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  • 新华社受权公告 2022-08-02 22:59:35 来源: 新华网   新华社北京8月2日电 2022年8月2日新华社受权公告:中国人民解放军将于北京时间2022年8月4日12时至7日12时,在以下海域和空域,进行重要军事演训行动,并组织实弹射击。具体为:   北纬25°15′26″、东经120°29′20″,北纬24°50′30″、东经120°05′45″,北纬25°04′32″、东经119°51′22″,北纬25°28′12″、东经120°14′30″四点连线。   北纬26°07′00″、东经121°57′00″,北纬25°30′00″、东经121°57′00″,北纬25°30′00″、东经121°28′00″,北纬26°07′00″、东经121°28′00″四点连线。   北纬25°34′00″、东经122°50′00″,北纬25°03′00″、东经122°50′00″,北纬25°03′00″、东经122°11′00″,北纬25°34′00″、东经122°11′00″四点连线。   北纬22°56′00″、东经122°40′00″,北纬23°38′00″、东经122°51′00″,北纬23°38′00″、东经123°23′00″,北纬22°56′00″、东经123°09′00″四点连线。   北纬21°14′00″、东经121°33′00″,北纬21°33′00″、东经121°18′00″,北纬21°07′00″、东经120°43′00″,北纬20°48′00″、东经120°59′00″四点连线。   北纬22°43′00″、东经119°14′00″,北纬22°10′00″、东经119°06′00″,北纬21°33′00″、东经120°29′00″,北纬22°09′00″、东经120°32′00″四点连线。   为了安全,在此期间有关船只和飞行器不要进入上述海域和空域。 http://www.news.cn/politics/2022-08/02/c_1128885591.htm
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 轉載 前美國在台協會處長司徒文「欣賞一個近代奇蹟 - 台灣」原文內容摘要整理 出處:CIA World Factbook - 台灣人口多過世界上77%的國家 - 台灣面積大過世界上46%的國家 出處:World Bank - PPP購買力平價計算台灣生產總值世界第22位。 - 購買力平價人均所得是經濟學家認為較佳指標。 - 台灣第28位,澳洲29,加34,英39,法40,日42,韓46,以色列55,中國105。 - 美國第11大貿易夥伴。 出處:Heritage Foundation Index - 186國經濟自由度排名,台灣10,德25,韓27,日30,以色列31,法71,中國110。 出處:Global Economic Forum Competitiveness - 全球競爭力,台灣13,澳14,韓15,法17,以色列20,中國28。 出處:World Bank - Easy of doing business with作生意方便度,台灣13,澳18,加22,德24,法32,荷36,日39,中國46。 出處:World Facebook - 衡量貧富差距的吉尼指數,台灣為全球前1/3貧富差距較小的國家。 - 全球貧富差距最嚴重的排名,頼索托1,南非2,美4,香港9,中國31,馬32,新38,台灣112。 出處:US Patent & Trade Office - 全球科技創新排名,2015-16台灣第5,2017-18第6。 - 美,日,韓,德,中國,領先台灣,這些國家人口遠高於台灣。 - 奈米等全球新科技,2016台灣第4,2017第5。 - 全球積體電路,2016-19台灣連續4年全球第1。 出處:Semiconductor Research Insight - 半導體全球市佔率,台灣第一21.8%,韓21.3%,日16.8%,北美12.8%,中國12.5%。 出處:Business Insider - Most technologically advanced 85 cities,台北亞洲第一,全球第5。 - 衡量標準為,number of per capital patent,number of start ups,level of smart phone use。 出處:Business Insider - 比較項目為,工業設計,硬體,large PC company HQ,# of venture capitalist。 - 台北是亞洲唯一進入全球前5名的城市。 出處:Program of international student assessment test - 15歲學生之科學及數學測試,台灣列70國家前4名。 出處:Freedom House survey 2018 - 民主,自由,法制,人權水準評分,台灣93分,美國86,香港59,中國14。 - 全球排名,台灣第8,美國15。 - 台灣民主轉型用時10年,1986-1996。 出處:UN World Happiness Report 2018 - 幸福指數衡量標準為,sense of well being,freedom of life choice,per capital income,social support,healthy life expectancy at birth,generosity ,perception of corruption by governances ,honesty,trust,very inexpensive education,virtually free health care,convenient transportation,accessible cities,excellent restaurants,wonderful culture,opportunities,great scenery,etc. - 台灣為亞洲第一,全球26,新34,日54,韓57,香港76,中國86。 出處:International Expat Insider survey - 外派喜好度,2016台北第一,2017第4,2018第2。 - quality of urban living,2018台北第一。 - Expat city ranking 全球第5。 - 衡量標準為,satisfaction with availability,affordability,quality of medical care,local transportation,personal safty,etc. 出處:Numbeo’s Crime Index 2019 - 全球排名第4安全的國家。 - 僅次於Qarta,Japan,UAE。 出處:InterNations Survey - 城市友善度,台北全球第一,94% ranking。 - 衡量標準,general friendiness,positive attitude toward foreign residents。 出處:Customer of Booking 2018 - 全球最友善城市,台北第5。 司徒文禮貌表達背後的話是 - 台灣人不自覺,外國人都熱愛台灣, - 台灣人在考慮自己未來時,應知自己難得的成就, - 人在福中不知福。
