
1 人回報2 年前
Cross-Strait Stabove Taiwan
Instead of fighting and killing...
We're not Mao Zedong Chiang Kai-shek. The Chinese don't get along well with each other. Foreign friends are just secretly pleased that I'm on your side.

I'll help you. Taiwan Airlines buy some 919 specialized flights to China, how convenient it is for everyone to make money

We're going to start with a joint exercise to show the world that we're going to fight, and who dares to come, and I'm going to get hurt, and the whole world can't escape, and no one wants to do business because of the violence.

The merger of East Germany and West Germany, and we want to be amazed that the Germans can do it, that the Chinese can do better, that China can show different minds around the world, and that the world can see Taiwan and China alike.




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  • Oh, we like war. We like war. We're a war-like people. We like war because we're good at it. You know why we're good at it? Because we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war every 20 years in this country, so we're good at it. And it's a good thing we are. We're not very good at anything else anymore. Can't build a decent car. Can't make a TV set or a VCR. What the fuck? Got no steel industry left. Can't educate our young people. Can't get health care to our old people. But we can bomb the shit out of your country, all right? We can bomb the shit out of your country, all right? Especially if your country is full of brown people. Oh, we like that, don't we? That's our hobby. That's our new job in the world, bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya. You've got some brown people in your country. Tell them to watch the fuck out. Or we'll goddamn bomb them. But when's the last white people you can remember that we bombed? Can you remember the last white? Can you remember any white people we've ever bombed? The Germans. Those are the only ones. And that's only because they were trying to cut in on our action. They wanted to dominate the world. Bullshit. That's our fucking job. Think of how we started. Think of that. This country was founded by a group of slave owners who told us all men are created equal. Oh yeah. All men. Except for Indians and niggers and women, right? Always like to use that authentic American language. This was a small group of unelected white male land-holding slave owners who also suggested their class be the only one allowed to vote. Now that is what's known as being stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit. I think Americans really show their ignorance when they say they want their politicians to be honest. What are these fucking cretins talking about? If honesty were suddenly introduced into American life, the whole system would collapse. No one would know what to do. Honesty would fuck this country up. And I think deep down Americans know that. That's why they elected and re-elected Bill Clinton. That's why. Because the American people like their bullshit right out front where they can get a good strong whiff of it. Clinton might be full of shit, but at least he lets you know it. Dole tried to hide it, didn't he? Dole kept saying, I'm a plain and honest man. Bullshit. People don't believe that. What did Clinton say? He said, hi folks, I'm completely full of shit, and how do you like that? And the people said, you know something, at least he's honest.
    1 人回報2 則回應2 年前
  • Professor, you said a lot of wonderful things about China, and surely they're doing a lot of things right. But how do you reconcile the fact that to make it work for China, it seems to be based on a high level of repression? Environmental destruction, censorship, a certain ideological stubbornness. I mean, we've spoken about Hong Kong, the Uighurs. How do you reconcile that, and do you think that's tolerable? Thank you. I'm really glad you asked that question, because your question captured very well the Anglo-Saxon media's perception of China. And I would suggest to you, very bluntly, that it's a distorted perspective of reality. Let's take the first word you use, repression. If the Communist Party of China only relied on repression to stay in power, it would not create the most dynamic economy in the world, right? It is by far the most dynamic economy in the world. It has delivered the fastest growing economy for 30 years. And it has done this by educating the Chinese people to a level and extent that the Chinese people have never been educated ever before. And you say it's repression? You obviously are taking the old Cold War mindset. I was in Moscow in 1976, and I saw repression in Moscow. And when I was in Moscow, the Soviet citizens were not allowed to travel outside the Soviet Union. That's repression. In the year 2019, 139 million Chinese left China freely. Guess what? Zero defectors. 139 million Chinese, right? That's twice the population of the UK, went back to China. So all your description, when you say environmental degradation, China's climate change policies are far more responsible than those of the United States, which has not once, but twice withdrawn from global environmental protocols. Kyoto Protocol, the Bush administration left eight years. Paris Accords, Trump administration left four years. And you know what? The reason why we're having climate change today is not because of new flows of greenhouse gas emissions from China and India. It's because of what the Western countries have put in the atmosphere since the Western Industrial Revolution. Get the data. The single largest contributor, cumulatively, right? It's number one, United States, number two, Europe, number three, China, right? And the West wants China to pay an economic price for the current flows, but the West doesn't want to pay an economic price for what it put in the atmosphere. You want to deprive the Indians of electricity when the United States could just, by the way, if the United States could impose a dollar a gallon tax, that would save the world. Cut down gasoline consumption, raise money for investment in green technology, simple solutions. And by contrast, the largest reforestation program in the world is carried out by China. It has already reforested an area the size of Belgium or bigger, right? So all your descriptions capture the natural distortions of China that you get in the Anglo-Saxon media, which violate the rules of the Enlightenment, which say that you must be rational, calm and objective, especially in understanding your adversary. And if the Chinese were as stupid and as incompetent as you describe them to be, don't worry about them. But I can assure you, you are now dealing with a far more intelligent and rational actor that doesn't fit any of the Anglo-Saxon categories that you applied to them. Please forgive my bluntness.
