
1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
3,000 people were trapped at Kansai International Airport, the China consulate in Osaka arranged 15 buses to transport Chinese citizens away from the airport. It also distributed food. When departing the airport, Japanese and people from other countries were still lining up and you could not see where the queue led.


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    Japanese airport authorities arranged evacuation buses for all stranded passengers, regardless of nationality. Japanese authorities rej


    5 年前


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  • Chinese get onboard first !!!! Yesterday 3,000 people were trapped at Kansai International Airport, the China consulate in Osaka arranged 15 buses to transport Chinese citizens away from the airport. It also distributed food. When departing the airport, Japanese and people from other countries were still lining up and you could not see where the queue led. Please praise for the strength of our mother country. P.S. We ran into a few Taiwanese fellows who asked if they could get on the bus. We all said yes. If you identify yourself as Chinese, you can get on the bus and follow the mother country. https://jmqmil.sina.cn/dgby/doc-ihitesuz4405562.d.html?vt=4
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • Professor, you said a lot of wonderful things about China, and surely they're doing a lot of things right. But how do you reconcile the fact that to make it work for China, it seems to be based on a high level of repression? Environmental destruction, censorship, a certain ideological stubbornness. I mean, we've spoken about Hong Kong, the Uighurs. How do you reconcile that, and do you think that's tolerable? Thank you. I'm really glad you asked that question, because your question captured very well the Anglo-Saxon media's perception of China. And I would suggest to you, very bluntly, that it's a distorted perspective of reality. Let's take the first word you use, repression. If the Communist Party of China only relied on repression to stay in power, it would not create the most dynamic economy in the world, right? It is by far the most dynamic economy in the world. It has delivered the fastest growing economy for 30 years. And it has done this by educating the Chinese people to a level and extent that the Chinese people have never been educated ever before. And you say it's repression? You obviously are taking the old Cold War mindset. I was in Moscow in 1976, and I saw repression in Moscow. And when I was in Moscow, the Soviet citizens were not allowed to travel outside the Soviet Union. That's repression. In the year 2019, 139 million Chinese left China freely. Guess what? Zero defectors. 139 million Chinese, right? That's twice the population of the UK, went back to China. So all your description, when you say environmental degradation, China's climate change policies are far more responsible than those of the United States, which has not once, but twice withdrawn from global environmental protocols. Kyoto Protocol, the Bush administration left eight years. Paris Accords, Trump administration left four years. And you know what? The reason why we're having climate change today is not because of new flows of greenhouse gas emissions from China and India. It's because of what the Western countries have put in the atmosphere since the Western Industrial Revolution. Get the data. The single largest contributor, cumulatively, right? It's number one, United States, number two, Europe, number three, China, right? And the West wants China to pay an economic price for the current flows, but the West doesn't want to pay an economic price for what it put in the atmosphere. You want to deprive the Indians of electricity when the United States could just, by the way, if the United States could impose a dollar a gallon tax, that would save the world. Cut down gasoline consumption, raise money for investment in green technology, simple solutions. And by contrast, the largest reforestation program in the world is carried out by China. It has already reforested an area the size of Belgium or bigger, right? So all your descriptions capture the natural distortions of China that you get in the Anglo-Saxon media, which violate the rules of the Enlightenment, which say that you must be rational, calm and objective, especially in understanding your adversary. And if the Chinese were as stupid and as incompetent as you describe them to be, don't worry about them. But I can assure you, you are now dealing with a far more intelligent and rational actor that doesn't fit any of the Anglo-Saxon categories that you applied to them. Please forgive my bluntness.
    3 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Sushi anyone? ------- Environment 22:03, 06-Jun-2023 Content of radioactive element in fish at Fukushima's Nuclear Power Plant 180 times of safe limit CGTN The radioactive elements in the marine fish caught in the harbor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan far exceed safety levels for human consumption, according to a report issued by the plant's operator Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) on Monday. In particular, the data released show that the content of Cs-137, a radioactive element that is a common byproduct in nuclear reactors, is 180 times that of the standard maximum stipulated in Japan's food safety law. Screenshot of Tokyo Electric Power Company's report on the radioactive content in fish in the harbor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. /CGTN Screenshot of Tokyo Electric Power Company's report on the radioactive content in fish in the harbor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. /CGTN CGTN downloaded the English version of the report available on TEPCO's official website. According to the data, the sampled black rockfish contains the radioactive element Cs-137 with a content of 18,000 becquerels per kilogram. Data available on the website of Fukushima Revitalization Station run by Japan's Fukushima prefectural government shows that Japan's current limit of radioactive cesium in general food which contains fish is set at 100 becquerels per kilogram. Screenshot of Standard limits of radioactive substances for food in Japan, obtained from the website of Fukushima Revitalization Station run by Japan's Fukushima prefectural government. /CGTN Screenshot of Standard limits of radioactive substances for food in Japan, obtained from the website of Fukushima Revitalization Station run by Japan's Fukushima prefectural government. /CGTN According to the report, the location where the sampled fish was caught is at the port area of Units 1 to 4 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, where a breakwater is built and nuclear wastewater with a high concentration of radioactive substances flows in. TEPCO said it will set up multiple protective nets to prevent fish from swimming out of the harbor. A Chinese news website sina.com.cn quoted experts noting that the radioactive elements in the nuclear wastewater could penetrate into fish, shrimp and other seafood, and later accumulate in the human body after consumption. A magnitude 9.0 quake on March 11, 2011, triggered a massive tsunami that destroyed the plant's power supply and cooling systems, causing reactors No. 1, 2 and 3 to melt and spew large amounts of radiation. Water used to cool the reactors' cores leaked into the basements of the reactor buildings and mixed with rainwater and groundwater. Now, 12 years after the triple reactor meltdowns, Japan is preparing to release the massive amount of treated radioactive wastewater into the sea later this summer. TEPCO on Monday started sending seawater into an underwater tunnel to be diluted before releasing the nuclear wastewater into the ocean. The company said that all facilities for the water release system are expected to be completed by the end of this month. Local fishing communities say their businesses and livelihoods will suffer still more damage. Neighboring countries such as China and South Korea and Pacific Island nations have raised safety concerns. Environmental groups including Friends of the Earth oppose the release. (With input from AP; cover image via VCG) (If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at [email protected].)