    2 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • Professor, you said a lot of wonderful things about China, and surely they're doing a lot of things right. But how do you reconcile the fact that to make it work for China, it seems to be based on a high level of repression? Environmental destruction, censorship, a certain ideological stubbornness. I mean, we've spoken about Hong Kong, the Uighurs. How do you reconcile that, and do you think that's tolerable? Thank you. I'm really glad you asked that question, because your question captured very well the Anglo-Saxon media's perception of China. And I would suggest to you, very bluntly, that it's a distorted perspective of reality. Let's take the first word you use, repression. If the Communist Party of China only relied on repression to stay in power, it would not create the most dynamic economy in the world, right? It is by far the most dynamic economy in the world. It has delivered the fastest growing economy for 30 years. And it has done this by educating the Chinese people to a level and extent that the Chinese people have never been educated ever before. And you say it's repression? You obviously are taking the old Cold War mindset. I was in Moscow in 1976, and I saw repression in Moscow. And when I was in Moscow, the Soviet citizens were not allowed to travel outside the Soviet Union. That's repression. In the year 2019, 139 million Chinese left China freely. Guess what? Zero defectors. 139 million Chinese, right? That's twice the population of the UK, went back to China. So all your description, when you say environmental degradation, China's climate change policies are far more responsible than those of the United States, which has not once, but twice withdrawn from global environmental protocols. Kyoto Protocol, the Bush administration left eight years. Paris Accords, Trump administration left four years. And you know what? The reason why we're having climate change today is not because of new flows of greenhouse gas emissions from China and India. It's because of what the Western countries have put in the atmosphere since the Western Industrial Revolution. Get the data. The single largest contributor, cumulatively, right? It's number one, United States, number two, Europe, number three, China, right? And the West wants China to pay an economic price for the current flows, but the West doesn't want to pay an economic price for what it put in the atmosphere. You want to deprive the Indians of electricity when the United States could just, by the way, if the United States could impose a dollar a gallon tax, that would save the world. Cut down gasoline consumption, raise money for investment in green technology, simple solutions. And by contrast, the largest reforestation program in the world is carried out by China. It has already reforested an area the size of Belgium or bigger, right? So all your descriptions capture the natural distortions of China that you get in the Anglo-Saxon media, which violate the rules of the Enlightenment, which say that you must be rational, calm and objective, especially in understanding your adversary. And if the Chinese were as stupid and as incompetent as you describe them to be, don't worry about them. But I can assure you, you are now dealing with a far more intelligent and rational actor that doesn't fit any of the Anglo-Saxon categories that you applied to them. Please forgive my bluntness.
