
44 人回報3 年前
Himalayan monkey flower. Blooms
once in 20 years




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  • Professor, you said a lot of wonderful things about China, and surely they're doing a lot of things right. But how do you reconcile the fact that to make it work for China, it seems to be based on a high level of repression? Environmental destruction, censorship, a certain ideological stubbornness. I mean, we've spoken about Hong Kong, the Uighurs. How do you reconcile that, and do you think that's tolerable? Thank you. I'm really glad you asked that question, because your question captured very well the Anglo-Saxon media's perception of China. And I would suggest to you, very bluntly, that it's a distorted perspective of reality. Let's take the first word you use, repression. If the Communist Party of China only relied on repression to stay in power, it would not create the most dynamic economy in the world, right? It is by far the most dynamic economy in the world. It has delivered the fastest growing economy for 30 years. And it has done this by educating the Chinese people to a level and extent that the Chinese people have never been educated ever before. And you say it's repression? You obviously are taking the old Cold War mindset. I was in Moscow in 1976, and I saw repression in Moscow. And when I was in Moscow, the Soviet citizens were not allowed to travel outside the Soviet Union. That's repression. In the year 2019, 139 million Chinese left China freely. Guess what? Zero defectors. 139 million Chinese, right? That's twice the population of the UK, went back to China. So all your description, when you say environmental degradation, China's climate change policies are far more responsible than those of the United States, which has not once, but twice withdrawn from global environmental protocols. Kyoto Protocol, the Bush administration left eight years. Paris Accords, Trump administration left four years. And you know what? The reason why we're having climate change today is not because of new flows of greenhouse gas emissions from China and India. It's because of what the Western countries have put in the atmosphere since the Western Industrial Revolution. Get the data. The single largest contributor, cumulatively, right? It's number one, United States, number two, Europe, number three, China, right? And the West wants China to pay an economic price for the current flows, but the West doesn't want to pay an economic price for what it put in the atmosphere. You want to deprive the Indians of electricity when the United States could just, by the way, if the United States could impose a dollar a gallon tax, that would save the world. Cut down gasoline consumption, raise money for investment in green technology, simple solutions. And by contrast, the largest reforestation program in the world is carried out by China. It has already reforested an area the size of Belgium or bigger, right? So all your descriptions capture the natural distortions of China that you get in the Anglo-Saxon media, which violate the rules of the Enlightenment, which say that you must be rational, calm and objective, especially in understanding your adversary. And if the Chinese were as stupid and as incompetent as you describe them to be, don't worry about them. But I can assure you, you are now dealing with a far more intelligent and rational actor that doesn't fit any of the Anglo-Saxon categories that you applied to them. Please forgive my bluntness.
    3 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Okay, I'm just going to stand here and take this all in 40 years not letting go of this. So just quickly, thank you Hollywood Foreign Press for giving me this honor. It's been an amazing journey and incredible fight to be here today. But I think it's been worth it. I remember when I first came to Hollywood. It was a dream come true until I got here because look at this face. I came here and was told you're a minority and I'm like, no, that's not possible. And then someone said to me, you speak English. I mean, forget about them not knowing Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Asia, India. And then I said, yeah, the flight here was about 13 hours long. So I learned. As time went by, as I just turned, I turned 60 last year. And I think all of you women understand this as the days, the years and the numbers get bigger, it seems like opportunities start to get smaller as well. And I probably was at a time where I thought, well, hey, come on, girl, you had a really, really good run. You worked with some of the best people, Steven Spielberg, Jim Cameron and Danny Boyle. And so it's good. It's all good. Then along came the best gift, everything, everywhere. All