    1 人回報2 則回應1 年前
  • MENU Nikkei Asian Review Sort by Region Nikkei Asian Review Log in Subscribe Home Spotlight Politics & Economy Business Markets Tech & Science Viewpoints Life & Arts Features Regions Log in Subscribe About Nikkei Asian Review August 17, 2017 7:48 pm JST Taiwan to discuss lithium ion battery energy storage with Tesla following blackout President Tsai Ing-wen wants to boost use of green energy DEBBY WU, Nikkei staff writer A Tesla Model S electric car is charged by a supercharger at its showroom in Taipei on August 11. © Reuters TAIPEI -- The Taiwanese government is planning to approach Tesla to discuss the feasibility of setting up lithium ion battery facilities for storing renewable energy on the island, in line with a project the U.S. technology company recently launched in Australia, a top official said on Thursday following a mass power blackout earlier in the week. The move would also chime with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen's ongoing efforts to replace nuclear power with green energy. Tsai has pledged to make Taiwan nuclear energy free by 2025. Taiwan’s Minister of Science and Technology Chen Liang-gee said the government would seek to discuss lithium ion battery energy storage with Tesla. (Photo by Debby Wu) "Tesla is using its lithium ion battery technology to help Australia and California to implement smart grid and grid storage, and we can learn from them in the future," Taiwan's Minister of Science and Technology Chen Liang-gee told reporters at his office in Taipei. "We will try to check out whether there is a suitable solution...we will get in touch with them," Chen said. Chen added that the government would send a team of officials to the U.S. to talk with Tesla soon, although he would not be heading the delegation. He said that the government had not prepared a budget for such a project, although he suggested that a Taiwanese company could potentially form a joint venture with the U.S. tech company for the project. Tesla, which is also known for its electric cars, declined to comment. Taiwan was hit by a mass power outage on Tuesday, the largest by number of households affected since a massive earthquake struck in 1999. The blackout came after government-run petroleum company CPC Corporation ran into difficulties while replacing the power supply for a control system responsible for sending natural gas to a power plant. A number of tech companies in Taiwan have suffered some minor disruption to production following the outage. 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    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • I liked this message..makes sense to me As time passes in a pandemic there’s a greater chance of survival for those getting infected 3 months later like June 2020 than those who got infected 3 months earlier say February 2020. The reason for this is that Doctors and scientists know more about Covid-19 now than 3 months ago and hence are able to treat patients better. I will list *5 important things* that we know now that we didn’t know in February 2020 for your understanding. 1. COVID-19 was initially thought to cause deaths due to *pneumonia- a lung infection*- and so Ventilators were thought to be the best way to treat sick patients who couldn’t breathe. *Now we are realising that the virus 🦠 causes blood clots in the blood vessels of the lungs* and other parts of the body and this causes the reduced oxygenation . Now we know that just providing oxygen by ventilators will not help but we have to prevent and dissolve the micro clots in the lungs. This is why we are using drugs like *Asprin and Heparin ( blood thinners that prevents clotting) as protocol in treatment regimens in June 2020. * 2. Previously patients used to drop dead on the road or even before reaching a hospital due to reduced oxygen in their blood- OXYGEN SATURATION. This was because of *HAPPY HYPOXIA*- where even though the oxygen saturation was gradually reducing the COVID-19 patients did not have symptoms until it became critically less, like sometimes even 70%. **Normally we become breathless if oxygen saturation reduces below 90%. **This breathlessness is not triggered in Covid patients and so we we’re getting the sick patients very late to the hospitals in February 2020. Now since knowing about happy hypoxia we are monitoring oxygen saturation of all covid patients *with a simple home use pulse oxymeter and getting them to hospital if their oxygen saturation drops to 93% or less*. This gives more time for doctors to correct the oxygen deficiency in the blood and a better survival chance in June 2020. 