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  • 最近大紅的 ZOOM 繼「透過大量僱用中國工程師大幅降低成本」後 https://pandayoo.com/2020/03/10/zoom/ 現在又被發現會收集與會者電腦上正在執行的「其它程式」跟視窗切換的紀錄,並回報雲端 https://twitter.com/Ouren/status/1241398181205889024 不行我覺得太噁心了,無論是企業風格跟程式的設計思路的都讓人作嘔 以後不會再用他,也會盡量不參與任何使用 zoom 開啟的會議,盡量用其他程式替代(Ex: google meet, jitsi meet) 歡迎參考 EFF 電子前線基金會的報告:https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/03/what-you-should-know-about-online-tools-during-covid-19-crisis
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 台大教授葉丙成臉書留言 【Zoom 好危險、好可怕?!】 最近好幾位朋友問我對於 Zoom 視訊會議軟體資安問題的看法。但我一直沒有想說什麼。主要的原因是,我對 Zoom 台灣帳號的收費比美國帳號貴,拎北覺得很不爽。所以當 Zoom 被譙的時候,我也懶得說什麼。 但這段期間,網路上對於視訊會議資安問題的報導沸沸揚揚,甚至還變成反對數位教學的人士用來反對線上補課的論述。而且所謂的「資安威脅」,我看到有很多點是過度解讀,甚至有的說法已經到了反智的地步。 有的學校還因此被教育局處長官要求不能用 Zoom,原先的數位準備全部被打亂。 這一切實在讓我看不下去。 所以雖然我知道跟風向不同,我想我還是要說一下我的看法。 先看一下國外知名科技網站 Tom's Guide 針對 Zoom 的資安問題所做的報導,結論是: "We disagree with that decision, because we think Zoom is safe to use for meetings that aren't highly sensitive. For school classes, after-work get-togethers, or even workplace meetings that stick to routine business, there's not much risk in using Zoom." 結論就是,除非你是英國國防部、SpaceX、或是高科技公司、等這類要討論高度機密的人,不然對於教學、或是一般商務的會議而言,用 Zoom 沒有太大風險 (quote: not much risk in using Zoom)。 那大家一直在傳的資安問題,到底是怎麼回事?這裡面有很多,坦白說真的很瞎,我先抓幾點來說: 1. Zoom Booming: 不是說有什麼 Zoom Bombing 很可怕,用 Zoom 開會上課到一半,會出現有駭客駭入會議突然丟色情照片擾亂。Zoom 也太糟糕了,居然會被人這樣駭入,太糟糕了! 等等,你有沒有去了解過 Zoom Bombing 是怎麼來的?Zoom 的會議室可以設密碼。但為了方便大家連進來開會,大部分使用者都省略不設密碼,直接把會議室號碼/連結傳給大家。有的人把會議室號碼/連結流出給不相干的人,不相干的人進來亂。這叫做「駭入」? 靠杯喔,你在外面租「小樹屋」的房間開會,門有鎖可以鎖而你不鎖,被無聊人士闖進來丟色情圖片,這叫被駭入?你叫小樹屋要負責?! 以臉書社團為例,你開一個臉書社團,然後你自己不設成私密而設公開讓每個人都可以進得來。然後有人進來亂貼直銷廣告、色情照片,你怎麼不說是臉書資安有問題被人「駭入」?明明就是你自己社團權限沒管控好,不是臉書害你被駭啊。 那為什麼你 Zoom 要開屬於你們自己人的會議,然後你都不設密碼,也沒有告誡大家會議室號碼不要給不相干的人。然後被不相干的人闖進來,你才在哭說是軟體有問題害你被駭? 我也是傻眼了。 根本就是使用者貪圖方便不設會議室密碼啊! (據說 Zoom 已經自動生成密碼了,以後這種使用者自己不設防的問題應該就會解決) 2. 安裝檔有惡意軟體: Tom's Guide 上面有說到,有的 Zoom 安裝軟體可能會被連帶偷裝幫人挖礦的程式,造成系統的問題。但 Tom's Guide 也說,這個責任不是 Zoom 的錯,因為任何人都有可能製作出這種惡意的安裝檔給別人下載安裝。 許多人說這是資安問題,我又傻眼了。 每個人都應該要有最基本的資安素養:要安裝軟體,要從官方網站下載,不要從非原廠網站下載來源不明的程式安裝。 Zoom 你不去人家官方網站下載來裝,你偏偏要偷懶從人家給你的來源不明的安裝檔去安裝,結果電腦免費幫人挖礦,你說是誰的錯?如果你就是有這種糟糕習慣的人,你用其他軟體也會幫人家免費挖礦,不會只有 Zoom。 這根本就是使用者偷懶不去官方下載啊! 要安裝軟體,請從官方網站下載。這是常識,OK? 3. 聊天室點了惡意連結,導致系統被駭中毒: 講到這個,我又傻眼了。來源不明的連結不可以點,這你不知道嗎?你在 Line、在 Chrome、在 IE、在 Safari 點了來源不明不該點的連結,會不會中毒?你都知道來源不明連結點了會出問題,那你為什麼在 Zoom 聊天室還要去點來源不明的連結,然後出事了才說是 Zoom 資安有問題被駭? 這根本是使用者手癢亂按不明的連結啊! ------------ 最後,我再來談談真正最重要的資訊安全原則是什麼。 真正的資訊安全,就是要假定任何地方都可能出錯,有機密性的東西都完全不該在網路上跟人家談。 你今天用 Meet 或 Team 跟別人視訊會議,就會安全?我也是笑笑了。你今天跟人家視訊會議,說的任何話,都能夠被人錄製桌面而錄下來,事後流出去。 所以真相是,只要你是用視訊會議或網路軟體跟人談事情,不管你是用哪一家的,你都沒有真正的資訊安全。真正的安全是,機密的事情要跟真人實際面對面的口頭談,才會安全。 喔是嗎?你確定對方身上沒有偷裝錄音機?你要不要搜身一下才能確定真正安全? 如果你是做高科技技術的公司、或是高階政府單位,有高機密性的資訊,原本就不應該用任何視訊會議來傳達。很多國際大企業都用美國思科 Cisco 的 Webex 系統,相對比較安全。話說 Webex 是誰開發的?就是 Zoom 的創辦人當年所開發的,他離開 Cisco 之前去創立 Zoom 之前,是副總裁。國際大企業過去十幾二十年都用這個人的東西,這個人有沒有問題,這是個參考指標。 任何軟體都有洞,你個別搜尋各家軟體公司的名字 Google, Microsoft, Line, Facebook, Apple 再加上「資安漏洞」,你都會看到每個軟體都有洞。越多人用的軟體,越有機會被大家找出洞來,也越有機會讓洞被補起來,而變得越安全。 以最多人用的微軟為例,這麼多年來的「資安漏洞」、「被駭風險」的新聞不多嗎? Zoom 這段期間因為許多人大量使用,所以被看到的洞自然就比較多(雖然有很多洞我認為根本上是使用者習慣的問題),之後就看他們是否有補起來。現在的觀察是,我看他們最近的更新滿頻繁,看起來是有努力在把一些洞補起來。 ------------ 最後的最後,你問我說我會不會改用其他會議軟體? 從資訊安全的角度來說,如同國外網站說的,並沒有太大的風險。但在台灣,卻被炒作到好像用了電腦就完了。更別說當中很多的風險,都是使用者自己資安習慣不好,用其他軟體也會遇到的。 我的看法是,在台灣,Zoom 的資安問題,已經不是技術問題,而是政治問題。 Zoom 的創辦人來自中國,但他的主要資金來源還是美國的資本市場,Zoom最大外部股東是Emergence Capital,持股12.5%。紅杉資本持股11.4%。跟華為的資金來自政府是不同的。我不覺得 Zoom 有必要亂搞去得罪他在美國的眾多金主投資人。 有人提到,如果中國政府要求 Zoom 提供使用者資料,他們敢不從嗎? Google 當初退出中國就是這個原因,因為公司的決策要求的是公司最大利益。在大陸,目前大多數的人用的是阿里巴巴跟微信的會議軟體,用 Zoom 的很少。美國跟其他國家市場,才是 Zoom 的主要利基來源。如果 Zoom 在大陸同意把使用者資料交給政府,他在美國的市場絕對雪崩,這也是為什麼當初 Google 寧可全面退出大陸也不把資料給大陸官方。 董事會成員在乎的是公司的最大利益。Zoom 的主要股東是來自美國資本市場,這些人不會由著公司去做傷害公司利益的事。這是為什麼前述的假設狀況,出現的機會不大。當然,我也有可能是錯的。 但同樣的問題,為什麼大家會認為如果中國政府要求,微軟就不會就範呢?特別微軟在大陸投入很多的資源,也有很大的市場。微軟中國分公司就不會就範?我反而覺得微軟若不從,要冒的風險比 Zoom 大很多。 所以,我會繼續用。反正我的課程教學沒有什麼機密。真正有什麼很機密的事,還是來找我喝咖啡再當面聊吧! 如果你有真正很機密的事情,我會勸你,別說 Zoom,其他的視訊軟體通通都不該用。那才是真正的安全! 註:Tom's Guide 評論全文連結:https://bit.ly/2Rg3b8n (歡迎分享)
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • #重大消息 WiFi 常用加密協定 WPA, WPA2 已被攻破!! 不要使用 WiFi 進行任何機敏資料傳輸!你所有的輸入資訊都有機會被截取! 盡量使用4G/3G 等私人網路,真要使用公眾WiFi 就掛個私人加密VPN 影響裝置擴及所有 Android/Linux(含大部分基地台)/Windows/Apple 近期請密切注意裝置更新 不要想說更新很麻煩 資料被盜用不會比較方便 (CVE-2017-13077~CVE-2017-13088 這幾個漏洞) --------------------------------- 手法: KRACKs 各大廠更新進度: https://goo.gl/KfNKCk 說明網站: https://www.krackattacks.com/ DEMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh4WURZoR98
