were stuck doing it honestly. They did it honestly in 2020 into 2021. The only time that an exact observable comparable testing of children's was done and it was done by the British and when it came out on February 22nd and then again on May 31st and showed that if vaccinated 10 to 14 year olds died 82 times more than if they were left alone. So in common sense terms if you want your child to be 82 to 100 times more likely to die this next year, get them another COVID biogenomic shot. Get them another one. You'll be making them 82 times more likely to die and I am accurate about that. I am not telling you something that's not true. This is the truth. Please take care of your children. Please take care of yourselves and please never take another COVID shot. It is the only way out of this.
    4 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • The fact is these are life shortening injections. Everyone who gets shot after shot after shot of these COVID shots is shortening their life with each and single injection. These are the most toxic medical agents put into human beings in history. Don't take a shot that's going to damage your immune system. Don't let your children take a shot that's going to damage their ovaries for life. As a 12 year old, are they going to be fertile when they're 24 or 25 if they've had massive inflammation induced into their own ovaries? Because this shot was designed to cross into the ovary barrier. This shot was designed to cross into the brain barrier. This shot was designed to go everywhere. And that's why people are dying in such strange circumstances, unexplained circumstances, but the numbers are horrific. 10 to 14 year olds die 82 times more likely if vaccinated than not. 82 to 100 times more mortality in vaccinated 10 to 14 year olds than those who are not. We don't have the numbers for the 5 to 9 year olds because no one's been brave enough to do the statistics. I shudder to think what they'd be if they ever did it honestly, but they were stuck doing it honestly. They did it honestly in 2020 into 2021. The only time that an exact observable comparable testing of children's was done and it was done by the British. And when it came out on February 22nd and then again on May 31st and showed that if vaccinated 10 to 14 year olds died 82 times more than if they were left alone. So in common sense terms, if you want your child to be 82 to 100 times more likely to die this next year, get them another COVID bio genomic shot. Get them another one. You'll be making them 82 times more likely to die. And I am accurate about that. I am not telling you something that's not true. This is the truth. Please take care of your children. Please take care of yourselves and please never take another COVID shot. It is the only way out of this.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • The fact is these are life shortening injections. Everyone who gets shot after shot after shot of these COVID shots is shortening their life with each and single injection. These are the most toxic medical agents put into human beings in history. Don't take a shot that's going to damage your immune system. Don't let your children take a shot that's going to damage their ovaries for life. As a 12 year old, are they going to be fertile when they're 24 or 25 if they've had massive inflammation induced into their own ovaries? Because this shot was designed to cross into the ovary barrier. This shot was designed to cross into the brain barrier. This shot was designed to go everywhere. And that's why people are dying in such strange circumstances, unexplained circumstances, but the numbers are horrific. 