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  • Adam Rogas – CEO and Co-Founder of NS8 by IdeaMensch · Nov 30, 2016 287Share Tweet 66Share Adam-e1480959343307 Find a problem you think you can solve and really focus on it. Resist the urge to move from that problem until you have demonstrated by positive user feedback and growth that you have actually solved it. Adam Rogas is the CEO and Co-Founder of NS8. With over 14 years of senior development and management expertise, as well as extensive knowledge in the fields of online fraud and spam filtering, Adam brings a tremendous amount to NS8. He was a founder of LoadMail and has worked as a trusted advisor to Postini, London Board of Tourism, Vivendi Universal, and Napster. In each case, Adam has helped implement big data, email, spam and virus filtering, and data security solutions. Mr. Rogas has architected extremely large-scale spam and virus filtering platforms, dealing with well over 100,000 messages per hour. He has also played a central role in the architecture of numerous large scale analysts solutions. Adam brings his love for safe, effective communication and startup ventures to NS8. He is married and also calls Las Vegas, Nevada home. Where did the idea for NS8 come from? My partners and I have run some significant and highly transactional websites and services prior to NS8. We understood that the common threads of fraud, abuse and poor user experience affected each of them in some way, shape, or form. Knowing this, we felt there had to be a better way to protect these types of sites and services, from being abused, regardless of their size. We also knew that any solution we created had to be easy to deploy, manage, and understand. What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive? In an early stage company you are wearing lots of hats. I work a ton of hours. So, the key for me, is to keep my thoughts organized. I usually divide my day up into 3 or 4 segments and then identify what I think I can accomplish in each one of them. Once I do this, I make a list for each segment. This gives me a semblance of structure to my day that helps me get my mind right for the tasks I have to tackle. It also helps me walk away and not overthink the ones I have already completed. How do you bring ideas to life? I usually start with an idea or something that would really matter to a specifc group of people and then I start asking questions. I will then usually build some simple example, or take steps to create what I’m trying to do, and show it to people get feedback and repeat until I reach my goal. What’s one trend that really excites you? It has gotten easier and easier to bring big ideas to life, and to compete, due to the growth of cloud services. To me, it really levels the playing field for a lot of ideas, that just 5 years ago, would have been impossible for all but the largest companies to bring to life. What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur? I try to be fairly aware of my own ADD and so I will make lists to hold myself accountable for the items on them. I also try to solve this problem in our hiring practices by surrounding myself with people that are very detail and process focused. What advice would you give your younger self? Find a problem you think you can solve and really focus on it. Resist the urge to move from that problem until you have demonstrated by positive user feedback and growth that you have actually solved it. If you do that, and continue to do it over and over again, you will be successful. Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on? That I am a good singer ? I don’t know that I am very persuasive here …. but I do know I can’t sing. As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do? I am constantly talking to our customers. I try to involve them early on, and very often in our process. This is one area I struggle with as we evolve and scale our product development processes, but it is critical to maintaining that connection as to why your customers want your product in the first place. What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business? Please explain how. Surrounding myself with supremely talented people and partners. It has been instrumental to my own growth and the growth of my businesses. What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it? That would probably be my first company, Load Ltd. Load was a hosted application service provider before there was a term for Software As A Service (SaaS). We had a popular email product called LoadMail, that was used by a number of major companies. About 1 year into the business we chose to offer additional services above and beyond just mail and it was this decision that would prove to be our failure. As a team, we didn’t fully understand how diversifying our focus would negatively impact our effectiveness. I tell everyone who asks for advice to pick a problem you can solve and focus on solving it well. Successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common — they never give up. What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers? I like ideas that take subject knowledge and find a way to productize it. One idea I had was to do this for athletic departments in D1 schools, so they could crowdsource from their athletes, managers, and students the creation of social marketing content. They could then manage it from a centrally controllable compliance system. Or Plastics !! Invest in Plastics (god I’m old) What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why? Money spent on experiences, dinner with my wife or friends, or money that helps someone. Recently, since we are living across the country from each other, it would be dinner with my wife the last time I was at home in Las Vegas. What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive? How do you use it? Slack. It helps our entire team communicate. What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why? “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. It helps you think about what you are building in a way that really focuses on how it will be consumed by those whom you are selling it to. What is your favorite quote? “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill Tell us about one friend or acquaintance of yours who we should interview on IdeaMensch. Who are they, what are they doing and what’s their email address? I actually have two Nick Jones, Nick and I started what was our first real company together Load Ltd along with my current business partner Paul Korol. Nick’s is currently working on a great project focused on personal and affinity based content creation called JRNL.com, they have recently been through boom Startup a SaaS focused startup accelerator in Salt Lake City and have just completed a seed round of funding. John Njoku, John is working on a great project RentHub.com, which is at the intersection of Multifamily Residential Realestate and Big Data Analytics. RentHub has some huge clients such as StarWood capital and The Lefrak Organization and has recently completed the Elmspring accelerator based in Chicago. Contact : https://www.ns8.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ns8 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ns8inc Twitter: @ns8inc 287Share Tweet 66Share Filed Under: Interviews, Software, Technology Tagged With: Herndon, Virginia https://ideamensch.com/adam-rogas/
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • 杭特拜登與中國華信集團CEFC合資的Sinohawk的執行長,Tony Bobulinski,今天(10/20)發表聲明,證明Joe Biden與Hunter Biden在中國的事業,#有關聯。 Tony Bobulinski過去曾在海軍服役,家族成員也有不少軍人。根據聲明,可能是作為軍人的榮譽感讓他決定踢爆拜登家族的醜事。(當然也可能是趁機自保的不自殺聲明) 以下是Tony Bobulinski的聲明全文及翻譯: My name is Tony Bobulinski. The facts set forth below are true and accurate; they are not any form of domestic or foreign disinformation. Any suggestion to the contrary is false and offensive. I am the recipient of the email published seven days ago by the New York Post which showed a copy to Hunter Biden and Rob Walker. That email is genuine. 