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • 「所有Wi-Fi」使用的WPA2已經在今天被發現弱點, 只要你的裝置有用 Wi-Fi, 那你上網的一舉一動就會被壞人監看. 如果你的手機, 電腦, 平板或是基地台在今天之後有更新,請盡早更新 重點整理: 所有設備有更新時請立即更新, 更新前改 Wi-Fi 密碼沒有用, 不要降回WEP, 已經加密的網路活動不受影響(瀏覽器有出現鎖頭) https://www.krackattacks.com/
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • 【請求荷蘭海牙常設仲裁法院調查香港暴警事件】 這是具有法律效力的 麻煩大家協助一下擴散跟連署!! https://www.change.org/p/request-permanent-court-of-arbitration-to-investigate-unlawful-use-of-force-of-hong-kong-police?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_17005953_en-GB%3Av5&recruiter=90670311&recruited_by_id=0040d850-5bec-43c4-8e81-c03a3953c79d&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_message&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=message-17005953-en-GB&share_bandit_var=v0
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 轉分享: 這是中研院生醫所所長郭沛恩院士 (他也是UCSF 教授)寫給前副總統陳健仁及時中部長,関於目前COVID-19 的一些建議,希望政府能夠接納。 Dear VP Chen, Hope that things are going well. I just completed my 9th quarantine after my 9th trip to Taipei during the pandemic and see that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is now firmly established in Taiwan. While the CECC is moving quickly to address the widening spread of COVID-Omicron and is heading in the right direction, I find that the current policy is unsustainable and the messaging can be much improved. Since I was told that the CECC would welcome my suggestions, I have decided to do so. Please forward this message to the CECC for their consideration. 1. It is now very clear that COVID-Omicron is a very different disease than COVID-ALPHA/BETA/DELTA. Current vaccines are developed from COVID-ALPHA and cannot prevent INFECTION by COVID-Omicron even though they lower significantly the risk of SEVERE DISEASE and DEATH for those who are fully vaccinated and received booster shots recently. In addition, COVID-Omicron is highly contagious and has a very short incubation time; but it causes a milder disease, including shortened disease course and contagious period. 2. Because of the above, contact tracing does not work and avoiding infection is futile except one is in strict isolation or wears a PROPERLY FITTED N95 mask around others (see a very nice article about this in the NYT attached). This means that COVID testing in asymptomatic people is a waste of resources and is justified only in a limited set of situations (such as someone who works closely with vulnerable populations - e.g., nursing home and hospital workers - who has been in close contact with a positive case and needs to test negative to return to work). 3. Although the rate of hospitalization and death due to COVID-Omicron is low, when large populations are infected, the number of severe cases and severe disease is still significant (0.4% of 23 million people hospitalized = 92,000 in the hospital; 0.04% of 23 million people can die = 9,200 deaths) so the key is to keep the vulnerable people from developing severe disease. Medications used for COVID-ALPHA/BETA/DELTA variants such as antibody treatments and Remdesivir, etc., do not work for COVID-Omicron but the oral antivirals from Pfizer and Merck work amazingly well for preventing death (>85% reduction) and hospitalization. Paxlovid has done better in clinical trials to prevent hospitalization but it has many drug-drug interactions so many elderly people cannot use it. Molnupiravir has the theoretical risk of mutagenesis in pregnant women but for the elderly who are past reproductive age, it is a very safe and effective drug to use. I encourage the CECC to contact their counterparts in Japan, Singapore, Israel and the UK to get their experience in using these two oral anti-virals in the recent COVID-Omicron surge. [Full Disclosure: Dr. Dean Li, President of Merck Research Laboratories, is my brother-in-law so I am not pushing the Merck pill for obvious conflict of interest reasons.] Based on the above, my suggestions on messaging are: 1. Tell the country that COVID-Omicron is an entirely different disease than the previous COVID variants so the whole country IS NOT IMMUNE to getting the infection. However, through the sacrifice and cooperation of everyone in Taiwan, the country succeeded in preventing disease and death during the previous waves of infection that caused a lot of problems around the world. This is shared success that the CECC and everyone in Taiwan should take credit, be proud of, and very relieved by. 2. Despite the fact that no one is protected from infection, but because COVID-Omicron is mild, public health policy needs to be adjusted to focus on treating the vulnerable rather than preventing infection of all. 3. Acknowledge that some segments of society have been severely affected by COVID policies so the recovery of these sectors is taken in consideration in updating the public health policy. 