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《You're far away》




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  • We learned this morning that the FDA is now saying that it's OK to take ivermectin if you have COVID. I mean, Senator, I remember talking with you repeatedly during COVID about your upset that you were they were trying to cancel you because you were talking to doctors to try to find out the right ways to treat COVID without having to get too many boosters and COVID shots. My COVID was gone in a day when I took ivermectin. And now three years later, the FDA says, oh, yeah, that's fine. Take ivermectin. What? Maria, you know, the doctors I've been dealing with and talking to for years now, they believe that probably hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives because they were denied really treatment. And they were denied it because the FDA sabotaged, for example, ivermectin. They said, come on, y'all, you're not a cow, you're not a horse. This is supposedly horse medicine. No, this is a Nobel Prize-winning medicine that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It did save many, many lives because people you did have doctors with the courage to and the compassion to actually treat patients using it and putting at risk their medical license. But unfortunately, you say, what can we do? Well, we do have reporters like yourself like John Solomon, other people that have the courage to report the truth against the mainstream media and against the narrative. But that's the only way this is going to be solved is we need the truth to be exposed. We need more Americans to listen to the truth, to be exposed to the truth, to pull their heads out in the sand, quite honestly, open up their eyes and understand what is happening in this country. We are going down a very dangerous path, but it's a path that is being laid out and planned by an elite group of people that want to take total control over our lives. And that's what they're doing bit by bit. They do it by increasing massive government spending, increase the size of government, take over of the who, these amendments that are coming up that are going to be voted on in 2024, the who are frightening and they really risk taking away all of our sovereignty. People have to awaken to the dangers of the moment.
    2 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 《轉載自成大華府校友會》 不知道是否過於樂觀? Notes from a call with Edward Ryan MD, Director of International Infectious Disease at Massachusetts General Hospital: 1 Close to 100% of the positive cases in MA are Omicron. Delta is almost completely gone from New England. 2 This surge will peak sometime between 1/10 and 1/21 and then begin a quick downhill journey of two to four weeks. 3 We will end up with a 20-50% positivity rate. 4 February will be clean up mode, March will begin to return to "normal" 5 Omicron lives in your nose and upper respiratory area which is what makes it so contagious. It isn't able to bond with your lungs like the other variants. 6 The increased hospitalizations should be taken with a grain of salt as most of them are secondary admissions (i.e. people coming in for surgery, broken bones, etc. who are tested for COVID) 7 We won't need a booster for omicron because they wouldn't be able to develop one before it's completely gone and we're all going to get it which will give us the immunity we need to get through it. 8 COVID will join the 4 other coronaviruses we deal with that cause the common cold, upper respiratory infections, RSV, etc. It will become a pediatric disease mainly affecting young children with no immunity. 9 40% of those infected will be asymptomatic 10 Rapid tests are 50-80% sensitive to those with symptoms, only 30-60% sensitive to those without symptoms 11 Contact tracing is worthless because we're all going to get it and there's no way we could keep up with it. 12 We are fighting the last war with COVID and should be pivoting back to normal life, but society isn't quite ready for it yet. 13 There is no need to stay home from work or to be a hermit unless you're immunocompromised or 85 or older, but he does recommend staying away from large gatherings for the next six weeks. 14 Spring/Summer will be really nice! Overall a great presentation. Lot of good news.
