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  • 欢迎留意参阅下面讯息 中国外交部已正式要求美方解释,在武汉撤离的总领事馆发现了埋有生物危害的集装箱。 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has officially demanded that the United States explain that biohazard containers were found buried in the evacuated consulate general in Wuhan. The PRC security forces cordoned off other US diplomatic missions in the country. An official statement by the Foreign Ministry said that the containers were found on January 30 after the US consulate general in Wuhan was evacuated in full on a special board of the US Air Force in connection with the outbreak of a new virus. The search was carried out after Chinese intelligence handed over certain “undeniable materials”, the contents of which have not yet been disclosed. “Since attempts to get comments on official and closed channels over the course of several days did not lead to clear answers, we decided to move this question to another level and demand an answer publicly. China is also initiating an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council, ”said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying. The department said that a total of eight containers with biohazard labels were found. Xinhua News Agency also published their photo in a military warehouse near the consulate. The boxes were wrapped in two layers of tarpaulin and buried in the backyard of the Consulate General at a depth of one and a half meters. Their contents are now being studied by Chinese military biologists 中国外交部已正式要求美方解释,在武汉撤离的总领事馆发现了埋有生物危害的集装箱。中国安全部队封锁了美国在华的其他外交使团。 外交部的一份官方声明称,1月30日,美国驻武汉总领事馆就新病毒爆发事件向美国空军特别委员会全员疏散后,发现了这些集装箱。 中国情报机构在交出了某些“不可否认的材料”后进行了搜查,这些材料的内容尚未披露。 “由于几天来试图就官方和封闭渠道发表评论并没有得到明确的答案,我们决定将这个问题提升到另一个层次,并要求公开回答。 中国还将召开联合国安理会紧急会议,”中国外交部发言人华春莹说。 该部门表示,共发现8个带有生物危害标签的容器。新华社还在领事馆附近的一个军事仓库里公布了他们的照片。箱子用两层防水油布包好,埋在总领事馆后院,深度1.5米。■中国军事生物学家正在研究它们的内容。
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • Chinese get onboard first !!!! Yesterday 3,000 people were trapped at Kansai International Airport, the China consulate in Osaka arranged 15 buses to transport Chinese citizens away from the airport. It also distributed food. When departing the airport, Japanese and people from other countries were still lining up and you could not see where the queue led. Please praise for the strength of our mother country. P.S. We ran into a few Taiwanese fellows who asked if they could get on the bus. We all said yes. If you identify yourself as Chinese, you can get on the bus and follow the mother country. https://jmqmil.sina.cn/dgby/doc-ihitesuz4405562.d.html?vt=4
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 3,000 people were trapped at Kansai International Airport, the China consulate in Osaka arranged 15 buses to transport Chinese citizens away from the airport. It also distributed food. When departing the airport, Japanese and people from other countries were still lining up and you could not see where the queue led.
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • OSLO base address is 350, 5th Avenue New York, New York, Jamila Raqib, Executive from Albert Einstein Institution, teaching HONG KONG thus attacking police officers. You could watch the video the CIA instructed Hong Kong people striking back to the police. Rioter training and the leader behind the scene When everyone is thinking, why is the situation in Hong Kong today going to be like this? Why are the student protesters getting more and more aggressive? And more organized? I am revealing for you today. After reading, you will understand all the truth:- We started with the two years before the 2014 Umbrella Movement. It turned out that they went abroad in 2012 to participate in a professional demonstration training program called OSLO Freedon Forum. After returning to Hong Kong, they carefully planned the Umbrella Color Revolution in 2014 general election. According to the BBC to send people to understand the organization, they found that this Oslo was originally a terrorist organization training demonstrators to anti-government elements around the world. This organization, which is famous for its forums, is actually providing professional courses to teach people to carry out anti-government revolutions around the world in the name of human rights. The BBC describes OSLO training, all anti-government activists around the world will teach students how to plan and organize in order to rebel and subvert the government. In an OSLO training in 2012, a very active general lecturer, Yang Jianli , a Chinese immigrant in the US, and have become the general training and special operations commander of Oslo in Hong Kong and China. It is also specially appointed by OSLO to organize demonstrations for demonstrators and how to deploy tens of thousands of demonstrators to the front line.
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 葡萄牙人驚呼Ilha Formosa 葡萄牙在1996年發行的一枚硬幣200Escudos (200盾銅板),其中特別以1582年葡萄牙人發現台灣作為主題 , 並特別將 Formosa及漢字「台灣」呈現。 這是一個值得分享給大家的事。 葡萄牙在加入歐元區以前, 是以Escudos(盾)為通用貨幣。 這一個 200 盾的銅幣 , 把葡萄牙人在大航海時代的歷史榮光, 完全呈現。而且也順便紀錄了1582年Formosa (台灣) 進入歐洲的歷史紀錄。
    3 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • 葡萄牙人驚呼Ilha Formosa 葡萄牙在1996年發行的一枚硬幣200Escudos (200盾銅板),其中特別以1582年葡萄牙人發現台灣作為主題 ,並特別將 Formosa及漢字「台灣」呈現。這是一個值得分享給大家的事。葡萄牙在加入歐元區以前, 是以Escudos(盾)為通用貨幣。這一個 200 盾的銅幣 , 把葡萄牙人在大航海時代的歷史榮光, 完全呈現。製幣者觀察入微除在外幣上被秀出 ”台灣” 外,還有梅花。而且也順便紀錄了1582年Formosa (台灣) 進入歐洲的歷史紀錄。美麗之島的美名從此開始已運行了436年,多麼詩境羅曼蒂克的發現,但願台灣永遠的生生不息。
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • 這個你可以放心喔,其實這個泛大西洋集團是美國的公司,只是現在全球廣泛了,這個是官網,你可以了解一下喔 General Atlantic官網: www.generalatlantic.com.tw General Atlantic基金官網: www.generalatlanticfund.com.tw
    5 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • There have been no cases of infection in Beijing. The epidemic did not create problems for the Chinese economy. This proves that the new coronavirus is a biological weapon of the Chinese to destroy the world.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • A photo of a group of people holding a banner that bears the Chinese and Malaysian flags has been shared thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows Chinese doctors arriving in Malaysia to combat the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 泛大西洋投資集團基金有價交易帳戶 General Atlantic 每月手續費退傭細則 標準 當月買賣手續費,帳戶退傭比例為5折 單筆 當月單筆儲值額度超 200 萬,帳戶退傭比例享4折 滿額 當月儲值額度滿 300 萬,帳戶退傭比例享3.5折 TLANTIC INVESTM 臺灣泛大西洋投資集團基金 GENERAL ATLANTIC FOUNDATION A. GENER GA T
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前