    3 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Exclusive! America does want a war, but it needs China to be blamed for it. Here's the story. Many people around the world are wondering why there's been so many negative news stories about China in recent years. We're told the Chinese have killed Hong Kong, a genocide in Xinjiang, and are about to invade Australia. But none of that is remotely fair as a portrayal of what's really happening. So what's the deal? My colleague Phil Hines and I have found answers to that question. By putting the media aside, we've been talking to and studying the views of diplomats, strategists and other people in the know. We've just published a pair of reports giving the real story. US military strategists have realised that it's now inevitable that Asia will be the economic centre of the world. Given the speed of growth here, China's primacy can no longer be prevented. The West is desperate to win the 21st century. So America has been working to unite the world against China using disinformation, NGOs and the media. So, for example, the US is endlessly provoking China over Taiwan, and the media is writing it up as China being aggressive. In 2019, America tried everything it could to make the PLA take control of Hong Kong, but China refused to take the bait. This year, the US is using Taiwan to do the exact same trick. We have quotes in our reports from several sources, including from the US. For now, China appears to be following the advice of Laozi. To make muddy water settle into clear water, the only tool you need is patience. Peace.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Exclusive, America does want a war, but it needs China to be blamed for it. Here's the story. Many people around the world are wondering why there's been so many negative news stories about China in recent years. We're told that Chinese have killed Hong Kong, a genocide in Xinjiang, and are about to invade Australia. But none of that is remotely fair as a portrayal of what's really happening. So what's the deal? My colleague Phil Hines and I have found answers to that question. By putting the media aside, we've been talking to and studying the views of diplomats, strategists and other people in the know. We've just published a pair of reports giving the real story. US military strategists have realised that it's now inevitable that Asia will be the economic centre of the world. Given the speed of growth here, China's primacy can no longer be prevented. The West is desperate to win the 21st century. So America has been working to unite the world against China using disinformation, NGOs and the media. So for example, the US is endlessly provoking China over Taiwan, and the media is writing it up as China being aggressive. In 2019, America tried everything it could to make the PLA take control of Hong Kong, but China refused to take the bait. This year, the US is using Taiwan to do the exact same trick. We have quotes in our reports from several sources, including from the US. For now, China appears to be following the advice of Lao Tzu. To make muddy water settle into clear water, the only tool you need is patience. Peace.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 大家好。 早安。 你冷嗎? 不。 我看見你做這個。 雖然是70度。 這是我第一次在這裡。 我很緊張。 你緊張的時候,你去法庭? 對,這是我第一次。 這是你第一次在法庭? 對。 到現在,你還好嗎? 到現在。 對。 我覺得今天是夜店日, 法官 Quinn。 Janelle has four overnight parking tickets all at the same location. So, what do you want to tell me about these, Janelle? I just want to know if I'm able to pay in October because I start my job on October 5th and my card isn't registered, so I wasn't able to get the permit sticker yet because my card gets registered in November. What do you do for work? Are you working? No, not yet. I'm going to be working at St. Tanner's on October 5th. And what did you do? What was your last job? Walmart. You worked at Walmart? Yeah. You're in sales. Are you a good salesperson? Yeah. You're going to work at a bank now, huh? At St. Tanner? Yes. Yeah. You're going to be what? You're going to be chief operating officer? What are you going to do? I'm customer service, taking... See, she's a good person. All of a sudden, we're going to have to smile, Inspector Quinn. Smile a little more and give me the keys to the vault. Let's work on that one. All right. These overnight parking tickets, is this because you did not have a parking spot? Is that an area where you live? Yeah, it's very full, so I have to park outside on the streets. Do you have a parking spot now? No, once I get my card registered, I'm going to get the ticket for it. The fines are $200 now because they all tripled. I'm going to fine you $20. I'm going to fine you for one of these tickets. And I'm going to give you all the time you need to pay it. I mean, who do you live with? You live with your parents, you live alone, you live with... It's just me and my daughter. We rent a place. Your daughter? You have a young daughter? How old is she? Ten months. Ten months? It's just you and she? Yeah. Oh. What's her name? Camila. We can't let you pay $20 because then, I don't know, maybe when you go home tonight, you need some food for the baby and if you pay $20 here, maybe you won't be able to afford the food, so I'm not going to do that. We have to take the baby into consideration in respect to Camila. And right now, she's like between a rock and a hard place. She wants to buy the parking passes. She can't because the registry isn't accommodating those right now. Right? And she's looking to do that. And she doesn't have a job, but she's got a little baby. So, when I can't take care of a ten-month-old child, I know I can't do that. There are a whole bunch of things you can do. You have nothing. Nothing. Your story really touches me. You only have one child. I guess you have a lot of challenges being a single mom. What is the biggest challenge? Taking care of the baby the whole night. You're dedicated to the baby. There are a lot of generous people in this country. We are on social media, and we are on television, and people throughout the world see what happens in this courtroom. And they send in contributions voluntarily and ask me to give them to people, I think, to use them toward people who I think are worthy, and you certainly are. So, I have a gentleman actually from Eustis, Florida, by the name of Gary Ashcraft. He sent in $25 and said, please use this to help a single mom who's doing everything she can to help her children. That's you. So, I'm going to use that $25 to pay for your ticket. But I'm going to do a little bit more than that. I mean, since you came in broke today, there are an awful lot of people who send in some money here. So, I don't want you leaving here today and not having enough money to take care of your baby. So, I am going to, with the generosity of people from throughout the country who have sent in cash, I am going to give you $50 in cash for you to use to take care of your baby. Thank you. And you put that to good use. Thank you so much. Anything you want to say to the person who sent in that money? I'll always say thank you so much, and I really do appreciate it.