    12 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • Reprinted, Philippine President Duterte's excellent comments on the US "pertinence" and "point": 👍👍👍 * When you choose the United States, you have chosen war. If you choose China, you choose peace. * The United States is only the only important commodity sold to the Philippines, which is "arms." The price is very expensive but it is a rotten thing that others have thrown away. * China exports all kinds of shushu, infrastructure, and colorful goods. Only stupid people and unqualified people cannot see them. * The United States likes to create hatred, turmoil, war, deceptive investments, and then take a lot of wealth back to the United States. Creating hatred will enable everyone to buy more arms from the United States. * The United States is the most evil country in the world. He wants to establish the U.S. dollar as the only international mobile currency, so that Americans can enjoy it. * In order to continuously recoup the US dollar in the market, the United States needs to continuously create turmoil and conflict, and it can take the opportunity to sell a large number of weapons. * The United States fought a total of 222 wars in 239 years in history. Their hands were stained with the blood of countless innocent people. * Americans like to promote their democracy and human rights everywhere. In fact, it is in a truly evil country of humanity, human rights and anti-democracy. I really don't know how many people their missiles have killed in the world. It is a veritable "cannibal country". * So far, everyone knows clearly why the United States cannot coexist with China. * The United States keeps singing about peace and building, all of which are deceiving things. * China is a country that truly builds a "fate community." An organization that makes good use of increasing national strength to apply scientific, technological, military, and economic strength to maintain world peace. Of course, this will also make the United States angry. * The world is peace. Why does the United States make the world so chaotic. China only hopes to develop into a powerful country in science and technology, which will definitely make the United States unhappy. * So in the future Sino-U.S. Struggle, China's path is mutual benefit and win-win, or Americans like to walk their own path. * I firmly believe that China is absolutely capable of building human justice and conscience. Create high-tech and high-end products to contribute to the true "community of human destiny". 👍👍👍
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Hi guys, so just a quick update from me. For those of you who don't know me, my name's John, I'm a funeral director based in Milton Keynes. I run a funeral home called Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, and this time it is the 6th of December 2021. So what we're seeing is a large number, an unnaturally large number of deaths due to heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, and these are all as a direct result of thrombosis, embolisms in the lungs, the legs, various places that's causing these deaths. These are well documented by the local coroners, these are well documented, you know, across the country. And now I've seen more this year than I have in the previous 14, to give you an idea. I've written to the Chief Coroner of England, he isn't concerned. I've had no response for weeks and weeks, and then I've had an email from his secretary saying he's not interested. So we're seeing those deaths. The other type of death that I'm seeing, which is more distressing for me personally, is people who are getting sick now as their immune systems finally give up. So they've had the jabs maybe six, eight months ago, and it's been eaten away at their immune system, and now they're struggling to fight off things like the common cold. So we're in winter, and as you'll be aware, there are colds and flus about at this time of the year. These people can't fight it off, and the government are very quick to label it Omnichron, a new variant. You know, and they are sick, but they're sick with basic things like the common cold. Their immune systems are decimated, and if you think about it logically, much like, for example, a cancer patient. So