我的名字是Tony Bobulinski,大家反覆討論的事實是真的,且準確的(杭特拜登在信中提及,部分的股份將保留給Big guy,也就是Joe Biden),這些事實並不是國內或國外的假訊息。任何與前述事實相牴觸的暗示或明示,都是錯誤且冒犯的。我就是NY Post在7天前所公佈的信件的收件人,而信件副本是由杭特拜登及Rob walker所持有。 該封E-mail是真的。 This afternoon I received a request from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs and the Senate Committee on Finance requesting all documents relating to my business affairs with the Biden family as well as various foreign entities and individuals. I have extensive relevant records and communications and I intend to produce those items to both Committees in the immediate future. 今天中午,我收到參議院國土安全及政府事務委員會,以及,參議員經濟委員會的請求。要求我交出,所有我與拜登家族在事業上有關的文件,以及,其它與多個不同的外國企業或個人的任何資料。我有非常多相關的紀錄,且我將整理這些資料,儘快地交給參議院的兩個委員會。 I am the grandson of a 37 year Army Intelligence officer, the son of a 20+ year career Naval Officer and the brother of a 28 year career Naval Flight Officer. I myself served our country for 4 years and left the Navy as LT Bobulinski. I held a high level security clearance and was an instructor and then CTO for Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. I take great pride in the time my family and I served this country. I am also not a political person. What few campaign contributions I have made in my life were to Democrats. 我的祖父是37年的軍隊情報部軍官,我的父親是20年以上的海軍軍官,我的兄弟是28年的海軍飛行官。我自己在海軍服役了4年,並以中尉的身份離開。我曾被施以非常高層級的安全檢查,且是海軍核子動力訓練課程的指導員。我對於我及我的家庭,對這個國家的貢獻,感到驕傲。同時,我並不是一個政治人,我人生中少數參加且貢獻的幾場競選,都是民主黨。 If the media and big tech companies had done their jobs over the past several weeks I would be irrelevant in this story. Given my long standing service and devotion to this great country, I could no longer allow my family’s name to be associated or tied to Russian disinformation or implied lies and false narratives dominating the media right now. 如果媒體及那些科技大公司(臉書跟推特表示:),在過去幾週做好他們的工作,我根本不會被牽扯進來。基於我對這個偉大國家長期的服務與貢獻,我不能忍受我的名字,與俄羅斯假資訊戰,或媒體上其它暗示這一切都是謊言或造假的報導,連結在一起。 After leaving the military I became an institutional investor investing extensively around the world and on every continent. I have traveled to over 50 countries. I believe, hands down, we live in the greatest country in the world. 離開軍隊以後,我成為機構投資者,廣泛地在全世界每個洲進行投資。我旅行過50幾個國家。我相信,我們住在這世界上最偉大的國家。 What I am outlining is fact. I know it is fact because I lived it. I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to “the Big Guy” in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other “JB” referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother. 我所說的每一句話都是事實,我知道是如此,因為我就生活在其中。我是Sinohawk Holding的執行長,Sinohawk是華信集團CEFC的總裁葉簡明與拜登家族合作的企業。我是由James Gillar以及杭特拜登找來當執行長的。由NY Post所揭露,在2017年5月13日所寄出的信件中,所指稱的"The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden。 "The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden "The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden "The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden 信中所提的另一個JB,指的是Joe Biden的兄弟,Jim Biden。 Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line. 杭特拜登稱他的父親"the Big Guy大人物",或是“my Chairman董事長”,且常常針對我們所討論的潛在交易,請教Joe Biden要做或不做,或是建議。當我見到前副總統Joe Biden告訴大眾,「他從未與兒子杭特討論他的事業」。我要就我的第一手觀察告訴大家,那不是真的。因為那不只是杭特拜登的事業,他們總是說他們要將拜登家族的名字以及遺產,放在這裡。 I realized the Chinese were not really focused on a healthy financial ROI. They were looking at this as a political or influence investment. Once I realized that Hunter wanted to use the company as his personal piggy bank by just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese, I took steps to prevent that from happening. 我瞭解中國並不在乎健康財務的投資報酬率,中國只是將Sinohawk視為政治影響力的投資。當我認知到杭特拜登只是將Sinohawk當作他個人的小金庫,方便杭特拜登從中國提款,且越快越好,我採取了一些手段阻止這件事。 The Johnson Report connected some dots in a way that shocked me — it made me realize the Bidens had gone behind my back and gotten paid millions of dollars by the Chinese, even though they told me they hadn’t and wouldn’t do that to their partners. 當我讀到參議員強生(Ron Johnson)針對拜登家族在烏克蘭貪污的調查報告,連結了幾個證據,我感到驚訝!我認知到拜登在我背後偷偷拿錢,且中國付了幾百萬美金給拜登。即使拜登家族告訴我,他們並沒有這樣做,且也不會這樣對合作夥伴。 I would ask the Biden family to address the American people and outline the facts so I can go back to being irrelevant — and so I am not put in a position to have to answer those questions for them. 我希望要求拜登家族對美國大眾開誠佈公,且將事實攤在陽光底下。這樣我才可以回到與這件事無關的位置上,如此我才不會被迫被放在一個要幫拜登家族回答,本來應該是他們要回答問題的位置(指的是參議院委員會的調查)。 I don’t have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw. The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China. 我並沒有特定的政治傾向,我只是在拜登家族私下的運籌帷幄的幕後,看到一些會讓我憂慮的事。拜登家族非常積極地,用拜登家的名義去跟外國企業要錢,甚至,其中有部分的錢是來自於共產黨控制的中國。 God Bless America!!!! 天祐美國!!! 聲明出處: https://nypost.com/2020/10/22/hunter-biz-partner-confirms-e-mail-details-joe-bidens-push-to-make-millions-from-china/