3. We did not have drugs to fight the corona virus 🦠 in February 2020. We were only treating the complications caused by it... hypoxia. Hence most patients became severely infected. ```**Now we have 2 important medicines FAVIPIRAVIR & REMDESIVIR**``` Which are ANTIVIRALS that can kill the corona virus 🦠. By using these two medicines we can prevent patients from becoming severely infected and therefore cure them BEFORE THEY GO TO HYPOXIA. This knowledge we have in JUNE 2020... not in February 2020. 4. Many Covid-19 patients die not just because of the virus 🦠 but also due the patients own immune system responding In an exaggerated manner called *CYTOKINE STORM*. This stormy strong 💪 immune response not only kills the virus 🦠 but also kills the patients. In February 2020 we didn’t know how to prevent it from happening. Now in June 2020, we know that *easily available medicines called Steroids,* that doctors around the world have been using for almost 80 years *can be used to prevent the cytokine storm in some patients*. 5. Now we also know that people with hypoxia became better just by making them lie down on their belly- known as prone position. Apart from this a few days ago Israeli scientists have discovered that a chemical known as Alpha Defensin produced by the patients White blood cells can cause the micro clots in blood vessels of the lungs and this could possibly be prevented by a drug called Colchicine used over many decades in the treatment of Gout. So now we know for sure that patients have a better chance at surviving the COVID-19 infection now in June 2020 than in February 2020 for sure. India has not peaked in March or April because of the lockdown. This strategy has postponed the Covid-19 pandemic in INDIA by 3 crucial months that has enabled us to save thousands of lives. Going forward there’s nothing to panic about Covid-19 if we remember that a person who gets infected later has a better chance at survival than one who got infected early. Let’s all follow simple precautions like -6 feet distancing from others -Wear proper masks -Work from home whenever possible -Order delivery and take away of food groceries and vegetables - Stay at home during lockdown - Hand 🤚 wash & hygiene With this we can beat the virus 🦠. If someone tells you every one is going to get infected, tell them that you are willing to wait to be the last person... who knows by then we might even have a VACCINE.
    2 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 永遠不要在飛行中這樣做!!! (以下是谷歌翻譯的,英文原文如下為朋友臉書分享的) ————- 如果您經常乘飛機旅行,請注意過於友好的健談座位鄰居。 年長的女士過來坐在我旁邊的飛機上。 她讓我幫她把包放在頭頂行李箱裡。 但是坐在對面的一位紳士很快就走了進來。 (我個子不高,頭頂行李箱是我不惜一切代價盡量避免的。 她立即​​坐下,開始了談話。 她很愉快,說得很好。 所以,我們在飛往迪拜的航班上一直在聊天。 突然,當飛行員宣布我們現在開始下降到 DXB 時,我的好朋友“出現”了胃痛。 我懷著一顆善良的心,按下了空姐的按鈕,空姐過來查明問題所在。 我告訴她我的同桌感覺不舒服。 而這位女士,她突然開始稱呼我為“我的女兒”。 空姐告訴我,除了給她一些止痛藥,等我們降落,他們什麼都做不了。 飛行員宣布我們在船上有醫療緊急情況,並建議我們所有人保持冷靜。 我的新朋友哭得像瘋了似的流著汗。 她拒絕放開我的手……每個人都以為我們認識對方。 因此,我們降落在 DXB,幫助將行李放在頭頂行李艙的同一位紳士取出了她的行李。 但當他拿走行李時,他建議我與這位女士保持距離,並向機組人員明確表示我們不是一起旅行。 他是天賜之物! 所以確實,機組人員來問我是否有親戚關係,我斷然告訴他們我們是在飛機上認識的。 我根本不認識她。 所以,我們開始下飛機,當我說再見時,她一直求我提她的手提包。 我好傷心……但這位先生看著我的眼睛,用力地搖了搖頭。 他遞給我一張紙條,告訴我讓機組人員處理她。 所以,我下了飛機,讓我的“新朋友”等待輪椅,被機組人員處理,感到非常內疚。 當我們等待行李通過時,我聽到了這種騷動。 我的“新朋友”正在奔跑,試圖逃離機組人員,從輪椅上下來! 她帶著手提包離開了空姐,帶著剩下的手提行李就往出口跑了! 幸好機場警察比她快。 他們抓住了她,把她戴上手銬帶了回來。 這位女士開始呼喚我。 我的女兒……我的女兒! 你怎麼能這樣對我......那是我趕上的時候。 她攜帶毒品,並試圖牽連我! 幸運的是,幫她拿行李的那位先生上前告訴機場警察,我和她剛剛在飛機上相遇。 警察拿走了我的護照,並要求她透露我的全名,如果我們真的一起旅行的話。 靠著上帝的恩典,我什至沒有告訴她我的名字! 我仍然被要求跟隨警察到一個小房間,在那裡我受到了廣泛的訊問。 我在哪裡遇到她?...我在哪裡登機...她在哪裡登機。 等等......我的行李被廣泛搜查並除塵以尋找指紋。 他們把她所有的行李都撣掉了,在她的行李或手提包上都沒有找到我的指紋! 我被告知永遠不要在飛行中或在機場觸摸任何人的行李。 所以,從那天起,我不管你有多少行李,你自己來處理。 我什至不會給你推車來放你的行李! 你的行李……你的問題……是我的政策。 