when you get a cancer patient and they're on chemotherapy, it decimates their immune system, and one of the things that they have to be extremely careful of is because they've got no immune system, a basic common cold or a flu can kill them. And this is what we're seeing now in these jab recipients across up and down the country. They're becoming extremely ill, really, really ill. For example, I've got a couple of friends, I've known them for a long time, very intelligent guy, logical thinker, him and his wife are both in jabs. He's had one, he's had both. He's bitterly desperate now, he's desperate to get the booster because he feels so terribly ill, he thinks that will make him feel better. You know, what do you say to these people because they just won't? I'll try to explain. This is what is killing you. This is killing you. It's damaging your immune system. All you've got is a common cold. And I said to him, look, I will come over, I'll bring you whatever you need. I will kiss you on the lips because I'm in no danger of falling sick because I have an immune system that's protecting me as a guy who hasn't been jabbed. These people, you know, it was well documented on the Georgia guide stones and other places what would happen. These people are going to willingly walk over the cliff begging for more. This is why, it's because these jabs are decimating your immune system. The other type are the blood clots that are quick killers and we've seen plenty of those as well. So please, please, please, don't take any more of these jabs. It's killing you. It's killing you. And lining up for more jabs when you're desperately ill already isn't the answer. It really isn't the answer. Take a step back. Just look a little bit deeper than the BBC and Google are telling you. The jabs are what are making you ill. The Omicron is vaccine injury. They're nothing more than that. Will you believe it? I really don't know. I really don't know. Time will tell, I guess. Time will tell. But that's where we are in December of 2021. We're exactly where the scientists told me we would be. Sadly. I just hope that people listen. I hope that people listen because if they don't, they're going to get sick and they're going to die. That's the reality. You will die if you keep taking these jabs. And you know, bless you, bless you. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Never a true word spoken.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 新知分享參考:Notes from a call with Edward Ryan MD, Director of International Infectious Disease at Massachusetts General Hospital: 麻薩諸塞州綜合醫院國際傳染病主任愛德華•瑞恩電話訪談記錄。 1 Close to 100% of the positive cases in MA are Omicron. Delta is almost completely gone from New England. 麻薩諸塞州的檢測陽性病例中近100%為Omicron。Delta疫情在新英格蘭地區幾近消失。 2 This surge will peak sometime between 1/10 and 1/21 and then begin a quick downhill journey of two to four weeks. 這一波(疫情)將於1月10日-1月21日之間達到峰值,然後開始約2-4個星期的快速下行減弱期。 3 We will end up with a 20-50% positivity rate. 總體檢測陽性率將為20%-50%。 4 February will be clean up mode, March will begin to return to "normal". 從二月份開始進入清除期,三月份人們的生活將開始恢復「正常」。 5 Omicron lives in your nose and upper respiratory area which is what makes it so contagious. It isn't able to bond with your lungs like the other variants. Omicron主要感染的是人們的鼻腔和上呼吸道,這也是其容易傳播的原因。它不像其他變異病毒那樣侵襲肺部。 6 The increased hospitalizations should be taken with a grain of salt as most of them are secondary admissions (i.e. people coming in for surgery, broken bones, etc. who are tested for COVID) . 對於擴大住院治療的做法應持保留的態度,因為大多數新冠住院病例是繼發性的留院(如病人是來做骨折手術的而被發現新冠)。 7 We won't need a booster for omicron because they wouldn't be able to develop one before it's completely gone and we're all going to get it which will give us the immunity we need to get through it. 我們不需要專門針對Omicron的加強針,因為這樣的加強針不太可能在該病毒完全消失之前開發出來,我們大家都將會感染到該病毒,而感染此病毒後將使我們產生所需要的免疫來抵抗它。 8 COVID will join the 4 other coronaviruses we deal with that cause the common cold, upper respiratory infections, RSV, etc. It will become a pediatric disease mainly affecting young children with no immunity. 引發本次疫情的新冠病毒將加入我們已經面對的常引起普通感冒、上呼吸道感染、呼吸道合胞病毒的其他4種新冠病毒。它將成為一種兒科疾病,主要影響缺乏免疫力的年輕兒童。 9 40% of those infected will be asymptomatic。 40%的感染者為無症狀。 10 Rapid tests are 50-80% sensitive to those with symptoms, only 30-60% sensitive to those without symptoms. 