10 to 14 year olds die 82 times more likely if vaccinated than not. 82 to 100 times more mortality in vaccinated 10 to 14 year olds than those who are not. We don't have the numbers for the 5 to 9 year olds because no one's been brave enough to do the statistics. I shudder to think what they'd be if they ever did it honestly, but they were stuck doing it honestly. They did it honestly in 2020 into 2021. The only time that an exact observable comparable testing of children's was done and it was done by the British. And when it came out on February 22nd and then again on May 31st and showed that if vaccinated 10 to 14 year olds died 82 times more than if they were left alone. So in common sense terms, if you want your child to be 82 to 100 times more likely to die this next year, get them another COVID bio genomic shot. Get them another one. You'll be making them 82 times more likely to die. And I am accurate about that. I am not telling you something that's not true. This is the truth. Please take care of your children. Please take care of yourselves and please never take another COVID shot. It is the only way out of this.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • ​​許多完全接種了covid疫苗的人現在都失明了 我們聽說了很多關於注射後心肌炎和心包炎的案例,以及接受者即使在註射後仍反複檢測出病毒“陽性”。但是,武漢冠狀病毒(COVID-19)的“完全接種疫苗”中還有另一個很少被提及的副作用:失明。 英國的最新數據表明,越來越多的人正在失去視力。藥品和保健品監管機構 (MHRA) 黃卡系統目前顯示,在被輝瑞-BioNTech 針刺傷的人群中,有 163 例完全失明,另外還有 6 例中心視力喪失和 4 例突然視力喪失。 據報導,現在還有 21 人患有由輝瑞注射液特別引起的“暫時性失明”。這種不良反應包括一次視覺障礙或一隻眼睛失明幾秒鐘甚至幾分鐘。 據報導,除此之外還有 20 人患有稱為“單側失明”的反應,即一個人僅一隻眼睛失明或視力模糊。 “截至 2022 年 4 月 6 日,總共有 8,016 例眼部疾病被報告為對輝瑞 (Pfizer) 疫苗的不良反應,”《每日曝光》報導。 僅僅為了感覺“受到保護”免於感冒而失明是否值得? 阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)注射劑是目前英國可用的 COVID 刺針之一,它也與失明病例有關。 截至 4 月 6 日,MHRA 已收到 324 例失明報告,3 例中心視力喪失報告,5 例突發視力喪失報告,以及 14,895 例眼部疾病中的 29 例短暫失明報告,所有這些都與阿斯利康針頭有關。 Moderna 還在英國對人們進行了​​刺激,儘管速度比上述公司小得多。儘管如此,許多服用 Moderna 針的人現在也失明了。 MHRA 顯示,與 Moderna 注射劑一起,已有 34 例失明報告和 56 例視力障礙報告。總共有 1,519 例眼部疾病被報告為對 Moderna 刺拳的不良反應。 “總的來說,當包括未指定疫苗品牌的不良反應時,有 24,516 種眼部疾病報告為對 Covid-19 注射劑的不良反應,其中 525 種反應是完全失明,”Expose 報導。 “‘事實核查人員’與當局一道,一直在調查這些數據,並將其標記為不可靠。他們的理由是,‘僅僅因為有人在接種疫苗後報告了這一事件,並不一定意味著它是由於疫苗造成的。’” 一位名叫路易斯的人在推特上記錄了他妻子的故事,她在接受阿斯利康 (AstraZeneca) 刺戳後的幾周和幾個月內,左眼完全失明,右眼失明 30-60%。 治療這名婦女的神經科醫生警告她不要注射第二劑。 “正如你所看到的那樣,事實核查人員無視‘不一定是疫苗的錯’而忽視的痛苦,對於報告他們的人來說是非常真實的,”Exposé 補充道。 “但為什麼 COVID 疫苗會導致人們失明呢?” 答案可能與 COVID 疫苗也會引起包括中風在內的主要心血管問題有關。視力喪失通常伴隨著中風,所以這一切都開始變得有意義了。 加入並分享👉@NaturalNewsMedia ​​Many people fully vaccinated for covid are now going BLIND We have heard all about the many cases of myocarditis and pericarditis post-injection, as well as recipients repeatedly testing “positive” for the virus even after doing the deed. But there is another concerning side effect occurring in the “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that is rarely mentioned: blindness. The latest data out of the United Kingdom suggests that a growing number of fully jabbed people are losing their eyesight. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Yellow Card system currently shows 163 cases of total blindness among people who got jabbed with the Pfizer-BioNTech needle, along with an additional six cases of central vision loss and four cases of sudden visual loss. Twenty-one people also reportedly now suffer from “blindness transient” specifically caused by the Pfizer injection. This adverse reaction involves visual disturbance or loss of sight in one eye for a few seconds or even minutes at a time. Another 20 people beyond that are reported to have suffered from a reaction called “unilateral blindness,” which is when a person got blind or blurred vision in just one eye. “In total, there have been 8,016 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab as of 6th April 2022,” reported the Daily Exposé. Is it worth possibly going blind just to feel “protected” against a cold? The AstraZeneca injection, which is one of the COVID jabs currently available in the U.K., is also linked to cases of