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • (-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)美國黑水公司與蔡政府聯合 拿台灣當人體實驗室 台灣人,你還要忍多久? (路透社2021-06-04 獨家報導 全文中英對照稿) (-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-) (根據維基百科:路透社乃出生於德國的保羅路透(Paul Reuters)於1851年時在倫敦創辦,歷史悠久,旗下有2500名記者及600名攝影記者,從全球200多個社址發出報導,是全球最大、也是最有公信力的跨國媒體機構之一) (以下中英文逐段並列翻譯,6分鐘內可讀完, 英文連結列在最後) WASHINGTON, June 4 (Reuters) - Erik Prince, the founder of controversial private military firm Blackwater and a supporter of former President Donald Trump, jumped into the COVID-19 business late last year with a deal to distribute an experimental vaccine should it be approved, according to three people familiar with the arrangement and business records seen by Reuters. 路透社2021年6月4日華盛頓報導 — 普林斯(Erik Prince)是頗具爭議性的私人軍火公司「黑水」的創辦人,也是美國前總統川普的擁護者。根據路透社訪問過,熟悉黑水公司運作與交易紀錄的三位人士,普林斯從去年下半年起,也躍入新冠疫苗的商圈,企圖掌握一支目前尚在實驗階段的疫苗,以便未來若取得認證後,得以擁有銷售權。 The COVID-19 vaccine, known as UB-612, is being developed by a privately-held U.S. firm called COVAXX. 那支被稱為UB-612的新冠肺炎疫苗,乃是一家美國私人企業COVAXX所開發的。(譯者註:也就是聯亞生技所開發的聯亞疫苗) The company has said the vaccine shows promise in protecting people against coronavirus, based on a small study of 60 patients in Taiwan. It hasn't provided data on safety and efficacy from large clinical trials, information that is usually required before a vaccine is authorized for public use. 該公司宣稱已在台灣60位病人中進行過小型實驗,顯示該疫苗可望保護病人對抗新冠肺炎,但尚未提供任何大型臨床實驗所得到,關於安全性及效能方面的數據,而那通常是疫苗可被認證供民眾施打前的必要條件。 COVAXX is unrelated to the similar-sounding but better-known "COVAX," a global vaccine distribution program backed by the World Health Organization. 以上所提到的這支COVAXX 疫苗,與另一支國際衛生組織(WHO)早已認證,也較知名的COVAX疫苗,聽起來頗相像,但成分截然不同,請勿混淆。 Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, the COVAXX vaccine has attracted some big-name backers, including endorsements from entrepreneur Peter Diamandis, who co-founded the company, and motivational speaker Tony Robbins. In March, the company raised $1.35 billion in a private placement, according to U.S. securities filings. 從2020年新冠疫情逐漸升高開始,這支COVAXX 疫苗就吸引了一些重量級人士的支持,包含來自創業家彼得戴曼迪斯 (Peter Diamandis,該公司的共同創辦人)以及勵志演說家羅賓斯(Tony Robbins)的背書。根據他們三月向美國證券交易委員會所提交的文件,那時該公司已經私募了13.5億美金。 Prince's involvement in vaccine distribution, which has not been previously reported, sheds new light on the race to profit from the uncertainties of the pandemic. Vaccine supply deals have often been forged through direct government ties to drugmakers, global health organizations or diplomatic channels. 普林斯這段之前不為人知,爭取疫苗銷售權的行動,更讓人看清面對疫情,人心惶惶時,各方爭發疫苗財的真貌。疫苗供應方面的交易,往往取決於製藥廠、世界衛生組織或外交管道,是否能直接與政府打上交道。 Reuters couldn't determine how Prince first became associated with COVAXX, or whether he has brokered any vaccine supply deals. 路透社無法得知普林斯從何時開始與COVAXX掛鉤,或他是否曾經擔任任何疫苗供應交易的掮客。 Prince did not respond to questions for this story. A source close to Prince said that "Erik has been helping a vaccine manufacturer set up distribution," but declined to give details. 普林斯並未回應記者針對以上情節所提出的問題。一位接近普林斯的人士僅說「Erik(普林斯)已經在協助一家疫苗製造商設置銷售管道」但拒絕說明更多細節。 Diane Murphy, a public relations consultant for Vaxxinity Inc, which owns COVAXX, declined to answer questions related to Prince. In a statement to Reuters, she said that the company has "accepted introductions from a variety of private, public and non-profit intermediaries, both formally and informally." COVAXX 母公司Vaxxinity 公司的公關顧問墨菲(暫譯, Diane Murphy)拒絕回答與普林斯有關的提問。她只在對路透社發表的一張紙上聲明中說,該公司已經「正式或非正式地,與一些來自私人、政府或非營利機構的中間人有了初步的接觸。」 