快速檢測對於有症狀病人的敏感率為50%-80%,對於無症狀的患者的敏感率為30%-60%。 11 Contact tracing is worthless because we're all going to get it and there's no way we could keep up with it. 對密切接觸者的追蹤是毫無意義的,因為我們都將被感染而不可能追蹤每一病例。 12 We are fighting the last war with COVID and should be pivoting back to normal life, but society isn't quite ready for it yet. 我們在對新冠病毒進行回歸正常生活前的最後一戰,而社會似乎還未對此做好準備。 13 There is no need to stay home from work or to be a hermit unless you're immunocompromised or 85 or older, but he does recommend staying away from large gatherings for the next six weeks. 我們不需要呆在家裡不上班或過隱居的生活,除非你是免疫功能不全或年齡在85歲以上者,但建議在未來的六周內遠離大型群聚活動。 14 Spring/Summer will be really nice! 春夏二季將是美好的。 Overall a great presentation. Lot of good news. 總的來說這是一個很棒的報告,很多好消息。
    6 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 西方為何緊咬中國不放? 美國一位著名學者暨政治分析家艾特勒博士(Dennis Etler), 他不僅致力於教學,並獻身於社會正義。這兩個原因,使他聚焦於中國; 他看到了中國在人類進步上的飛躍發展。 他退休後創立了一個討論平台網頁 "習近平--中國的傑出主席 (Xi Jinping--China's Exceptional President)。他對歷史細節的掌握,和異常的分析能力,彰顯出他的文章的特色。他的平台也吸引了許多有價值的回饋。 以下是他評析西方對中國態度的一篇文章 "就我所見" (As I See It)之摘要: *就我所見* (1) 西方為何對中國緊咬不放?一般的回答是中國的經濟成長挑戰了西方至少250年來的全球霸權。中國的軍力也要趕上西方,因此不再受西方這方面的威脅。這些都是西方要針對中國,並抹黑中國的根本原因。 (2) 但另有一個因素也要考慮,就是中國的成功凸顯了西方的失敗。 (3) 此外,中國塑造了一個種族和諧的社會,和西方社會根深蒂固的種族分歧,形成了強烈對比。 (4) 西方政治菁英和其媒體喉舌,不願承認中國已消除赤貧而西方人民卻漸陷入貧窮之事實。他們不願承認中國已具有21世紀的基礎建設,而西方卻遠遠落後。他們不願面對中國人民壓倒性地支持中國政府,而西方人民卻對西方政府失去信心。他們不願接受中國戰勝了新冠疫情,而西方卻失敗。最後,他們哀歎一個非白人民族的表現,超越了他們,而且在可見的未來也一直會如此。 (5) 為了轉移注意,西方製造出一連串的謊言和誣衊。他們避談中國的脫貧,卻想像出中國的 "種族滅絕"。避談中國高鐵、電動車、替代能源、電子商務...卻誣稱中國 "偷竊智財權"。不談中國的社會經濟制度,卻誣指中國 "強迫勞動"、"強迫絕育"。不說中國對南海、香港和台灣的主權,卻稱 "侵略"。 (6) 這些 "對中國的暴打"(China bashing),目的只有一個: 確使西方人民無法看到真正的中國。因為如果民眾知道真相,他們或許會產生和西方菁英不同的想法,也就是社會主義在求99%之人的福祉,而資本主義只在求1%之人的財富。 原文: Professor Dennis Etler American political analyst who holds a doctorate in anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley As I See It: Why is it that the West is so preoccupied with China? The usual answer is that China's economic growth is challenging Western global hegemony which has held sway for at least 250 years. The Chinese military has also reached parity with that of the West, so it is no longer subject to Western intimidation and bullying. All that is true and reason for the West to want to savage China and portray it as the root of all evil. But there is one other consideration that must be taken into account. It's not only China's economic prowess and military might that frightens the West, it is also China's success as a nation versus the West's failure. Moreover, China has forged a society in which there is harmony between its different ethnicities in contrast to the systemic racism that characterizes Western society. Western ruling elites and their media mouthpieces do not want to acknowledge the fact that China has eliminated extreme poverty while more and more of their own people descend into poverty. They do not want to admit that China has constructed a 21st century infrastructure while they lag far behind. They do not want to confront the fact that the Chinese people ⁹overwhelmingly support their government while people in the West have lost confidence in their own, they do not want to accept that China beat COVIDC-19 while they haven't, and finally they are loathe to accept the fact that a non-white nation has out performed them and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future. In order to deflect attention away from these truths the West has concocted a series of lies and slanders that allow them to deny reality. Instead of poverty alleviation the West imagines "genocide." Instead of the advances in HSR, EVs, alt-energy and e-commerce they focus on "IP theft," instead of a socioeconomic system that serves the people, they accuse China of forced labor and forced sterilizations. Instead of seeing China as defending its national sovereignty in the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, it's called an aggressor. All the China-bashing serves multiple purposes but ONE of the main reasons is to make sure that people in the West do not get to hear nor see what the real China is all about because if they did they may get ideas that the Western elites don't want then to have, such as socialism works for the betterment of the 99% while capitalism works primarily to enrich the 1%.