如果你無法到達頭頂艙,而我是最近的人,請打電話給機組人員,因為我只會給你一個白眼,然後把目光移開! ——— NEVER DO THIS IN A FLIGHT!!! If you travel by air a lot, beware of over friendly chatty seat Neighbour's. The older lady comes and sits next to me inside the plane. She asked me to help her put her bag in the overhead luggage compartment. But a gentleman sitting across quickly came through. (I am not very tall, and the overhead luggage compartment is something I try to avoid at all costs. Immediately she sits down she strikes up a conversation. She was very pleasant and well spoken. So, we chatted all through the flight to Dubai. Suddenly, when the pilot announced that we were now proceeding to begin our descent into DXB, my good friend 'developed' stomach pains. Me with my good heart, I pressed the steward's button, and the stewardess came to find out what the problem was. I told her my seat mate was not feeling well. And this lady, she suddenly began to address me as 'my daughter'. The stewardess told me that there was nothing they could do except give her some painkillers and wait until we landed. The pilot announced that we had a medical emergency on board and advised us all to stay calm. My new friend was crying and sweating like crazy. And she refused to let go of my hand... everyone assumed we knew each other. So, we landed at DXB and the same gentleman who helped put up her luggage in the overhead compartment removed her luggage. But as he removed the luggage, he advised me to distance myself from this lady and make it clear to the cabin crew that we were NOT travelling together. He was a godsend! So indeed, the cabin crew came and asked me if we were related, I categorically told them we had met on the plane. I didn't know her at all. So, we began to deplane and as I said goodbye, she kept begging me to carry her handbag. I was so torn... but the gentleman looked me in the eye and emphatically shook his head. He passed me a note telling me to let the cabin crew handle her. So, I exit the aircraft and leave my 'new friend' to wait for the wheelchair and be handled by the cabin crew feeling very guilty. As we waited for our luggage to come through, I hear this commotion. My 'new friend' was running, trying to escape the cabin crew, having gotten out of the wheelchair! She left the stewardess with her handbag and just ran towards the exit with the rest of her hand luggage! Luckily the airport police were faster than her. They got hold of her and brought her back in handcuffs. This lady starts calling out to me. my daughter... my daughter! how could you do this to me..... that's when I caught on. She was carrying drugs and she was trying to implicate me! Luckily for me, the gentleman who had helped her with her luggage came forward and told the airport police that me and her had just met on the plane. The police took my passport and asked her to reveal my full names if it was true we were travelling together. By God's grace, I had not even told her my first name! I was still asked to follow the police to a little room where I was questioned extensively. Where did I meet her?... where did I board... where did she board. Etc... And my luggage was extensively searched and dusted for fingerprints. They dusted all her luggage, and my fingerprints were not found anywhere on her luggage or on her handbag! I was let go with advice never ever to touch anyone's luggage either in flight or at the airport. So, from that day, I don't care how much luggage you have, you will deal with it yourself. I will not even offer you a trolley to put your luggage on! Your luggage... your problem.... is my policy. And if you can't reach the overhead compartment, and I am the nearest person, please call the cabin crew because all I will do is give you a blank stare and then look away!
    28 人回報2 則回應2 年前