    4 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 簡中字卡:美國加州 阻止罪犯入店行竊 將對此企業處以高達 $18000 美元罰款 英文字卡:Living in a Democratic state. Watch and listen! 音軌逐字: Here we go. (TV) Smash and grab crime continues to spike across California City state lawmakers are voting now for a bill In California. (TV) Some say is only going to incite more crime. California. This is the world that we're living in. Listen. Listen. (TV) Supporters of the Bill say rank and file employees should not have to confront shoplifter cause it's dangerous. But small retailers says what lawmakers here are proposing gives thieves a license to steal and here is why. (TV) It's not enough that we decriminalize property crime, but now he's saying you can't stop criminals from stealing, taking your property. (TV) So California police generally don't respond to theft under $950. It's a misdemeanor, so stores are on their own. But now these Sacramento Democrats are pushing a bill that can fine businesses up to $18,000 if it intervenes to stop a robbery. There you go. You're beautiful fucking Democrats. Okay? Does that make sense to you fucking liberals? Does that make sense? You Democrats. (TV) Private security if they wanna stop crime. Owners of convenience stores, gas stations, liquor stores, many Indian Americans… Okay. What is wrong with these fucking Democrat politics? (TV) The big box doors we are small retailers. (TV) Better than sending my kids to schools to universities to get educated as you teach them how to steal. Exactly. Yeah. Hey, all the colleges out there, add another course to the studies, to the education, teach the college students how to steal. Yeah. That's the new way to go. Under this administration and the Democrats. Go ahead. Keep voting liberal. Keep voting Democrat. California. This makes sense? This makes sense. They're signing a bill that they will fine a business $18,000 if they intervene with shoplifting. California. What the fuck is going on with these fucking Democrats? They're fucking delusional. They're fucking evil. Go ahead, TikTok. Is this misinformation? Go ahead, bear my fucking video. You fucking Democrats are fucking evil. All you do is fucking destroy people's lives. You're going to fine businesses $18,000 if they intervene with shoplifting? Wow. So I own a store. I'm trying to make a living. I pay for my inventory. I pay for supplies. And you, you Democrats, you're going to allow fucking criminals to come into my store to shoplift and I can't do nothing about it because you're going to fine me $18,000? Get the fuck out of here. Why don't you invite the criminals to your fucking houses? Let them go through every fucking closet you got. Let them go through every fucking jewelry box. Oh, but let them take anything that's worth $900 or less and see how that works for you, you fucking Democrats. You are fucking evil. Evil. Evil. Wow.
    21 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • America's dangerous friends America's enemies are becoming more dangerous, but even its friends could drag it into expanded conflicts this year. Volodymyr Zelensky. President Joe Biden has been Ukraine's staunchest supporter since Russia's invasion in February 2022. Having pledged to stay by Kyiv's side "as long as it takes," he has shepherded $113 billion in military and other aid that has proven vital to Ukrainians' ability to defend themselves. Biden has done this even though he neither likes nor trusts President Zelensky. However, political support for Ukraine within the US has wavered as the war has dragged on, seriously undermining Biden's ability to keep the aid coming past this year. And if Donald Trump-who considers Zelensky a personal adversary-wins in November, Ukrainians can wave goodbye to their biggest backer (please see Top Risk #1). Cracks have also emerged within Ukraine, where infighting between Zelensky and Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny (over military strategy) as well as Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko (over Zelensky's allegedly authoritarian leadership) has spilled into the open, threatening Ukrainian political unity and fueling more skepticism among Kyiv's friends. Under pressure domestically and frustrated with both diminishing US support and increasing difficulties on the battlefield, a desperate Zelensky will be willing to take bigger risks to turn the war around and maintain his political standing before Trump potentially takes office (please see Top Risk #3). This includes more aggressive attacks against targets in Russia, Crimea, and the Black Sea, threatening a response from Russia and potentially forcing the United States to become more directly involved in the war. Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel is America's closest ally in the Middle East, the only democracy in the region, and the largest cumulative recipient of US foreign aid. It is no surprise that Biden-a self-described Zionist and longtime Israel supporter-strongly backed Israel's initial response to Hamas's 7 October attacks, despite his complicated relationship with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Since then, however, a public rift has opened between the two over the conduct and endgame of the war in Gaza. They are also at odds about the role the Palestinian Authority should play in Gaza's postwar governance as well as the viability of a two-state solution. Fundamentally, Biden wants to see the war end, while Netanyahu has political and personal reasons to keep it going or even escalate it. eurasia group TOP RISKS 2024 Determined to stay in power and out of jail and emboldened by the possibility that his friend Trump returns to power in January 2025, Netanyahu will push back against pressure from Biden to end the war. He will ignore calls for restraint in Gaza while eyeing more conflict with Hezbollah in the north (please see Top Risk #2). He will also continue to inflame tensions in the West Bank and thwart any efforts to create a Palestinian state in the future. As a result, the United States will be inextricably tied to an intensifying conflict over which it has limited influence-one that will further strain US relations with the Arab world, the Global South, and even some allies, as well as create political challenges for Biden at home. Should Netanyahu decide to preemptively strike Hezbollah or even Iran itself, the US would find itself drawn into a much broader Middle East war. William Lai. Washington's long-standing "one China" policy and its security cooperation with Taiwan have been critical to deterring both a Chinese invasion and a declaration of independence from Taipei. Although Biden has repeatedly said the US would defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack, "strategic ambiguity" remains the official stance, and the president has no desire to risk a crisis with Beijing over the island. But the uneasy status quo in the Taiwan Strait will soon be tested if Taiwan elects Vice President William Lai, the ruling party candidate whom China views as the most pro independence Taiwanese leader in a generation, as president (and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, Taiwan's former representative to the US, as vice president). While Biden will oppose any de jure independence moves from Lai, the domestic politics of the Taiwan issue will prevent the US president from objecting to the smaller, symbolic steps toward de facto autonomy Lai is likely to take. Yet even these will be enough to provoke a beyond-precedent military response from Beijing, such as violating Taiwan's airspace or waters or conducting ship inspections. Biden will be forced to respond to Chinese aggression with a show of resolve in support for Taipei that could jeopardize the US-China thaw and risk a dangerous cycle of escalation. Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan will all continue to be major US allies. But their leaders' pursuit of their national-and, occasionally, personal-interests will further entangle Washington in growing conflicts. 20
    2 人回報2 則回應8 個月前
  • CNN 對台積電董事長劉德音的專訪翻譯逐字稿 On GPS: Can China afford to attack Taiwan? Fareed Zakaria, GPS In a rare interview with Mark Liu, chairman of Taiwan's TSMC — Asia's most valuable company — Fareed asks about the ongoing tension between the self-governing island and Beijing. Source: CNN Fareed Zakaria: 如果中國攻打台灣,那會如何影響台灣,以及台灣的經濟? What would happen to Taiwan, and to the Taiwanese economy, if China were to invade? 劉德音: 噢,當然,戰場上沒有贏家;所有人都是輸家。台灣人已在台灣建立起自己的民主系統,然後他們想過自己的生活。雖然半導體產業對台灣整體經濟來說十分重要,但如果真的發生戰爭的話,那或許半導體業不是最需要我們擔心的事。我們真正需要擔心的是這場戰爭將會摧毀以具有穩定秩序的世界經貿活動(the destruction of the world rule-based order);整個地理政治將會有劇烈的變化。 