4. Acknowledge that some COVID policies were confusing to the public in the past so the new policies will be more consistent and logical. For example, the policy of requiring masking outdoors while people eating at restaurants indoors are not required to mask makes no sense. My suggestions for the new policy are geared towards lowering hospitalization and death rates while avoiding unnecessary disruptions in people's lives: 1. Push vaccination for vulnerable groups (the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions that make them more prone to severe disease). Send vaccination nurses to the nursing homes and neighborhoods with elderly people to get everyone fully vaccinated (including booster shots). Getting the 30% of those 65-75 and 44% of elderly >75 who have not been fully vaccinated and boosted should be a high priority 2. Use the "test positive and treat" strategy for those in vulnerable groups. As I mentioned before, Paxlovid for all but Molnupiravir for those who cannot take Paxlovid. Treat them before their symptoms get worse because it is cheaper to give them the medicine than risk their need for hospitalization. 3. No more putting those with mild disease in special facilities or hospitals so that there are plenty of capacity for those who need hospitalization. 4. Recommend (not mandate with threat of punishment) those who have close contact with COVID-Omicron patients to mask around others for 5 days (no need to do so with household members because they are already given it to them) if they are asymptomatic. 5. No testing of asymptomatic people unless their job requires it (nursing home, hospital, etc.). 6. No more closing schools, factories, or offices because of positive COVID-Omicron cases. 7. No more mandatory masking except for those described in #4 above. People here are so used to masking that many will still do so with the threat of punishment. 8. No more mandatory quarantine, even for those who test positive. Highly recommend those who test positive to wear a mask when around people and not eat with others but not make it a punishable offense. [Treat them like people who have a bad flu, not like criminals.] 9. No more testing or quarantine requirements for visitors from abroad. As the local infection rate is now higher than that many other countries, there is no reason to require new arrivals to do anything different when they are asymptomatic. It's confusing to many that I can go anywhere in the world without quarantine but have to do quarantine plus multiple tests when arriving in Taiwan (and a handful of Asian countries). The benefit of the policies listed above is that the resources of the country are directed toward saving lives rather than collecting lots of infection data. It will reclaim the international travel hub status of Taoyuan International Airport (and not let Singapore and Seoul dominate the air travel sector) and revive the tourism, convention, airline, hotel businesses. It will simplify everyone's life and reduce anxiety. It may be counter intuitive but if you look at the data from the US university campuses and European countries, it is better to get as many young people infected as quickly as possible to shorten the surge while building up herd immunity for COVID-Omicron without a lot of severe cases. The old policy for flattening the curve is to prevent overwhelming the hospitals but with oral antivirals and milder disease, there is no need to flatten the curve. It is better to get the whole surge completed in 2 months like in most countries that pursue a more open policy. I am convinced that when the messaging is clear and based on current understanding of the situation, the people will embrace it and praise the CECC's leadership. Best, Pui -- Pui-Yan Kwok, MD, PhD Director, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Academia Sinica
