
2 人回報2 年前
This woman raises her legs for 20 minutes a day. This is what happens when she's done.
Five reasons to kick up your feet.
Put your legs up against the wall. After 20 minutes, you will see the following results.
Improve circulation and drained fluids.
Thanks to the power of gravity, lifting your legs will pump blood to your heart faster.
This improves circulation, which is something your entire body benefits from.
It also helps drain any excess fluid which has accumulated in your legs.
Did you know that your legs also affect a part of the body that you were not even aware of?
Number 2. Improve digestion.
When you raise your legs, you're actually doing this, exercising the muscles responsible
for digestion.
So not only will you get a flatter belly, but digestion will be a whole lot smoother
from here on out.
Number 3. A relaxed nervous system.
Elevated legs help you relax and take in more air.
Your organic tissue will receive more oxygen, which in turn will reduce the tension in your
Number 4. Is a better sleep.
Since stress is one of the biggest causes of insomnia, the relaxation that this position
brings means you will sleep like a baby.
There is nothing better than a natural cure.
Number 5. Is foot pain relief.
High heels are great for special occasions, right?
But is it worth the leg pain you'll have when you get home?
The aching pain is the result of your weight not being evenly distributed.
To counteract this imbalance, kick off your shoes and elevate your legs for about 20 minutes.
You will feel like a whole new person.
It might feel a little strange in the beginning, but it is so worth it and the benefits are
So go ahead and give it a try and share with your family and friends.




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  • And how is it killing the immune system? This is really important. The Pfizer shot is able, because of the way that they created it synthetically, allows the messenger RNA to passenger inside your cells and be replicated indefinitely by the ribosomes. So you cannot get it out of your body. There is no detoxing from it. Now, can you detox your body and make yourself overall healthier? Yes. Are you going to eliminate the spike protein or the antibodies of the spike protein or the stupid monoclonal antibodies that they're advocating? No. Because you sensitize your dendritic cells and your B cells, those spikes are going to be there probably forever. Now, this one is really important. The messenger RNA ablates, wipes out, destroys toll like receptor three, seven and eight. The toll like receptors are like you've ever heard my talk on toll like receptors. I love toll like receptors. They're like God inside our body, right? They're these little these little radars that are constantly vigilantly looking around and getting rid of viruses, bacteria and things that don't belong there. They are our innate God given what we are born with immune system. The messenger RNA shots destroy toll like receptor three, seven and eight, which is our primary first line of defense, making us more susceptible to getting COVID. And this is why all the people that get the shots suddenly are sick. And because they're more susceptible, we know the mechanisms. And the doctors are illiterate and not reading it. We know why people who get the shots are more likely to get sick and more likely to be hospitalized. And if they're in the hospital and they get remdesivir and they put on a ventilator, that's a greater than 80% mortality rate. We know the mechanism. Number three, we know the mechanism of this too. The spike proteins enters the nucleus of the cells and binds to our DNA. So anybody who says that it doesn't irreversibly bind your DNA are wrong. They're not reading the scientific literature. And when it binds to the DNA, it blocks the door. And when it binds to the DNA, it starts making it into an abnormal cell that if that cell replicates will turn into cancer. And then it bars the door blocks the door and doesn't allow our God given immune system repair enzymes to come in and repair the damage that spike protein is caused. Hence, that allows cancer to form and why we are seeing and Dr. Ryan Cole has talked about this a lot. Why are we seeing this explosion of cancer in people that get these shots? People that have been in remission, been treated, they're in remission, or they said they don't have cancer anymore, suddenly they're exploding. And it's endometrial cancer, all kinds of blood cancers, lymphatic cancers, breast cancers from these shots. And we know the mechanism. It's not a guess. Data came out just in the last two weeks that if a person is injected, they're 8.12 times more likely to be infected with Omicron. Again, suppression of your immune system, suppression of your white blood cells, ablation of your toll like receptors. The more shots you get, the more the more you destroy your immune system, and the faster that happens. And it's anticipated the German data says that by the end of 2022, every fully vaccinated person over the age of 30 may have the equivalent of full blown vaccine induced immune suppressed AIDS. This is government data. From Germany, this came out about two weeks.