    19 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 以下的英文原文是菲律賓總統杜特蒂的良心發言,他原來是美國在西太平洋的馬前卒子,可是在他總統任上這些年,他一直在觀察中國,現在他對美國和中國做了最客觀的比較,以下是他極為中肯的評語:👍👍👍 *當你選擇美國時,你已經選擇了戰爭。如果你選擇了中國,你就是選擇了和平。 * 美國賣給菲律賓唯一重要的商品,就是「軍火」。價錢非常昂貴而是被他人秉棄的爛東西。 *中國出口的都是玉蜀黍、基礎建設,都是色彩繽紛的商品,只有蠢人和沒水準的人才看不見。 *美國只會製造仇恨、動亂、戰爭,騙人的投資,然後套取大量的財富回美國。製造仇恨可以讓大家向美國購買更多軍火武器。 *美國是世上最邪惡的國家,他要建立美元為唯一的國際流通貨幣,藉此美國人就可以坐收漁利。 *為了在市場不斷地套回美元,所以美國需要不斷地製造動亂和衝突,藉機出售大量武器。 *美國在歷史上239年打了222場戰爭。他們的手沾滿了無數無辜的人的鮮血。 *美國人到處宣揚他們的民主和人權,其實他們是人道、人權及反民主的真正邪惡國家,真的不知道他們的導彈在世上已經殺死了多少人?真正是一個名符其實的「吃人族國家」。 *到此為止,大家都非常清楚為何美國不能跟中國和平共存。 *美國不斷在高唱和平與建設,其實全是騙人的東西。 *中國才是真正在建立一個「命運共同體」的國家。一個善用不斷提升的國力,應用在科技,軍事和經濟實力,努力去維持世界和平。當然這也會讓美國會怒火冲天。 *世界本和平,為何美國要把世界弄成那麼亂?中國只希望在科技上發展成一個強大的國家,這樣一定會讓美國非常憤怒。 所以在未來的中美鬥爭中,中國所行的路是互利及雙贏,而美國愛走自己的路。 * 我堅信中國絕對有能力去建立人類的正義和良知。創造高科技及高端產品來貢獻真正的「人類命運共同體」。👍👍👍 Reprinted, Philippine President Duterte's excellent comments on the US "pertinence" and "point": 👍👍👍 * When you choose the United States, you have chosen war. If you choose China, you choose peace. * The United States is only the only important commodity sold to the Philippines, which is "arms." The price is very expensive but it is a rotten thing that others have thrown away. * China exports all kinds of shushu, infrastructure, and colorful goods. Only stupid people and unqualified people cannot see them. * The United States likes to create hatred, turmoil, war, deceptive investments, and then take a lot of wealth back to the United States. Creating hatred will enable everyone to buy more arms from the United States. * The United States is the most evil country in the world. He wants to establish the U.S. dollar as the only international mobile currency, so that Americans can enjoy it. * In order to continuously recoup the US dollar in the market, the United States needs to continuously create turmoil and conflict, and it can take the opportunity to sell a large number of weapons. * The United States fought a total of 222 wars in 239 years in history. Their hands were stained with the blood of countless innocent people. * Americans like to promote their democracy and human rights everywhere. In fact, it is in a truly evil country of humanity, human rights and anti-democracy. I really don't know how many people their missiles have killed in the world. It is a veritable "cannibal country". * So far, everyone knows clearly why the United States cannot coexist with China. * The United States keeps singing about peace and building, all of which are deceiving things. * China is a country that truly builds a "fate community." An organization that makes good use of increasing national strength to apply scientific, technological, military, and economic strength to maintain world peace. Of course, this will also make the United States angry. * The world is peace. Why does the United States make the world so chaotic. China only hopes to develop into a powerful country in science and technology, which will definitely make the United States unhappy. * So in the future Sino-U.S. Struggle, China's path is mutual benefit and win-win, or Americans like to walk their own path. * I firmly believe that China is absolutely capable of building human justice and conscience. Create high-tech and high-end products to contribute to the true "community of human destiny". 👍👍👍