at once. Shut up, please. I can beat you up, okay? And that's serious. And I thank you, A24, Leyline, for believing in these two goofy, insanely smart, wonderful geniuses, the Daniels, who had the courage, who had the courage to write about a very ordinary immigrant, aging woman, mother, daughter, who was the worst thing trying to do her audit. She was being audited by the IRS, played by the most amazing Jamie Lee Curtis. I love you. I was given this gift of playing this woman who resonated so deeply with me and with so many people, because at the end of the day, in whatever universe she was at, she was just fighting, fighting for love, for her family. And without Evelyn Wong was no one without Kee Kwe Kwan, Raymond Wong, and there was no joy in her life without Stephanie Hsu, the most amazing Stephanie Hsu, and my hard dog lover, Jamie Lee Curtis. To Jonathan Wong, my producer, thank you for being there with us every step of the way. My managers, David Unger and Kit Wong, who believed in me. And this is also for all the shoulders that I stand on, all who came before me, who looks like me, and all who are going on this journey with me forward. So thank you for believing in us. Thank you. Thank you so much.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 【ALPS 與東京電力公司 從來都不可靠】 【ALPS and TEPCO have proven to be unreliable 】 福島排放核污水,最重要的環節是多核素處理系統(ALPS)處理核污水的成效。東京電力公司聲稱污水中除氚以外的放射性物質可全部去除,包括: 鈷-60 (半衰期5年) 鍶-90(半衰期29年) 銫-137 (半衰期30年) 碳-14(半衰期5,730年) 碘-129 (半衰期1,570萬年) 不過,根據日本「ALPS小組委員會」報告顯示,132萬噸核污水經過ALPS 處理後,居然有73%的廢水放射性物質合量超標,東電美其名污水會作「二次處理」,但至今未有進一步數據。 而且,ALPS運行至今問題多多。2016年,系統被發現有4處洩漏。2018年,日本共同社披露「處理水」中的碘、銫等放射性元素超標。2021年,ALPS濾網過半數出現損壞,而濾網在兩年前剛換過。 東京電力公司本身亦是案底纍纍,在核電安全方面屢有隱瞞虛報和篡改紀錄的前科。2002年爆出東電近20年裏篡改或偽造核電廠安全檢查紀錄29份,董事長及總裁等高層宣布辭職;2007年東電承認自1977年起在福島第一、第二核電站等199次例行檢查中篡改檢測數據,隱瞞反應堆故障;2021年亦被爆隱瞞ALPS濾網破損。 2022年10月,《東京新聞》披露東電以有問題的輻射檢測儀誤導參觀者,以證明「ALPS處理水」的安全性。 美國海洋實驗室協會 (The U.S. National Association of Marine Laboratories),一個由100多個成員實驗室組成的組織發表立場文件,指日本缺乏足夠準確的科學數據支持排放核污水的安全性,相反有大量數據顯示釋放放射性污水存在嚴重隱憂,促請日本政府停止排污計劃,並與更廣泛的科學界別合作。 The crucial step in the Fukushima wastewater release is the operation of advanced liquid processing system (ALPS) to treat the nuclear waste. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) claims that all radioactive substances, except for tritium, can be completely removed from the wastewater, including: - Cobalt-60 (half-life of 5 years) - Strontium-90 (half-life of 29 years) - Cesium-137 (half-life of 30 years) - Carbon-14 (half-life of 5,730 years) - Iodine-129 (half-life of 15.7 million years) However, according to a report by the ALPS Subcommittee in Japan, 73% of the treated wastewater, out of 1.32 million tons, still exceeded the acceptable levels of radioactive substances. TEPCO claimed that the wastewater would undergo "secondary treatment," but no further data has been provided thus far. Furthermore, ALPS has faced numerous issues since its operation. In 2016, the system was found to have four leaks. In 2018, the Japanese Kyodo News revealed that radioactive elements such as iodine and cesium in the "treated water" exceeded the permissible limits. In 2021, over half of the ALPS filters were found to be damaged, despite having been replaced just two years before. TEPCO itself has a history of concealing and falsifying records regarding nuclear power plant safety. In 2002, it was revealed that TEPCO had tampered with or fabricated safety inspection records for nearly 20 years, leading to the resignation of top executives. In 2007, TEPCO admitted to falsifying inspection data in 199 instances since 1977 at Fukushima Daiichi and Daini nuclear power plants, concealing reactor malfunctions. In 2021, it was exposed that TEPCO had concealed the damage to ALPS filters. In October 2022, Tokyo Shimbun reported that TEPCO misled visitors with faulty radiation measurement devices to prove the safety of the "ALPS-treated water." The U.S. National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML), an organization composed of over 100 member laboratories, published a position paper stating that Japan lacks sufficient accurate scientific data to support the safety of releasing nuclear wastewater. On the contrary, ample data indicates serious concerns regarding the release of radioactive wastewater. NAML urged the Japanese government to halt the discharge plan and collaborate with a broader scientific community. https://www.naml.org/policy/documents/2022-12-12%20Position%20Paper,%20Release%20of%20Radioactively%20Contaminated%20Water%20into%20the%20Ocean.pdf #日本 #核廢水 #核污染 #福島核電站 #福島 #japan #radioactive #fish #powerplant #fukushima #nuclearpower #saveouroceans #saynotodumping
    1 人回報3 則回應1 年前