blindness. As of April 6, the MHRA has received 324 reports of blindness, three reports of central vision loss, five reports of sudden visual loss, and 29 reports of blindness transient among 14,895 eye disorders, all specifically linked to the AstraZeneca needle. Moderna also jabs people in the UK, though at a much smaller rate than the aforementioned companies. Still, many people who take the Moderna needle are now blind as well. The MHRA shows that in conjunction with the Moderna injection, there have been 34 reports of blindness and 56 reports of visual impairment. In total, there have been 1,519 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Moderna jab. “In all, when including adverse reactions reported where the brand of vaccine was not specified, there have been 24,516 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections, with 525 of these reactions being complete blindness,” the Exposé reported. “‘Fact-checkers’ alongside authorities have been on the case to sweep this data under the carpet and have labelled it as unreliable. Their reasoning is that ‘just because someone reports the event after having the vaccine, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is due to the vaccine.'” One person who goes by the name of Louis documented on Twitter the story of his wife, who in the weeks and months following her AstraZeneca jab went completely blind in her left eye and between 30-60 percent blind in her right eye. The neurologist who treated the woman warned her not to get the second dose of the shot. “As you can see the misery which the fact checkers are disregarding as ‘not necessarily the fault of the vaccine’ is very real for the people who are reporting them,” the Exposé added. “But why are the COVID vaccines causing people to go blind?” The answer could have to do with the fact that COVID vaccines also cause major cardiovascular problems, including stroke. Visual loss often accompanies stroke, so it is all starting to make sense. Join and share 👉@NaturalNewsMedia
    3 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Welcome to the Reuters.com BETA. Read our Editor's note on how we're helping professionals make smart decisions. June 30, 202110:11 AM CSTLast Updated 2 months ago Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals U.S. Commerce chief says Taiwan's TSMC asked for help getting COVID vaccines Reuters 3 minute read U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo takes a question during a press briefing at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 7, 2021. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo The logo of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) is pictured at its headquarters, in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jan. 19, 2021. REUTERS/Ann Wang/File Photo U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo takes a question during a press briefing at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 7, 2021. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo 1/2 The logo of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) is pictured at its headquarters, in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jan. 19, 2021. REUTERS/Ann Wang/File Photo WASHINGTON, June 29 (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Monday said she had spoken with the chief executive of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (2330.TW) (TSMC) and that he had asked for help getting access to COVID-19 vaccines. Raimondo told Reuters in an interview "he asked for help in that regard, he has spoken to high level officials in the White House. We have responded and we definitely want to be a good partner and I do think it's helping." Taiwan said two weeks ago it will allow officials from Taiwan's Foxconn and TSMC to negotiate on its behalf for COVID-19 vaccines. read more Mid-June the United States shipped 2.