  • 勞里·加勒特(Laurie Garrett)是美國著名女記者,是獲得皮博迪獎(The Peabody Award)、喬治 · 伯克獎(George Polk Award)和普利茲獎(Pulitzer Award)三大著名新聞獎的第一人。現為美國對外關係委員會全球衛生高級研究員。 她曾對艾博拉、SARS 等大型傳染病和公共健康危機都做過實地考察與深度研究,出版了《失信:全球公共衛生事業之癱瘓》《流行天下!傳染病的世界》《逼近的瘟疫》等多部關於傳染病與公共衛生的著作。 對於這一次的2019-nCoV病毒帶來的恐慌,她撰文講述了自己面對傳染病的經驗與知識,以及10個在疫情期間保護自己的預防措施,大家應該看一看。 ======================== 01. When you leave your home, wear gloves—winter mittens or outdoor gloves—and keep them on in subways, buses, and public spaces. 出門離家時,戴上手套——冬天的手套或是戶外手套都可以——任何公共場合包括地鐵,公車或公共場所都不要脫下來。 02. If you are in a social situation where you should remove your gloves, perhaps to shake hands or dine, do not touch your face or eyes, no matter how much something itches. Keep your hands away from contact with your face. And before you put your gloves back on, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, scrubbing the fingers. Put your gloves on. 在某些需要脫下手套的社交場合,比如握手和吃飯時,不要用手接觸你的臉或眼睛,不管有多癢都不要讓你的手接觸你的臉。在戴回手套前,用溫水和肥皂仔細洗手,好好搓洗手指,再戴上手套。 03. Change gloves daily, washing them thoroughly, and avoid wearing damp gloves. 每天更換手套,仔細清洗。不要戴潮濕的手套。 04. Masks are useless when worn outdoors and may not be very helpful even indoors. Most masks deteriorate after one or two wearings. Using the same mask day after day is worse than useless—it’s disgusting, as the contents of your mouth and nose eventually coat the inside of the mask with a smelly veneer that is attractive to bacteria. I rarely wear a face mask in an epidemic, and I have been in more than 30 outbreaks. 口罩在戶外佩戴時毫無用處,即使在室內用處也不大。大多口罩在被使用一兩次後就被污染了,重覆使用同一口罩比不戴口罩更糟糕。因為從你嘴和鼻子的呼出的物質最終會在口罩內部形成一層十分滋養細菌的,發臭的膜。在傳染病流行期間我很少戴口罩,我曾經經歷過這種狀況超過30次。 Instead, I stay away from crowds, and I keep my distance from individual people—a half meter, about 1.5 feet, is a good standard. If someone is coughing or sneezing, I ask them to put on a mask—to protect me from their potentially contaminated fluids. If they decline, I step a meter (about 3 feet) away from them, or I leave. Don’t shake hands or hug people—politely beg off, saying it’s better for both of you not to come in close contact during an epidemic. 相反,我會遠離人群,並且與個人保持距離——差不多半公尺左右是比較好的標準。要是有人咳嗽或是打噴嚏,我會請他們戴上口罩,來保護我免受潛在的有污染的液體傷害。如果他們拒絕,我會走到一公尺外的距離,或者乾脆離開。不要與人握手或擁抱,告訴對方在傳染病流行期間不要靠太近,這對彼此都好。 05. Inside your household, remove all of the towels from your bathrooms and kitchen immediately, and replace them with clean towels that have the names of each family member on them. Instruct everybody in your home to only use their own towels and never touch another family member’s. Wash all towels twice a week. Damp towels provide terrific homes for viruses, like common colds, flus, and, yes, coronaviruses. 在家裡要馬上給浴室和廚房都換上乾淨的毛巾,讓家裡每個人都用自己的專屬毛巾,不去觸碰別人的。每週洗兩次毛巾。濕毛巾會為病毒滋生提供溫床,例如普通感冒,流感,以及冠狀病毒。 06. Be careful with doorknobs. If it’s possible to open and close doors using your elbows or shoulders, do so. Wear gloves to turn a doorknob—or wash your hands after touching it. If anybody in your home takes sick, wash your doorknobs regularly. Similarly, be cautious with stairway banisters, desktops, cell phones, toys, laptops—any objects that are hand-held. 小心門把手,最好用肘部或肩膀去開關門。戴手套去擰門把手,或者在觸摸了門把手後去洗手。如果家裡有病人,定期清潔門把手。同樣,對待樓梯扶手,桌面,手機,玩具,筆記本電腦等任何手持物體都要小心謹慎。 As long as you handle only your own personal objects, you will be ok—but if you need to pick up someone else’s cell phone or cooking tools or use someone else’s computer keyboard, be mindful of not touching your face and wash your hands immediately after touching the object. 只要你只接觸自己的私人物品,就沒什麼問題。但是,如果你需要使用別人的手機,廚具或電腦鍵盤,請注意不要觸摸臉部,並在觸摸物體後立即去洗手。 07. If you share meals, do not use your personal chopsticks and utensils to remove food from a serving bowl or plate and, of course, tell your children to never drink out of anybody else’s cups or from a container of shared fluid. Place serving spoons in each dish and instruct everybody at the table to scoop what they want from the serving dishes onto their personal plates or bowls, return the serving spoon to the main dish, and then use their personal chopsticks only to pick food from their personal plate or bowl into their mouth. 吃飯時,不要用你自己的筷子和餐具去公碗和盤子裡夾菜。也要告訴你的孩子不要喝別人杯子或者容器里的水。在席上讓每個人使用公勺將盤子里的菜夾到自己的盤子或者碗里,然後將公勺放回公盤,然後用自己的筷子將自己盤子或者碗里的食物送進嘴裡。 Wash all food and kitchenware thoroughly between meals and avoid restaurants that have poor hygiene practices. 飯前仔細清洗食物,飯後仔細清洗餐具,不要去衛生條件不好的餐館用餐。 08. Absolutely do not buy, slaughter, or consume any live animal or fish until it is known what species was the source of the virus. 在病毒傳播源被發現之前,絕對不要購買,屠宰,或是食用任何生鮮動物和魚類。 09. When the weather allows, open your windows at home or work, letting your space air out. The virus cannot linger in a well-ventilated space. But of course, if it is cold or the weather is inclement, keep warm and close those windows. 