'DOLLARS PER DOSE' 每劑疫苗的佣金 Prince has made headlines for years, first as chief executive of Blackwater, whose security guards fatally shot more than a dozen Iraqi civilians in Baghdad in 2007. After he left Blackwater, Prince pushed to privatize the war in Afghanistan by having contractors fight instead of the U.S. military and became embroiled in an investigation into possible collusion between the Trump election campaign and the Russian government. 普林斯的名字多年來常上報紙頭版,首先是因為2007年他還身為黑水公司總裁時,他私人保鑣在巴格達射死了十多位伊拉克百姓。他離開黑水公司之後,又推動在阿富汗雇用傭兵,來代替美國軍人打仗,後來又捲入川普選舉時的通俄門。 Prince sought to recruit a close associate, the late Paul Behrends, a former Republican congressional staffer and lobbyist who represented Blackwater for over two years, to help in the COVAXX project. 普林斯本想招募已故的親密夥伴布倫茲(暫譯,Paul Behrends)協助COVAXX 計畫,因為布倫茲曾在共和黨眾議院中擔任幕僚,並為黑水公司遊說超過兩年。 In a series of text messages to Behrends, Prince described the potential for profit from selling the vaccines. 普林斯在一系列發給布倫茲的簡訊中,這樣形容銷售該疫苗可獲利的潛力: "There's room for a couple dollars per dose in commissions," Prince said in a Nov. 9 text to Behrends. He shared with Behrends a "Letter of Authorization" on COVAXX letterhead signed by senior vice president Brandon Schurter as proof of his distribution deal. Schurter did not respond to requests for comment. 普林斯在11月9日寫給布倫茲的簡訊中說:「每劑疫苗的佣金可達2美元」。普林斯還跟布倫茲分享了一封寫在COVAXX官方信箋,並由該公司資深副總舒特(暫譯,Brandon Schurter)簽字的「授權書」,證明他已獲得銷售權。針對以上事件,舒特本人並未回應路透社的提問。 The October 2020 letter said that an entity called Windward Capital, with an address in Abu Dhabi, was authorized to "assist in the process of creating distribution networks." Reuters could not find a Windward Capital registered in Abu Dhabi. But a company called Windward Holdings that handles "professional, scientific and technical activities" is listed there, with Erik Prince the sole named shareholder. 在該封寫於2020年10月的信中,普林斯宣稱已經在阿布扎比成立了一家名為「Windward 資產」的公司,被授權來「協助建立銷售網」。路透社無法在阿布扎比找到一間註冊為「Windward 資產」的公司,但找到了一間名為「Windward 控股」,目標在「處理專業方面、科學方面與技術方面活動」的公司,並且普林斯是該公司唯一掛名的股東。 Prince is also the managing member of a corporate entity called Windward Wyoming LLC, which says it has a "global distribution" deal with COVAXX, according to records of non-public business agreements seen by Reuters. The company was formed in October 2020, public incorporation records in Wyoming show. 普林斯同時也是一家名為「懷俄明州Windward 股份有限公司」的總經理。據路透社所見過,一份非公開的商業協定中說,該公司成立的目標為「在全球銷售COVAXX疫苗」。根據懷俄明州的官方資料,該公司成立於2020年10月。 Lawyers and other officials affiliated with the various Windward entities did not respond to requests for comment. 以上名為Windward的兩間公司,其律師及相關負責人都未回應路透社就以上所發出的提問。 Prince and Behrends were negotiating how to carve up prospective sales territories by country, said Barry Angeline, a friend of Behrends. But their possible collaboration was cut short in December, when Behrends died. 布倫茲的一位朋友安吉林(暫譯,Barry Angeline)說,普林斯和布倫茲曾經協商過,當如何針對不同國家的地區而提高疫苗的銷售量,但此合作之可能性因12月布倫茲過世而告吹。 Vaxxinity consultant Murphy told Reuters the company has a "focus on the developing market" – including the many countries that have been unable to acquire the shots made by global drugmakers and stockpiled by wealthier nations. Vaxxinity 的顧問墨菲告訴路透社,該公司「專注於開發中國家的市場」— 包含那些無法透過全球製藥廠得到疫苗,或被富有國家囤積,以致無法取得疫苗的國家。 HIGH-PROFILE BACKERS 聲名顯赫的支持者 COVAXX was formed in early 2020 as a subsidiary of United Biomedical Inc (UBI), a maker of diagnostic tests and veterinary vaccines, to address the coronavirus pandemic. In April, the company announced it was being consolidated into a new holding corporation called Vaxxinity. COVAXX的母公司United Biomedical Inc (UBI)公司,原本是製造檢驗試劑及動物疫苗的,於2020年初期分出子公司COVAXX,以對抗新冠疫情。四月時,該官司宣布被合併進入一家新的控股公司,名為Vaxxinity. COVAXX's backers were quick to publicize the vaccine's potential beginning in July, based on early tests in animals, and before the first clinical trials in people began in Taiwan. COVAXX的支持者從七月起,就已經開始大肆宣傳該疫苗的潛力,根據的不過是早期的動物實驗數據,甚至早在以台灣人首次進行臨床人體實驗之前。 Diamandis, who is listed as a co-founder of Vaxxinity, wrote in a July 30 post on his personal blog that the vaccine was safe for patients and likely effective in the elderly. He told Reuters he made it clear in those posts that his assertions were based on previous trial results of other vaccines developed by the company. 