
1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
COVID-19 came to the United States in 2019.



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  • The United States arrested a Harvard doctor for making and selling covid-19 to China.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Reprinted, Philippine President Duterte's excellent comments on the US "pertinence" and "point": 👍👍👍 * When you choose the United States, you have chosen war. If you choose China, you choose peace. * The United States is only the only important commodity sold to the Philippines, which is "arms." The price is very expensive but it is a rotten thing that others have thrown away. * China exports all kinds of shushu, infrastructure, and colorful goods. Only stupid people and unqualified people cannot see them. * The United States likes to create hatred, turmoil, war, deceptive investments, and then take a lot of wealth back to the United States. Creating hatred will enable everyone to buy more arms from the United States. * The United States is the most evil country in the world. He wants to establish the U.S. dollar as the only international mobile currency, so that Americans can enjoy it. * In order to continuously recoup the US dollar in the market, the United States needs to continuously create turmoil and conflict, and it can take the opportunity to sell a large number of weapons. * The United States fought a total of 222 wars in 239 years in history. Their hands were stained with the blood of countless innocent people. * Americans like to promote their democracy and human rights everywhere. In fact, it is in a truly evil country of humanity, human rights and anti-democracy. I really don't know how many people their missiles have killed in the world. It is a veritable "cannibal country". * So far, everyone knows clearly why the United States cannot coexist with China. * The United States keeps singing about peace and building, all of which are deceiving things. * China is a country that truly builds a "fate community." An organization that makes good use of increasing national strength to apply scientific, technological, military, and economic strength to maintain world peace. Of course, this will also make the United States angry. * The world is peace. Why does the United States make the world so chaotic. China only hopes to develop into a powerful country in science and technology, which will definitely make the United States unhappy. * So in the future Sino-U.S. Struggle, China's path is mutual benefit and win-win, or Americans like to walk their own path. * I firmly believe that China is absolutely capable of building human justice and conscience. Create high-tech and high-end products to contribute to the true "community of human destiny". 👍👍👍
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • The United States of America is a death country. It gives death to Native people. And the only way to fight the United States of America is to be political. Fight! Fight! Fight! We are not American. Say it in your heart. Say it when you sleep. We are not American. We will die as Hawaiians. We will never be Americans. The Americans, my people, are our enemies. And you must understand that. They are our enemies. They took our land. They imprisoned our Queen. They banned our language. They forcibly made us a colony of the United States. America always says they are democratic. Lies! That is a lie! They have never been democratic with Native people. They have never been democratic with Indians. They have never been democratic with Hawaiians. The United States of America is the most powerful imperialist country in the world. In the world! They control the United Nations. They control the Pacific Ocean. All these nuclear submarines circulating throughout the Pacific. The United States of America is a death country. It gives death to Native people. And the only way to fight the United States of America is to be political. Fight! Fight! Fight! We are not American.
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 美國駐華大使館今晚發緊急通知: "在華美國國民準備 14 天的藥品、水、食物來面對中國擴大封禁。" 😩美國人可能先知道了什麼😫 The United States has no higher priority than the safety, health, and well-being of American citizens overseas. We are actively working with and assisting our citizens experiencing challenges related to the recent rise of COVID-19 infections in China. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) authorities have expanded COVID-19 prevention restrictions and control measures as outbreaks occur. These measures may include residential quarantines, mass testing, closures, transportation disruptions, lockdowns, and possible family separation. Ambassador Burns and other Mission officials have regularly raised our concerns on many of these issues directly with senior PRC officials and will continue to do so. We encourage all U.S. citizens to keep a 14-day supply of medications, bottled water, and food for yourself and any members of your household. https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/u-s-mission-china-statement-to-american-citizens-2/#emergency
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Exactly, exactly. And the story behind the Intelligence League is a very simple one. After COVID ended up spreading around the United States and producing a gigantic domestic disaster, obviously, our intelligence services wanted to prove that they were not responsible for what happened, that they had provided the information to the top American leadership, which was just ignored. In other words, they wanted to get away from being blamed for the disaster. Therefore, four separate intelligence sources confirmed to ABC News that the secret report had been provided to the White House and our top leadership in November describing a potentially cataclysmic disease outbreak taking place in the city of Wuhan, China. The problem with it, the problem they ran into is then when somebody checked the timeline, they realized in November, there was no cataclysmic disease outbreak in Wuhan. At that point, according to all the available knowledge and retrospective evidence, probably a dozen or maybe 20 people were starting to feel a little bit sick in a city of 11 million. There was no way for any outside observer to possibly be aware of the disease outbreak at that point. In fact, the Chinese government itself only became aware of the outbreak at the end of December, six or seven weeks later. So naturally, the Pentagon immediately denied the existence of that report, said, you know, we don't care, four intelligence sources said that they produced the report, it never existed. However, a week later, Israeli television confirmed the existence of a report saying that report had been sent to Israel, it had been sent to all of our NATO allies in November, and it had been produced in the second week of November. Again, the second week of November was long before anybody in the world could have possibly been aware of the disease outbreak in Wuhan, except for the people responsible. It's fairly close to a smoking gun. It looks that way to me too. It's interesting, was it Esper they asked about this and he said, he said, I don't recall. Exactly. I mean, at that point, you know, again, it was an embarrassment that the report had been provided to these people and ignored until people realized that the dates proved that it was for knowledge of the outbreak in Wuhan. So in other words, it's one thing to have an embarrassment of the fact that the government