天氣條件允許的情況下,打開家裡或辦公室的窗戶,讓室內空氣流通,病毒無法在通風條件良好的空間裡停留。當然,如果天氣嚴寒,就關窗保暖。 10. Finally, if you are caring for a friend or family member who is running a fever, always wear a tight-fitting mask when you are near them, and place one on the ailing person (unless they are nauseated). 最後,如果你在照顧得病的朋友或家人,在靠近他們時,一定要時刻佩戴與面部緊貼的口罩,並給他們也戴上(除非他們感到噁心)。 When you replace an old, dirty mask from the face of your friend or loved one be very, very careful—assume, for the sake of your protection, that it is covered in viruses, and handle it while wearing latex gloves, place it inside of a disposable container, seal it, and then put it in the trash. While wearing those latex gloves, gently wash the patient’s face with warm soap and water, using a disposable paper towel or cotton swab, and seal it after use in a container or plastic bag before placing it in your household trash. 當你幫忙從朋友或親人的臉上摘除使用過的臟口罩時,請務必要非常小心——為了保護自己,你必須假設該口罩已被病毒覆蓋,戴上乳膠手套去進行處理,將其放進可丟棄的包裝袋內,密封好,然後再丟進垃圾桶。戴上乳膠手套為患者用紙巾和棉球輕輕地用肥皂和溫水清洗患者的面部,並在使用後將其密封好裝入包裝袋或塑料袋中,然後再丟進家裡的垃圾箱。 Wear long-sleeved shirts and clothing that covers your body when you are caring for your ailing friend or relative. Clean everything your patient wears or touches very thoroughly in hot soapy water, including sheets, towels, and utensils. 在照顧生病的朋友或家人時,要穿上能包裹全身的長袖衣物。用熱肥皂水徹底清洗患者所穿過的衣物和接觸的所有物品,包括床單,毛巾和器皿。 If you have space, isolate the sick person in your household in a room, or a corner of a room, where they are comfortable, but separated from the rest of the household. If the weather is tolerable, open a window that is on the opposite side of the room, so that air gently blows past the patient’s face and then outdoors. Of course, don’t do this if it is very cold, as your friend or loved one will be made sicker if uncomfortably cold. 如果你家裡有足夠的空間,為病人隔離出一個房間或房間的一角,讓他們感到舒適的同時又與家庭中的其他人分開。如果天氣適宜,打開房間另一側的窗戶,這樣空氣能輕輕吹過患者的面部後,流動吹到室外。當然,如果天氣很冷就不要這樣做,因為你的朋友和家人可能會因寒冷而病情加重。 The Chinese government will take very drastic actions over the next few weeks, and this will be a time of hardship for the Chinese people. But with these simple precautions, if taken by everybody in your household, building, office, and school, you will dramatically reduce the spread of the virus and bring the outbreak to its knees. Be safe. Do not panic. 中國政府將在接下來的幾週內採取更嚴厲的措施,這對中國人民來說將是一個艱難的時期。但是,有了這些簡單的預防措施,只要大家在家裡,建築物裡,辦公室和學校裡都採取這些簡單的預防措施。就能大大減少該病毒的傳播風險,並遏制疫情爆發。 Take commonsense precautions. As frightening as this time is, you will get through it. 注意安全。不要驚慌。採取一些常識性的預防措施。眼下的狀況雖然可怕,但你一定會渡過難關。
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • (-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)美國黑水公司與蔡政府聯合 拿台灣當人體實驗室 台灣人,你還要忍多久? (路透社2021-06-04 獨家報導 全文中英對照稿) (-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)(-) (根據維基百科:路透社乃出生於德國的保羅路透(Paul Reuters)於1851年時在倫敦創辦,歷史悠久,旗下有2500名記者及600名攝影記者,從全球200多個社址發出報導,是全球最大、也是最有公信力的跨國媒體機構之一) (以下中英文逐段並列翻譯,6分鐘內可讀完, 英文連結列在最後) WASHINGTON, June 4 (Reuters) - Erik Prince, the founder of controversial private military firm Blackwater and a supporter of former President Donald Trump, jumped into the COVID-19 business late last year with a deal to distribute an experimental vaccine should it be approved, according to three people familiar with the arrangement and business records seen by Reuters. 路透社2021年6月4日華盛頓報導 — 普林斯(Erik Prince)是頗具爭議性的私人軍火公司「黑水」的創辦人,也是美國前總統川普的擁護者。根據路透社訪問過,熟悉黑水公司運作與交易紀錄的三位人士,普林斯從去年下半年起,也躍入新冠疫苗的商圈,企圖掌握一支目前尚在實驗階段的疫苗,以便未來若取得認證後,得以擁有銷售權。 The COVID-19 vaccine, known as UB-612, is being developed by a privately-held U.S. firm called COVAXX. 那支被稱為UB-612的新冠肺炎疫苗,乃是一家美國私人企業COVAXX所開發的。(譯者註:也就是聯亞生技所開發的聯亞疫苗) The company has said the vaccine shows promise in protecting people against coronavirus, based on a small study of 60 patients in Taiwan. It hasn't provided data on safety and efficacy from large clinical trials, information that is usually required before a vaccine is authorized for public use. 該公司宣稱已在台灣60位病人中進行過小型實驗,顯示該疫苗可望保護病人對抗新冠肺炎,但尚未提供任何大型臨床實驗所得到,關於安全性及效能方面的數據,而那通常是疫苗可被認證供民眾施打前的必要條件。 COVAXX is unrelated to the similar-sounding but better-known "COVAX," a global vaccine distribution program backed by the World Health Organization. 