    11 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/lab-made-coronavirus-triggers-debate-34502 美國科學家雜誌(the scientist magazine)早在2015年已經報道,新形冠狀病毒的研發過程及製造!有文獻記載! Ralph Baric 一名美國北卡羅來納州大學有2015年11月9日刊登他們團隊,製做一種擁有SCH014表面蛋白質冠狀病毒的研究。 病毒2015年已經製造出來。從一種來自中國找到的蝙蝠身上的病毒培植,用導致老鼠感染Sars的冠狀病毒做骨幹。能夠構成嚴重上呼吸部及肺部感染。 (誰說造謠的,請找美國科學家雜誌去) the-scientist.com Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate The creation of a chimeric SARS-like virus has scientists discussing the risks of gain-of-function research. Jef Akst Nov 16, 2015 Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine. The results demonstrate the ability of the SHC014 surface protein to bind and infect human cells, validating concerns that this virus—or other coronaviruses found in bat species—may be capable of making the leap to people without first evolving in an intermediate host, Nature reported. They also reignite a debate about whether that information justifies the risk of such work, known as gain-of-function research. “If the [new] virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,” Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, told Nature. In October 2013, the US government put a stop to all federal funding for gain-of-function studies, with particular concern rising about influenza, SARS, and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). “NIH [National Institutes of Health] has funded such studies because they help define the fundamental nature of human-pathogen interactions, enable the assessment of the pandemic potential of emerging infectious agents, and inform public health and preparedness efforts,” NIH Director Francis Collins said in a statement at the time. “These studies, however, also entail biosafety and biosecurity risks, which need to be understood better.” Baric’s study on the SHC014-chimeric coronavirus began before the moratorium was announced, and the NIH allowed it to proceed during a review process, which eventually led to the conclusion that the work did not fall under the new restrictions, Baric told Nature. But some researchers, like Wain-Hobson, disagree with that decision. The debate comes down to how informative the results are. “The only impact of this work is the creation, in a lab, of a new, non-natural risk,” Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist and biodefence expert at Rutgers University, told Nature. But Baric and others argued the study’s importance. “[The results] move this virus from a candidate emerging pathogen to a clear and present danger,” Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance, which samples viruses from animals and people in emerging-diseases hotspots across the globe, told Nature. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/lab-made-coronavirus-triggers-debate-34502 以下是中文譯本(翻譯自 google translate app) 實驗室製造的冠狀病毒引發辯論 嵌合型SARS病毒的產生使科學家們討論了獲得功能研究的風險。 傑夫·阿克斯特 2015年11月16日 北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校的傳染病研究人員拉爾夫·巴里克(Ralph Baric)上週(11月9日)發表了一項研究,研究了他的研究小組利用在中國的馬蹄蝠中發現的具有SHC014冠狀病毒表面蛋白的病毒工程化病毒的努力。 以及引起小鼠類似人的嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症(SARS)的骨架。 研究小組的結果發表在《自然醫學》雜誌上,該雜種病毒可能感染人的氣道細胞並引起小鼠疾病。 結果表明,SHC014表面蛋白具有結合和感染人類細胞的能力,這證實了人們對該病毒(或蝙蝠物種中發現的其他冠狀病毒)能否在不首先進化為中間宿主的情況下向人飛躍的擔憂。 他們還引發了關於該信息是否可證明進行此類工作的風險的辯論,稱為功能獲得研究。 巴黎巴斯德研究所的病毒學家西蒙·韋恩·霍布森(Simon Wain-Hobson)告訴《自然》雜誌:“如果[新]病毒逃脫了,那麼誰也無法預測這一軌跡。” 2013年10月,美國政府停止了所有用於功能獲得研究的聯邦資金,尤其是對流感,SARS和中東呼吸綜合徵(MERS)的關注日益增加。 美國國立衛生研究院主任弗朗西斯·柯林斯說:“美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)為此類研究提供了資助,因為它們有助於確定人與病原體相互作用的基本性質,能夠評估新興傳染病的大流行潛力,並為公共衛生和備災工作提供信息。” 當時在一份聲明中說。 “但是,這些研究還涉及生物安全和生物安全風險,需要更好地理解。” Baric告訴《自然》,Baric對SHC014嵌合冠狀病毒的研究在宣布暫停宣布之前就開始了,NIH允許其在審查過程中進行,最終得出結論認為該工作不屬於新的限制。 但是,一些研究人員,例如Wain-Hobson,不同意這一決定。 爭論歸結為結果如何豐富。 羅格斯大學分子生物學家兼生物防禦專家理查德·埃布賴特(Richard Ebright)對自然界說:“這項工作的唯一影響是在實驗室中創造了一種新的非自然風險。” 但巴里奇(Baric)和其他人則認為這項研究很重要。 “(結果)將這種病毒從候選的新興病原體轉移到了明顯的當前危險中,” EcoHealth Alliance總裁彼得·達薩克(Peter Daszak)告訴《自然》雜誌,該聯盟從全球新興疾病熱點地區的動物和人類中採集病毒。