列名Vaxxinity共同創辦人的戴曼迪斯,2020年7月30日於自己私人部落格上宣稱,該疫苗不但可供病人安全接種,並且在年長者身上也有效。他告訴路透社說,他在部落格上清楚說明了,那些是根據自己公司「其他」疫苗「過去」實驗的結果而認定的。 A few weeks later, Robbins, the self-help coach, held a webinar promoting COVAXX titled "The most powerful vaccine you've never heard of." Robbins said in the video that he was one of the company owners. "I've invested in the company, so everyone knows. Because I've been blown away by seeing these results," he said. 幾週之後,有「自助教練」之稱的羅賓斯舉辦了一場網路論壇,來宣傳COVAXX,稱其為「你平生未見,最威力強大的疫苗」。羅賓斯在該影片中聲稱自己是該公司所有人之一,還說:「我要在這裡告訴大家,我投資這家公司,因為親眼目睹了施打這疫苗的神效。」 Robbins "remains an investor," his spokeswoman Jennifer Connelly said in a statement to Reuters. She added, "Mr. Robbins is not involved in the management or daily operations." 羅賓斯的女發言人康納莉(暫譯,Jennifer Connelly )在一篇給路透社的聲明中說「羅賓斯直到如今仍然是該公司的一位投資者,但他並未參與該公司日常的運作管理。」 In October, COVAXX and shipping giant Maersk announced a partnership to provide global transport of the vaccine as soon as it becomes available. The Maersk official quoted in the release, Rob Townley, said the company recognized the urgent need to safely deliver COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. COVAXX 和全球航運巨擘「快桅」公司於十月宣布合夥,將在疫苗上市後,以最快速度供應至全球。「快桅」公司的塔利(暫譯,Rob Townley)並在該聲明中說該公司認知到當務之急乃是將新冠疫苗安全運至全球各地。 Townley was briefly an aide to former U.S. Army general Michael Flynn during Flynn's short tenure as Trump's National Security Adviser. In an interview, Townley said he knows Prince but couldn't discuss Prince's involvement. 塔利曾經在川普總統任命佛林(Michael Flynn)擔任美國國家安全顧問的短短期間,短暫擔任過佛林的幕僚。塔利在一場訪問中說,他認識普林斯,但對普林斯所參與的事務不予置評。 Data on how well the vaccine works is still pending. In an email to Reuters, Vaxxinity’s Murphy said the company had completed the Phase 1 trial of 60 volunteers aged 20 to 55 in Taiwan, and is conducting a new study of 3,800 people there, including teens and elderly participants. The company plans larger trials in Brazil and India later this year. 該疫苗的果效尚有待數據證明。Vaxxinity 的墨菲在發給路透社的一封電子郵件中說,該公司已經結束在台灣針對60名,20-55歲志願者的第一期實驗。現在正在台灣進行為數3800人,包含青少年及年長者的新實驗。今年下半年計畫在巴西和印度展開更大規模的實驗。 Reporting by Aram Roston in Washington and Lisa Barrington in Abu Dhabi; Editing by Michele Gershberg 以上由在華盛頓的Aram Roston,以及在阿布札比的Lisa Barrington報導,由 Michele Gershberg編輯 以上路透社英文原稿連結為 EXCLUSIVE Blackwater founder Prince takes role in COVID vaccine venture | Reuters
    5 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 被『強酸強鹼』噴到或淋到時要如何處理? 2013年11月份,台灣石油工會,第一分會月刊報導(高雄廠) 作者,許廷訓,台灣中油公司(Taiwan cpc petroleum )服務, 目前是兼任,高壓特定氣体訓練班(中油公司,對新進員工的基礎訓練)的助教。 在高壓氣体訓練班的課程,我問過將近100個,以上來自台灣中油,全國各單位的工作人員,你們如果被硫酸淋到時你要如何做,所有的人異口同聲說,要用大量的清水沖洗,80%以上的人都有大學以上的學歷,他們都這樣說,我當場告訴他們,如果是這樣的,你會死的很難看,這也是我認為該公開讓大家知道的原因,目前高雄廠,所有有強酸強鹼的地方,告示牌(物質安全資料表),所有的說明都說,如被強酸強鹼淋到時要用大量的清水沖洗……..這種說法是正確嗎?如不正確為什麼幾十年來沒人質疑?在學校的化學實驗室老師,也是這樣告訴我們的? 本人以前曾經被因銹蝕管線針孔洩漏的硫酸所噴到,當時的感覺是好像有一個火把靠近你的臉頰,很熱很熱,我當然了解是被硫酸所噴到,(只是當時必須離開現場,因為那裡洩漏,一時間,看不出來那洩漏的地點),當時我所做的是,用未被硫酸所噴到的衣服擦拭被硫酸所噴到的臉頰,再去沖水,5-10分鐘,但是這跟沒有擦拭去沖水有什麼差別? N年前高雄廠,曾發生運酸槽車在洩酸入TANK時槽車出口管線,因壓力爆開,當時有兩個人被噴到,但是事後一個沒事(槽車司機)另一個人住院植皮,每天哀哀叫,時間長達十個月,為什麼差這麼多,原因是事發當時,司機很鎮靜,立即脫光身上所有的衣褲,拿起事先準備好的清潔棉布,擦拭身上的硫酸,再去沖先,另一個本場的工作人員,則是驚慌失措一路叫喊《救命》,待有人發現,他被硫酸所噴到時,用水沖洗他身上的硫酸,這一洗,洗出大問題,當然不洗也是大問題,時間是毫秒計算,為什麼差這麼多? 原因是硫酸的沸點為338℃,水的沸點只有100℃,水遇到硫酸時開始沸騰產生反應熱,硫酸可以迅速與蛋白質及脂肪發生醯胺水解作用及酯水解作用,從而分解生物組織,造成化學性燒傷。不過,其對肉體的強腐蝕性還與它的強烈脫水性有關,因為硫酸還會與生物組織中的碳水化合物發生脫水反應並釋出大量熱能。 除了造成化學燒傷,所以如有任何人遇到硫酸,正確的處理方式應該保持鎮靜,找出現場可以擦拭的棉布或其他可以擦拭的紙等(這是減量,減少附著在皮膚的硫酸),立即擦拭再去沖水5-10分鐘。 最多只是如一級燒燙傷,這一事件後我遇到一個在大發工業區擔任某化學公司,槽車司機的X先生,我問他遇到時如何處理,他說就這麼處理,我問他為什麼不將這消息公告給社會大眾知道?他說了,幹,人家官大學問大,我只是一個司機,人家會聽我的意見嗎,我無言以對。 他舉出三個例子,來說明處理方式不同所造成的結果,第一例,在國道一號上發生遊覽車撞擊,鹽酸槽車事故,槽車破裂,遊覽車上的檔風玻璃也破了,鹽酸噴到司機的眼睛,隨車小姐立即以飲用瓶裝水沖洗司機的眼睛,結果是,後來司機的眼睛洗好了,司機的眼睛,也完蛋了,第二例發生在某加工區,槽車洩酸時,也發生因長時間使用後的物質脆化(當時忘了問他材質到底是塑膠的或橡膠的,約使用多久了)洩酸管線爆裂了,一個不知是好奇或無知的經理,靠近槽車很不幸的,那經理被噴到了,當然槽車司機處理經驗很豐富,立即脫光那經理身上所有的衣物幫他擦拭後再沖洗,入院十多天就回家,無大事,第三例,發生在該生產硫酸的公司內,兩個工作人員,被破裂管線的硫酸所噴到,一個如同第二例,司機幫忙處理,另一個,因一時間他無法幫忙,其他現場的人也驚嚇到,不敢也不懂,幫另一個被酸噴到的人脫衣服,而是直接用水幫他沖洗,結果,後果很慘痛,体無完膚,根據司機的說法,醫生所開的嗎啡給患者服用都無效,無法止痛,也是哀哀叫長達幾個月。 