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Hi guys, so just a quick update from me. For those of you who don't know me, my name's John, I'm a funeral director based in Milton Keynes. I run a funeral home called Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, and this time it is the 6th of December 2021. So what we're seeing is a large number, an unnaturally large number of deaths due to heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, and these are all as a direct result of thrombosis, embolisms in the lungs, the legs, various places that's causing these deaths. These are well documented by the local coroners, these are well documented, you know, across the country. And now I've seen more this year than I have in the previous 14, to give you an idea. I've written to the Chief Coroner of England, he isn't concerned. I've had no response for weeks and weeks, and then I've had an email from his secretary saying he's not interested. So we're seeing those deaths. The other type of death that I'm seeing, which is more distressing for me personally, is people who are getting sick now as their immune systems finally give up. So they've had the jabs maybe six, eight months ago, and it's been eaten away at their immune system, and now they're struggling to fight off things like the common cold. So we're in winter, and as you'll be aware, there are colds and flus about at this time of the year. These people can't fight it off, and the government are very quick to label it Omnichron, a new variant. You know, and they are sick, but they're sick with basic things like the common cold. Their immune systems are decimated, and if you think about it logically, much like, for example, a cancer patient. So when you get a cancer patient and they're on chemotherapy, it decimates their immune system, and one of the things that they have to be extremely careful of is because they've got no immune system, a basic common cold or a flu can kill them. And this is what we're seeing now in these jab recipients across up and down the country. They're becoming extremely ill, really, really ill. For example, I've got a couple of friends, I've known them for a long time, very intelligent guy, logical thinker, him and his wife are both in jabs. He's had one, he's had both. He's bitterly desperate now, he's desperate to get the booster because he feels so terribly ill, he thinks that will make him feel better. You know, what do you say to these people because they just won't? I'll try to explain. This is what is killing you. This is killing you. It's damaging your immune system. All you've got is a common cold. And I said to him, look, I will come over, I'll bring you whatever you need. I will kiss you on the lips because I'm in no danger of falling sick because I have an immune system that's protecting me as a guy who hasn't been jabbed. These people, you know, it was well documented on the Georgia guide stones and other places what would happen. These people are going to willingly walk over the cliff begging for more. This is why, it's because these jabs are decimating your immune system. The other type are the blood clots that are quick killers and we've seen plenty of those as well. So please, please, please, don't take any more of these jabs. It's killing you. It's killing you. And lining up for more jabs when you're desperately ill already isn't the answer. It really isn't the answer. Take a step back. Just look a little bit deeper than the BBC and Google are telling you. The jabs are what are making you ill. The Omicron is vaccine injury. They're nothing more than that. Will you believe it? I really don't know. I really don't know. Time will tell, I guess. Time will tell. But that's where we are in December of 2021. We're exactly where the scientists told me we would be. Sadly. I just hope that people listen. I hope that people listen because if they don't, they're going to get sick and they're going to die. That's the reality. You will die if you keep taking these jabs. And you know, bless you, bless you. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Never a true word spoken.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Avocado Seeds Use them on your knees and you won't believe what happens Avocado seeds can bring benefits to you or a family member When applied, you will experience an improvement in knee, back or leg pain For this, you'll need a ripe avocado Remove the seed, but first, comment on where you're watching this video from Start by removing the skin around the avocado seed, then cut it into small pieces Next, place it in a container with a lid and add alcohol to cover it completely This preparation is a natural anti-inflammatory as it possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties while also aiding in improved local circulation It contributes to pain relief, swelling and joint stiffness Apply it only to the affected area with gentle massages Avoid applying near the eyes You can apply it at night and leave it until the next day Remember this preparation assists in improving joint pain Use it in conjunction with your treatment
    4 人回報1 則回應1 個月前
  • Avocado Seeds Use them on your knees and you won't believe what happens Avocado Seeds can bring benefits to you or a family member When applied, you will experience an improvement in knee, back or leg pain For this, you'll need a ripe avocado Remove the seed, but first, comment on where you're watching this video from Start by removing the skin around the avocado seed, then cut it into small pieces Next, place it in a container with a lid and add alcohol to cover it completely This preparation is a natural anti-inflammatory as it possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties while also aiding in improved local circulation It contributes to pain relief, swelling and joint stiffness Apply it only to the affected area with gentle massages Avoid applying near the eyes You can apply it at night and leave it until the next day Remember this preparation assists in improving joint pain Use it in conjunction with your treatment
    29 人回報1 則回應1 個月前