    3 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 突發新冠肺炎突發新聞! Breaking Covid news! 3/9/2021 來自Line Italy has allegedly discovered covid is not a virus, but a bacterium. 據稱,意大利發現新冠病毒不是病毒,而是一種細菌。 It clots the blood and reduces the oxygen saturation from dispersing throughout the body. 它會使血液凝結,降低血氧飽和度,使其無法擴散到全身。 They went against the WHO’s that no bodies be autopsied. When Italian Ministry of Health ordered many autopsies, they found the blood was clotted in all of the patients veins. 他們違背了世衛組織的規定,不允許屍體解剖。當意大利衛生部下令進行屍檢時,他們發現所有病人的靜脈里都凝結血塊。 They immediately started using aspirin 100mg and a coagulant medication. And have had immense success. 他們立即開始給患者服用100mg的阿司匹林和凝血劑藥物。並取得了巨大的成功。 14,000 people were released from the hospital as healthy and covid free. Italy is demanding Bill Gates and the WHO be held accountable for crimes against humanity for misleading, misdirecting, and withholding life saving information from the world, which cost the lives of thousands. 1.4萬人健康出院,無新冠病毒感染。意大利要求比爾·蓋茨(Bill Gates)和世界衛生組織(WHO)對誤導、錯誤指導、向世人隱瞞救生信息的反人類罪行負責,這些罪行已經奪去了數千人的生命。 Ventilators and ICU units were not necessary. A mandated vaccine is not necessary. 根本不需要呼吸機和重症監護室。強制疫苗根本沒有必要! Covid-19 is a bacterium, easily treated with aspirin and coagulant. Covid-19是一種細菌,用阿司匹林和凝血劑治療是很容易的。 Spread the world! Make this global. Hopefully our president will learn about this and do something about it! Before we lose all of our constitutional freedoms. 向全世界傳播這個信息吧!在我們失去憲法賦予的所有自由之前,希望我們的總統能瞭解這一點,並採取行動!   Another article regarding it: 另一篇關於它的文章: Carlie J Gardipee 2020 卡莉·J·加德皮2020年 Coronavirus / Health 冠狀病毒/健康 Discovery: Autopsies Prove that COVID-19 is a Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (Pulmonary Thrombosis) 發現:屍檢證明COVID-19是一種彌散性血管內凝血(肺血栓形成) Posted by Chinonyerem Emmanuella 由Chinonyerem Emmanuella發表   It is now clear that the whole world has been attacking the so-called Coronavirus Pandemic wrongly due to a serious pathophysiological diagnosis error. 現在很清楚,由於嚴重的病理和生理診斷錯誤,整個世界都在錯誤地攻擊所謂的冠狀病毒大流行。 According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, ventilators and intensive care units were never needed. 根據意大利病理學家提供的寶貴信息說,根本不需要呼吸機和重症監護病房。 Autopsies performed by the Italian pathologists has shown that is not pneumonia but itis Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (Thrombosis) which ought to be fought with antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants. 從意大利病理學家所進行的屍檢報告顯示,這並非肺炎,而是彌散性血管內凝血(血栓形成),應該用抗生素、抗病毒藥物、抗炎藥和抗凝劑來對抗。 If this is true for all cases, that means the whole world is about to resolve this novel pandemic earlier than expected. 如果所有病例都是如此,那就意味著全世界將比預期更早地解決這一新型流行病。 However, protocols are currently being changed in Italy who have been adversely affected by this pandemic. 不管怎樣,目前意大利正在修改議定書,因為意大利遭受了這次大流行的嚴重影響。 The impressive case of a Mexican family in the US who claimed they were cured with a home remedy was was documented: three 500mg asprins dissolved in lemon juice boiled with honey, taken hot. 還有一個令人印象深刻的案例是,在美國,有一個墨西哥家庭聲稱,他們被一種家庭療法治癒了,配方如下: 三個500毫克的阿司匹林,溶解在蜂蜜煮過的檸檬汁中,趁熱服用。 The next day they woke up as if nothing had happened to them! 第二天醒來,他們就像什麼也沒發生過一樣! Well, the scientific information that follows proved they are right! 下面的科學信息證明他們是對的! Also Read: Corona virus: Safety Health Measures Beyond the Surgical Mask and Hand Sanitizers 請閱讀:冠狀病毒:外科口罩和洗手液以外的安全衛生措施 「THE END OF COVID-19 IS NEAR」- CANIN AFRICA DIRECTOR DECLARES, BACKED WHO CHIEFS 非洲世衛組織負責任凱南宣稱:「Covid-19的末日即將來臨!」 This information was released by a medical researcher from Italy: 意大利的一名醫學研究人員公佈了這一信息: 「Thanks to 50 autopsies performed on patients who died of COVID-19, Italian pathologists have discovered that IT IS NOT PNEUMONIA, strictly speaking, because the virus does not only kill pneumocytes of this type, but uses an inflammatory storm to created an endothelial vascular thrombosis.」 「通過對50名死於COVID-19的患者進行屍檢,意大利病理學家發現,嚴格來說,這不是肺炎,因為這種病毒不僅殺死這種類型的肺細胞,還利用炎性風暴造成內皮血管血栓形成。」 In disseminated intravascular coagulation, the lung is the most affected because it is the most inflamed, but there is also a hear attack, stroke and many other thromboembolic diseases. 在彌散性血管內凝血中,肺是受影響最大的,因為它是最嚴重的炎症,但也有心臟病發作,中風和許多其他血栓栓塞性疾病。 In fact, the protocols left antiviral therapies useless and focused on anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting therapies. These therapies should be done inmmediately, evern at home, in which the treatment of patients responds very well. 事實上,這些方案使抗病毒療法無效,而是專注於抗炎和抗凝血治療。這些治療應該立即進行。即使是在家裡,病人的治療反應也是非常好。 If the Chinese had denounced it, they would have invested in home therapy, not intensive care! So, the way to fight it is with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants. 