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to Taiwan, more than tripling Washington's previous allocation of shots for the island. read more TSMC said in a statement to Reuters that they believed "getting vaccines for Taiwan would help to protect the communities and ensure normal operations." Taiwan has been trying to speed up the arrival of the millions of vaccines it has on order as it deals with a rise in domestic cases, although infections remain comparatively low. The request from TSMC, the world's biggest manufacturer of semiconductors on contract, coincides with a global chip shortage that has slowed production of manufacturers around the world, including in the U.S. auto industry where it is forecast the crisis will hit the production of 3.9 million vehicles. Raimondo has a key role in resolving the crisis for U.S. companies. Although there has been no major impact so far on chip production in Taiwan since domestic cases began rising in the middle of May, some U.S. auto executives have told Reuters privately earlier this month they were concerned COVID-19 in Taiwan could impact the flow of semiconductors to U.S. factories. Reporting by David Shepardson in Washington; Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in Taipei; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. 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Read Next United States Illinois Governor to order statewide mask mandate and order masks and vaccines for schools - media 7:55 PM CST Europe EU says COVID boosters may have higher legal risks without EMA approval 7:34 PM CST World Qatar offering COVID vaccines to Afghanistan evacuees yet to transit 7:29 PM CST Americas Brazil's Eurofarma to make Pfizer COVID-19 shots in Latin America 7:10 PM CST Sign up for our newsletter Subscribe for our daily curated newsletter to receive the latest exclusive Reuters coverage delivered to your inbox. Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals · 8:04 PM CST Illinois governor to announce mask mandate, order vaccines for schools - reports Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker is expected to announce a new COVID-19 policy for the state on Thursday, requiring eligible students and school staffers to be vaccinated and to wear masks in schools and colleges, the Chicago Tribune and other media reported. Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals EU says COVID boosters may have higher legal risks without EMA approval 7:34 PM CST Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Japan suspends 1.6 mln doses of Moderna shot after contamination reports 8:05 PM CST Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Sydney hospitals erect emergency tents as COVID-19 cases hit record 12:32 PM CST Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals New Zealand's Ardern says lockdown working to limit Delta spread 3:10 PM CST Latest Home Media Videos Pictures Graphics Browse World Business Legal Markets Breakingviews Technology Investigations Lifestyle About Reuters About Reuters Careers Reuters News Agency Brand Attribution Guidelines Reuters Leadership Reuters Fact Check Reuters Diversity Report Stay Informed Download the App Newsletters Information you can trust Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the world’s largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. 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    4 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 現在,我們已經聽到了很多有關新冠病毒的信息,但這是這位病毒學的專家對於“要”和“不要”的觀點有一個很好的總結。 主題:邦妮·亨利(Bonnie Henry)博士,「Covid 19的防護」 亨利博士是加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的省級衛生官員,該職位的第一位女性專家。她還是不列顛哥倫比亞大學的副教授。她具有流行病學的背景,也是公共衛生和預防醫學的專家。她也來自愛德華王子島(PEI)。 1.我們可能不得不與COVID-19一起生活數月或數年。