Oh, of course, the war brings no winners. Everybody is losers. And people in Taiwan has earned their democratic system in Taiwan, and they want to choose their way of life. And we think that indeed the chip supply is a critical business and economy in Taiwan, but had it -- had it been a War in Taiwan, probably the chip is not the most important thing we should worry about because this invasion, if it comes after, is the destruction of the world rule-based order. There is no -- the geopolitical landscape would totally change. Fareed Zakaria: 你會擔心台灣目前在中國半導體供應鏈上所扮演的核心角色嗎? 這會對台灣造成甚麼危險嗎? 還是說其實有戰略上的嚇阻效果? 畢竟有時大家會說台積電是台灣的護國神山。不過即便如此,我們還是知道中國一直都強調「我們對台灣有絕對的主權,而且這是我們不可退讓的中國資產」。 Do you worry that Taiwan is now so integral to the Chinese supply chain at the high end?.. Does that create a danger for Taiwan? Or is it a deterrent? People sometimes talk about the TSMC shield, but you could equally see Beijing saying we need to have total control of this. This is the most valuable asset and it's outside our borders. 劉德音: 嗯,沒有國家能夠用武力控制台積電的,因為如果中國解放軍真的入侵台積電,台積電就完全不能運作了,因為這是一個十分複雜的龐大組織。台積電從原料、化學物質、設備零件、工程軟體與檢測等各面向都隨時都需要跟外面的世界,歐洲、日本、美國相互溝通合作。是在世界上的所有人的努力才能讓這間公司,台積電,能夠正常運作。所以假如你用武力侵占了台積電,那台積電就不可能正常運作了,也就沒有所謂的台積電了。至於我們與中國的生意,目前中國大概占了我們 10% 的生意吧,但我們只會跟一般企業與消費者做生意,我們不會將晶片賣給軍事組織。我們覺得說,消費市場是很重要的,而且是生生不息的。如果消費者有需求,那我想,跟他們做生意並不是甚麼壞事。 Ok. Nobody can control TSMC by force. If you take a military force or invasion, you will render TSMC factory not operable because this is such a sophisticated manufacturing facility. It depends on the real-time connection with the outside world, with Europe, with Japan, with the US, from materials, to chemicals, to spare parts, to engineering software, diagnosis. It's everybody's effort to make this factory operable. So if you take it over by force, you can no longer make it operable. In terms of the China business, its today composed about 10% of our business. We only work with consumer. We don't work with militaries entity. We think that is, the consumer pool, is important, and it is vibrant. And if they need us, it's not a bad thing. Fareed Zakaria: 解釋一下,為什麼這(台積電跟中國做生意)不是壞事? Expand on that. Why is it not a bad thing? 劉德音: 噢,這是因為我們停止運作後將會為中國帶來巨大的經濟損失,因為他們最先進的半導體晶片突然就這樣消失了,所以他們在做這種"武力犯台"之前,我想必定會三思而後行的。 你看烏克蘭戰爭,我想我們都得從中好好反省與汲取些經驗。人們認為烏克蘭跟台灣非常像,但我得說台灣跟烏克蘭非常不一樣。想想烏俄戰爭對各國帶來的種種負面影響,對任何國家來說都不是好事。從西方世界、俄羅斯與烏克蘭的角度來看,都是輸家,沒有人從中獲得好處。我真的認為大家都應該要好好反省這場戰爭究竟為我們人類帶來了甚麼,想想我們應該要如何避免戰爭,想想我們該如何確保全球經濟的穩定,如何讓全球經濟能持續生生不息,而且也讓我們以公平的方式相互競爭,這是我的想法。 Oh, because our interruption will create great economic turmoil in either side in China because suddenly their most advanced components supply disappeared. And -- and it is an interruption, I must say. So people will think twice on this. I think the Ukraine war, I think we should draw lessons from it. People think Ukraine will make connected with the Taiwan Strait. They are very different. But in case you think about imperil, Ukraine war is not good for any of the sides. From the Western world, from Russia, from Ukraine, it's lose, lose, lose scenarios. All three sides ought to draw lessons. I think they do. And we should use that lessons to look at the lens on Taiwan. How can we avoid a war? How can we ensure no -- the world economy -- the engine of the world economy continue humming and let's have a fair competition. That's what I think. Fareed Zakaria: 就你看來,你會怎麼解釋台灣的經濟奇蹟? 在過去五十年裡,台灣經濟成功達到每年有 5% 的經濟成長。世上很少能夠有著像台灣經濟成長幅度這樣的國家,你怎麼看呢? From your perspective, what explains the Taiwan miracle? This is now a place that has grown at 5% a year for five decades. There are very few places in the world that have managed that. What explains the Taiwan miracle? 劉德音: 從外人的角度來看,會覺得這是一個奇蹟。但對認真工作的台灣人來說,這只是奮鬥的過程。老實說我覺得,相較於其他國家,尤其是在亞洲,我覺得台灣其中一個特點在於它那和平的社會。從 1949 年到現在,台灣一直都是相當和平的。這是個和平的地方。而在這期間,台灣從威權主義社會轉型成民主國家,變成一個民主社會。而如果你從整個世界的角度來看這點,如此這般和平的社會轉型是相當神奇的事情,我們是非常幸運的。而如果真要說奇蹟,我想台灣的確還有一點是相當與眾不同的,那就是我們的教育制度。 在我還小的時候,只有 10% 的人上大學。如今有 80% 的年輕人擁有大學文憑。我們政府設立了非常多間大學,所以對於所有年輕人來說,如果你想讀大學,那一定可以讀,只要你願意花時間,所以這建立了一個相對高品質的社會環境,以面對未來可能的種種挑戰,這是我覺得非常非常特別的一點。 