以上所提到的這支COVAXX 疫苗,與另一支國際衛生組織(WHO)早已認證,也較知名的COVAX疫苗,聽起來頗相像,但成分截然不同,請勿混淆。 Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, the COVAXX vaccine has attracted some big-name backers, including endorsements from entrepreneur Peter Diamandis, who co-founded the company, and motivational speaker Tony Robbins. In March, the company raised $1.35 billion in a private placement, according to U.S. securities filings. 從2020年新冠疫情逐漸升高開始,這支COVAXX 疫苗就吸引了一些重量級人士的支持,包含來自創業家彼得戴曼迪斯 (Peter Diamandis,該公司的共同創辦人)以及勵志演說家羅賓斯(Tony Robbins)的背書。根據他們三月向美國證券交易委員會所提交的文件,那時該公司已經私募了13.5億美金。 Prince's involvement in vaccine distribution, which has not been previously reported, sheds new light on the race to profit from the uncertainties of the pandemic. Vaccine supply deals have often been forged through direct government ties to drugmakers, global health organizations or diplomatic channels. 普林斯這段之前不為人知,爭取疫苗銷售權的行動,更讓人看清面對疫情,人心惶惶時,各方爭發疫苗財的真貌。疫苗供應方面的交易,往往取決於製藥廠、世界衛生組織或外交管道,是否能直接與政府打上交道。 Reuters couldn't determine how Prince first became associated with COVAXX, or whether he has brokered any vaccine supply deals. 路透社無法得知普林斯從何時開始與COVAXX掛鉤,或他是否曾經擔任任何疫苗供應交易的掮客。 Prince did not respond to questions for this story. A source close to Prince said that "Erik has been helping a vaccine manufacturer set up distribution," but declined to give details. 普林斯並未回應記者針對以上情節所提出的問題。一位接近普林斯的人士僅說「Erik(普林斯)已經在協助一家疫苗製造商設置銷售管道」但拒絕說明更多細節。 Diane Murphy, a public relations consultant for Vaxxinity Inc, which owns COVAXX, declined to answer questions related to Prince. In a statement to Reuters, she said that the company has "accepted introductions from a variety of private, public and non-profit intermediaries, both formally and informally." COVAXX 母公司Vaxxinity 公司的公關顧問墨菲(暫譯, Diane Murphy)拒絕回答與普林斯有關的提問。她只在對路透社發表的一張紙上聲明中說,該公司已經「正式或非正式地,與一些來自私人、政府或非營利機構的中間人有了初步的接觸。」 'DOLLARS PER DOSE' 每劑疫苗的佣金 Prince has made headlines for years, first as chief executive of Blackwater, whose security guards fatally shot more than a dozen Iraqi civilians in Baghdad in 2007. After he left Blackwater, Prince pushed to privatize the war in Afghanistan by having contractors fight instead of the U.S. military and became embroiled in an investigation into possible collusion between the Trump election campaign and the Russian government. 普林斯的名字多年來常上報紙頭版,首先是因為2007年他還身為黑水公司總裁時,他私人保鑣在巴格達射死了十多位伊拉克百姓。他離開黑水公司之後,又推動在阿富汗雇用傭兵,來代替美國軍人打仗,後來又捲入川普選舉時的通俄門。 Prince sought to recruit a close associate, the late Paul Behrends, a former Republican congressional staffer and lobbyist who represented Blackwater for over two years, to help in the COVAXX project. 普林斯本想招募已故的親密夥伴布倫茲(暫譯,Paul Behrends)協助COVAXX 計畫,因為布倫茲曾在共和黨眾議院中擔任幕僚,並為黑水公司遊說超過兩年。 In a series of text messages to Behrends, Prince described the potential for profit from selling the vaccines. 普林斯在一系列發給布倫茲的簡訊中,這樣形容銷售該疫苗可獲利的潛力: "There's room for a couple dollars per dose in commissions," Prince said in a Nov. 9 text to Behrends. He shared with Behrends a "Letter of Authorization" on COVAXX letterhead signed by senior vice president Brandon Schurter as proof of his distribution deal. Schurter did not respond to requests for comment. 普林斯在11月9日寫給布倫茲的簡訊中說:「每劑疫苗的佣金可達2美元」。普林斯還跟布倫茲分享了一封寫在COVAXX官方信箋,並由該公司資深副總舒特(暫譯,Brandon Schurter)簽字的「授權書」,證明他已獲得銷售權。針對以上事件,舒特本人並未回應路透社的提問。 The October 2020 letter said that an entity called Windward Capital, with an address in Abu Dhabi, was authorized to "assist in the process of creating distribution networks." Reuters could not find a Windward Capital registered in Abu Dhabi. But a company called Windward Holdings that handles "professional, scientific and technical activities" is listed there, with Erik Prince the sole named shareholder. 在該封寫於2020年10月的信中,普林斯宣稱已經在阿布扎比成立了一家名為「Windward 資產」的公司,被授權來「協助建立銷售網」。路透社無法在阿布扎比找到一間註冊為「Windward 資產」的公司,但找到了一間名為「Windward 控股」,目標在「處理專業方面、科學方面與技術方面活動」的公司,並且普林斯是該公司唯一掛名的股東。 Prince is also the managing member of a corporate entity called Windward Wyoming LLC, which says it has a "global distribution" deal with COVAXX, according to records of non-public business agreements seen by Reuters. The company was formed in October 2020, public incorporation records in Wyoming show. 普林斯同時也是一家名為「懷俄明州Windward 股份有限公司」的總經理。