  • Avocado Seeds Use them on your knees and you won't believe what happens Avocado Seeds can bring benefits to you or a family member When applied, you will experience an improvement in knee, back or leg pain For this, you'll need a ripe avocado Remove the seed, but first, comment on where you're watching this video from Start by removing the skin around the avocado seed, then cut it into small pieces Next, place it in a container with a lid and add alcohol to cover it completely This preparation is a natural anti-inflammatory as it possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties while also aiding in improved local circulation It contributes to pain relief, swelling and joint stiffness Apply it only to the affected area with gentle massages Avoid applying near the eyes You can apply it at night and leave it until the next day Remember this preparation assists in improving joint pain Use it in conjunction with your treatment
    22 人回報1 則回應10 個月前
  • I mean, it wasn't just for, you know, myocarditis, or strokes, or so on. Well, what we're seeing is also that people are starting to talk about the cancers which are appearing, doctors are seeing them, and also the number of cases of cancer, which, you know, are much advanced when they're first recognized, and also they have distant spread. It's quite remarkable. Charles, are you seeing something like this in your practice? Yeah, in fact, I wanted to talk about one of my own patients. You know, it's fascinating as a family doctor, over the years, you know, a small percentage of the new cancer diagnoses would, would unfortunately be stage four at first diagnosis. But in my practice, now, it's approximately two thirds of all cancer diagnoses since the Vax rollout are stage four. And so, you know, pathologists around the world have noticed this, that unfortunately, now, the people who had previous cancers which were in remission are flaring up since their shots because of the damage to their immune system by the COVID shots. But new cancers being diagnosed, the tumors are bigger than ever. They seem to grow very aggressively, spread very aggressively, and be very resistant to treatment. So this has been nicknamed turbo cancer.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • It wasn't just for, you know, myocarditis, or strokes, or so on. Well, what we're seeing is also that people are starting to talk about the cancers which are appearing, doctors are seeing them, and also the number of cases of cancer, which, you know, are much advanced when they're first recognized, and also they have distant spread. It's quite remarkable. Charles, are you seeing something like this in your practice? Yeah, in fact, I wanted to talk about one of my own patients. You know, it's fascinating. As a family doctor, over the years, you know, a small percentage of the new cancer diagnoses would, would unfortunately be stage four at first diagnosis. But in my practice now, it's approximately two thirds of all cancer diagnoses since the Vax rollout are stage four. And so, you know, pathologists around the world have noticed this, that unfortunately, now, the people who had previous cancers, who were, which were in remission, are flaring up since their shots because of the damage to their immune system by the COVID shots. But new cancers being diagnosed, the tumors are bigger than ever. They seem to grow very aggressively, spread very aggressively, and be very resistant to treatment. So this has been nicknamed turbo cancer.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Below is medical advice from Albert’s doctor friend regarding Wuhan pneumonia. Please read through as this disease is spreading quickly in Asia. Dr. Yuen Kwok Yung, a highly respected doctor during the previous SARS period gave the following advice in a speech yesterday. 1. He suggests Hong Kong people should try to avoid going to China during this period of time. 2. If going on a flight, make sure you wear a mask. 3. Always have antiseptic cleanser or towel readily available. 4. The virus “Coronavirus” is similar type of virus like the previous SARS or MERS. This time it is OC43. There is still no known method of tackling this virus. 5. If you have to go to the market, make sure you wear a mask. Be very vigilant. 6. Health Authority announced that this virus is very serious. However, as the virus is found to be able to enter your body if your throat or throat mucous is dry, the one precaution they suggest which can be taken is to ensure your throat or throat mucous is always in a moist condition. In fact, they suggest not to allow your throat to become dry, as in 10 minutes of being dry, the virus will find ways to enter into your body. So do not refrain from drinking water, always have a bottle handy. For adults, they suggest drinking 50-80cc of warm water; for children 30-50cc. Just drink if you feel your throat is dry. Do not hesitate. However drinking more than the amount recommended is not necessary, as it will just want to pass through your system. The idea is to “Keep your Throat Constantly Moist” 7. Before end of March, try not to enter crowded places, MTR or public Transport, and wear a mask if necessary. 8. Avoid eating too much deep fried food and take plenty of Vitamen C. 9. Control Centre advice on symptoms of this virus: - fast and high fever, hard to lower, but if successful, the fever will return very soon. - next stage is coughing, in long duration, people affected are mainly children. - Adults has mainly throat symptoms, together with headaches and physical discomforts. - the virus is “highly” contagious. - elderly and young children are most susceptible, so take super precaution. I am afraid this is best I know how in translating for my dear friends and family’s benefits. Good health to everyone.