ignored a report like that. It's another thing when the report proves who was responsible for the disease outbreak. And I mean, America, over the decades, America has spent $100 billion developing its bio warfare technology. America brought the Trump administration brought in Robert Cadillac, America's leading bio warfare expert in 2017. And in 2018, there was suddenly a mysterious viral epidemic that devastated China's poultry industry. In 2019, China's pig herds were annihilated. And then in late 2019, suddenly, the COVID epidemic brought up, which really raises all sorts of incredibly dark suspicions of what really happened. Do you think Trump's telling the truth that he wasn't in the loop? I definitely I don't doubt that the report might have been sent to Trump's desk. But I get the sense that Trump doesn't actually read a lot. And you have all these stories of, for example, Trump's senior officials hiding his own executive orders. He forgets about them. He would forget about them. And we were talking about administration that really was operating in a very strange way with the top figures in the administration running circles around the president ignoring the president. And I fully believe that Trump had absolutely no idea when COVID leaked back to the United States that it was an American bio warfare, bio warfare weapon that was coming to us. And that's the reason they ignored it. That's the reason his response was so lackadaisical. The perpetrators who actually were in the loop have somehow raised the alarm in such a way that the US could protect itself. Well, they did to some extent. I mean, for example, Robert Cadillac, again, our top bio warfare expert, from January to August 2019, Cadillac and his department ran something called the Crimson Contagion Exercise, in which federal and state officials in the United States planned out how they would ensure that if a mysterious virus, viral epidemic, mysterious respiratory virus suddenly appeared in China, that they would prevent it from devastating America and leaking back into China. Eight months they did it, and the virus of exactly that type suddenly appeared in China a couple of months after the end of that exercise. Now, as it turned out, the training obviously was insufficient. That's the understatement. It shows that the people involved in launching the attack against China.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • A message sent by WhatsApp states that the Ministry of Defense of China has announced that it has 'successfully' developed a vaccine against the new coronavirus, which causes Covid-19 disease. Portugal would receive the first doses in a few days.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Photo: Yes, it's ZELENSKY. 1999 New York, United States.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • An image claiming that Vladimir Putin said that United States created coronavirus as a biological weapon.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Hello Madam. This is the Head of Doctors Department of all Doctors personnel and Nurses attached to the United Nation  in the ongoing contract in Paris france. We Acknowledge your prompt email regarding the Release Order of your Friend (Dr Song Lee  ) who is currently serving in Paris.   Madam we want you to know that we have gotten your friend details and as a matter of fact all necessary contacts have been made right now through to the United nation vacation board office in Washington DC United States and Doctors observer Department of States in France, which means the Personnel and Observer  for all Nurses and Doctors  assigned to Paris in the United Nations Office  France. In order for us to proceed with the processing of his release documents, you are here by advice to flourish us with the necessary informations below: Name:   Address: Country:   Sex: Cellular Telephone number: A Valid Passport ID Card: Kindly get back to us with the details. we await your response soon.      With regards D/R . Department Of  Doctors Observer  & Nurse Personnel In Paris.   
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • Professor, you said a lot of wonderful things about China, and surely they're doing a lot of things right. But how do you reconcile the fact that to make it work for China, it seems to be based on a high level of repression? Environmental destruction, censorship, a certain ideological stubbornness. I mean, we've spoken about Hong Kong, the Uighurs. How do you reconcile that, and do you think that's tolerable? Thank you. I'm really glad you asked that question, because your question captured very well the Anglo-Saxon media's perception of China. And I would suggest to you, very bluntly, that it's a distorted perspective of reality. Let's take the first word you use, repression. If the Communist Party of China only relied on repression to stay in power, it would not create the most dynamic economy in the world, right? It is by far the most dynamic economy in the world. It has delivered the fastest growing economy for 30 years. And it has done this by educating the Chinese people to a level and extent that the Chinese people have never been educated ever before. And you say it's repression? You obviously are taking the old Cold War mindset. I was in Moscow in 1976, and I saw repression in Moscow. And when I was in Moscow, the Soviet citizens were not allowed to travel outside the Soviet Union. That's repression. In the year 2019, 139 million Chinese left China freely. Guess what? Zero defectors. 139 million Chinese, right? That's twice the population of the UK, went back to China. So all your description, when you say environmental degradation, China's climate change policies are far more responsible than those of the United States, which has not once, but twice withdrawn from global environmental protocols. Kyoto Protocol, the Bush administration left eight years. Paris Accords, Trump administration left four years. And you know what? The reason why we're having climate change today is not because of new flows of greenhouse gas emissions from China and India. It's because of what the Western countries have put in the atmosphere since the Western Industrial Revolution. Get the data. The single largest contributor, cumulatively, right? It's number one, United States, number two, Europe, number three, China, right? And the West wants China to pay an economic price for the current flows, but the West doesn't want to pay an economic price for what it put in the atmosphere. You want to deprive the Indians of electricity when the United States could just, by the way, if the United States could impose a dollar a gallon tax, that would save the world. Cut down gasoline consumption, raise money for investment in green technology, simple solutions. And by contrast, the largest reforestation program in the world is carried out by China. It has already reforested an area the size of Belgium or bigger, right? So all your descriptions capture the natural distortions of China that you get in the Anglo-Saxon media, which violate the rules of the Enlightenment, which say that you must be rational, calm and objective, especially in understanding your adversary. And if the Chinese were as stupid and as incompetent as you describe them to be, don't worry about them. But I can assure you, you are now dealing with a far more intelligent and rational actor that doesn't fit any of the Anglo-Saxon categories that you applied to them. Please forgive my bluntness.
    3 人回報1 則回應2 年前