  • (heart)振興金計度小月!(moon) 會員獨享~立即加入 (yes)「就是今天」(yes) #快來美廉社領振興券 - (ok)步驟1 會員記得帶美廉社會員卡 或出示手機「美廉社LINE電子會員」 (scissors)步驟2 來美廉社消費 不限金額 (surprise) 過卡 就贈送一本 價值250元的 美廉社折價券(heart) - #美廉社回饋社會 #與你防疫 (purse)陪你省錢 (lightbulb)振興券使用期限3/25-4/20 (flower) 折價卷數量有限 僅送會員 數量有限 送完為止 - 記得帶會員卡(loveletter) 或「出示美廉社LINE電子會員」 記得帶會員卡(loveletter) 或「出示美廉社LINE電子會員」 記得帶會員卡(loveletter) 或「出示美廉社LINE電子會員」 - 還沒有電子會員 快用手機 立刻綁定!!!!! (chick)(chick)(chick)(chick)(chick)
    1 人回報2 則回應5 年前
  • 也太準了吧,嚇死人了。 ≥此書是由已故美國靈媒Sylvia Browne與Lindsay Harrison於 2008年合著,書名為《末日:有關世界末日的預言》(End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies about the End of the World),書中有一個段落寫到:大約在2020年,一種類肺炎的 嚴重疾病會在全球散播,這場疫情能攻擊肺部和支氣管,而且 抵抗所有已知的療法,它迅速爆發的同時,也會突然迅速消失 不見,然後將在未来10年後再次爆發,最終才完全消失。 Sylvia Browne 2013. described, but they're worth mentioning: . A bacterial infection resembling the "flesh-eating disease" of several years ago will arrive in 2010, transmitted to humans by almost microscopic mites undetectably imported on exotic birds. Known medications and antibiotics will be completely ineffective against this funguslike, extremely contagious disease, and its victims will be quarantined until it's discovered that the bacteria can be destroyed through some combination of electrical currents and extreme heat. In around 2020 a severe pneumonia like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish a quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely. Strides in mental health in the first half of this century will be extraordinary, virtually eliminating the majority of the disorders 312 HD O phrer Earlier w ants will alimbala chologi e childre No later more p which cr v je very p balance which tre solving th hen ca tidepre indicate appropri red bet ders and when th address perman By 20 develop ness. T
    3 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • We like war. We like war. We're a war like people. We like war because we're good at it. You know why we're good at it? Because we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war in this country every 20 years, so we're good at it. Got no steel industry left, can't get healthcare or old people, can't educate our young people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country, alright? Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, and they're elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do, folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces. Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, if you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. So maybe, maybe, maybe it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here, like the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody. The public sucks. Fuck hope. Fuck hope. It's never going to get any better. Don't look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now. The real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They've got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying to get what they want.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • We like war. We like war. We're a war like people. We like war because we're good at it. You know why we're good at it? Because we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war in this country every 20 years, so we're good at it. Got no steel industry left, can't get healthcare for our old people, can't educate our young people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country, alright? Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, and they're elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do, folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces. Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, if you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. So maybe, maybe, maybe it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here, like the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody. The public sucks. Fuck hope. Fuck hope. It's never going to get any better. Don't look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now. The real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They've got the judges in their back pockets, and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 那些民進黨不敢跟你說的事 美國國會眾議員Chris Smith (R-NJ) 對綠營反對監督制衡的國會改革法案 Chairman Smith congratulates Taiwan's new president and vice president Washington, May 20, 2024 | Michael f Finan (202-225-3765) US Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ),Chairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China and senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement on the inauguration of Taiwan's new president and vice president: "Congratulations to William Lai and Bi-khim Hsiao on their inauguration as President and Vice President of the Republic of China (Taiwan)-a vibrant