Looking from outside, it appears to be a miracle. For the people working hard on the island, it is just a history of fighting. I think, to be honest, compared with other nations, particularly in Asia, I think one of the key components in Taiwan is a peaceful society. It maintained peace since 1949 till today, 70 years. It's a peaceful island. And during that period of time, Taiwan has transformed from authoritarian state into a democratic state, became a democratic society. This is marvelous because if you look at the nations around the world, having such a smooth transition, peaceful transition, we are fortunate, to be honest. But if you talk about the miracles, I also think there's one thing that is very distinctly different, is the education system. When I was young, only 10% of the young people entered college or universities. Today, 80% of the young people have college or university degrees. The government set up many colleges, universities. And every kid, if you want to go to university, you can go, and just so long as you spend time. So that has created a relatively good quality of population in Taiwan, posing for any change ahead. That's why I think that's very, very special. Fareed Zakaria: 為什麼其他人都很難做出你做的晶片呢? 我現在在想的是你們的七奈米,美國有非常多擁有輝煌歷史的偉大公司,像是 Intel。而中國則是撒了數十億的資金去開設晶圓廠,但都沒有人能做出你們的晶片。 Why is it so difficult for anyone to make the chips that you make? And I'm thinking now about the 7 nanometer. The Americans have these great companies that have huge history, like Intel. The Chinese pour tens of billions of dollars into new companies. But no one can make the chips you make. 劉德音: 嗯,可以啊,只是晚幾年而已,就...哈哈哈哈... Well, they can, just a few years later. It's ... hahaha ... Fareed Zakaria: 但這就是重點啊... But that's all the difference in this business. 劉德音: 沒錯,這是唯一的關鍵。我想我們是把半導體技術本身看做是一門科學,但也是一門生意。這不是組裝零件那樣而已。當然,這一切都得歸功於我們與其他夥伴的合作。我們的工程師甚至因為 COVID 而戴上 AR (擴充虛擬實境) 跟遠在荷蘭以及加州的工程師合作,我們就是這麼密切的合作,共同推進最先進的半導體技術。我只能說這麼多了,沒辦法跟你透漏與解釋所有細節。 You're right. That's all the difference. I think we treat the semiconductor technology itself as a business, as a science. It's not assembly workers. And, of course, I credit this to be working with our partners. Even the COVID time, our engineer used the AR, augmented reality, lenses to work with engineer in Netherland, work with engineer in California. And that's how close we work together. And together, we push the frontier of the semiconductor technologies. I cannot tell you everything why. Fareed Zakaria: 哦當然你不可能跟我說可口可樂的配方的...哈哈...。好,最後一個問題,在技術與經濟層面上,你會怎麼看待未來? 你的願景是甚麼? You're not going to tell me the secret formula of coca cola. Finally, tell me what you think will look like in the future, technologically, economically. What are your hopes? 劉德音: 我希望我們不會因為很接近中國而被歧視(discriminated)。不論我們跟中國的關係是甚麼,台灣就是台灣。你得把台灣視為一個整體,視為一個充滿活力與衝勁的社會。我們希望能為世界帶來創新,並持續不斷地推進未來,而不會因為我們跟中國有些紛爭而害怕我們。這實在是不值得。 I hope that we don't get discriminated because we are close to China. No matter your relationship with China, Taiwan is Taiwan. You have to look at Taiwan as, by itself, a vibrant society. We want to unleash the innovation for the world, into the future, continuously, and not to be scared because we have some dispute with our neighbors. And that is not worth it. Fareed Zakaria: 這你這樣好像是在跟世界說 ── 如果我理解錯誤請糾正我 ── 不要害怕中國說的那些話。因為中國永遠不可能接手台灣。台灣經濟是建立於全球合作,建立於信任與公開透明之上。如果他們侵入台灣,他們會發現實際上他們甚麼也沒拿到。 But it seems to me you're saying to the world -- correct me if I'm wrong -- you're saying to the world, don't be scared by what China is saying because the Chinese will never be able to take. The Taiwanese economy is built on this global collaboration, -- on trust, on openness, on -- they'll find they've taken over nothing, if they come in. 劉德音: 正確,沒錯,我的確是這麼想的,所以我們大家只會為彼此帶來災難,每一方都是如此。雖然我們得做最壞打壞,但還是盡量往最好的方向看齊。 Correct, yes, I do believe so. So the world can only create problem on three sides, all three sides. And that is -- we need to prepare the worst, but we should hope for the best. Fareed Zakaria: 你剛有提到烏克蘭戰爭是 lose-lose-lose,所以你希望可以 win-win-win。 So you said about the Ukraine war, it's lose-lose-lose. Your hope is for a win-win-win. 劉德音: 對,如果真的開戰了,那就會變成這樣。如果一切和平,那麼就只跟我們三方的競爭策略有關,我想在商場上沒有人會想要發生戰爭,所以我們又為什麼要再跳進這個陷阱(戰爭)裡呢? Yes, if you have a war, then it will be that. If this is peaceful, well, it's upon the competition strategies on all three sides. And I think that nobody in the business world want to see a war happen. And why do we jump again into another trap? Fareed Zakaria: 感謝你寶貴的時間。 Thank you for taking so much time 劉德音: 很高興能參與訪談。 We enjoy talking to you. (zero game 2)(sun over mountain)(praying)