本文出來前,我所做的實驗,(戴有面罩的安全帽掛橡膠手套及護目鏡穿雨衣)去買已切好的豬皮20X10用鐵丁固定在木板上,用鹽酸做實驗,有擦拭和沒有擦過的實驗結果一目了然,所以被強酸鹼所噴到一定要先擦拭過再沖水,才是保命之道。 如果我們把濃硫酸慢慢地倒入水中,卻是安安靜靜的,水只是漸漸的變熱,而且不濺開來。當濃硫酸與水遇在一起,就發生化學反應,生成水合物,同時放出大量的熱,1公斤的濃硫酸與水化合時放出的熱量,足以使2公斤的冷水,一下子升高到攝氏100度。 濃硫酸看上去像油,可是卻比水重(1.9倍),比同體積的水差不多要重上一倍,很明顯,如果把水倒進濃硫酸,水就浮在濃硫酸上,當發生化學反應時,水就猛烈地沸騰起來,四處飛濺。 如果反過來把濃硫酸倒進水裡,情況就不一樣了,濃硫酸比水重,把濃硫酸慢慢地倒進水中,它就逐漸地沉到水底,然後再分佈到溶液的各個部分,這樣,反映所產生的熱量被均勻地分配到整個溶液,溫度慢慢上升,不會使水迅速地騰起來。 本人在此真誠的建議,各級學校的實驗室或化學系所,各公司有用到強酸鹼的地方,應立即修改告示牌(物質安全資料表,有強酸鹼的地方,應準備棉布做擦拭用,不要用化學纖維布,大林廠有硫酸法的烷化(以硫酸為催化劑的製程)工場,更應該準備好,因為10年20年後所有的管線,除非全面更新,絕對會這裡漏,那裡漏。 備註,本文部份,參考維基百科及網路文章,感謝工安課,王錦波先生與第七硫磺總領班,楊耀昆先生對本文的校正。 ,也歡迎老師,本人在此授權,請賢人翻譯成英日文,給世界各國的朋友分享,請將公司的CPC排在前頭,說明這是在台灣的CPC公司人員所做的實驗。 Nov. 2013, Monthly journal report of 1st branch of OIL LABOR UNION in Kaohsiung Taiwan CPC. By Mr. Hsu Ting XUN, serve in Taiwan CPC, now is the part time TA for the HIGH-PRESSURE SPECIFIC GAS training class, a class which trains all the new employees in CPC. In the HIGH PRESSURE training class, I ever asked more than 100 members from all different departments and branches of CPC TAIWAN., “If you were sprayed or poured by sulfuric acid, what would you do!?” The answer is 100% in unison “Rinse with great amount of water!” You know, 80% of these members graduated from universities. They all did say so. Hearing the answer, I on the spot told them “If you did so, you were destined to die ugly”This is why I insist to make it public. Nowadays in Kaohsiung plant, all where there is sulfuric acid or alkali, as well as all the bulletin boards [material safety sheets]shows: “Rinse with great amount of water while sprayed by sulfuric acid” But is this statement appropriate and accurate!?If not, why for decades nobody doubted!? And we were all taught so by chemistry teachers in labs of schools? Before, I ever sprayed by sulfuric acid leaking from the needle hole of a corrosivepipe. I felt like a burning torch accessing my face. It’s extremely hot. I surely realizedit wassulfuric acid, but I couldn’t spot where the leaking hole was. I had to leave right at that moment. The step took first was to wipe my sprayed face with the clean part of my clothes then, rinsedit with water for 5-10 minutes. But on earth, what makes the difference with the way you rinsedwithout wiping it clean first!? Years ago in Kaohsiung plant, a sulfuric acid transporting truck’s exporting pipeline burst because of pressure while vented sulfuric acid into the tank. Two men were sprayed. Yet later on, one man [the driver] was not serious, while another one had to be hospitalized andgrafted, leading a crying miserable life for ten months. Why such a big contrast! The reason is right at thatmoment, the driver completely calmed himself down, ripped all his dressing off then, wipedsulfuric acid with the clean cotton that he used to prepare ahead, then rinsedwith water the last. As to the other man, he was crying and screaming in panic all the way till someone found him and helpedrinse with great amount of water. Here the key problem is: Water or NOT WATER firstdefinitely matter a lot! It was so urgent, what made such a big difference? You know the boiling point of sulfuric acid is 338centigrade degree while water only 100. When water meetssulfuric, water begins to boil and produce heatas reaction. Sulfuric acid, along with protein and fat, rapidly facilitates[R-C-NH2] hydrolysisandEster hydrolysis, further todecompose bio- tissue, causing the chemical burns. Its strong corrosion to body dorelate toits strong dehydration.Sulfuric acid can cause dehydration reaction when it meets the carbohydrate of bio-tissue then, release great amount of heat to causechemical burns. So for anybody sprayed by sulfuric acid, the accurate approach is to calm down,immediatelywipe off acid with clean cotton or paper available [this is to minify or reduce the sulfuric acid on skin] ,then rinse 5-10 minutes. The worst resultcan only be one grade burn. Afterwards, I met Mr. X, a tank driver who served in a chemistry company in DAFA INDUSTRIALZONE. I