democracy that stands in stark contrast to the tyranny of Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). President Lai's rise from the son of a coal miner to leadership of a nation of over 23 million people serves as a great example of grit, determination, and opportunity far from Xi Jinping's pampered upbringing and a rigged system set for the son of a party boss. Vice President Hsiao-who I know as Taiwan's former de facto ambassador to the United States-is a foreign relations expert whose understanding of America will be of great assistance to President Lai as he navigates the threat from across the Taiwan Strait. One of the first challenges President Lai may need to overcome is disruption from hardcore members of his own Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the Legislative Yuan who oppose stronger checks and balances reforms that the DPP once favored and are the hallmark of a mature and thriving democracy. Additionally, Presider Koo should work to strer Taiwan's armed services ( China. The United States support as you embark on t 表達擔憂! 美國國會眾議員Chris Smith (R-NJ) 現任「美國國會及行政當局中國委員會」主席 在他辦公室發布的祝賀賴清德就任新聞稿中, 明確指出民進黨立法委員阻撓國會改革。 One of the first challenges President Lai may need to overcome is disruption from hardcore members of his own Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the Legislative Yuan who oppose stronger checks and balances reforms that the DPP once favored and are the hallmark of a mature and thriving democracy. 中文翻譯 賴清德總統需要優先克服的其中一個挑戰 就是民進黨激進份子在立法院的破壞。 民進黨激進份子反對 增強監督制衡的國會改革法案。 民進黨自己也曾經支持過這些法案。 這些法案 是一個成熟且繁榮的民主的表徵。 國民黨發言人 楊智行
    3 人回報3 則回應4 個月前
  • (smile)107年起高雄市生育津貼調整 ➊領取生育津貼 第1胎1萬元、第2胎2萬元、第3胎以上3萬元 ➋免費坐月子到宅服務 第1胎80小時、第2胎160小時、第3胎以上240小時 https://goo.gl/gH951u ★「生育津貼」新制實施,第3胎權益不受損 https://goo.gl/vUfEbq (bag)購物自備環保袋、減塑愛地球 https://goo.gl/XEgh5a (star)房屋租金保證收3年! 高雄包租代管,徵求房東委託出租享優惠! https://goo.gl/i1Ndn5 (flower)高雄貨櫃藝術節 3/4前@駁二藝術特區,超過20個大型貨櫃,為銀髮族打造銀閃閃樂園 https://goo.gl/UvdCxS (train)「冬季大眾運輸免費搭」 高捷運量大幅成長 ►實施首月106年12月捷運總運量較105年12月增加432,510人次、成長7.7%,尖峰時段平均增長幅度26%、最高增長幅度更達32% https://goo.gl/oViYcj ►大眾運輸免費措施滿月 車流量及污染物均減少 https://goo.gl/XsqBNq
    2 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • Oh, we like war. We like war. We're a war-like people. We like war because we're good at it. You know why we're good at it? Because we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war every 20 years in this country, so we're good at it. And it's a good thing we are. We're not very good at anything else anymore. Can't build a decent car. Can't make a TV set or a VCR. What the fuck? Got no steel industry left. Can't educate our young people. Can't get health care to our old people. But we can bomb the shit out of your country, all right? We can bomb the shit out of your country, all right? Especially if your country is full of brown people. Oh, we like that, don't we? That's our hobby. That's our new job in the world, bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya. You've got some brown people in your country. Tell them to watch the fuck out. Or we'll goddamn bomb them. But when's the last white people you can remember that we bombed? Can you remember the last white? Can you remember any white people we've ever bombed? The Germans. Those are the only ones. And that's only because they were trying to cut in on our action. They wanted to dominate the world. Bullshit. That's our fucking job. Think of how we started. Think of that. This country was founded by a group of slave owners who told us all men are created equal. Oh yeah. All men. Except for Indians and niggers and women, right? Always like to use that authentic American language. This was a small group of unelected white male land-holding slave owners who also suggested their class be the only one allowed to vote. Now that is what's known as being stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit. I think Americans really show their ignorance when they say they want their politicians to be honest. What are these fucking cretins talking about? If honesty were suddenly introduced into American life, the whole system would collapse. No one would know what to do. Honesty would fuck this country up. And I think deep down Americans know that. That's why they elected and re-elected Bill Clinton. That's why. Because the American people like their bullshit right out front where they can get a good strong whiff of it. Clinton might be full of shit, but at least he lets you know it. Dole tried to hide it, didn't he? Dole kept saying, I'm a plain and honest man. Bullshit. People don't believe that. What did Clinton say? He said, hi folks, I'm completely full of shit, and how do you like that? And the people said, you know something, at least he's honest.
    1 人回報2 則回應2 年前