    7 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 歷史哥澄清唬 https://www.facebook.com/525231778007287/posts/914879449042516/ 【澄清唬爆米花教室:被大內宣淹沒的美國總統署名投書】 先說這篇沒有圖,因為太重要不能亂放圖 在歷史上,從沒有美國總統親自投書到中華民國的報紙。但是在109年10月22日,美國準總統拜登以「More Prosperous Future For Our Families」(定稿中文標題:為我們家庭更繁榮的未來),以華人為主體,台灣人為核心訴求,投書聯合報系的世界日報,強調他願意與中國合作而非對抗,鄙棄川普的仇中獵巫,願意與華人聯手,但更重視台灣人的健保經驗,不願台灣人為美國火中取栗而是共同繁榮。 但在一片大奇特的大內宣中,美國準總統的投書竟然在台灣地區被忽視。且不說拜登明明在聲譽卓著的 IBD/TIPP民調持續領先,比起川普根本鼓吹台灣人火中取栗(你對抗,我賺軍火,去跟大陸人死嗑來增加我談判勒索本錢)。 拜登不只親自署名投書,還誠懇說明他對台灣/兩岸的四大重點,根本是史上最誠懇與重要的待遇。既然親綠親川普主流媒體不報,那福編來報。 ★ 一、拜登堅持稱台灣是 leading democracy (領導性的民主政體),表示其無意支持台獨立場(不稱國家) 二、拜登大篇幅強調川普仇中、卸責不科學的推卸問題給中國,造成亞裔的困擾與災難,而這不是美國總統應為。(打了那些整天喊支那賤畜以為自己就會成為高等美國人的台灣地區背祖中國人的臉) 三、拜登大談健保對一般百姓重要性,表示他珍視台灣的健保經驗,也是未來與台灣的合作重心。 四、與其獵巫與仇中,他更重視與中國的合作,希望聯盟對世界更有幫助(雖然舉例醫療與氣候,但也只是舉例) 表示願意以兩大強權的合作,謀取更多世界利益。 其他我 不多說,請看原文與譯文。 #拜登給中華民國台灣與聯合報系的面子真的太大了 #聯合報系真正展現實力 #美國總統投書首中華民國系報紙 #大內宣只在意把我們當馬前卒的喇叭川普 為我們家庭更繁榮的未來/前副總統喬瑟夫.拜登 時局多艱,我們國家處在十字路口,正面臨疾病大流行、經濟大衰退,和一場將決定我們未來很長一段時間的選舉。 今年 我們看到美國最好的一面 今年,我們看到美國最好的一面引領我們向前:英勇的醫師、護士、日常雜貨商、餐館業主、必要行業工作者 — 而其中,包括許許多多的亞裔美國人。 今年 我們也看到美國最糟情況 但我們也看到最糟的情況:亞裔美國人誤因新冠病毒遭仇視的行為比比皆是,某種程度上,是因為川普總統發布的仇恨言論所致。亞裔美國人被責備、被唾罵、被攻擊;家園、商家和汽車被侮辱性標記破壞;年幼的孩童被刺傷,還有一名89歲的奶奶,在不斷升級的仇恨文化中遭人火焚。 這不該是我們原本的樣子。 亞裔美國人 使我們國家變強大 近兩個世紀以來,亞裔美國人使我們的國家變得強大 — 從掘金礦工,到加速我們崛起的鐵路和工廠工人,再到推動我們向前邁進的科學家、建築師、藝術家和企業家們。多年來,他們的勇氣、犧牲和成功,為美國夢注入動力,也讓美國穩為自由的燈塔與世界的希望。 川普卻不懂 傷了移民國價值觀 川普總統不懂這些。他帶頭攻擊我們作為移民之國的價值觀,甚至在我們的邊境,拆散成千上萬的孩童與父母。即便在這場大流行到來之前,我們的仇恨犯罪就已達到16年以來的新高。而如今,為了轉移自己抗疫失敗、未能保護我們國家的過失,無論是否因此導致上千反亞裔的種族歧視事件,他仍堅持把新冠病毒稱作「中國病毒」。 作為總統 我捍衛每人的美國夢 措辭很重要,總統措辭更為重要。作為總統,我將捍衛每個人的美國夢,讓每一勤奮努力的家庭,享有通向繁榮和美好未來的公平機會。我將反對任何形式的種族歧視,指示司法部優先處理仇恨犯罪,以彌合仇恨與分裂的傷口,而非煽風點火。 川普失敗 他讓我們的經濟崩盤 唐納德·川普早在今年1月就已知道新冠病毒的致命性,卻未採取任何行動。現在,超過22萬美國人因此失去生命,約3000萬人失去工作、工時和薪水,五分之一的小商家關門。川普失敗的領導力讓我們的經濟崩盤 — 他總統當得愈久,得以完全回歸正軌的時間也愈久。 我會控制疫情 讓我們重回生機 八個月過去了,川普仍然沒有(抗疫)計畫。而我有。 首先要擔起責任,努力控制疫情,讓我們重回生機。我將執行早在3月就擬定的計畫,擊敗新冠病毒。我將聽取科學家、專家的意見;保護我們的家庭;讓新冠檢測、治療, #以及最終的疫苗免費,並對所有人開放。 我會重建經濟 實質救助小商家 我將馬上開始重建更好的經濟,為數百萬遭受重創的小商家提供實質救助。他們是我們社區的生命線 — 但川普腐敗的復甦作法棄他們於不顧,只把紓困資金匯集到大公司手中。75%的亞裔小企業主,未能獲得任何首輪紓困金。這是錯誤的,我已要求確保員工在50人以下的小企業獲得紓困金,我也將增加他們獲得優惠和資金的長遠渠道,減輕阻礙移民業主的語言障礙。 我不會對年收40萬元以下者加稅 質言之,我的經濟復甦計畫將回報以工作,而不只是財富,將創造未來數百萬優薪工作。(信評機構)穆迪的獨立經濟學者發現,比起川普總統的作法,我的計畫會創造多出700萬的工作,以及超過1兆元的經濟增長。我也不會對任何年收入40萬元以下者加稅 —別懷疑。相反地,我還將確保超級富豪和大公司最終支付本應承擔的份額。 讓父母能付學費 讓醫保更平價 我一路走來,都在為工薪和中產家庭而戰;他們之中有許多勤勉奮鬥的移民,來到美國是為更好的生活。我將幫助父母有能力支付子女的優質教育、提高教師薪酬,並讓絕大多數家庭免費就讀公立學院。我將讓照顧年邁父母變得更容易,讓醫療保險更平價。川普現在要通過法院,廢除「可負擔健保法」,在一場致命大流行之中,剝奪數千萬人的醫療保險,這毫無道理。 與盟友並肩 深化與台灣的關係 同時,新冠病毒證明美國不能自外於世界。從重建我們最親近夥伴的關係開始,我們必須與其他國家攜手合作,應對影響我們所有人的國際挑戰。我們是一個太平洋強國,將與盟友並肩,增進我們在亞太地區共享的繁榮、安全與價值。這其中就包括深化與台灣這個居領先地位的民主政體、主要經濟體,以及科技重鎮的關係。台灣也是開放社會可以有效控制新冠病毒的閃亮典範。 更新領導力 符合美利益與中合作 我們應對中國的方式,會聚焦增強美國競爭力,再興國內優勢,並更新我們在海外的聯盟與領導力。我們將在符合美國利益的領域與中國合作,包括公共衛生和氣候變遷。 讓家庭團聚 修復破碎的移民系統 美國向來不只靠強大的國力,而是用身為榜樣的實力領導世界。要切實重現此景,我們也必須修復破碎的移民系統,讓家庭團聚,確保美國繼續吸引全球最出色與最聰明的人。 我將會傾聽 重塑我們熱愛的國魂 我競選是為讓美國更好的重建,重建美國作為一個充滿機會,團結和有全新開始的國家;一個由數代移民讓其強大的地方;一個所有人都能發聲、每張選票都有價值的地方。我將引領這些議題,更重要的是,我會傾聽。所以,請確保你今天將選票投出。 讓我們一起,重塑我們熱愛的國魂。 (世界日報華盛頓記者羅曉媛/譯) More Prosperous Future For Our Families by Former Vice President Joseph Biden for World Journal These are tough times. Our country is at a crossroads, facing a pandemic, a recession, and an election that will decide our futures for a very long time. This year, we've seen the best of America carry us forward: heroic doctors, nurses, grocers, restaurant owners, essential workers–including so many Asian Americans. But we've also seen the worst: acts of hate against Asian Americans wrongly blamed for COVID-19, spurred on, in part, by hateful rhetoric from President Trump. They've been screamed at, spit on, and assaulted. Homes, businesses, and cars vandalized with slurs. Small children stabbed. An 89-year-old grandmother set on fire amid this rising culture of hate. This is not who we are. For nearly two centuries, Asian Americans have made our country strong–from the gold miners and railroad and factory workers who helped to power our rise; to the scientists, architects, artists, and entrepreneurs who are helping to drive us forward now. For years, their courage, sacrifices, and success have powered the American Dream and helped America stand as a beacon of freedom and hope to the world. President Trump doesn't get that. He has led an assault on our values as a nation of immigrants, even tearing thousands of children from their parents' arms at our border. Hate crimes against people are at a 16-year-high, even before this pandemic. And now, to deflect blame for his failure to protect our nation from this crisis, he insists on calling COVID-19 the "China virus," no matter how many thousands of reported racist incidents against