    1 人回報2 則回應4 年前
  • 關心你, 我關心你, 我很關心你! 轉傳 (這是一個英國護士給大家的忠告,請仔細閱讀。不用謝。) BE PREPARED 準備妥善 Everyone is telling you how to NOT catch #coronavirus, but NO ONE is saying what to do if you get it. 每個人都在討論如何避免新冠病毒,但是沒有人告訴你:萬一不幸染上新冠病毒,應該如何自處。 Thanks to this nurse in the UK for putting this guide together: 感謝這位英國護士整理下列指引: Finally, some sensible advice. From a GP Nurse in the UK. 終於有一些明確的建議了。來自一個英國執業護士。 What I have seen a lot of are recommendations for how to try to avoid getting coronavirus in the first place: 我已經看過很多關於如何免感染新冠病毒的建議: • good hand washing 勤洗手 • personal hygiene 個人衛生 • social distancing 社交距離 but what I have NOT seen a lot of is advice for what happens if you actually get it, which many of us will. 但是我沒看到太多關於感染新冠病毒後要如何自處的建議,而我們很多人會染疫的。 So as your friendly neighborhood Nurse let me make some suggestions: 所以作爲你家隔壁友善的護士,讓我給些建議: If you get Covid-19 如果你感染了新冠肺炎 You basically just want to prepare as though you know you’re going to get a nasty respiratory bug, like bronchitis or pneumonia. You just have the foresight to know it might come your way! 基本上,只要做好心理準備,就好像知道自己將會患上令人討厭的呼吸道疾病一樣,例如支氣管炎或肺炎。只要想像你有可能會感染新冠肺炎。 Things to start doing now: 從現在開始要做的事情: 1. Get 20 minutes sun on your entire body (or as much as possible) every day. This will dramatically increase your Vitamin D levels, which improves your immune system. 每天花 20 分鐘曬太陽(或盡可能多曬曬身體各個部位)。這將會大大提高體内維他命 D 的含量, 藉以增強免疫系統。 2. If affordable take a good general supplement, plus 2000mg Vit C a day. Include ZINC, SELENIUM & GLUTATHIONE. 如果負擔得起,要多吃營養均衡的食物,外加每天攝取2000mg 維他命C,再配合鋅、硒和谷胱甘肽(註:一種強效的抗氧化劑)。 3. Scott’s Emulsion is a great general tonic (cod liver oi) 司考特乳白是一種很好的補品(魚肝油) Things you should actually buy ahead of time: 一些應該事先準備好的物品: 4. Kleenex 面紙(或衛生紙) Paracetamol 撲熱息痛藥片(德國市面稱為Paracetamol 500) 5. Cough medicine of choice (check the label and make sure you're not doubling up on Paracetamol) 止咳藥(檢查標籤確保沒有撲熱息痛的成份,以免重複) Zinc lozenges 鋅錠 6. Throat spray like Andolex or TCP 喉嚨噴劑,如Andolex或TCP( Trichlorophenylmethyliodosalicyl) 7. Honey and lemon can work just as well! 蜂蜜和檸檬也有相同效果! 8. Vicks vaporub for your chest is also a great suggestion. Vicks vaporub 維克斯薄荷藥膏對舒緩胸部不適,是一種很好的藥物。 9. A humidifier would be a good thing to buy and use in your room when you go to bed overnight. (You can also just turn the shower on hot and sit in the bathroom breathing in the steam) 夜裡睡覺時,在房間裡使用加濕器,是一個不錯的法子。 (也可以打開淋浴的蓮蓬頭,然後坐在浴室裡呼吸熱蒸汽) 10. If you have a history of asthma and you have a prescription inhaler, make sure the one you have isn’t expired and refill it/get a new one if necessary. 如患哮喘毛病,而有哮喘噴劑,請確保所用的哮喘噴劑尚未過期,並重新加滿/如有必要,買個新的。 11. Meals This is also a good time to meal prep: make a big batch of your favorite soup to freeze and have on hand. 餐點部份 這也是準備餐點的好時機:將一大鍋你喜歡的湯冷凍起來備用。 