
2 人回報2 則回應5 年前
好消息,武汉的病毒一碗煮沸的浓大蒜水就能喝好。老中医亲自试验过,很多病友也成功了 。八头大蒜拍碎用七杯水煮熟,连吃带喝,一晩上就好了。欢迎转发


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  • 好消息,武漢的病毒一碗煮沸的濃大蒜水就能喝好。老中醫親自試驗過,很多病友也成功了 。八頭大蒜拍碎用七杯水煮熟,連吃帶喝,一晩上就好了。歡迎轉發!
    3 人回報2 則回應5 年前
  • 好消息,新冠病毒一碗煮沸的濃大蒜水就能喝好。老中醫親自試驗過,很多病友也成功了 。八頭大蒜拍碎用七杯水煮熟,連吃帶喝,一晩上就好了。多做功德。歡迎轉發!
    28 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 好消息,新冠病毒一碗煮沸的濃大蒜頭水,就能喝好,老中醫親自試驗過,很多病友試喝也成功轉好了..八粒大蒜拍碎用七杯水,煮熟連吃帶喝一晩上就好了,一般人也可以常喝,增強免疫力,抵抗病毒感染,保護自已及家人,蒜頭很有殺菌排毒功能,多做功德,歡迎轉發。
    3 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 個人經驗謹供参考 1.椰子水加檸檬水加少許鹽一天喝三次 2.綠茶有效終結病毒 常用溫熱鹽水漱口常喝熱茶也可用茶漱口再喝下 3.一碗煮沸的濃大蒜水就能喝好老中醫親自試驗過,病友也成功了。八顆大蒜拍碎靜放15分鐘產生大蒜素後用七杯水煮熟,連吃帶喝,一晩上就好了。念佛與大悲咒多做功德阿彌陀佛
    14 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 好消息,新冠病毒 一碗煮沸的濃大蒜 水就能喝好。老中 醫親自試驗過,很 多病友也成功了。 八頭大蒜拍碎用七 杯水煮熟,連吃帶 喝,一晚上就好 了。多做功德。歡 迎轉發! TF 11:28
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 疫情嚴峻特别嘱咐,家人们,请所有人都记住,红糖生姜大葱白。 大蒜多放熬水喝在疫情解除之前,每天喝感染新冠病毒的概率几乎为零。 请大家一起分享转发一起抗议,这是一个南洋中医的亲身经历,根据微信录音整理如下。 现在大家一提起武汉,心情就很沉重,但是,我的亲身经历会给您很大的安慰。 我是腊月二十二从武汉回到南洋的,到家第二天就有了发烧的症状。 我用了吸药和抗病毒的药,效果不太明显,只能控制不能痊愈。 到第八天晚上,突然加重发烧厉害,伴有咳嗽,痰中盖有铁色血丝。 我知道这回严重了,紧急之下,我想起了我的老师曾经说过的一个方法,便找来八头大蒜将其拍碎放入七纸杯水。 在锅里煮,水开两分钟后,我喝了连渣淡水的两纸杯,然后就入睡了,第二天早上醒来不发烧了,咳嗽也减轻了,吐的痰也变成了正常的白色。 现在我一天喝两次大蒜水,全家都喝,我已经恢复了正常,和以前一样,我只喝了一次就好了,简直很神奇。 现在我家的左邻右舍都喝大蒜水,我把这个方法推荐给了武汉的朋友,他们又推荐给了新疆的朋友。 普遍反应效果非常好,补充,中国文化五千年,中医药本身就在老百姓的生活当中,秤砣虽小,压千斤食材偏性抗瘟疫, 天佑中华有期黄共克时间战疫情,欢迎转发分享,共同抗击疫情,当所有人安全。
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 台大同學分享的:三月十三日2020 這是我瑞士詩友江麗珍寄給我。她的家公是北京著名中醫,丈夫是西醫,兒子及媳婦為聯合國衞生組織權威。她寄給我的偏方希望對大家有用。 雁薇姐,您好! 最近新冠狀肺炎病毒漫及世界各地,請多加小心,保重! 附上一個方子,供您參考使用。這是老方子,對預防、治療感冒發燒有一定作用,據說疫情鬧得很厲害時,不少北京人都使用這個方子,結果他們都平安無事。 红糖,生姜,大葱白,大蒜(多放),熬水喝,疫情解除之前,每天喝,感染病毒的概率几乎为零! 大家一起分享转发! 这是一个南阳中医的亲身经历,根据录音整理如下: 现在,大家一提起武汉心情就很沉重,但是,我的亲身经历会给您很大的安慰。 我是腊月二十二从武汉回到南阳的,到家第二天,就有了发烧的症状,我就用了西药和抗病毒的药,效果不太明显,只能控制,不能痊愈。到第八天晚上,突然加重,发烧厉害,伴有咳嗽,痰中带有铁色血丝。我知道这回严重了,情急之下,我想起了我的老师曾经说过的一个方子。便找来八头大蒜,将其拍碎,放入7纸杯水,在锅里煮。水开两分钟后,我喝了连渣带水的两纸杯。然后就入睡了。第二天早上醒来,不发烧了,咳嗽也减轻了,吐的痰也变成了正常的白色。现在,我一天喝两次大蒜水,全家都喝,我已经恢复了正常。和以前一样。我只喝了一次就好了,简直很神奇。现在,我家的左邻右舍都喝大蒜水。我把这个方子推荐给了武汉的朋友,他们又推荐给了新疆的朋友,普遍反映效果非常好。 补充: 为什么我的药茶要与葱姜蒜一起煮,就是这个道理,相得益彰,急重症切大蒜片、含服,比速效救心丸还见效,我们老百姓有老百姓自救的方法。中医药本身是服务于老百姓的,小小秤砣压千斤,区区草药治大病。天佑中华有中医,共克时艰战疫情! 