    3 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 《紐約時報》 2021報導。 在安全性排名中,排名前四的都是中國疫苗: 1.國藥(中國) 2. Sinovac(中國) 3.剋星(中國) 4.信諾(中國) 5.阿斯利康(英國) 6.輝瑞(美國和德國) 7.摩德納(美國) 8.強生(美國) 9. Novavax(美國) 10.衛星5(俄羅斯) 國藥有兩種疫苗,分別排名第一和第二。 中國已經向全球50多個國家出口了超過5億劑疫苗,據估計已有數億人接種了疫苗。 而且中國的疫苗事故率更低,更安全。 據西方媒體報導,英國許多有錢人飛往阿聯酋為中藥注射疫苗。 Report by The New York Times on Feb 5, 2021. In the safety ranking, the top four are all Chinese vaccines: 1. Sinopharm (China) 2. Sinovac (China) 3. Kexing (China) 4. Can Sino (China) 5. AstraZeneca (UK) 6. Pfizer (United States and Germany) 7. Modena (United States) 8. Johnson & Johnson (United States) 9. Novavax (United States) 10. Satellite 5 (Russia) Sinopharm has two vaccines, ranking first and second respectively. China has exported more than 500 million doses of vaccines to more than 50 countries around the world, and it is estimated that hundreds of millions of people have been vaccinated. And China's vaccine accident rate is lower and safer. As reported by Western media, many wealthy people in Britain fly to the UAE to vaccinate Chinese national medicine. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/05/opinion/covid-vaccines-china-russia.html
    2 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Israel DOES NOT use China vaccines at all, but Israel uses only Moderna+Pfizzer vaccines, and that is why Israel has record number of daily cases now, and the number of daily cases in Israel is now higher than before vaccination started, and the vast majority of Israel people have already been vaccinated . The reason for the failure to stop virus spread in Israel and also in Singapore, is because Moderna+Pfizzer vaccines, are NOT EFFECTIVE against the delta variant, and the effectiveness will keep dropping every month. Both Israel and Singapore made the same mistake, of naively and trusting in full, the USA fake news media claim, that wildly overstate the effectiveness of vaccines like Moderna+Pfizzer vaccines, and the same USA fake news media FALSELY CLAIM that China vaccines are not effective, but in the real world, China vaccines turn out to be the most effective, especially against the Delta variant . Click the graph below, and see for yourself, the exploding and record number of daily virus cases in Israel, which uses the moderna and pfizzer vaccines at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/ Now click the graph below, and see for yourself that daily virus cases in China which uses only China vaccines, has already stabilized and life is back to normal since 17 months ago at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/china/ Now click the graph below, and see for yourself that daily virus cases in Bahrain which uses mainly China vaccines, has already stabilized and life is back to normal at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/bahrain/ Now click the graph below, and see for yourself that daily virus cases in Chile which uses mainly China vaccines, has already stabilized and life is back to normal at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/chile/
    1 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 寫的太好了,值得閱讀,Ratan Tata 是印度塔塔汽車公司創辦人,是印度最大的汽車廠 Nice line from Ratan Tata's Lecture in London 👉1.Don't educate your children to be rich. *Educate them to be Happy* . So when they grow up they will know the value of things not the price 👉2. "Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food" 👉3. The One who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reason to give up they will find one reason to hold on 👉4. There is a lot of difference between *human being* and *being human*. A Few who understand it. 👉5. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between You have to manage...! If u want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone..! But if u want to Walk Far, Walk Together! *Six Best Doctors in the World* : 1. *Sunlight* 2. *Rest* 3.*Exercise* 4. *Diet* 5. *Self Confidence* & 6. *Friends* Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy healthy life If you see the moon ..... You see the beauty of God ..... If you see the Sun ..... You see the power of God ..... And .. If you see the Mirror ....You see the best Creation of GOD .... So Believe in YOURSELF.... :). We all are tourists & God is our travel agent who already fixed all our Routes Reservations & Destinations. So! Trust him & Enjoy the "Trip" called LIFE... Send to all people who are important to you...😊😊
    1 人回報1 則回應8 年前
  • g0v Hackathon @NYC Tickets, Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite Eventbrite - NYC g0v / NYC CaféPhilo presents g0v Hackathon @NYC - Saturday, November 5, 2016 | Sunday, November 6, 2016 in New York, NY. Find event ... https://www.eventbrite.com/e/g0v-hackathon-nyc-tic...