12. Hydrate Hydrate, hydrate! Stock up on whatever your favorite clear fluids are to drink, though tap water is fine you may appreciate some variety! 水份 水份,水份!多準備一些你喜歡的清澈食用水,儘管自來水也可以,但多樣化的食用水或許是個不錯的主意! 13. For symptom management and a fever over 38°c take Paracetamol rather than Ibuprofen. 如有病徵同時發燒超過 38°c,那就服用撲熱息痛藥片(Paracetamol),而不是布洛芬(Ibuprofen)。 14. Rest lots You should not be leaving your house! Even if you are feeling better you may will still be infectious for fourteen days and older people and those with existing health conditions should be avoided! 多休息 不應外出!即使病情好轉,14 天內仍具有傳染性;也要避免與老人家和健康狀況欠佳的人接觸! 15. Wear gloves and a mask to avoid contaminating others in your house. 戴手套和戴口罩,以免傳染給家中的其他成員。 16. Isolate in your bedroom if not living alone, ask friends and family to leave supplies outside to avoid contact. 若非獨居,請在臥室中自我隔離,讓親朋好友將物品留在外面,避免和他們接觸。 17. Sanitize your bed linen and clothes frequently by washing and clean your bathroom with recommended sanitizers. 經常以優良的消毒劑清洗床單和衣物。 18. You DO NOT NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL unless you are having trouble breathing or your fever is very high (over 39°C) and unmanaged with meds. 除非呼吸困難或發高燒(超過 39°C)並且沒有其他醫療藥物,否則,不要去醫院! 19. 90% of healthy adult cases thus far have been managed at home with basic rest/hydration/over-the-counter meds. 迄今為止,已有 90%的成人病例成功地在家中接受基本的療養/補充水份/非處方藥物治療。 20. If you are worried or in distress or feel your symptoms are getting worse: 假如你擔心、緊張、或感覺自己的症狀越來越嚴重: 21. Pre-existing risks If you have a pre-existing lung condition (COPD, emphysema, lung cancer) or are on immunosuppressants, now is a great time to talk to your Doctor or specialist about what they would like you to do if you get sick. 預存風險 如果已經患有肺部疾病(慢性阻塞性肺病,肺氣腫,肺癌)或正在接受免疫抑製劑的治療,現在正是與家庭醫生或專科醫生討論的絕佳時機,要預先了解染病時的可能治療方案。 22. Children One major relief to you parents is that kids do VERY well with coronavirus, they usually bounce back in a few days (but they will still be infectious). Just use pediatric dosing. 兒童 對父母而言,最大的安慰是:治療新冠病毒的方法對於兒童非常有效,他們通常會在幾天內復原(但仍具有感染風險)。同時只需使用兒童劑量即可。 23. Be calm and prepare rationally and everything will be fine. This is to inform us all that the pH for corona virus varies from 5.5 to 8.5. 保持鎮靜,合理應對,一切都會好轉。要告訴所有人,新冠病毒的pH值在 5.5 到 8.5 之間。 24. All we need to do, to beat corona virus, we need to take more of an alkaline foods that are above the above pH level of the Virus. 為了戰勝新冠病毒,我們一切所需要做的,就是大量攝取高於上述pH值的鹼性食品。 Some of which are: 其中包括: 25. Lime萊姆 - 8.2pH Tangerine柑橘 - 8.5pH Mango芒果 - 8.7pH Orange 柳橙 - 9.2pH Lemon檸檬 - 9.9pH Pineapple 鳳梨 - 12.7pH Garlic 蒜頭 - 13.2pH Avocado 牛油果 - 15.6pH Dandelion 蒲公英 - 22.7pH 26. How do you know you have coronavirus? 如何知道染上新冠病毒? 1. Itching in the throat 喉嚨很癢 2. Dry throat 喉嚨乾渴 3. Dry couch 乾咳 4. High temperature 發高燒 5. Shortness of breath 呼吸急促 6. Loss of sense of taste & smell 失去味覺和嗅覺 7. Covid toes - toes turning blue/black 有新冠病毒腳趾 - 腳趾變成藍色或黑色 27. So where you notice these things quickly take warm water with lemon and drink. 因此,如果自己有這些症狀,就要立刻飲用溫熱的檸檬水。 28. Do not keep this information to yourself only. Pass it to all your family and friends. 不要保留這個信息。轉傳給所有家人和朋友。 諸君健康
    3 人回報1 則回應3 年前