如果中國人譴責它,他們就會投資家庭治療,而不是重症監護!所以,對付它的方法是使用抗生素,消炎藥和抗凝血劑。 An Italian pathologist reports that the hospital in Bergamo did a total of 50 autopsies and one in Milan, 20, that is, the Italian series is the highest in the world, the Chinese did only 3, which seems to fully confirm the information. 據意大利病理學家報道,貝加莫醫院共做了50例屍檢,米蘭醫院做了1例,20例,也就是說,意大利的序列是世界上最高的,而中國只做了3例,這似乎完全證實了這一信息。 In a nutshell, the disease is determined by a disseminated intravascular coagulation triggered by the virus; therefore, it is not pneumonia, but pulmonary thrombosis, a major diagnostic error. 簡而言之,該病是由病毒引發的彌散性血管內凝血所決定的;因此,它不是肺炎,而是肺血栓形成,是一個重大的診斷性錯誤。 Some world leaders doubled the number of resuscitation places in the ICU, with unnecessary exorbitant costs. 一些世界領導人把重症監護病房的復蘇位置增加了一倍,但卻付出了不必要的高昂成本。 According to the Italian pathologist, treatment in ICUs is useless if thromboembolism is not resolved first. 「If we ventilate a lung where blood does not circulated, it is useless, in fact, 9 patients out of 10 will die because the problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory.」 根據意大利病理學家,在重症監護病房治療是無用的,如果血栓栓塞不能首先解決。「如果我們對一個血液不循環的肺進行通氣,這是沒有用的,事實上,10個病人中有9個會死,因為問題是心血管疾病,而不是呼吸疾病。」 「I it is venous microthrombosis, not pneumonia, that determines mortality.」 「決定死亡率的是靜脈微血栓形成,而不是肺炎。」 According to the literature, inflammation induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism. 根據文獻顯示,通過一個複雜但眾所周知的病理生理機制,炎症誘發血栓形成。 Unfortunately, what the scientific literature said, especially Chinese, until mid-March was that anti-inflammatory drugs should not be used. 不幸的是,直到三月中旬,科學文獻,尤其是中國的文獻,都說不應該使用消炎藥。 Now, the therapy being used in Italy is with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics, as in influenza, and the number of phspitalized patients has been reduced. 現在,意大利使用的療法是抗炎和抗生素,就像治療流感一樣,住院病人的數量已經減少。 He also discovered that many deaths, even in their 40s, had a history of fever for 10 to 15 days, which were not treated properly. 他還發現,許多死亡的人,即使是40多歲的人,都有10至15天的發燒史,而這些發燒史沒有得到適當的治療。 The inflammation does a great deal of tissue damage and creates ground for thrombus formation. However, the main problem is not the virus, but the immune hyperreaction that destroys the cell where the virus is installed. 炎症會造成大量的組織損傷,並為血栓的形成創造基礎。然而,主要的問題不是病毒本身,而是免疫系統的過度反應,它破壞了植入了病毒的細胞。 In fact, patients with rheumatoid arithritis have never needed to be admitted to the ICU because they are on corticosteroid therapy, which is a great anti-inflammatory. 其實類風濕性關節炎患者根本就不需要進ICU,因為他們正在接受皮質類固醇治療,這是一種很好的抗炎藥物。 With this important discovery, it is possible to return to normal life and open closed deals due to the quarantine, though not immediately, but with time. 有了這個重要的發現,由於隔離,人們有可能恢復正常生活,打開已完成的交易,雖然不是馬上,但需要時間。 Kindly share to that the health authorities of each country can make their respective analysis of this information, prevent further deaths and redirect investments appropriately; the vaccine may come later. 請告知各國衛生當局可分別對這一信息進行分析,防止進一步死亡,並適當調整投資方向。疫苗可能會在稍後問世。 I Completely agree it is inflammation and DIC Which is why I treat with Tylenol-anti inflammatory Hydroxychloraquine-anti inflammatory Zithromax- antibiotic Medrol dosepak- steroid they tried to discourage use of ibuprofen or asprin initially - better anti inflammatory than Tylenol... 我完全同意是炎症和DIC,這就是為什麼我用泰諾-抗炎羥基氯喹-抗炎希舒美-抗生素甲drol dosepak-類固醇,治療的原因,他們最初試圖阻止使用布洛芬或阿司匹林-比泰諾更好的抗炎… FORWARDED as received 收到後轉發  
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  • 被『強酸強鹼』噴到或淋到時要如何處理? 2013年11月份,台灣石油工會,第一分會月刊報導(高雄廠) 作者,許廷訓,台灣中油公司(Taiwan cpc petroleum )服務, 目前是兼任,高壓特定氣体訓練班(中油公司,對新進員工的基礎訓練)的助教。 在高壓氣体訓練班的課程,我問過將近100個,以上來自台灣中油,全國各單位的工作人員,你們如果被硫酸淋到時你要如何做,所有的人異口同聲說,要用大量的清水沖洗,80%以上的人都有大學以上的學歷,他們都這樣說,我當場告訴他們,如果是這樣的,你會死的很難看,這也是我認為該公開讓大家知道的原因,目前高雄廠,所有有強酸強鹼的地方,告示牌(物質安全資料表),所有的說明都說,如被強酸強鹼淋到時要用大量的清水沖洗……..這種說法是正確嗎?如不正確為什麼幾十年來沒人質疑?在學校的化學實驗室老師,也是這樣告訴我們的? 本人以前曾經被因銹蝕管線針孔洩漏的硫酸所噴到,當時的感覺是好像有一個火把靠近你的臉頰,很熱很熱,我當然了解是被硫酸所噴到,(只是當時必須離開現場,因為那裡洩漏,一時間,看不出來那洩漏的地點),當時我所做的是,用未被硫酸所噴到的衣服擦拭被硫酸所噴到的臉頰,再去沖水,5-10分鐘,但是這跟沒有擦拭去沖水有什麼差別? N年前高雄廠,曾發生運酸槽車在洩酸入TANK時槽車出口管線,因壓力爆開,當時有兩個人被噴到,但是事後一個沒事(槽車司機)另一個人住院植皮,每天哀哀叫,時間長達十個月,為什麼差這麼多,原因是事發當時,司機很鎮靜,立即脫光身上所有的衣褲,拿起事先準備好的清潔棉布,擦拭身上的硫酸,再去沖先,另一個本場的工作人員,則是驚慌失措一路叫喊《救命》,待有人發現,他被硫酸所噴到時,用水沖洗他身上的硫酸,這一洗,洗出大問題,當然不洗也是大問題,時間是毫秒計算,為什麼差這麼多? 原因是硫酸的沸點為338℃,水的沸點只有100℃,水遇到硫酸時開始沸騰產生反應熱,硫酸可以迅速與蛋白質及脂肪發生醯胺水解作用及酯水解作用,從而分解生物組織,造成化學性燒傷。不過,其對肉體的強腐蝕性還與它的強烈脫水性有關,因為硫酸還會與生物組織中的碳水化合物發生脫水反應並釋出大量熱能。 