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  • 教育部體育署 Sports Administration Ministry of Education 青春動滋告 【112年度】 $112/06/01-113/06/30 500元 期間 【113年度】 113/01/01-113/12/31 2024/01/01 10:00 開放16歲至22歲 (出生年月日為91/01/01-97/12/31) 領500元動滋券 *省錢版 @ Lifeismoney202207
    1 人回報1 則回應9 個月前
  • Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/22/2022 15:16:31 PM Gephardt Government Affairs 遊說 Gephardt Group Government Affairs Ltd, a Delaware Limited Liability Company lobbied Nancy Pelosi on behalf of four Taiwan institutions during 2018 to 2022. Total commission is $3,149,377.58. S.No. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 1887 K Street NW | Suite 800 | Washington, DC 20006 202.403.2150 www.gephardtdc.com Date Clients 02/26/2018 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 06/13/2018 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 09/25/2018 Bureau of Foreign Trade 12/05/2018 Ministry of Economic Affairs Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Democratic Progressive Party Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Bureau of Foreign Trade 05/20/2020 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 12/09/2020 Ministry of Economic Affairs 02/02/2021 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 04/16/2021 01/28/2019 04/10/2019 07/04/2019 01/14/2020 $336,023.910 $110,000.00 $132,000.00 $90,000.00 $30,000.00 $956,000.00 $108,000.00 TOTAL $3,149,377.58 Democratic Progressive Party 09/08/2021 Bureau of Foreign Trade 11/17/2021 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 01/19/2022 Democratic Progressive Party 04/02/2022 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Amount $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $150,000.00 $270,206.21 $53,500.00 $162,698.63 $132,000.00 $218,908.83 $150,000.00 Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC Richard A. Gephardt President & CEO Date: January 1, 2022 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/22/2022 15:16:31 PM
    3 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/22/2022 15:16:31 PM Gephardt Government Affairs 遊說 Gephardt Group Government Affairs Ltd, a Delaware Limited Liability Company lobbied Nancy Pelosi on behalf of four Taiwan institutions during 2018 to 2022. Total commission is $3,149,377.58. S.No. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1667 K Street NW | Suite 800 | Washington, DC 20006 202.403.2150 www.gephardtdc.com Date Clients 02/26/2018 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 06/13/2018 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 09/25/2018 Bureau of Foreign Trade 12/05/2018 Ministry of Economic Affairs Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Democratic Progressive Party Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Bureau of Foreign Trade 01/14/2020 05/20/2020 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 01/28/2019 04/10/2019 07/04/2019 12/09/2020 Ministry of Economic Affairs 02/02/2021 04/16/2021 $336,023.910 $110,000.00 $132,000.00 $90,000.00 $30,000.00 $956,000.00 $108,000.00 TOTAL $3,149,377.58 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Democratic Progressive Party Bureau of Foreign Trade Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 09/08/2021 11/17/2021 01/19/2022 Democratic Progressive Party 04/02/2022 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Amount $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $150,000.00 $270,206.21 $53,500.00 $162,698.63 $132,000.00 $218,908.83 $150,000.00 Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC Richard A. Gephardt President & CEO Date: January 1, 2022 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/22/2022 15:16:31 PM