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • Reprinted, Philippine President Duterte's excellent comments on the US "pertinence" and "point": 👍👍👍 * When you choose the United States, you have chosen war. If you choose China, you choose peace. * The United States is only the only important commodity sold to the Philippines, which is "arms." The price is very expensive but it is a rotten thing that others have thrown away. * China exports all kinds of shushu, infrastructure, and colorful goods. Only stupid people and unqualified people cannot see them. * The United States likes to create hatred, turmoil, war, deceptive investments, and then take a lot of wealth back to the United States. Creating hatred will enable everyone to buy more arms from the United States. * The United States is the most evil country in the world. He wants to establish the U.S. dollar as the only international mobile currency, so that Americans can enjoy it. * In order to continuously recoup the US dollar in the market, the United States needs to continuously create turmoil and conflict, and it can take the opportunity to sell a large number of weapons. * The United States fought a total of 222 wars in 239 years in history. Their hands were stained with the blood of countless innocent people. * Americans like to promote their democracy and human rights everywhere. In fact, it is in a truly evil country of humanity, human rights and anti-democracy. I really don't know how many people their missiles have killed in the world. It is a veritable "cannibal country". * So far, everyone knows clearly why the United States cannot coexist with China. * The United States keeps singing about peace and building, all of which are deceiving things. * China is a country that truly builds a "fate community." An organization that makes good use of increasing national strength to apply scientific, technological, military, and economic strength to maintain world peace. Of course, this will also make the United States angry. * The world is peace. Why does the United States make the world so chaotic. China only hopes to develop into a powerful country in science and technology, which will definitely make the United States unhappy. * So in the future Sino-U.S. Struggle, China's path is mutual benefit and win-win, or Americans like to walk their own path. * I firmly believe that China is absolutely capable of building human justice and conscience. Create high-tech and high-end products to contribute to the true "community of human destiny". 👍👍👍
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 報告編號(Report ID):HC20050681 樣品名稱和編號 (Sample Descnption and Number) A18669501 植萃粉 檢測項目 (Test Ltems) 感官 水分,% 鉛(以Pb計), mg/kg ESTC Test Report 檢測結果 (Test Results) 限值 (Limit) 沖調或沖泡後具有 該產品應有的色澤、 香氣和滋味,無異 味,無外來雜質。 <7.0 <1.0 菌落總數,CFU/g | m=10²m=5×10" n=5,c=2, 大腸菌群,CFU/g 黴菌,CFU/g 沙門氏菌/25g 金黃色葡萄球菌, /25g n=5, c=2, m=10,m=10² <50 檢測結果 (Test Resuit) 符合要求 0.51 未檢出 (<0.02) <10, <10, <10, <10, <10 <10, <10, <10, <10, <10 15 未檢出 未檢出 單項結論 (Evaluation) 符合 符合 符合 符合 符合 符合 Page 2 of 2 檢測依據 (Test Methods) The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Limited 香港標準及檢定中心有限公司 10 Dai Wang Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T. Hong Kong 香港新界大埔工業邨大宏街10號 Tel: +852 2666 1888 Fax:+852 2664 4353 Emall: [email protected] Website:www.stc.group GB/T 29602-2013 GB 5009.3-2016 GB 5009.12-2017 GB 4789.2-2016 GB 4789.3-2016 GB478915-2016 GB 4789.4-2016 GB 4789.10-2016 HONG KONG STA 正 CHUNG On Ping, Karen Authorized Signatory Chemical and Food Department For and on behalf of The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the text mentioned before, the English version shall prevail to the extent of such discrepancy only,.. This report shall not be reproduced unless with prior written approval from The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Limited. For Conditions of Issuance of this test report, please refer to the overleaf and Website. 除非事先得到香港標準及檢定中心有限公司的書面批准,否則不得自行複印此報告。測試報告相關的簽發條款,請參閱背頁和本公司網頁。
    2 人回報1 則回應9 個月前
  • 2022年6月COVID-19確診死亡人數統計表 (依據 中央流行疫情指揮中心) 日期| 接種疫苗接種疫苗接種疫苗接種疫苗接種疫苗 未打疫苗 確診死亡 1劑死亡 2劑死亡 3劑死亡 4劑死亡 死亡合計 死亡合計 合計 10 19 38 67 55 122 19 21 54 94 50 144 21 16 38 75 67 142 12 14 55 81 71 152 9 15 43 67 57 124 24 22 41 87 64 151 15 19 43 77 47 124 17 13 58 88 71 159 17 37 74 128 83 211 22 28 78 128 85 213 21 26 70 117 94 211 16 20 53 89 74 163 11 11 43 65 44 109 13 18 44 75 48 123 15 1)疫苗打3劑比打1、2劑死亡多 。 162)打疫苗比未打疫苗死亡多。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 累計死亡 2377 2521 2663 2815 2939 3090 3214 3373 3584 3797 4008 4171 4280 4403 173)疫苗接種弱化自體免疫力?接種次數愈多,自體免疫力愈弱?
    19 人回報1 則回應2 年前