除了造成化學燒傷,所以如有任何人遇到硫酸,正確的處理方式應該保持鎮靜,找出現場可以擦拭的棉布或其他可以擦拭的紙等(這是減量,減少附著在皮膚的硫酸),立即擦拭再去沖水5-10分鐘。 最多只是如一級燒燙傷,這一事件後我遇到一個在大發工業區擔任某化學公司,槽車司機的X先生,我問他遇到時如何處理,他說就這麼處理,我問他為什麼不將這消息公告給社會大眾知道?他說了,幹,人家官大學問大,我只是一個司機,人家會聽我的意見嗎,我無言以對。 他舉出三個例子,來說明處理方式不同所造成的結果,第一例,在國道一號上發生遊覽車撞擊,鹽酸槽車事故,槽車破裂,遊覽車上的檔風玻璃也破了,鹽酸噴到司機的眼睛,隨車小姐立即以飲用瓶裝水沖洗司機的眼睛,結果是,後來司機的眼睛洗好了,司機的眼睛,也完蛋了,第二例發生在某加工區,槽車洩酸時,也發生因長時間使用後的物質脆化(當時忘了問他材質到底是塑膠的或橡膠的,約使用多久了)洩酸管線爆裂了,一個不知是好奇或無知的經理,靠近槽車很不幸的,那經理被噴到了,當然槽車司機處理經驗很豐富,立即脫光那經理身上所有的衣物幫他擦拭後再沖洗,入院十多天就回家,無大事,第三例,發生在該生產硫酸的公司內,兩個工作人員,被破裂管線的硫酸所噴到,一個如同第二例,司機幫忙處理,另一個,因一時間他無法幫忙,其他現場的人也驚嚇到,不敢也不懂,幫另一個被酸噴到的人脫衣服,而是直接用水幫他沖洗,結果,後果很慘痛,体無完膚,根據司機的說法,醫生所開的嗎啡給患者服用都無效,無法止痛,也是哀哀叫長達幾個月。 本文出來前,我所做的實驗,(戴有面罩的安全帽掛橡膠手套及護目鏡穿雨衣)去買已切好的豬皮20X10用鐵丁固定在木板上,用鹽酸做實驗,有擦拭和沒有擦過的實驗結果一目了然,所以被強酸鹼所噴到一定要先擦拭過再沖水,才是保命之道。 如果我們把濃硫酸慢慢地倒入水中,卻是安安靜靜的,水只是漸漸的變熱,而且不濺開來。當濃硫酸與水遇在一起,就發生化學反應,生成水合物,同時放出大量的熱,1公斤的濃硫酸與水化合時放出的熱量,足以使2公斤的冷水,一下子升高到攝氏100度。 濃硫酸看上去像油,可是卻比水重(1.9倍),比同體積的水差不多要重上一倍,很明顯,如果把水倒進濃硫酸,水就浮在濃硫酸上,當發生化學反應時,水就猛烈地沸騰起來,四處飛濺。 如果反過來把濃硫酸倒進水裡,情況就不一樣了,濃硫酸比水重,把濃硫酸慢慢地倒進水中,它就逐漸地沉到水底,然後再分佈到溶液的各個部分,這樣,反映所產生的熱量被均勻地分配到整個溶液,溫度慢慢上升,不會使水迅速地騰起來。 本人在此真誠的建議,各級學校的實驗室或化學系所,各公司有用到強酸鹼的地方,應立即修改告示牌(物質安全資料表,有強酸鹼的地方,應準備棉布做擦拭用,不要用化學纖維布,大林廠有硫酸法的烷化(以硫酸為催化劑的製程)工場,更應該準備好,因為10年20年後所有的管線,除非全面更新,絕對會這裡漏,那裡漏。 備註,本文部份,參考維基百科及網路文章,感謝工安課,王錦波先生與第七硫磺總領班,楊耀昆先生對本文的校正。 ,也歡迎老師,本人在此授權,請賢人翻譯成英日文,給世界各國的朋友分享,請將公司的CPC排在前頭,說明這是在台灣的CPC公司人員所做的實驗。 Nov. 2013, Monthly journal report of 1st branch of OIL LABOR UNION in Kaohsiung Taiwan CPC. By Mr. Hsu Ting XUN, serve in Taiwan CPC, now is the part time TA for the HIGH-PRESSURE SPECIFIC GAS training class, a class which trains all the new employees in CPC. In the HIGH PRESSURE training class, I ever asked more than 100 members from all different departments and branches of CPC TAIWAN., “If you were sprayed or poured by sulfuric acid, what would you do!?” The answer is 100% in unison “Rinse with great amount of water!” You know, 80% of these members graduated from universities. They all did say so. Hearing the answer, I on the spot told them “If you did so, you were destined to die ugly”This is why I insist to make it public. Nowadays in Kaohsiung plant, all where there is sulfuric acid or alkali, as well as all the bulletin boards [material safety sheets]shows: “Rinse with great amount of water while sprayed by sulfuric acid” But is this statement appropriate and accurate!?If not, why for decades nobody doubted!? And we were all taught so by chemistry teachers in labs of schools? Before, I ever sprayed by sulfuric acid leaking from the needle hole of a corrosivepipe. I felt like a burning torch accessing my face. It’s extremely hot. I surely realizedit wassulfuric acid, but I couldn’t spot where the leaking hole was. I had to leave right at that moment. The step took first was to wipe my sprayed face with the clean part of my clothes then, rinsedit with water for 5-10 minutes. But on earth, what makes the difference with the way you rinsedwithout wiping it clean first!? Years ago in Kaohsiung plant, a sulfuric acid transporting truck’s exporting pipeline burst because of pressure while vented sulfuric acid into the tank. Two men were sprayed. Yet later on, one man [the driver] was not serious, while another one had to be hospitalized andgrafted, leading a crying miserable life for ten months. Why such a big contrast! The reason is right at thatmoment, the driver completely calmed himself down, ripped all his dressing off then, wipedsulfuric acid with the clean cotton that he used to prepare ahead, then rinsedwith water the last. As to the other man, he was crying and screaming in panic all the way till someone found him and helpedrinse with great amount of water. Here the key problem is: Water or NOT WATER firstdefinitely matter a lot! It was so urgent, what made such a big difference? You know the boiling point of sulfuric acid is 338centigrade degree while water only 100. When water meetssulfuric, water begins to boil and produce heatas reaction. Sulfuric acid, along with protein and fat, rapidly facilitates[R-C-NH2] hydrolysisandEster hydrolysis, further todecompose bio- tissue, causing the chemical burns. Its strong corrosion to body dorelate toits strong dehydration.Sulfuric acid can cause dehydration reaction when it meets the carbohydrate of bio-tissue then, release great amount of heat to causechemical burns. So for anybody sprayed by sulfuric acid, the accurate