    4 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/22/2022 15:16:31 PM Gephardt GovernmentAffairs Gephardt Group Government Affairs Ltd, a Delaware Limited Liability Company lobbied Nancy Pelosi on behalf of four Taiwan institutions during 2018 to 2022. Total commission is $3,149,377.58. S.No. 1 2 3 4 1687 K. Sancet W | Sulte 800 | Washington, DC 20006 202.403.2150 www.gephartic.com 8 Ministry of Economic Affairs Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Democratic Progressive Party Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Bureau of Foreign Trade 05/20/2020 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Ministry of Economic Affairs Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Democratic Progressive Party 12/09/2020 02/02/2021 04/16/2021 09/08/2021 11/17/2021 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office. 01/19/2022 Democratic Progressive Party 13 Bureau of Foreign Trade 14 15 16 04/02/2022 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 9 10 11 12 Date 02/26/2018 06/13/2018 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 09/25/2018 Bureau of Foreign Trade. 12/05/2018 01/28/2019 04/10/2019 07/04/2019 01/14/2020 Clients Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Amount $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $150,000.00 $270,206.21 $53,500.00 $162,698.63 $132,000.00 $218,908.83 $150,000.00 $336,023.910 $110,000.00 $132,000.00 $90,000.00 $30,000.00 $956,000.00 $108,000.00 TOTAL $3.149.377.58 f政客爽Q Gephardi Group Government Affairs, LLC 蔡政府找公關公司遊說裴洛西 多達16次 共花費9400萬台幣 換來農產品禁運+台海煙火節
    15 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Seiring dengan perekonomian yang mulai membaik setelah pandemi, banyak negara mulai berbenah untuk kembali mendongkrak sektor pariwisatanya.Terbaru adalah Taiwan yang akan memberikan hadiah uang tunai untuk turis asing. Mengutip CNN, Perdana Menteri Taiwan Chen Chien-jen mengumumkan bahwa pemerintah memiliki target 6 juta wisatawan untuk tahun 2023. Angka ini akan digandakan untuk target tahun 2024. Mereka akan memberikan NT$5.000 (Rp 2,5 juta) kepada 500.000 turis per orang. Selain turis perorangan, pemerintah Taiwan juga berencana memberikan uang sebanyak NT$20.000 (Rp 10 juta) untuk 90.000 grup tur. Menteri Transportasi Wang Kuo-tsai mengatakan bahwa tunjangan uang tunai akan dikirimkan secara digital. Turis dapat menggunakannya untuk membiayai kebutuhan mereka selama berwisata di Taiwan, termasuk untuk akomodasi. Dia menambahkan pemberian uang tunai bertujuan untuk menarik lebih banyak pengunjung, terutama dari Jepang, Korea Selatan, Asia Tenggara, Hong Kong dan Makau, serta Eropa dan Amerika. Taiwan hanya dikunjungi tak sampai 900.000 turis asing pada 2022, menurut statistik dari Biro Pariwisata Taiwan. Kebanyakan turis berasal dari Vietnam, Indonesia, Jepang dan Amerika Serikat. Jumlah turis asing yang datang pada 2022 tersebut jauh di bawah jumlah yang tercatat pada 2019 di mana saat itu Taiwan memecahkan rekor 11,8 juta turis internasional, naik 7 persen dari tahun sebelumnya. Taiwan sendiri telah mencabut pembatasan terkait Covid pada Oktober 2022. Kebijakan ini diharapkan dapat menarik lebih banyak turis internasional untuk mengunjungi Taiwan.  Kendati demikian, pemerintah belum mengumumkan kapan skema pemberian uang akan dimulai atau bagaimana cara mendapatkan tunjangan tersebut. 翻譯 : 雅加達,CNBC 印度尼西亞——隨著大流行病後經濟開始好轉,許多國家開始改善旅遊業,再次提振旅遊業。最新的是台灣,它將向外國遊客提供現金獎勵。 援引美國有線電視新聞網的話說,台灣總理陳建仁宣布,政府的目標是到 2023 年接待 600 萬遊客。到 2024 年,這個數字將翻一番。 他們將向每人 500,000 名遊客提供 5,000 新台幣(250 萬印尼盾)。 除了個人遊客,台灣政府還計劃為 90,000 個旅行團提供多達 20,000 新台幣(1,000 萬印尼盾)的補助。 交通部長王國才表示,現金補貼將以數字方式發放。 遊客可以用它來滿足在台灣旅行時的需求,包括住宿。 他補充說,現金發放旨在吸引更多遊客,尤其是來自日本、韓國、東南亞、香港和澳門以及歐美的遊客。 據台灣旅遊局統計,2022年到台灣旅遊的外國遊客將只有不到90萬人次。 大多數遊客來自越南、印度尼西亞、日本和美國。 2022 年抵達的外國遊客人數遠低於 2019 年的記錄,當時台灣打破了 1180 萬國際遊客的記錄,比上一年增長了 7%。 台灣本身已於 2022 年 10 月解除與 Covid 相關的限制。這項政策有望吸引更多國際遊客訪問台灣。 但是,政府尚未宣布現金計劃何時開始或如何獲得福利。