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • vitamin D isn't a vitamin per se, it's a pro-hormone that our body will make in the spring and summer months when we get our sunshine and in the fall in the winter this is where I got controversial as well I said look there's really no such thing as flu and cold season there's just low vitamin D season and it's a little hyperbolic but even a study by Dr. Martino that came out a couple years ago said look if your vitamin D levels are normal your propensity to get the flu or cold is cut by half and then if you do get one your symptoms and severity are cut by half as well so it's out there in the medical literature and but normal vitamin D levels decrease cancer risks in about 17 different cancers decrease death from coronary disease decrease problems with osteoporosis decrease viral infections decrease clotting disorders so many things that vitamin D does because it's an essential part of our pathophysiology so I spoke out about this and I said look if we can get our vitamin D levels up our chances of being severe with COVID are far less well Mayo Clinic did a study and said if your vitamin D is above 30 your chance of being in the ICU was cut by a huge percentage and then if it was below 30 and below 20 then that was your high percentage chance of getting intubated so we we had signals early on it's vitamin D is like the conductor of a fine symphony and it tells your body this section come in that section tune out this section come in and come in at mezzo forte and at forte and go down to piano so vitamin D is that conductor of immune of our immune system now you've heard about the cytokine storm from the which people have passed if your vitamin D is insufficient your immune system is more like the mosh pit at a punk rock concert ping ping ping crashing together and not having that signal to turn on or turn off so vitamin D is this fantastic conductor of orderliness in our immune responses and every nucleus on every cell in your body has a receptor for vitamin D so as a pathologist that's one who studies patterns I tried to share this message of how important this is for our overall immune health.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Your LEGS AND YOU 你的腿和你 👇 The Importance of keeping your legs strong. When we are old, our feet must always remain strong 保持雙腿強健的重要性。當我們老了,我們的腳必須永遠保持堅強 When a person ages, he or she is not afraid of hairs turning white or skin is sagging or wrinkled. 當一個人變老時,他或她不怕頭髮變白或皮膚鬆弛或起皺。 Among the signs of longevity summarized by the US magazine "Prevention", "strong leg muscles" are listed in the top order 在美國《預防》雜誌總結的長壽跡像中,“強壯的腿部肌肉”排在首位。 Do not move for two weeks, leg strength decrease by 40 years 兩週不動,腿部力量下降40年 A study from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that both old and young, during two weeks of inactivity, leg muscle strength weakened by a third, which is equivalent to 40-50 years of age. 丹麥哥本哈根大學的一項研究發現,無論老幼,在兩週的不活動中,腿部肌肉的力量都會減弱三分之一,相當於40至50歲。 As the leg muscles weaken, it will take a long time to recover, even if you do rehabilitation later. 由於腿部肌肉無力,即使您稍後進行康復,也將需要很長時間才能恢復。 Therefore, regular exercise is very important. 因此,定期運動非常重要。 The whole body pressure is on the legs. 全身壓力都在腿上。 1. The foot is the pillar of the burden of the human body. 50% of a person's bones and 50% of the muscles are in the two legs, the largest and strongest joints and bones of the human body are also in it. 1.腳是人體負擔的支柱。兩條腿有50%的骨頭和50%的肌肉,其中最大,最堅固的關節和骨頭也都在其中。 "Strong bones, strong muscles, and flexible joints form the" iron triangle "that carries the most important load on the human body." “強壯的骨骼,強大的肌肉和靈活的關節構成了“鐵三角”,它對人體具有最重要的作用。 70% of the activity and expenses of energy in one's life is done with both feet. 一生中70%的活動和能量消耗都是用雙腳完成的。 2. The foot is the center of body transport. Both of one's legs have 50% of the nerves of the human body, 50% of the blood vessels, and 50% of the blood flowing through them. It is a large circulatory network that connects the body. 2.腳是身體運輸的中心。一個人的雙腿都擁有人體50%的神經,50%的血管和50%的血液流過它們。這是一個連接人體的大型循環網絡。 Only with healthy feet then the channels run smoothly. People who have strong leg muscles will definitely have a strong heart. 只有腳健康,通道才能順暢運行。腿部肌肉發達的人一定會擁有堅強的心臟。 3. Aging starts from the feet. As a person gets older, the accuracy and speed of instruction transmission between the legs and the brain decrease, unlike when they were young. 3.老化從腳開始。隨著年齡的增長,腿和大腦之間的指令傳輸的準確性和速度會下降,這與他們年輕時不同。 In addition, the so-called "bone-fertilizing" calcium in the bones will sooner or later be lost, making the elderly more prone to fractures. 另外,骨骼中所謂的“骨肥”鈣會早晚丟失,使老年人更容易骨折。 Fractures in the elderly easily trigger a series of diseases, especially fatal diseases such as brain thrombosis. 老年人的骨折容易引發疾病,尤其是致命疾病,例如腦血栓形成。 You know: 15% of patients will even die within a year of a fracture! 您知道:15%的患者甚至會在骨折後一年內死亡! Exercising the legs, before it is too late from the age of 60 years 從60歲開始為時已晚的腿部鍛煉 Although our feet will gradually year after year, exercising our feet is a lifelong task. Only by strengthening the legs, can minimize further aging. 儘管我們的腳會一年又一年地逐漸變大,但是鍛煉腳是終生的任務。只有加強腿部,才能最大程度地減少進一步的衰老。 Forwarded as received with great concern and safety to all and especially seniors. 🙏🏻✨ 將收到的郵件轉發給所有人,尤其是老年人,並引起高度關注和安全。 🙏🏻✨ Your LEGS AND YOU 你的腿和你 👇 The Importance of keeping your legs strong. When we are old, our feet mus
    2 人回報2 則回應4 年前