approach is to calm down,immediatelywipe off acid with clean cotton or paper available [this is to minify or reduce the sulfuric acid on skin] ,then rinse 5-10 minutes. The worst resultcan only be one grade burn. Afterwards, I met Mr. X, a tank driver who served in a chemistry company in DAFA INDUSTRIALZONE. I asked what he would do if he met same situation. The answer was completely the same approach. Then why he didn’t make it public? His answer was“I am just a driver, can any high ranking officer listen to my opinion!?” I was totally speechless. He gave three examples to illustrate three different results caused by the diverse handling procedure:[a]. One tour bus bumped into sulfuric acid- loading truck on the ZHONGSHAN national freeway. The tank broke down. So did the window shield of the tour bus. Acid sprayed onto the bus driver’s eyes. The lady tour guide spontaneouslyrinsed his eyes with bottle water. The eyes were washed, but ruined.[b].This accident happened in THE PROCESSING ZONE. When an acid tank vented, the venting pipeline burst [pipelinebeing brittle after long use.][Material of pipe is plastic or rubber, or how long it has been used not known]. An either curious or ignorant manager walked close to the tank and unfortunately he was sprayed. Thanks to the well experienced tank driver, he immediately ripped off all the manager’s dressing, wiped his body clean, thenrinsed with water. About 10 days in hospital, he returned home without big problem. [c].In a sulfuric acid producing company, two workers sprayed by the broken pipeline. One was managed under accurate approach, yet another one was not so lucky. He, with the help of the stunned people around, directly rinsed the body. What’s the result!? Miserable and severely!! He kept hospitalized for long,even the morphine prescribed by doctor couldn’tkill his pain, recalled the poor worker. Before this article came public, I did an experiment [wearinghelmet with mask, rubber gloves, goggle and raincoat].I bought some chopped pigskin 20x10,nailedthemontowood . After pouring acid, I observed the wipedand not wiped pigskin, and the result was obvious at aglance. So if sprayed by acid or alkali, wipe clean first, then rinse. This is the life-saving approach. If we pour thick sulfuric acid into water, quietly and gradually the water will be getting hot, and will not splash. When thick sulfuric acid mixes with water, chemical reaction happens, producing hydrate and at the same time releasing big amount of heat. The heat released by 1kg thick sulfuric acid hydrating with water can lead to a sudden rise of temperature of 2kg cold water to100 centigrade degree. Thick sulfuric acid looks like oil, but actually it is heavier than water by 1.9 times, and heavier 1 time than water of same volume. Obviously, if we pour water into thick sulfuric acid, water will float on the acid.Chemical reaction happens, water will violently be getting hot, and splash all over. ON the contrary, if we pour thick sulfuric acid into water, the effect differs. It is heavier than water, it will gradually sink into bottom and distribute in each part of liquid, so the reacting heat is distributed in the liquid in average. The temperature rises slowly and slowly, the water will not be getting hot rapidly andfuriously. Here, I sincerely suggest that all labs and chemistry departments in schools or all companies where sulfuric acid and alkali are used should amend all bulletin boards [material safety sheets]. Where there is sulfuric acid or alkali, cotton[no chemical fiber cloth] should be readily prepared. Especially, DALIN plant has the alkylation workplace of sulfuric acid [Sulfuric acid or hydrofluoric acid as a catalyst in processing]. It should have to be well prepared, because all the pipelines absolutely should be leaking where and there after 10 or 20 years, unless they are all updated. RE: parts of this article took wiki and internet for reference. Great thanks to Mr. Wang Jin-bo, industrial safety division, and Mr. Yang Yao- kun, the leading foremanof 7thsulfur, for their guidance and correction. Welcome friends all over the world translating it into kinds of languages to help those in need. And don’t hesitate to write me if necessary for more understanding and interpretation. Thanks!! Thanks sister melody translation
    15 人回報1 則回應2 年前