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/22/2022 15:16:31 PM Gephardt Government Affairs Gephardt Group Government Affairs Ltd, a Delaware Limited Liability Company lobbied Nancy Pelosi on behalf of four Taiwan institutions during 2018 to 2022. Total commission in 53.149.377.58. S.No. 3 4 6 1687 K Street NW | Sule 800 | Washington, DC 20006 202.403.2150 www.gephard.com 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 Clients Date 02/26/2018 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 06/13/2018 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 09/25/2018 Bureau of Foreign Trade 12/05/2018 Ministry of Economic Affairs Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Democratic Progressive Party 01/28/2019 04/10/2019 07/04/2019 01/14/2020 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Bureau of Foreign Trade 05/20/2020 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 12/09/2020 Ministry of Economic Affairs 02/02/2021 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 04/16/2021 Democratic Progressive Party 09/08/2021 Bureau of Foreign Trade Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 11/17/2021 01/19/2022 Democratic Progressive Party 04/02/2022 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Amount $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $150,000.00 $270,206.21 $53,500.00 $162,698.63 Gephardi Group Government Affairs, LLC $132,000,00 $218,908.83 $150,000.00 $336,023.910 $110,000.00 $132,000.00 $90,000.00 $30,000,00 $956,000.00 $108,000.00 TOTAL $3.149.377.58 f政客爽Q 蔡政府找公關公司遊說裴洛西 多達16次 共花費9400萬台幣 換來農產品禁運+台海煙火節
    3 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Richart與多多欸小恐龍結合 9:03的超實用過年貼圖,邀請 2024 OPEN!新年快樂, <2 上山下海巡弋吃喝團(24) Q & = 各位親愛的海巡家人們: 已讀1 9:02 已讀1 9:02 2 趨勢科技防詐達人 家裡信箱若收到這禮券,立即撕 毀,是新詐騙手法,禮卷是假 的,千萬不能掃碼,個資及錢就 飛了!已經有人受騙了^_^ FamilyMart 商品禮券 年终感恩大回饋 新台幣 伍佰团 掃碼加入官方好友 即可領取現金禮券2000元 全台通路皆可使用 新台幣 事實釐清 網傳:信箱收到超商禮券 這是詐騙手法? 經查:確實為詐騙傳單 看看 事實查核中心 怎麼說 2023/01/09 (100% 1X) 【報告將隨時更新 2023/1/9版】 2023年1月流傳「超商禮券」詐騙提 醒,確實有民眾在2022年收到這一 類詐騙傳單,查核報告編號 1933 曾 破解此類超商傳單信件為... 99 N.T.$500 本券亦可在VOLKS沃克牛排門 VOLKS*41 ⑤ 真的 和這篇 查核者 真 超商發行 商品卡等 到超商京
    1 人回報1 則回應8 個月前
  • + 4:20 <99 中正理工3...學群組 (91) 9 下午1:50 以下為尚未閱讀的訊息 歐陽志青 各位。不管在哪,看 見不能飛,不能走, 在地上掙扎的鳥,千 萬不能抓,怕是M痘 傳染,有關社區己通 知,望大家注意!M 痘俗稱猴痘,資料來自 長庚。 下午4:16 B 0:41 → Telegram liputan7 Aa 下午4:16
    1 人回報1 則回應2 天前
  • Travel.State.Gov U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE-BUREAU of CONSULAR AFFAIRS Travel State Gov > Travel Advisories > Taiwan Travel Advisory U.S. Passports International Travel Taiwan Travel Advisory Travel Advisory October 5, 2022 Taiwan-Level 3: Reconsider Travel U.S. Visas Last Update: Reissued with updates to health information Reconsider travel to Taiwan due to COVID-19-related restrictions. Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Taiwan. There are restrictions in place affecting U.S. citizen entry into Taiwan. If you decide to travel to Taiwan: Intercountry Adoption . Read the Department of State's COVID-19 page before planning any international travel, and read the American Institute in Taiwan's COVID-19 page for Taiwan-specific COVID-19 information. • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter Review the Country Security Report for Taiwan. • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel. International Parental Child Abduction DELL Records and Authentications Travel Advisory Levels 1 Exercise normal precautions 2 Exercise increased caution 3 Reconsider travel 4 Do not travel Information for Vaccinated Travelers The CDC's latest guidance on international travel for vaccinated people can be found here Print Email f
    5 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 🔵第一次世界大戰發生時間: 1914年7月28日。 19+14+7+28=【68】。 🔵第二次世界大戰發生時間: 1939年1月09日。 19+39+1+09=【68】。 🔵俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭發生時間: 2022年2月24日。 20+22+2+24=【68】。 是巧合嗎?還是天意呢?
    8 人回報1 則回應3 年前