我們不要否認或是恐慌。不要讓我們的生活習慣變得毫無用處。讓我們學習忍受這個事實。 2.通過喝幾加侖的熱水,對於防疫並沒有用處,您只會更頻繁地去洗手間,因此也無法消滅穿透細胞壁的COVID-19病毒。 3.勤洗手並且保持兩米或是六英呎以上的距離是保護您的最佳方法。 4.如果您在家中沒有COVID-19的患病者,則無需對於房屋及物體的表面進行消毒。 5.包裝好的貨物,加油泵,購物車,和自動取款機,並不會引起感染。如果勤洗手,你可以像往常一樣地生活。 6. COVID-19不是經由食物感染。它與諸如“流感”之類的感染滴有關。沒有證據可以表明COVID-19是通過食物傳播的。 7.您可能會因大量過敏和病毒感染而失去嗅覺。但是這只是COVID-19的一個非特定之症狀。 8.回家後,您無需緊急換衣服或是去洗澡!保持某種純潔磨是一種美德,但是妄想症並不是一件好事! 9. COVID-19的病毒不會在空中懸吊很長的時間。這是呼吸道飛沫感染,所以需要避免密切明人羣接觸。 10.空氣清潔;您可以漫步在花園和公園中(只需要保護身體與保持社交距離即可)。 11.使用普通的肥皂來抵抗COVID-19就夠了,而不是使用抗菌性的肥皂。這是一種病毒,而並不是一種細菌。 12.您不必擔心您的外賣食物訂單。但是,您可以根據需要而將其全部通過微波爐加熱。 13.帶COVID-19的鞋子回家的機會就像一天之內兩次被閃電擊中一樣的機率。我從事病毒工作已有20年了,滴狀感染不會是那樣子的傳播方式! 14.服用醋,甘蔗汁和生薑汁是無法保護您免受病毒侵害的!這些只是為了增強免疫力而不是治愈新冠病毒。 15.長時間戴口罩會影響您的呼吸和氧氣水平,所以僅需要在人群中才佩戴。 16.戴手套也是個壞主意;如果您觸摸臉部,該病毒會積聚在手套中並且容易傳播病毒。最好說最好的方法是定期與勤洗手。 17. 始終待在無菌的環境中會削弱你的免疫力。即使您只是吃增強免疫力的食物也不行,請定期出門到任何公園/海灘行動。暴露於日光與空氣下會增加免疫力,而不是坐在家裡並進食油炸/辛辣/糖食和充氣的飲料。 請您保持聰明並維持身體的最佳狀態!明智而且充實地生活每一天。 善良,冷靜和安全! 邦妮·亨利博士
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 爆炸性研究:新冠疫苗的已接種者攜帶着高於正常251倍的病毒載量威脅到未接種者 #冠狀病毒 #疫苗 牛津大學 (University of Oxford) 臨床研究小組最近進行了一項研究,發現武漢冠狀病毒 (Covid-19) 疫苗的「已接種者」的鼻孔攜帶病毒載量是「未接種者」的251倍。 • https://www.ox.ac.uk/ • https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaccinated-healthcare-workers-threat-unvaccinated-patients-co-workers/ 這篇將在著名的醫學期刊《刺針》(The Lancet) 上發表的預印本論文具有開創性意義,因為它證實了疫苗已接種者的威脅,當他們冒險出門走到公共場所時,這些人正在「散發」病毒,他們對其他人的身體進行傳播。 即使打了針的人沒有出現症狀,研究人員發現,他們攜帶極高的病毒載量,將其轉化為彼得A.麥卡洛醫學博士 (Dr. Peter A. McCullough, M.D., Ph.D.) 稱之為「前驅型超級傳播者」(“presymptomatic superspreaders”)。 麥卡洛在兒童健康防禦 (CHD) 通訊《捍衛者》(the Defender) 的一篇文章中寫道:「這種現象可能是全球大量接種疫苗人群在接種疫苗後出現病例驚人激增的根源。 這篇論文的作者周等人 (Chau et al) 證明,在越南胡志明市一家醫院被封鎖的嚴格控制環境下,疫苗普遍失效及傳播病毒。」 印證:新冠疫苗正在傳播「Delta」變種 科學家仔細觀察了醫院的醫護人員,他們注射了福奇流感 (Fauci Flu) 疫苗,並在醫院裏臥床了兩週。 幾個月後,所有這些人都被確定獲得、攜帶並將可怕的「Delta」變種傳染給其他人,包括他們的已接種疫苗的同事。 換句話説,所謂的疫苗對預防感染或傳播毫無作用,甚至對福奇認為本應受到保護的其他接種者也沒有作用。 這些已接種疫苗的醫護人員也可能將這種Delta病毒傳染給他們的病人,導致了最近這種疾病新「病例」的激增,世界各國政府及他們的主流媒體都將其歸咎於未接種疫苗的人。 麥卡洛説:「這與法林霍爾特 (Farinholt) 及其同事在美國的觀察結果一致,也與美國疾控中心主任承認新冠疫苗未能阻止沙士病毒2型 (SARS-CoV-2) 的傳播的意見一致。 2月11日,世界衛生組織 (WHO) 指出,牛津/阿斯利康疫苗 (AZD1222) 對出現症狀的新冠病毒感染的有效性為63.09%。周在論文的結論支持了領先醫學專家的警告,即三種眾所周知的新冠疫苗的部分非滅菌的免疫力 (non-sterilizing immunity),與2020年疫苗接種前時代的樣本相比,可以攜帶251倍的沙士病毒2型病毒載量。」 如果你錯過了,我們還報道了「有漏洞」疫苗的現象,揭示了新冠病毒的注射很可能是最新「一波」疾病的主要原因。 如果不是因為整個社會都有已接種疫苗的人,我們可能根本就不會有Delta病毒或任何其他變種病毒。這場「大流行」早就結束了,一切都將恢復常態,只要「曲速行動」(“Operation Warp Speed”) 從未出現。 https://humansarefree.com/2020/07/trumps-warp-speed-funding-hiv-vaccines-for-bill-gates-and-dr-fauci.html 麥卡洛説:「因此,我們有了解釋為什麼Delta疫情如此可怕的謎題的關鍵部分——已全面接種疫苗的人作為新冠肺炎患者進行參與,並充當強大的傷寒瑪麗式 (Typhoid Mary-style) 感染的超級傳播者。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Mallon 已接種疫苗的人正在他們的社區中爆發密集的病毒傳播,推動新的新冠病例激增。接種疫苗的醫護人員幾乎肯定會把病毒傳染給他們的同事及病人,造成可怕的間接傷害。」 雖然潘多拉的盒子 (Pandora’s box) 已經打開了,但如果疫苗接種運動,包括所有旨在給每個人注射致命毒藥的「強制令」立即停止,我們也許能夠解決這個問題。 作者:伊桑·哈夫 資料來源:https://humansarefree.com/2021/08/vaccinated-covid-251-times-viral-load-threatening-danger-unvaccinated.html 翻譯:Dick Wong ——————————————————————————————— Explosive Study: People Vaccinated For Covid Carry 251 Times The Normal Viral Load, Threatening The Unvaccinated #Coronavirus #Vaccines The University of Oxford‘s Clinical Research Group conducted a study recently which found that people who get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) carry in their nostrils 251 times the viral load of the Chinese Virus compared to “unvaccinated” people. • https://www.ox.ac.uk/ • https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaccinated-healthcare-workers-threat-unvaccinated-patients-co-workers/ The preprint paper, which is set to be published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, is groundbreaking in that it confirms the threat of vaccinated people who are “shedding” the virus and who even knows what else on others when they venture out in public. Even if the jabbed