據路透社所見過,一份非公開的商業協定中說,該公司成立的目標為「在全球銷售COVAXX疫苗」。根據懷俄明州的官方資料,該公司成立於2020年10月。 Lawyers and other officials affiliated with the various Windward entities did not respond to requests for comment. 以上名為Windward的兩間公司,其律師及相關負責人都未回應路透社就以上所發出的提問。 Prince and Behrends were negotiating how to carve up prospective sales territories by country, said Barry Angeline, a friend of Behrends. But their possible collaboration was cut short in December, when Behrends died. 布倫茲的一位朋友安吉林(暫譯,Barry Angeline)說,普林斯和布倫茲曾經協商過,當如何針對不同國家的地區而提高疫苗的銷售量,但此合作之可能性因12月布倫茲過世而告吹。 Vaxxinity consultant Murphy told Reuters the company has a "focus on the developing market" – including the many countries that have been unable to acquire the shots made by global drugmakers and stockpiled by wealthier nations. Vaxxinity 的顧問墨菲告訴路透社,該公司「專注於開發中國家的市場」— 包含那些無法透過全球製藥廠得到疫苗,或被富有國家囤積,以致無法取得疫苗的國家。 HIGH-PROFILE BACKERS 聲名顯赫的支持者 COVAXX was formed in early 2020 as a subsidiary of United Biomedical Inc (UBI), a maker of diagnostic tests and veterinary vaccines, to address the coronavirus pandemic. In April, the company announced it was being consolidated into a new holding corporation called Vaxxinity. COVAXX的母公司United Biomedical Inc (UBI)公司,原本是製造檢驗試劑及動物疫苗的,於2020年初期分出子公司COVAXX,以對抗新冠疫情。四月時,該官司宣布被合併進入一家新的控股公司,名為Vaxxinity. COVAXX's backers were quick to publicize the vaccine's potential beginning in July, based on early tests in animals, and before the first clinical trials in people began in Taiwan. COVAXX的支持者從七月起,就已經開始大肆宣傳該疫苗的潛力,根據的不過是早期的動物實驗數據,甚至早在以台灣人首次進行臨床人體實驗之前。 Diamandis, who is listed as a co-founder of Vaxxinity, wrote in a July 30 post on his personal blog that the vaccine was safe for patients and likely effective in the elderly. He told Reuters he made it clear in those posts that his assertions were based on previous trial results of other vaccines developed by the company. 列名Vaxxinity共同創辦人的戴曼迪斯,2020年7月30日於自己私人部落格上宣稱,該疫苗不但可供病人安全接種,並且在年長者身上也有效。他告訴路透社說,他在部落格上清楚說明了,那些是根據自己公司「其他」疫苗「過去」實驗的結果而認定的。 A few weeks later, Robbins, the self-help coach, held a webinar promoting COVAXX titled "The most powerful vaccine you've never heard of." Robbins said in the video that he was one of the company owners. "I've invested in the company, so everyone knows. Because I've been blown away by seeing these results," he said. 幾週之後,有「自助教練」之稱的羅賓斯舉辦了一場網路論壇,來宣傳COVAXX,稱其為「你平生未見,最威力強大的疫苗」。羅賓斯在該影片中聲稱自己是該公司所有人之一,還說:「我要在這裡告訴大家,我投資這家公司,因為親眼目睹了施打這疫苗的神效。」 Robbins "remains an investor," his spokeswoman Jennifer Connelly said in a statement to Reuters. She added, "Mr. Robbins is not involved in the management or daily operations." 羅賓斯的女發言人康納莉(暫譯,Jennifer Connelly )在一篇給路透社的聲明中說「羅賓斯直到如今仍然是該公司的一位投資者,但他並未參與該公司日常的運作管理。」 In October, COVAXX and shipping giant Maersk announced a partnership to provide global transport of the vaccine as soon as it becomes available. The Maersk official quoted in the release, Rob Townley, said the company recognized the urgent need to safely deliver COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. COVAXX 和全球航運巨擘「快桅」公司於十月宣布合夥,將在疫苗上市後,以最快速度供應至全球。「快桅」公司的塔利(暫譯,Rob Townley)並在該聲明中說該公司認知到當務之急乃是將新冠疫苗安全運至全球各地。 Townley was briefly an aide to former U.S. Army general Michael Flynn during Flynn's short tenure as Trump's National Security Adviser. In an interview, Townley said he knows Prince but couldn't discuss Prince's involvement. 塔利曾經在川普總統任命佛林(Michael Flynn)擔任美國國家安全顧問的短短期間,短暫擔任過佛林的幕僚。塔利在一場訪問中說,他認識普林斯,但對普林斯所參與的事務不予置評。 Data on how well the vaccine works is still pending. In an email to Reuters, Vaxxinity’s Murphy said the company had completed the Phase 1 trial of 60 volunteers aged 20 to 55 in Taiwan, and is conducting a new study of 3,800 people there, including teens and elderly participants. The company plans larger trials in Brazil and India later this year. 該疫苗的果效尚有待數據證明。Vaxxinity 的墨菲在發給路透社的一封電子郵件中說,該公司已經結束在台灣針對60名,20-55歲志願者的第一期實驗。現在正在台灣進行為數3800人,包含青少年及年長者的新實驗。今年下半年計畫在巴西和印度展開更大規模的實驗。 Reporting by Aram Roston in Washington and Lisa Barrington in Abu Dhabi; Editing by Michele Gershberg 以上由在華盛頓的Aram Roston,以及在阿布札比的Lisa Barrington報導,由 Michele Gershberg編輯 以上路透社英文原稿連結為 EXCLUSIVE Blackwater founder Prince takes role in COVID vaccine venture | Reuters
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