asked what he would do if he met same situation. The answer was completely the same approach. Then why he didn’t make it public? His answer was“I am just a driver, can any high ranking officer listen to my opinion!?” I was totally speechless. He gave three examples to illustrate three different results caused by the diverse handling procedure:[a]. One tour bus bumped into sulfuric acid- loading truck on the ZHONGSHAN national freeway. The tank broke down. So did the window shield of the tour bus. Acid sprayed onto the bus driver’s eyes. The lady tour guide spontaneouslyrinsed his eyes with bottle water. The eyes were washed, but ruined.[b].This accident happened in THE PROCESSING ZONE. When an acid tank vented, the venting pipeline burst [pipelinebeing brittle after long use.][Material of pipe is plastic or rubber, or how long it has been used not known]. An either curious or ignorant manager walked close to the tank and unfortunately he was sprayed. Thanks to the well experienced tank driver, he immediately ripped off all the manager’s dressing, wiped his body clean, thenrinsed with water. About 10 days in hospital, he returned home without big problem. [c].In a sulfuric acid producing company, two workers sprayed by the broken pipeline. One was managed under accurate approach, yet another one was not so lucky. He, with the help of the stunned people around, directly rinsed the body. What’s the result!? Miserable and severely!! He kept hospitalized for long,even the morphine prescribed by doctor couldn’tkill his pain, recalled the poor worker. Before this article came public, I did an experiment [wearinghelmet with mask, rubber gloves, goggle and raincoat].I bought some chopped pigskin 20x10,nailedthemontowood . After pouring acid, I observed the wipedand not wiped pigskin, and the result was obvious at aglance. So if sprayed by acid or alkali, wipe clean first, then rinse. This is the life-saving approach. If we pour thick sulfuric acid into water, quietly and gradually the water will be getting hot, and will not splash. When thick sulfuric acid mixes with water, chemical reaction happens, producing hydrate and at the same time releasing big amount of heat. The heat released by 1kg thick sulfuric acid hydrating with water can lead to a sudden rise of temperature of 2kg cold water to100 centigrade degree. Thick sulfuric acid looks like oil, but actually it is heavier than water by 1.9 times, and heavier 1 time than water of same volume. Obviously, if we pour water into thick sulfuric acid, water will float on the acid.Chemical reaction happens, water will violently be getting hot, and splash all over. ON the contrary, if we pour thick sulfuric acid into water, the effect differs. It is heavier than water, it will gradually sink into bottom and distribute in each part of liquid, so the reacting heat is distributed in the liquid in average. The temperature rises slowly and slowly, the water will not be getting hot rapidly andfuriously. Here, I sincerely suggest that all labs and chemistry departments in schools or all companies where sulfuric acid and alkali are used should amend all bulletin boards [material safety sheets]. Where there is sulfuric acid or alkali, cotton[no chemical fiber cloth] should be readily prepared. Especially, DALIN plant has the alkylation workplace of sulfuric acid [Sulfuric acid or hydrofluoric acid as a catalyst in processing]. It should have to be well prepared, because all the pipelines absolutely should be leaking where and there after 10 or 20 years, unless they are all updated. RE: parts of this article took wiki and internet for reference. Great thanks to Mr. Wang Jin-bo, industrial safety division, and Mr. Yang Yao- kun, the leading foremanof 7thsulfur, for their guidance and correction. Welcome friends all over the world translating it into kinds of languages to help those in need. And don’t hesitate to write me if necessary for more understanding and interpretation. Thanks!! Thanks sister melody translation
    15 人回報1 則回應2 年前