are not showing symptoms, researchers found that they carry with them extremely high viral loads that transform them into what Dr. Peter A. McCullough, M.D., Ph.D., calls “presymptomatic superspreaders.” “This phenomenon may be the source of the shocking post-vaccination surges in heavily vaccinated populations globally,” McCullough wrote in a piece for The Defender, a newsletter of Children’s Health Defense (CHD). “The paper’s authors, Chau et al, demonstrated widespread vaccine failure and transmission under tightly controlled circumstances in a hospital lockdown in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.” Confirmed: Covid Vaccines Are Spreading The “Delta” Variant Scientists took a closer look at healthcare workers at the hospital who were injected for the Fauci Flu and had to remain confined there for two weeks. Several months later, all of these individuals were determined to have acquired, carried and transmitted the dreaded “delta” variant to others, including their vaccinated colleagues. In other words, the so-called vaccines did absolutely nothing to prevent either infection or spread, even to other vaccinated people who, according to Fauci, should have been protected. These same vaccinated healthcare workers also presumably transmitted the delta variant to their patients, contributing to the latest surge in new “cases” of the disease that governments around the world and their mainstream media lapdogs are blaming on the unvaccinated. “This is consistent with the observations in the U.S. from Farinholt and colleagues, and congruent with comments by the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conceding COVID-19 vaccines have failed to stop transmission of SARS-CoV-2,” McCullough says. “On Feb. 11, the World Health Organization indicated the AZD1222 vaccine efficacy of 63.09% against the development of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. The conclusions of the Chau paper support the warnings by leading medical experts that the partial, non-sterilizing immunity from the three notoriously ‘leaky’ COVID-19 vaccines allow carriage of 251 times the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 as compared to samples from the pre-vaccination era in 2020.” In case you missed it, we also covered the phenomenon of “leaky” vaccines, revealing how Chinese Virus injections are more than likely the primary contributor to the latest “wave” of disease. Were it not for the presence of vaccinated people throughout society, we probably would not even have delta or any other variant at all. The “pandemic” would have long been over by now and everything would have been back to normal, if only “Operation Warp Speed” had never been brought into existence. https://humansarefree.com/2020/07/trumps-warp-speed-funding-hiv-vaccines-for-bill-gates-and-dr-fauci.html “Thus, we have a key piece to the puzzle explaining why the Delta outbreak is so formidable – fully vaccinated are participating as COVID-19 patients and acting as powerful Typhoid Mary-style super-spreaders of the infection,” McCullough says. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Mallon “Vaccinated individuals are blasting out concentrated viral explosions into their communities and fueling new COVID surges. Vaccinated healthcare workers are almost certainly infecting their coworkers and patients, causing horrendous collateral damage.” Though the Pandora’s box has already been opened, we might be able to get a handle on this thing if the vaccination campaign is immediately stopped, including all “mandates” that aim to inject everyone with these deadly poisons. by Ethan Huff Source: https://humansarefree.com/2021/08/vaccinated-covid-251-times-viral-load-threatening-danger-unvaccinated.html
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