欢迎转发分享! @所有人 🙏🙏🍎🍏 March 13th 2020 This was sent to me by my Swiss poet friend Jiang Lizhen. Her father-in-law is a famous Chinese medicine practitioner in Beijing, her husband is a western medicine doctor, and her son and daughter-in-law are authoritative of the United Nations Health Organization. The recipe she sent me hopes to be useful to everyone. Hello Sister Yan Wei! New coronary pneumonia virus has spread all over the world recently, please be careful and take care! Attach a recipe for your reference. This is an old formula, which has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of colds and fevers. It is said that when the epidemic is very serious, many people in Beijing use this formula, but they are all safe. Brown sugar, ginger, green onions, garlic (add more), boil water to drink, drink every day before the epidemic is resolved, the probability of infection with the virus is almost zero! Everyone share reshares! This is a personal experience of Nanyang Chinese medicine, according to the recording is as follows: Now, everyone is very heavy at the mention of Wuhan, but my personal experience will give you a lot of comfort. I returned to Nanyang from Wuhan on the 22nd of the second month of the lunar month. The next day when I got home, I had fever. I used western medicine and antiviral medicine. The effect was not obvious. I could only control and couldn't heal. On the evening of the eighth day, she suddenly became worse with a severe fever, accompanied by a cough, and iron-colored bloodshot sputum. I knew it was serious this time, and in a hurry, I remembered a recipe my teacher once said. Then they took eight garlics, patted them into pieces, put them in 7 paper cups of water, and boiled them. Two minutes after the water was boiling, I drank two paper cups with slag and water. Then he fell asleep. I woke up the next morning, no fever, my cough was relieved, and my spitting turned white. Now, I drink garlic water twice a day and the whole family drinks it. I have returned to normal. same as before. I only drank it once, it was amazing. Right now, my neighbors drink garlic water. I recommended this recipe to a friend in Wuhan, and they recommended it to a friend in Xinjiang, and the general response was very good. supplement: Why is my herbal tea cooked with onion, ginger, and garlic? This is the reason. They complement each other, cut garlic slices in severe cases, and take them. It is more effective than the quick-acting Jiuxin Pill. Our people have a way to save themselves. Traditional Chinese medicine itself serves ordinary people. Little scales weigh a lot, and herbal medicines treat serious illnesses. God bless Chinese medicine with Chinese medicine, overcome the epidemic of hard times! Welcome to reshare! @ Everyone 🙏🙏🍎🍏
    2 人回報1 則回應5 年前