Asian Americans it encourages. Words matter – and a president's words matter even more. As President, I'll defend the American Dream for everyone, so every hardworking family has the same fair shot at prosperity and a better future. I'll stand against racism in every form, directing the Justice Department to prioritize hate crimes, and working to heal the wounds of hatred and division, not fan the flames. Donald Trump knew how deadly COVID-19 was back in January and did nothing to stop it. Now, more than 220,000 Americans are dead. Some 30 million have lost jobs, hours, wages. One in five small businesses have shut down. Trump's failed leadership has tanked our economy – and the longer he's president, the longer it'll take to get it fully up and running again. We're eight months in, but Trump still has no plan. I do. It starts with taking responsibility and doing the hard work to control this pandemic and get our lives back. I'll implement the plan I've laid out since March to beat COVID-19. I'll listen to scientists and experts; protect our families; and make testing, treatment, and any eventual vaccine free and available to everyone. I'll get right to work building our economy back better – getting real relief out to millions of hard-hit small businesses. They're the lifeblood of our communities – but Trump's corrupt recovery passed them by, funneling funds to big corporations instead. Some 75% of Asian-owned small businesses weren't expected to get any first-round stimulus funds at all. It's wrong. I've called for ensuring small businesses with less than 50 employees get new relief funds. And I'll boost their long-term access to credit and capital, and work to ease the language barriers that can hold back immigrant entrepreneurs. Through it all, my economic recovery plan will reward work, not just wealth, creating millions of good paying jobs of the future. Independent economists at Moody's found that my plan creates 7 million more jobs – and $1 trillion more in economic growth – than President Trump's would. And I won't raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000 a year – period. Instead, I'll make sure the super wealthy and big corporations finally pay their fair share. I've fought my whole career for working and middle class families – so many of them hard-working immigrants who came to America in search of a better life. I'll help parents afford a quality education for their kids, boosting teacher pay and making public college free for most families. I'll make it easier to care for aging parents, and make health care more affordable. Trump is in court right now trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, stripping tens of millions of people of health coverage in the middle of a deadly pandemic. It makes no sense. Meanwhile, COVID-19 is proof that the United States can't isolate itself from the world. We have to work with other nations to meet global challenges that impact us all, starting by rebuilding our relationships with our closest partners. We're a Pacific power, and we'll stand with friends and allies to advance our shared prosperity, security, and values in the Asia-Pacific region. That includes deepening our ties with Taiwan, a leading democracy, major economy, technology powerhouse – and a shining example of how an open society can effectively contain COVID-19. And our approach to China will focus on boosting American competitiveness, revitalizing our strengths at home, and renewing our alliances and leadership abroad. We'll work to collaborate with China when it's in our interest, including on public health and climate change. America has always led the world not only with the example of our power, but the power of our example. To truly do that again, we also have to fix our broken immigration system, keeping families together and ensuring the United States continues to draw the world's best and brightest. I'm running to build America back better, as a country of opportunity, unity, and new beginnings. A place made strong by generations of immigrants. A place where everyone has a voice and every vote counts. I'll lead on these issues, and more importantly, I'll listen. So please make sure you get your vote in today. Together we'll restore the soul of this nation we love. #福編編譯? (編譯個鬼,是世界日報了不起! 大內宣與遍地綠媒鬼遮眼)
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